- S. M. Korotaev, E. O. Kiktenko. Causality in quantum teleportation // Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory. BMSTU, 2013. P. 131-140. (PDF-file, 211 Kb) [distributed 07.12.2013]
- S. M. Korotaev, N. M. Budnev, V. O. Serdyuk, J. V. Gorohov, E. O. Kiktenko, V. L. Zurbanov, R. R. Mirgazov, V. B. Buzin, A. V. Novysh Preliminary results of the Baikal experiment on observations of macroscopic nonlocal correlations in reverse time // Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory. BMSTU, 2013. P. 141-151. (PDF-file, 292 Kb)[distributed 07.12.2013]
- S. M. Korotaev. Causality and Reversibility in Irreversible Time // Scientific Research Publishing, Inc., USA, 2011 (PDF-file, 7938 Kb) [distributed 03.11.2013]
- S. M. Korotaev, E. O. Kiktenko. Entanglement and causality in the interaction of the two-level atom with the field // Physica Scripta. 2013. V.88. P. 055008. (PDF-file, 201 Kb) [distributed 03.11.2013]
- S. M. Korotaev, E. O. Kiktenko. Quantum Causality // Physics of Reality: Space, Time, Matter, Cosmos (Ed. by R.L. Amoroso, L.H. Kaufmfman and P. Rowlans). World Scientific, 2013. P. 273-294. (PDF-file, 538 Kb) [distributed 03.11.2013]
- M.H. Shulman. Is it possible to travel in Time? (PDF file, 218 Kb), [distributed 02.09.2013] (source: http://www.timeorigin21.narod.ru/).
- Development of relational methods of studying time [Chief: V.V. Aristov, Dr. Sci. (physics and mathematics)]
- Theory of space-time and interactions [Chief: Yu.S. Vladimirov, Dr. Sci., Prof. (physics and mathematics)]
- Physics of relic radiation, fundamental interaction mediator, carrier of space and time [Chief: I.M. Dmitrievsky, PhD (technology), Ass. Prof.]
- Studies on the subject "Time and Culture" [Chief: V.P. Kazaryan, Dr. Sci. (philosophy), Prof.]
- Algebraic structure of space-time, algebrodynamics of fields and particles [Chief: V.V. Kassandrov, PhD (physics and mathematics)]
- Temporal topology [Chief: A.V. Koganov, PhD (physics and mathematics)]
Causal mechanics [Chief: S.M. Korotaev, Dr. Sci. (physics and mathematics)]
- Discrete mechanics on a microscopic scale [Chief: Alexey L. Krugly, PhD (physics and mathematics)]
Modelling of the natural references of time [Chief: A.P. Levich, Dr. Sci. (biology)]
Outspace mechanics [Chief: O.D. Nikolenko]
- Rhythms and fluctuations [Chief: A.G. Parkhomov, PhD (physics and mathematics)]
- System temporology [Chief: V.M. Sarychev, PhD (physics and mathematics)]
- "6-dimensional interpretation of physics" [Chief: I.A. Urusovsky, Dr. Sci. (physics and mathematics)]
- Time as a phenomenon of the Universe expansion [Chief: M.H. Shulman]
- Causes of space-time [Chief: G.P. Aksyonov, PhD (geography)]
- Temporal models of reality [Chief: A.M. Zaslavsky]