The first All-Russian geographic dictation took place in the MSU

The first All-Russian geographical dictation took place on November 1. The theme of the dictationљwas ?My country ? Russia?. It was held on the initiative of the President of the Board of Trustees of the Russian Geographical Society, Vladimir Putin, suggested at the XV Congress of the Russian Geographical Society. One of the sites for the dictation was the main building of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

In MSU this large-scale educational campaign, organized by the Russian Geographical Society, was attended by approximately 450 people. The test included 25 tasks, which needed to be performed in 45 minutes.љ The dictation consisted of three blocks. The first was devoted to geographical concepts and terms. The second block was associated with the knowledge of geographical location of objects on the map of Russia, and, finally, the third block connected geography and artistic images. The worksљwill be checked by professional geographers, enlisted by the RGS.

The dictation will assess the level of geographical knowledge of all citizens of our country and attract attention to the problem of geographic literacy. As a result of the All-Russia test, geography syllabus will be amended. Each participant will be able to get to know his or her personal result the 10thљof December on the RGS website by logging on with a unique identification number.

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