At the orbit setup page user can change the space apparatus apogee and perigee, orbit inclination and argument of perigee.
User can change the settings about the shieldings thickness in g/cm2. The dose effects are calculated behind these shieldings.
This form allows to set up the input parameters for calculation of electron fluxes in radiation belt. First is start year (from the beginning of solar cycle) of mission. Next is the flight time of mission. The last is the activity of solar cycle.
In the dose settings user can select the flux type that used for calculation of radiation effect of electrons. Fluence is the total flux of electrons for all mission duration. Flux is the average of all mission flux. Flux max is the peak (maximal) flux of protons for all mission.
In the proton form user can adjust the start year (from the beginning of solar cycle) of mission. Next is the flight time of mission. The last is the activity of solar cycle.
For the dose effect calculation user have to select the flux type. Fluence is the total flux of electrons for all mission duration. Flux is the average of all mission flux. Flux max is the peak (maximal) flux of protons for all mission. After that select the Dose type. First is the absorbed in Si dose. Next is the tissue-equivalent dose. Last is the flag that dose should not be calculated.
SEE (Single Event Effect) field used for the calculation of single radiation upsets. The available parameters are the model of thin layer SEU, model of cube SEU and the flag that the SEE should not be calculated.
After selecting one of SEE models you can adjust the parameters of microchip where the SEE occured. First is the bit - number of sensitive volumes in microchip. Next is the cross-section of SEE (cm2/bit). Last is the LET (Linear Energy Transfer) threshold.
The GCR (Galactic Cosmic Rays) menu allow to adjust the same parameters besides the additional parity of solar cycle. For example the 1996-2007 solar cycle is odd (23th).
Settings of radiation effects of GCR are similar to protons effects settings.
SEP (Solar energetic particles) menu slightly differs from the protons menu. The additional parameter is the confidence probability that is the probability that SEP fluxes will be greater than the SEP model predictions.
The radiation effect of GCR form is similar to proton effect form.
The LEP (Low-energy near-Equatorial Protons) menu allows to take into account the protons that observed at L<1.15, near geomagnetic equator. The adjustable parameters starts the flight time. Next is the required spectrum type (integral or differential). Third field is the level of geomagnetic activity (min or max). The last parameter is the select of flux type angle distribution (omnidirectional, i.e. per 4 pi ster or directional, i.e. per 1 ster).
User receives the results in the archive. The archive contains files. Every file have the detailed description in the beginning. The files are:
orbit.txt - trajectory of space apparatus
cutoff.txt - calcualtion of rigidity and penetration fuction
tab_shld.dat - table of shileds
ef.txt - electron spectrum in orbit
ef_x.txt - electron spectrum in orbit
ed_x.txt - electron spectrum behind shielding
pf.txt - proton spectrum in orbit
pn_x.txt - neutron spectrum behind shielding
pp_x.txt - proton spectrum behind shielding
pw_x.txt - proton SEE number behind shielding
pd_x.txt - proton absorbed dose behind shielding
gfn.txt - GCR particle spectrum, fluence
gfx.txt - GCR particle spectrum, maximal orbit flux
gfxm.txt - GCR particle spectrum, maximal peak flux
gp_x.txt - GCR proton spectrum behind shielding, fluence
gn_x.txt - GCR neutron spectrum behind shielding, fluence
gl_x.txt - CGR LET spectrum behind shielding, fluence
gw_x.txt - GCR particle SEE number behind shielding
gd_x.txt - GCR absorbed dose behind shielding
sfn.txt - SEP spectrum in orbit, fluence
sfx.txt - SEP spectrum in orbit, maximal orbit flux
sfxm.txt - SEP spectrum in orbit, maximal peak flux
sp_x.txt - solar proton spectrum behind shielding, fluence
sn_x.txt - solar neutron spectrum behind shielding, fluence
sl_x.txt - SEP LET spectrum behind shielding, fluence
sw_x.txt - SEP SEE number behind shielding
sd_x.txt - SEP absorbed dose behind shielding
lep.txt - LEP spectrum in orbit
wsum_x.dat - SEE number behind shielding
dsum_x.dat - absorbed dose behind shielding