The River Zelenchuk
(Noth Caucasus,
Karachaevo-Cherkessija) |
The chalk hills in
Belgorod region |
The Church in L'viv (Ukraine) |
The Butterfly
(Voronezh, Russia) |
The autumn on
the Voronezh sea |
The green lizard |
The heron on
the Voronezh sea |
The River Tisa (Rahiv,
Zakarpattja, Ukraine) |
Divnogor'e and the River Don
(Voronezh region) |
The ladybirds
(November, Voronezh) |
The grass-snake
(April, Divnogor'e) |
Spring snow |
The khutor in Belgorod region
(I, grand mother, cousin with
childs) March 8 |
Winter berries |
The traces of crow
on the snow |
Night Moscow |