Time interval
Output type
Data channels
Bartels rotation number
ID for IMF spacecraft
ID for SW plasma spacecraft
# of points in the IMF averages
# of points in the plasma averages
Field Magnitude Average |B|, [1/N SUM |B|, nT]
Magnitude of Average Field Vector [sqrt(Bx^2+By^2+Bz^2)]
Lat.Angle of Aver. Field Vector [Degrees (GSE coords)]
Long.Angle of Aver.Field Vector [Degrees (GSE coords)]
Bx GSE, GSM [nT]
By GSE [nT]
Bz GSE [nT]
By GSM [nT]
Bz GSM [nT]
sigma|B| [RMS Standard Deviation in average magnitude (word 10), nT]
sigma B [RMS Standard Deviation in field vector, nT]
sigma Bx [RMS Standard Deviation in GSE X-component average, nT]
sigma By [RMS Standard Deviation in GSE Y-component average, nT]
sigma Bz [RMS Standard Deviation in GSE Z-component average, nT]
Proton temperature [Degrees, K]
Proton Density [N/cm^3]
Plasma (Flow) speed [km/s]
Plasma Flow Long. Angle [Degrees, quasi-GSE]
Plasma Flow Lat. Angle [Degrees, GSE]
Na/Np [Alpha/Proton ratio]
Flow Pressure [P (nPa) = (1.67/10**6) * Np*V**2 * (1+ 4*Na/Np)]
sigma T [Degrees, K]
sigma N [N/cm^3]
sigma V [km/s]
sigma phi V [Degrees]
sigma theta V [Degrees]
Electric field [-[V(km/s) * Bz (nT; GSM)] * 10**-3. (mV/m)]
Plasma beta [Beta = [(T*4.16/10**5) + 5.34] * Np / B**2]
Alfven mach number [Ma = (V * Np**0.5) / 20 * B]
Kp [Planetary Geomagnetic Activity Index]
R [sunspot number]
DST index [nT]
AE-index [from NGDC]
Proton flux [number/cmsq sec sr >1MeV]
Proton flux [number/cmsq sec sr >2MeV]
Proton flux [number/cmsq sec sr >4MeV]
Proton flux [number/cmsq sec sr >10MeV]
Proton flux [number/cmsq sec sr >30MeV]
Proton flux [number/cmsq sec sr >60MeV]
Flag [-1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6]