Our Partners

uralchem-en URALCHEM Holding P.L.C., a company incorporated in Cyprus and the holding company for URALCHEM Group, one of the largest producers of nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers in Russia and the CIS.

URALCHEM Group is the largest ammonia and ammonium nitrate producer in Russia and the second largest nitrogen fertilizer producer in Russia.

stgobain_logo Saint-Gobain, the world leader in the habitat and construction markets, designs, manufactures and distributes building and high-performance materials, providing innovative solutions to the challenges of growth, energy efficiency and environmental protection.
UC-Rusal-logo RUSAL is a leading, global aluminium producer. The company?s main products are primary aluminium, aluminium alloys, foil and alumina.

RUSAL operates in 19 countries on 5 continents. The company?s core smelting capacities are located in Siberia, thus benefiting from the access to the renewable and environmentally clean hydropower and the proximity to the thriving market of China.

tarkett-logo Tarkett is a worldwide leader of innovative and sustainable flooring and sports surface solutions.

Tarkett provides integrated and coordinated flooring and sports surface solutions to professionals and end-users that measurably enhance both people?s quality of life and the life-time return of building facilities.

renam-logo "RENAM" is one of the creators of russian complex laboratory diagnosis in hematology.

The first Russian company that entered successfully into WHO International Quality Control Program.

renault Renault Russiaš?šis a Russian automotive company established in 1998, currently a wholly owned subsidiary of Renault.
BHP_Billiton_Logo BHP Billiton ?ššis anšAnglo-Australianšmultinationalšmining, metals andšpetroleumšcompany headquartered inšMelbourne,šAustralia. It is the world's largest mining company measured by 2013 revenues.
ChemLogo_en Saint-Petersburg State University, Institute of Chemistryš(corr. member of RAS Smirnova N.A., Prof. Zvereva I.A., head of division Toikka A.M.)
td_center_calorimetry_NN Thermodynamics center of precise calorymetry investigations.šLobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorodš(Prof.šSmirnova N.N., Markin A.A.)
logo_en Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Russian Academy os Sciences (full member of RAS Novotortsev V.M., Dr. Dobrokhotova Zh.V.)
factsage55_s FACTš? Facility for the Analysis of Chemical Thermodynamics (Decterov S.A.š? Ecole Polytechnique Montreal)