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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Sun Jul 12 02:58:59 1998
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Mon Oct 1 20:34:33 2012
Qt Toolkit - QToolButton Class Qt logo

QToolButton Class Reference

The QToolButton class provides a push button whose appearance has been tailored for use in a QToolBar. More...

#include <qtoolbutton.h>

Inherits QButton.

List of all member functions.

Public Members

Public Slots

Protected Members

Detailed Description

The QToolButton class provides a push button whose appearance has been tailored for use in a QToolBar.

This means that it implements the ridiculous Microsoft auto-raise feature using QIconSet. Apart from that, it's pretty much like a QPushButton. The two classes may at some point be merged.

See also: QPushButton, QToolButton and GUI Design Handbook: Push Button

Examples: application/application.cpp

Member Function Documentation

QToolButton::QToolButton ( QIconSet iconSet, const char * textLabel, const char * grouptext, QObject * receiver, const char * slot, QToolBar * parent, const char * name = 0 )

Creates a tool button that is a child of parent (which must be a QToolBar) and named name.

The tool button will display iconSet, with text label or tool tip textLabel and status-bar message grouptext, connected to slot in object receiver, and returns the button.

QToolButton::QToolButton ( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )

Constructs an empty tool button.

QToolButton::QToolButton ( const QPixmap & pm, const char * textLabel, const char * grouptext, QObject * receiver, const char * slot, QToolBar * parent, const char * name = 0 )

Creates a tool button that is a child of parent (which must be a QToolBar) and named name.

The tool button will display pm, with text label or tool tip textLabel and status-bar message grouptext, connected to slot in object receiver, and returns the button.

QToolButton::~QToolButton ()

Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources.

void QToolButton::drawButton ( QPainter * p ) [virtual protected]

Draws the edges and decoration of the button (pretty much nothing) and calls drawButtonLabel().

See also: drawButtonLabel() and QButton::paintEvent().

Reimplemented from QButton.

void QToolButton::drawButtonLabel ( QPainter * p ) [virtual protected]

Draws the contents of the button (pixmap and optionally text).

See also: drawButton() and QButton::paintEvent().

Reimplemented from QButton.

void QToolButton::enterEvent ( QEvent * e ) [virtual protected]

Reimplemented to handle the automatic 3D effects in Windows style.

Reimplemented from QWidget.

QIconSet QToolButton::iconSet () const

Returns a copy of the icon set in use. If no icon set has been set, iconSeT() creates one from the pixmap().

If the button doesn't have a pixmap either, iconSet()'s return value is meaningless.

See also: setIconSet() and QIconSet.

void QToolButton::leaveEvent ( QEvent * e ) [virtual protected]

Reimplemented to handle the automatic 3D effects in Windows style.

Reimplemented from QWidget.

void QToolButton::setIconSet ( const QIconSet & set )

Sets this tool button to display the icons in set. (setPixmap() is effectively a wrapper for this function.)

QToolButton makes a copy of set, so you must delete set yourself.

See also: iconSet() and QIconSet.

void QToolButton::setOn ( bool enable ) [slot]

Sets this tool button to be on if enable is TRUE, and off it enable is FALSE.

This function has no effect on non-toggling buttons.

See also: isToggleButton() and toggle().

void QToolButton::setTextLabel ( const char * newLabel, bool tipToo = TRUE ) [virtual slot]

Sets the label of this button to newLabel, and automatically sets it as tool tip too if tipToo is TRUE.

void QToolButton::setToggleButton ( bool enable ) [slot]

Makes the tool button a toggle button if enable is TRUE, or a normal tool button if enable is FALSE.

Toggle buttons have an on/off state similar to check boxes. A tool button is initially not a toggle button.

See also: setOn(), toggle(), toggleButton() and toggled().

void QToolButton::setUsesBigPixmap ( bool enable ) [virtual slot]

Sets this button to use the big pixmaps provided by its QIconSet if enable is TRUE, and to use the small ones else.

QToolButton automatically connects this slot to the relevant signal in the QMainWindow in which is resides.

void QToolButton::setUsesTextLabel ( bool enable ) [virtual slot]

Sets this button to draw a text label below the icon if enable is TRUE, and to not draw it if enable is FALSE.

QToolButton automatically connects this slot to the relevant signal in the QMainWindow in which is resides.

QSize QToolButton::sizeHint () const [virtual]

Returns a size suitable for this tool button. This depends on GUI style, usesBigPixmap(), textLabel() and usesTextLabel().

Reimplemented from QWidget.

const char * QToolButton::textLabel () const

Returns the text label in use by this tool button, or 0.

See also: setTextLabel(), usesTextLabel(), setUsesTextLabel() and setText().

void QToolButton::toggle () [slot]

Toggles the state of this tool button.

This function has no effect on non-toggling buttons.

See also: isToggleButton() and toggle().

bool QToolButton::uses3D () const [protected]

Returns TRUE if this button should be drawn using raised edges.

See also: drawButton().

bool QToolButton::usesBigPixmap () const

Returns TRUE if this tool button uses the big (32-pixel) pixmaps, and FALSE if it does not.

See also: setUsesBigPixmap(), setPixmap() and usesTextLabel.

bool QToolButton::usesTextLabel () const

Returns TRUE if this tool button puts a text label below the button pixmap, and FALSE if it does not.

See also: setUsesTextLabel(), setTextLabel() and usesBigPixmap().

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