Äîêóìåíò âçÿò èç êýøà ïîèñêîâîé ìàøèíû. Àäðåñ îðèãèíàëüíîãî äîêóìåíòà : http://temporology.bio.msu.ru/EREPORTS/korotaev_geophysical.pdf
Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Fri Feb 28 03:00:22 2014
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Fri Feb 28 03:25:38 2014
Êîäèðîâêà: IBM-866
é S.M. Korotaev, V.O. Serdyuk, M.O. Sorokin, J.M. Abramov GEMRI, Box 30, Troitsk, Moscow Region 142092 Russia

Abstract The experiment on verification of existence of new type of physical interaction suggested by N.A.Kozyrev was performed. The experimental setup included two types of detectors measuring the self-potentials of the electrodes in marine water and the dark current of the photomultiplier. Both detectors were protected of known sources of classical effects. Natural time variations of the potentials and the dark currents were recorded in period range 1 minute - 1 year. Number of new effects was discovered: correlation of the potentials with the dark current and the potential on another distant setup; advanced reaction of the potentials on the Earth magnetic field; nonlocal reaction of the potentials on the environmental temperature with retarded, instantaneous and advanced lag; relation the of potentials with the sudden ionospheric disturbances. Interpretation of this effects on the base of developed Kozyrev's idea on the active properties of time is rather successful.

1. Introduction Dur ing the last decades much evidence on inter action of the dissipative pr ocesses, which can not be come to electr omagnetic or gr avitational ones wer e collected in geophysical and astr ophysical obser vations as well as in labor ator y exper iments (e.g. r elationship between the velocity of some physical-chemical r eactions and the solar activity). Kozyr ev (1971) suggested concept of the active pr oper ties of time or iginated fr om accepting of its fundamental asymmetr y. This concept was based on theor etical gr ounds and number of or iginal exper iments. The main consequence is existence of a new type of physical inter action between any dissipative pr ocesses. But ther e was r ather negative r eaction on Kozyr ev`s hypothesis in due time because of weekly for malised theor y and doubt of cleanness of exper iments. Recently the situation has changed. Basic statements of concept of active time have been str ictly for mulated (Kor otaev, 1993). Some geophysical phenomena, e.g. asymmetr y of the Ear th figur e, str uc-

tur e and distr ibution of physical fields have been quantitative explained on the base of development of Kozyr ev`s theor y (Ar ushanov et al., 1996). Kozyr ev`s exper iments have been successfully r epr oduced by Savage (1985, 1986, 1987) and Lavr entyev et al. (1990a, 1990b, 1991, 1992), though doubt of their cleanness have r emained. On the other hand Home et al. (1995) suggested theor etical r easons on pr eser vations of the effect of quantum nonlocality in the str ong macr oscopic limit and though an idea of exper imental ver ification had not been pr oposed, the pr operties of the possible macr oscopic nonlocality must be ver y similar to Kozyr ev`s inter action. Our wor k aims per formance of exper iment which fir stly would ver ify a str ictly for mulated hypothesis and secondly would fulfil on the moder n level of cleanness.

field as super position of r etar ded and advanced par ts. The last one is unobser vable due to specific inter fer ence and manifested only thr ough the r adiation damping which is dissipative pr ocess. Ther efor e advanced field connects dissipative pr ocesses. Mor eover accor ding to the moder n tr eatment of the absor ber theor y (Hoyl et al. 1995) the efficiency of absor ption of the advanced field must be imperfect (Statement (4)). It means the possibility of detection of the advanced field (Statement (5)). Fr om above oper ational consider ation it is possible to for mulate the following hypothesis:

wher e

is the ther modynamical entr opy pr oduction in

the absor ber (detector ), 2. Formulation of the hypothesis Gener alisation of pr evious r esults of development of active time concept might be for mulated in the following statements. (1) A new type of inter action between the dissipative pr ocesses of any natur e exists. (2) This inter action tr ansmit the ener gy, the r otational moment, but not the momentum. (3) The ener gy of inter action dir ectly r elated with the entr opy pr oduction and inver sely r elated with the squar ed distance. (4) The inter action is scr eened by the matter , but the scr eening pr oper ties of the matter does not coincide with such pr oper ties for the electr omagnetic field. (5) The inter action can have positive, zer o and symmetr ical negative time lag. With the exception of the dissipativity one can see similar ity with the quantum nonlocality. But the dissipativity may be included by inter pr etation of the nonlocality within Wheeler -Feynman absor ber theor y of r adiation (Cr amer , 1980). This theor y consider s the electr omagnetic

duction in the sour ces, is cr oss-section of the inter action, x is distance, t is time, velocity v is bounded by v2 c2, the integr al takes over infinite volume V.

3. Statement of the experimental problem The task of the exper iment is the detection of connection of the entr opy change in some testing pr ocess with the entr opy change of the envir onmental medium according to Eq. (1) under condition of all known kinds of the classical local inter actions. Although any dissipative pr ocess may be used as the detector , not the entr opy, but one or other cir cumstational connected with it obser vable is measur ed. Ther efor e choice of the detector type is r esolved fr om the expected value of the r elative effect. Two types of the detector s had been chosen by this cr iter ion. The fir st was based on measur ements of self-potentials of the weekly-polar ised electr odes in mar ine water , the second was based on measur ements of dar k curr ent of the photomultiplier . As the exper iment implied, the fir st type tur ned out much mor e appr opr iate, ther efor e consider its wor k in gr eat detail.



- v

á èç æ ä




is density of the entr opy pro-

Self-consistent solution for the potential u in the liquid phase is (Kor otaev, 1979):

cluding or contr ol ar e: temper atur e, electr ic and magnetic fields, illumination, moistur e, feed voltage unstability.

wher e q is char ge of the main ion of the liquid phase, x is dimentionless length (x=1 corr esponds to half of the distance between the electr odes), is full (electr okinetic) potential. The entr opy S can be expr essed in ter m of the nor malised potential : The exper imental setup included two types of detector s and appar atus for accompanying measur ements. The detector based on weekly-polar ised electr odes was constr ucted as follows. As the electr odes mar ine geophysical C-Mn ones wer e chosen. The electr odes wer e po(3)

Substituting Eq. (2) to Eq. (3) and (4), after number of tr ansfor mations one can obtain the linear ized expr ession for the entr opy pr oduction:

All known local factor s influencing on : temper atur e, pr essur e, chemism, illumination, electr ic field etc. must be excluded or stabilised. In fact, only differ ence U=1-2 of pair of the electr odes can be measur ed. Let i (i=1,2) can be decomposed into constant , var iable multiplicative gi and variable additive i por tions:

Except exter nal scr eening, influence of mentioned above noise-for ming factor s might be minimised by measur ing U on minimal electr ode space separ ation. In this case

1=2, g1=g2=g and therefor e:

= g(1 - 2 ) ,

wher e g is efficiency of the detector , the aver aged measur e of which is the var iability coefficient. For the detector based on the photomultiplier analogue U is wor k function. Noise-for ming factor s to be ex-



= (1 + 11 + 1 ) - (2 +





@9 8

= -
76 5 A 4


å1 0 )










#ä ãâ á æ '& %$ # " !

éè ç

åä ãâ á

(2) 4. Experimental setup

sitioned in the glass vessel with mar ine water , space separ ation between contact windows measur ed 1.5 cm. The vessel was r igidly encapsulated so that evapor ation as well


as atmospher ic pr essur e var iations wer e fully eliminated. The vessel was positioned in the dewar , cover ed on the outside by the additional layer s of light and heat insulation. For r emained temper atur e var iations contr ol the sensor of temper atur e (allowing to measur e it continuously accur ate to 0.001 K ) was positioned between inter nal wall of the of


the dewar and the electr ode vessel. Thus influence of all noise-for ming factor s, except temper atur e, was eliminated. Influence var iation of the last was minimised and contr olled. The quantity U was measur ed continuously accur ate to 0.5 ²V. The second type detector was constr ucted on the base of photomultiplier with the Cb-Cs cathode of small ar ea.


+ 2


The photomultiplier was positioned in the similar dewar with the temper atur e sensor and the additional exter nal electr ic field scr een. Possible magnetic field influence was contr olled by quantum modulus magnetometer accur ate to 0.01 nT. The dar k curr ent I was measur ed continuously accur ate to 0.05 nA. (6) Magnetic field measur ement ser ved also as indicator of the most impor tant geophysical pr ocess í dissipation of ionospher ic electr ic curr ent. Lastly, the over all air temper atur e in the lab was r ecor ded continuously accur ate to 0.1 K. Thus measur ements on the setup included 2 major channels and 4 satellite ones.

Accidentally dur ing the par t of per iod of our experiment and absolutely independently, similar measur ements of electr odes self-potentials in other pur poses wer e conducted by V.I. Nalivayko, bindly pr esented us his data. His setup did not pr ovide measur ements of the noise-for ming factor s and pr otection against them. Nonetheless, if a signal associated with the geophysical pr ocesses in U var iations is sufficiently str ong then, taking into account r elatively small distance between the labs (300 m), it would have hoped on corr elation of data. That is why V.I. Nalivayko` s measur ements wer e included as 7-th channel in set of pr ocessing data. 5. The execution of experiment and data processing

For example, if Y is one-valued function of X then iY|X=0, if Y does not depend on X then iY\X=1. Next the causality function is consider ed:

and it definited that cause X and effect Y called obser vables for which <1. If <1 then Y is effect, X is cause. The case

=1 means adiabatic (non-causal) r elation X and Y. On
theor etical and multiplicity of exper imental examples (e.g. Kor otaev et al., 1993, Kor otaev, 1995) it has been shown that such for mal definition of causality does not contr adict intuitive under standing of causality in obvious situations and can be used in unobvious ones. The method had also been gener alised on thr ee or mor e var iables (Kor otaev et

The measur ements carr ied out in continuous r egime fr om 1996, December , 10 till 1997, December , 11. Data wer e pr ocessed by the methods of causal, correlational, r egr essional and spectr al analysis. The fir st should be par ticular ly mentioned because of its adequacy to moder n tr eatment of theor etical foundation of active time concept (Kor otaev, 1993). The method in essence is this. For the obser vables X and Y thr ough conditional and unconditional Shannon` s entr opiesH the independence functions ar e intr oduced:

al., 1992).

6. Results of experiment and their interpretation 6.1. Relation of the potentials on the remote setups Above all it has a meaning to compar e our measurements U with ones on r emoted (300 m) setup Ur. It immediately allows to establish, ar e not var iations of these quantities mer ely inter nal noises. Corr elation coefficient tur ned out equal to 0.68 ‘ 0.01. It is possible only one


abilities of j-th (k-th) level of X and Y r espectively,







1@ 1@ D 4 ) B 9 3 0 C6 5 4 ) B 9 3 0

1 4 )3 0









@ @ 1 1 9 B ) 3 0 76 5 4 9 B ) 3 0


93 0






1 1 é8 4 ) 3 0 76 5 4 ) 3 0

P(Xj) and P(Yk) ar e pr ob-


4 9B ) 3 (

4 )B 9 3 (

wher e:


'& "


%$ # "


äá ã


å éæ è




common tr ivial cause í the inter nal temper atur e. Par tial (7) corr elation coefficient by eliminating influence of the inter nal temper atur e TU of the detector U tur ned out equal to 0,74‘0,01. Ther efor e local influence of the temper atur e is not a common cause of corr elated potential var iations. It r emains to consider such common cause nontr ivial influence of the exter nal geophysical pr ocesses. 6.2. Relation of the potentials with the inter nal and external temper atur es Due to passive ther mostating disper sion of inter nal temper atur e TU of air in the dewar of detector U is ver y small (it is decr eased on two or der s r elative to one of exter nal (lab) temper atur e Te). Indeed, ther e is small corr ela-







4 )3 (

è çæ å

negative temper atur e coefficient of the electr odes -141‘9



the time shift t = -20.4h (negative sign of corr esponds to r etar dation U r elative to TU). But at the positive time shift

=11.2h ther e is gr eat corr elation pike r=0.87‘0.01 (anomaly positive sign) which is accompanying by minimum

r elation TUU, ther e is mor e str ong anomaly unver sed r elation U TU, ther ewith in both cases the effect is retar ded r elative to the cause. Tur n now to analysis of connection U with the external temper atur e Te. As ther e is not heat sour ces inside of the dewar , wher e TU is measur ing, then local connection of potential var iations with temper atur e engages along the causal chain TeTUU. It imposes the r estr ictions on independences (Kor otaev et al. 1992):

Violation of Ineq. (9) is sufficient evidence of nonlocality of inter action Te and U. It has tur ned out that i() has 3 almost symmetr ical minima at =0 and ‘ 27.0h. It corresponds qualitatively r esults of known astr ophysical exper iment (Kozyr ev, 1980). Asymmetr y amounts to mor e str ong connection of advanced inter action as compar ed to r etar ded one: at

of TU and Te have only single nor mal minimum: at t = -

stituting these and mentioned above values of independences TU and U we concluded that ther e ar e two channels of connection Te and U: classical local r etar ded and un-



p ir q i h u s


q ir p i h



+ = 07 7 0 -0

03 00

= 0 8 4+0 05 , i.e. TeU. Sub- 0 00




= 0 75

+0 11 -0 00

= 0 71

+0 12 - 0 00




= 077+0 -0

10 00

= 072+0 -0

13 00




but both fr om pr ior r easons and fr om advancement U r elative to B it can not be r esult of a dir ect influence B on U. Ther efor e B is indicator of some pr ocess inter acting with U. In Fig.2 an example of synchr onous amplitude spectr a of U and B is shown. Ther e is good similar ity of them, in par ticular , positions of the main long-per iod pikes ar e

. Ther ewith independences



+0 0 1 -0 0 1





= 081

+0 0 7 -0 0 0

= 07 7

+0 1 0 -0 0 0




). Thus r elation U and B is statistically r eliable,


th is

ther e is minimum i


+0 0 2 -0 0 1


H ' 1 0 ( 8 G 0 ( 1 ) ( F8 ED CB A@ 9


'1 ) ( 8

0 (1 ' ) (1 0 ( &7 & 65 43 2





01 00


= 0 43+0 -0 # $

, = 1.08

+0 01 - 0 00

. Thus except nor mal causal




ad c b ` g e e '1 ) ( 8 G W W

= 05 0

+0 0 2 -0 0 1

= 0,97

+0 0 1 -0 0 1

ä ãâ á #

tion pike

=-0.33 ‘0.02 (corr esponding to nor mal

usual nonlocal advanced. For the for mer at <0 left Ineq. (9) is asser ted, for the last at >0 r ight Ineq. (9) is r eliably violated. Thus existence of nonlocal advanced inter action has




minimal at

é èç æå ) (1 ' " ! ) QR P ) (1 ' 8 c bd a ` & I

exper imentally confir med. Availability of zer o time lag may

Fig.1 Correlation function of potentials U and magnetic field B

be explained by inter fer ence of r etar ded and advanced signals (Cr amer , 1980). But it is difficult quantitatively to tr ansfer fr om Te to the entr opy. Study of the Ear th electr omagnetic field is mor e convenient in this sense. 6.3. Relation of the potentials with var iations of the Ear th magnetic field It is beyond r eason to consider U depended on magnetic field B by any way. Ther efor e detection of r elation of the potential with the Ear th magnetic field var iations would be a good test for the hypothesis (1), as these var iations could be easy r elated with electr ic curr ent dissipation


in the sour ce (ionospher e). Special exper iments on influence on the detector of U by ar tificial magnetic field (up to 10-3 T) in fr equency r ange fr om 0 to 1 Hz had confir med absence of any r eaction of U within sensitivity of the appar atus. Analysis of long time ser ies have shown existence of stable corr elation rUB= -0.56‘0.01 with gr eat advancement U r elative to B (=48.0h) (Fig.1). In the causal analysis at (=i



almost coincided (80h), positions of pikes at per iods 32.0h, 15.0h, 12.0h, 6.15h and 5.33h ar e exactly coincided. In Fig.3 the per iod dependence of amplitude r atio U/B is shown. It

with known Kozyr ev` s constant of cour se of timec2 (velocity of causal-effect tr ansition on the micr oscopic level). Fr om theor etical consider ation c2 in classical limit, while fr om

For the following it would be mor e convenient to use F=B/²0. Wher eas U(f)/F(f) depends on fr equency f, it has tur ned out that U(f)/F (f) does not depend on f: U(f)/F (f)=(1.7‘0.2)§10 m /A. It is the most impor tant
2 -5 2 2

this stage only or der of is of inter est, for its estimation simplify Eq.(11), supposing, that similar ly to an or dinar y electr omagnetic field, it is possible to employ the plane wave appr oximation. Then, instead of Eq.(11), we have

r esult pointing to r elation of U with the entr opy pr oduction. For pr oof consider application of Eq.(1) to the concr ete case. Magnetic field F is r elated with electr ic curr ents in the sour ce í ionospher e, and also with induced curr ents in the Ear th. For simplicity of the pr oblem, neglect by the last and consider entr opy pr oduction only in the sour ce of F. It is easy to expr ess the density of entr opy pr oduction thr ough electr ic field E(f) (which in tur n thr ough impedance Z(f) is r elated with F(f)), r esistivity and medium temper atur e T. and Z(f)consider for simplicity as scalar . Then:
2 2


wher e h is thickness of the dynamo-layer . For estimation of

accept corr esponding to the detector par ameter s: -9 A§s, g=6§10-2, and known typical values of the ionospher ic par ameter s: ·=103», h=5§104m. Then with mentioned above value U(f)/F2(f) we obtain
TU=3§102K, q=1.6§10 fr om Eq.(11) =2§10-21ü2. It is most r easonable value í of or der an atom cr oss-section. And r eally this value may be r elated with c2, mass and char ge of electr on:

Combining Eq. (1), (5), (6) and (10) and using for the electr omagnetic field the plane wave appr oximation (Rokityansky, 1981), we have:

Thus the exper imental fact U(f)/F2(f)=const is explained within the hypothesis (1).

Fig. 2 Amplitude spectra U and B in the period range from 5 hours to 10 days

other pr ocesses is appr oximately the same as the joint contr ibution of Te and B. Ther efor e, ther e ar e enough degr ees
Fig.3. Period dependence of U/B

of fr eedom for the other external pr ocesses in U-var iations. Among the exter nal pr ocesses the solar activity is a matter of par ticular ly inter est.

It is of inter est to estimate the constant fr om observations. If pr esented r easoning with r efer ences to Kozyr ev` s concept has meaning, the value could be r elated




65 43 (2 10 )




6 = 2


(' " & %


() 2 ()





If Eq.(13) is tr ue, then in classical limit 0. 6.4. Relation of the potentials with solar -ionospher ical activity Obviously, U must be r elated with multitude of the


exter nal pr ocesses, fr om which only var iations of Te and B have been consider ed above. Estimate how much is possible contr ibution of the all other pr ocesses on var iation of U. Synchr onous estimation of independence is

0 54 It means that total contr ibution of the all





2 2



6 2




() ()






is appr oximated by for mula

= 19


á äèçå ä


exper iments

c2=+(2.2‘0.1)10 m/s (Kozyr ev, 1977). c2 was also r elated with Plank constant and electr on char ge: å2=e2/ . As on





It is most simply to establish availability of influence of the solar activity by pr esence of maximum in spectr um at the per iod of solar r otation. Indeed in per iod r ange 10100 days single significant maximum in spectr um U is just at per iod 27d (Fig.4). It was disclosed an inter esting manifestation of ionospher ic activity in U var iations. It has been tur ned out that pr obability of the sudden ionospher ic distur bances dur ing phase of incr easing of U substantionally exceed that one dur ing phase of decr easing. Pr obabilities r atio is 4.5. If only sudden enhancements of atmospher ic wer e selected such pr obability r atio became to 7.1.

7.Conclusion T h us t h e r esult s of l on g-t er m exper im en t com pl et ed on a ccept a bl e l evel of r i gour a ll ow t o m a ke posi ti ve con cl usi on a bout t h e t r ut h of t h e h ypot h esi s of in t er a cti on of t h e n a t ur a l di ssi pa ti ve pr ocesses t h r ough a cti ve pr oper ti es of tim e. T h e ch a r a ct er i sti c pr oper ti es of t h i s i n t er a cti on i s n on l oca lit y a n d exi st en ce a dva n ced tim e l a g. A l ot of kn own st r a n ge corr el a ti on s of t h e geoph ysi ca l a n d a st r oph ysi ca l pr ocesses m a y be r econ si der ed fr om t h i s vi ewpoi n t . On t h e ot h er h a n d a n ew m et h od of i n vesti ga ti on of geoph ysi ca l i rr ever si bl e pro-

Fig.4. Amplitude spectrum U in the period range from 5 days to 3.5 months

cesses m a y be devel oped on t h e ba se of t h e t echn i cs descr i bed h er e. However , a dmitt edl y our a ppr oa ch wa s essen ti a ll y h eur i sti c a n d fur t h er devel opm en t of t h eor y i s bur n i n g. Acknowledgements This wor k was suppor ted by RFBR (gr ant µ96-0564029). The author s thanks V.A. Machinin and V.I. Nalivayko for par ticipation in the exper iment.

It may be suggested following qualitative inter pr etation of these facts. Sudden ionospher ic distur bances ar e shar p incr easing of ionisation of the lower ionospher e. That corr esponds to decr easing of the entr opy r esulting, accor ding Eq.(1) and (5), to incr easing potentials. In the case of sudden enhancements of atmospher ic ther e is an additional effect r elated with enhancements of the thunderstor m activity. 6.5. Dar k curr ent var iations The same effects (except of sudden ionospher ic distur bances) wer e discover ed with the detector of dar k curr ent I, but they ar e r ather weak as compar ed with U. As this take place, the str ong inter play of I and U, not r educing to a tr ivial influence of the common causes, has been uncover ed. It can be illustr ated by set of par tial corr ela-

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= 0 09 ‘ 0 02 (not significant)
é é

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áä è æ â




è â ä çæ á

= 078 ‘ 0 01
é é è

= 0 24 ‘ 0 02

æ åä ãâ á

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