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Дата изменения: Fri Feb 28 04:01:33 2014
Дата индексирования: Fri Feb 28 04:34:33 2014
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Лаборатория-кафедра квантовой электродинамики самоорганизующихся систем и динамических свойств времени
Copyright ї 2001
All rights reserved.

Сведения о руководителе

Олейник Валентин Петрович -

профессор кафедры общей и теоретической физики Национального технического университета Украины "Киевский политехнический институт" (НТУУ "КПИ"), доктор физико-математических наук, автор более 150 работ по теоретической физике, среди которых монография: Олейник В.П., Белоусов И.В. Проблемы квантовой электродинамики вакуума, диспергирующих сред и сильных полей. Кишинев, Штиинца, 1983, 256с., представляющая собой обзор работ, выполненных В.П.Олейником и его учениками.

Области научных интересов:

  • элементарные квантовые процессы, происходящие под действием интенсивных электромагнитных полей;
  • проблемы физического вакуума; формулировка КЭД, учитывающая нарушение условия стабильности вакуумного состояния;
  • туннельные эффекты и квазистационарные состояния;
  • проблема электрона, синтез КЭД и теории самоорганизации физических систем;
  • физические свойства времени.

    Curriculum vitae

    I graduated from the Odessa State University in 1963, having taken my degrees in mathematics and in theoretical physics simultaneously. Got an appointment to work at the Kiev Institute of Semiconductors where I have worked as a theoretical thysicist till 1983. Since 1983 I have been working at the Kiev Polytechnic Institute (KPI) at first as an associate professor and since 1986 as a professor of the department of general and theoretical physics. Defended my candidate thesis in 1969 and the doctoral one in 1986. After graduating from the university I was engaged from the outset in research in the field of quantum electrodynamics (QED). I am the author of more than 150 papers on QED, of the monograph "Problems of Quantum Electrodynamics of Vacuum, Dispersive Media and Intense Fields" (Kishinev, Shtiintsa, 1983, 256 p., written in co-authorship with I.V. Belousov) and a graduate course in classical electrodynamics given at KPI: V.P.Oleinik "Electromagnetic Field", "Physics and Geometry. Relativity Principle", Kiev, KPI, 1991. My main papers are devoted to the fundamental problems of QED. Among my results I would like to mention the following ones: investigation of elementary processes occurring in the field of intense electromagnetic wave, restructuring of energy spectra of elementary excitations in the laser field and its effect on quantum processes, formulation of QED without using the vacuum stability principle, proof of the presence of two types of tunnel transitions, prediction of the effect of relativity of quantum processes occurring in intense electromagnetic fields, generalization of Dirac's equation to the self-acting electron, proof of the existence of physical properties of time within framework of relativistic mechanics. Since 1986 I have concentrated on solving the problem of electron, which is the key problem of QED, and the problem of time. In 1994 I have been invited by Prof. A. Barut to the conference "Electron Theory and QED; 100 years later" and have reported there my results about electron. At present it becomes more and more apparent that electron is an open self-organizing system capable of transmitting the faster-than-light signals via its own field and that it is possible to control the course of time using its physical properties.

    V. Oleinik
