Date:љJune 10, 2011
Time:љ11:00 AM
Location: Prof. Voronin?s office
1. Reports of 4-th year students of the Faculty of Material Sciences on their bachelor projects:
- Lyubov Belyaeva "Disaggregation and the secondary structure generation in nanodiamonds synthesized by means of detonation" (Research supervisor - Prof. Mikhail V. Korobov)
- Alexander Dzuban "Calculating of polythermal sections of ternary phase diagrams by convex hull method" (Research supervisors - Alexey L. Voskov, Irina A. Uspenskaya)
- Eugenia Pushkar "Thermodynamic properties of sodium and magnium chlorides in water mixtures with propanol-2 and butanol-2" (Research supervisors -љMikhail N. Mamontov, ElenaљVeryaeva)
2. New publications of the laboratory employees:љљIrina Uspenskaya, Lora Nikoaeva, Maxim Kovba
3. Prof. Gennady Voronin's announcement.