Our Graduate Will Represent Lomonosov Moscow State University during the International Final of the Olympiad ?IT-Planet 2013/14? in Crimea

Lomonosov Moscow State University students have traditionally been active participants of the international Olympiad ?IT-Planet 2013/14? which covers the area of information technologies. During this Olympiad, contestants compete in the most cutting-edge fields of the Information and Communication Technologies sector.

The list of competition organizers includes large multinational companies, namely, Oracle, Cisco, Intel, Google, Huawei, 1C, NetApp, InterSystems, Odnoklassniki, GNU/Linuxcenter, and D-Link.

In addition to admitting students to its competition program, this year?s Olympiad provided graduates of Secondary Professional Education institutions and Higher Professional Education institutions with the opportunity to compete. However, no participant should be more than 26 years old.

More than 11 000 participants from 9 countries of the world took part in selection rounds. During this time, contestants passed approximately 13 000 online tests, submitted over 400 assignments and solved almost 900 practical cases. The Jury of the competition included representatives of the companies that organized the event as well as representatives from other leading IT companies which are potential employers for participants, namely, FORS, 1C-Gendalf, SoftBalance, i20, A-VsnApps4All, Pirogov Bureau, KAMI, etc.љ

The MSU graduate Damir Atygaev has endured tough competition and achieved strong results during selection rounds of the Olympiad. His next challenge is to defend the honor of the University in the international final which will take place in Crimea in September. The event will be held on the premises of two education institutions, namely, the Sevastopol National Technical University (Sevastopol city) and the Taurida National Vernadsky University (Simferopol city).љ

250 young IT specialists under the age of 26 years will represent the following countries during the final: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, and Ukraine. In order to participate in the final, contestants must show the best performance during selection rounds in the following nominations: ?Using Software and Administration,? ?Programming,? ?Telecom,? ?Digital Creation,? ?Mobile Platforms,? ?Innovative Projects,? and ?Robotics.?

In addition to competitions, an intensive program including culture and education events is awaiting finalists as usual. First, finalists will attend master classes, lectures and education seminars delivered by successful businessmen and IT specialists. During these events, finalists will have the opportunity to interact on a personal level with various partners of the Olympiad, namely, representatives of vendors and employers. Second, several tours around the territory of Crimea have been scheduled to introduce participants to its rich history and picturesque landscapes. During these tours, finalists will visit Chersonesus, caves and other unique attractions of the Peninsula.љ

We wish our student a successful journey full of pleasant impressions!

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