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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Fri Oct 10 17:28:21 2003
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Mon Oct 1 20:05:37 2012




General Information

Maple at Universities

Research Groups

Personal Pages


Learning Maple


  • GRTensor. A package for the calculation and manipulation of the components of tensors and related objects. Authors: Peter Musgrave, Denis Pollney and Kayll Lake. Department of Physics, Queen's University. 
  • Riemann. Tools to manipulate tensors through their components and applications to General Relativity Theory. Authors: Renato Portugal and Sandra L. Sautu. CBPF (Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas). Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (also at CBPF by FTP). 
  • nullrot. Package for exploring the null tetrad in General Relativity. Author: Sasha Cyganowski. Deakin University. 
  • orbitals. Procedures to compute real and complex spherical harmonics. Author: Herbert H. H. Homeier. 
  • LIENARD. Resolution of many particle electrodynamics by symbolic manipulation. Authors: T.C. Scott, R.A. Moore and M.B. Monagan. 
  • HIP. Packages for symbolic calculation of Feynman diagrams. Authors: Alexander Hsieh and Eran Yehudai. 
  • PDEtools. A package for the analytical solving of partial differential equations. Authors: E.S. Cheb-Terrab and K. von Bulow. UERJ (U. Waterloo mirror). 
  • ODE tools. A set of routines for the analytical solving of ODEs, using classification and Lie group symmetry methods. Authors: E.S.Cheb-Terrab, L.G.S. Duarte and L.A.C da Mota. UERJ (U. Waterloo mirror). 
  • DEQ. Programmen zur Bearbeitung, Analyse, Klassifikation und Konstruktion von linearen Differentialgleichungen im Komplexen. Author: Volker Dietrich. RWTH Aachen. 
  • DESIR. Formal solutions of linear differential and difference equations. Author: Eckhard Pfluegel. LMC-IMAG Grenoble. 
  • NODES. Non linear Ordinary Differential Equations Solver. Author: Marco Codutti. UniversitÈ Libre de Bruxelles. 
  • ODE2. A package for solving and visualizing ordinary differential equations. Author: Daniel Schwalbe. Dept. of Math/CS, Macalester College, St. Paul. 
  • shoot. Shooting method for two-point boundary value problems. Author: Douglas B. Meade. 
  • FORM. Procedures for obtaining information about analytic systems of PDEs and ODEs. Authors: Gregory J. Reid and Allan D. Wittkopf. 
  • symmetry. A package to implement symmetry calculations for DEs. Author: Mark Hickman. University of Canterbury. New Zealand. 
  • GLie. A program for Lie supersymmetries of Grassmann-valued differential equations. Author: M.A. Ayari. Departement de Physique and Centre de Recherches Mathematiques, Universite de Montreal. 
  • stochastic. Package for Stochastic Differential Equations. Author: Sasha Cyganowski. 
  • Poincare. A package for plotting Poincare sections of Hamiltonian (dynamical) systems. Author: E.S. Cheb-Terrab. UERJ (U. Waterloo mirror). 
  • LIESER. A program for the generation of the Lie-series solution of systems of non-linear ordinary differential equations. Author: J. Rodriguez. 
  • crystal. A Package on decomposing tensor products of finite dimensional representations of simple Lie algebras using crystal bases. Authors: David Joyner, Roland Martin. Mathematics Department, United States Naval Academy. 
  • symmetry. A package for computation of invariants and equivariants. Author: Karin Gatermann. ZIB. 
  • Grassmann. A package for symbolic computing with anti-commutative and non-commutative variables. Author: E.S. Cheb-Terrab. UERJ (U. Waterloo mirror). 
  • CLIFFORD. A package for Clifford Algebra Computations. Author: Rafal Ablamowicz. Gannon University Erie, Pennsylvania. 
  • Quaterman. A package designed for manipulation of symbolic expressions involving quaternions. Authors: Patrick Capolsini, Stephane Dalmas and Yves Papegay. 
  • partials. A package for evaluating partial and functional derivatives of tensor functions. Author: E.S. Cheb-Terrab. UERJ ( U. Waterloo mirror). 
  • Vecalc. A package for doing algebraic and differential calculus with symbolic vector functions (not matrices) in curvilinear coordinates. Author: E.S. Cheb-Terrab. UERJ. (U. Waterloo mirror). 
  • vec_calc. A vector calculus package. Authors: Arthur Belmonte and Philip B. Yasskin. Department of Mathematics, Texas A&M University. 
  • curvcoord. A package for curvilinear coordinates. Author: Douglas B. Meade. Department of Mathematics, University of South Carolina. 
  • PATHINT. A package for evaluating integrals along a path in n-dimensional cartesian coordinates. Author: Joseph Riel. 
  • allsolve. Finds floating-point approximations to all roots of an expression in a closed finite interval. Author: Robert Israel. 
  • math. This package includes both high-school level mathematical procedures and some utilities. Author: Alexander Walz. RWTH. 
  • CalcP. A calculus package. Authors: Bill Farr and Michael VanGeel. 
  • calcplot A package for ploting in multivariable calculus. Author: Tim Murdoch. Washington and Lee University. (another site). 
  • mvcal2. An updated version of calcplot. Authors: C. K. Cheung, Tim Murdoch and G. E. Keough. Department of Mathematics, Boston College. (worksheet with examples). 
  • pencils. A package for computations on matrix pencils. Authors: M.P. Quere and G. Villard. LMC IMAG. 
  • Daub. A package for dealing with wavelet functions. Author: Jacques Ge'linas. 
  • SF. A package for computations involving symmetric functions and related structures. Author: John Stembridge. University of Michigan. 
  • posets. A package for computations involving partially ordered sets and related structures. Author: John Stembridge. University of Michigan. 
  • coxeter & weyl. Two packages that provide assistance in the study of root systems and finite Coxeter groups. Author: John Stembridge. University of Michigan. 
  • ACE. A library devoted to Algebraic Combinatorics computations. Author: Sebastien Veigneau. UniversitÈ de Marne-la-VallÈe. 
  • moregroebner. An improvement of the Maple package grobner. Author: Karin Gatermann. ZIB. 
  • pnoether. Projective Noether Package - a Maple package for fast computation of upper bounds on the dimension of projective varieties. Authors: M.Giusti, G.Lecerf, J.Marchand, B.Salvy. Ecole Polytechnique, Paris. 
  • combstruct. Combinatorial structures package. Authors: Eithne Murray and Paul Zimmermann. 
  • gfeqns. Function to find the system of generating functions for combstruct grammars. Author: Eithne Murray. 
  • luo. System for the analysis of algorithms. Authors: Bruno Salvy and Paul Zimmermann. INRIA. 
  • gfun. Generating functions package. Authors: Bruno Salvy, Paul Zimmermann and Eithne Murray. INRIA. 
  • Mgfun. Multi-variate generating functions package. Author: FrÈdÈric Chyzak. 
  • fullparfrac. Full partial fraction decomposition. Author: Bruno Salvy. INRIA, Roquencourt. 
  • gdev. Series expansion and limits. Author: Bruno Salvy. INRIA, Roquencourt. 
  • rec2ortho. Procedure which uses the coefficients of a three-term recurrence relation and returns the explicit system of orthogonal polynomials satisfying these relations. Authors: Tom H. Koornwinder and Rene F. Swarttouw. RIACA. 
  • OrePoly. Ore Polynomials. Author: Bruno Salvy. INRIA, Roquencourt. 
  • OrePoly. Implementation of Univariate Skew Polynomials. Author: Thom Mulders. 
  • Lodo. Implementation of Linear Ordinary Differential Operators. Author: Thom Mulders. 
  • pade2. Pade-hermite approximates. Author: Bruno Salvy. INRIA, Roquencourt. 
  • LEVIN. Programs for converting series expansions to rational functions using the Levin transformation. Author: J. Grotendorst. 
  • BH. Approximating functions by means of symbolic computation and a general extrapolation method. Author: J. Grotendorst. 
  • TRANS. A package for transforming series, sequences and functions. Author: J. Grotendorst. 
  • simpcomb, code. Software for the generation of recurrence and differential equations for sums and integrals. Author: Wolfram Koepf. ZIB. 
  • SCHUTZENBERGER. Package that treats algebraic and other formal power series. Author: Doron Zeilberger. 
  • EKHAD. Package for proving binomial coefficients and other types of identities. Author: Doron Zeilberger. 
  • qEKHAD. Package for proving q-binomial coefficients identities. Author: Doron Zeilberger. 
  • GOULSON. Goulden-Jackson method for finding the generating function for the number of words in a given alphabet that avoid, as (consecutive) subwords, a given list of `mistakes'. Author: Doron Zeilberger. 
  • LUC. Explicit formula for the Jack polynomials. Author: Doron Zeilberger. 
  • SYLVESTER. Implementation of Sylvester's enhancement of Tchebychev's method for finding lower and upper bounds for psi(x)/x. Author: Doron Zeilberger. 
  • CASA. Computer Algebra Software for Algebraic Geometry. Research Institute for Symbolic Computation, Johannes Kepler University. Austria. 
  • IntBasis. A package which contains a number of algorithms for computing with algebraic curves. Author: Mark van Hoeij. University of Nijmegen. The Netherlands. 
  • Sophia. Toolkit For Doing Mechanics. Author: Martin Lesser. Royal Institute of Technology. Stockholm. 
  • Mascotte. Routines to simplify the implementation of software modules in vision and robotics. Author: Thierry ViÈville. INRIA. 
  • SYRUP. A Symbolic Circuit Analyzer. Author: Joseph Riel. 
  • SCHEME. An electronic circuit drawing tool. Author: Joseph Riel. 
  • IEEE. Package for converting Maple numbers to and from IEEE binary floating-point format (IEEE754 standard). Author: Joseph Riel. 
  • LINSYS. Linear Systems Toolbox. Author: Tony Richardson. Duke University. 
  • kinetics. Symbolic and numerical computing for chemical reactions. Authors: Mark H. Holmes, Yuklun Au and J. W. Stayman. 

Documents and Reviews


Integration with other packages

  • Matlab. Symbolic Math Toolbox. Mathworks. 
  • Scilab. Numerically evaluate any Maple expression in Scilab. Scilab Group. INRIA-Rocquencourt. 
  • Scientific WorkPlace Mathematical computations within LaTeX wordprocessor. TCI. 
  • m2p. Maple to Povray 
  • Making Illustrations with Maple. Maple to Geomview. The Geometry Center. 
  • Splice. Symbolic circuit analyzer. CaaGE Software. 
  • MapleForm. Mathematica-Maple converter. Mathematisches Institut (Math. Physik) der Justus-Liebig-Universitaet Giessen. 
  • Format. A package which provides a basic expression translator from Mathematica to Maple (html documentation). Author: M. Sofroniou. Dipartimento di Matematica, UniversitÀ degli Studi di Bologna, Italia. 
  • Izic. 3D graphic tool driven by computer algebra systems. Author: R. Fournier. 
  • MICMAC. Bridge between Maple and Macaulay. Author: B. Mourrain. 
  • CAS/PI. Experimental user interface and distributed architecture for computer algebra systems. Author: Norbert Kajler. 

Teaching with Maple

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