Роджер Пэнг (љ Roger Peng) на своем youtube-канале выложил видео 4х недель своего курса «Computing for Data Analysis».

Week 1 :

Setting working directory and getting help (Mac)
Setting working directory and getting help (Windows)
How to get help
Overview and history of R
Data Types
Vectorized Operations
Reading/Writing Data: Part 1
Reading/Writing Data: Part 2
The ‘str’ function

Week 2 :

Control Structures in R
Writing Functions
Scoping Rules for R
Optimization Application
The mapply function in R
Using tapply and split in R
Using the apply function in R
Using the lapply function in R
Debugging tools in R

Week 3 :
Plotting (base graphics)
Plotting with base graphics demo
Plotting with lattice
Plotting with lattice demo
Mathematical annotation in plots
Simulation in R

Week 4 :
Plotting and color in R
Regular expressions
Introduction to the Baltimore homicide data
Regular expressions in R
Classes and methods in R