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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Sun Jul 12 02:58:59 1998
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Mon Oct 1 19:55:49 2012
Qt Toolkit - QFrame Class Qt logo

QFrame Class Reference

The QFrame class is the base class of widgets that have an (optional) frame. More...

#include <qframe.h>

Inherits QWidget.

Inherited by QGroupBox, QLCDNumber, QLabel, QMenuBar, QProgressBar, QScrollView, QSpinBox, QSplitter, QTableView and QWidgetStack.

List of all member functions.

Public Members

Protected Members

Detailed Description

The QFrame class is the base class of widgets that have an (optional) frame.

It draws a label and calls a virtual function, drawContents(), to fill in the frame. This function is reimplemented by essentially all subclasses. There are also two other less useful functions, drawFrame() and frameChanged().

QMenuBar uses this to "raise" the menu bar above the surrounding screen:

    if ( style() == MotifStyle ) {
        setFrameStyle( QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Raised );
        setLineWidth( 2 );
    } else {
        setFrameStyle( QFrame::NoFrame );

The QFrame class can also be used directly for creating simple frames without any contents, for example like this:

    QFrame *emptyFrame = new QFrame( parentWidget );
    emptyFrame->setFrameStyle( Panel | Sunken );
    emptyFrame->setLineWidth( 2 );

A frame widget has three attributes: frame style, a line width and a mid-line width.

The frame style is specified by a frame shape and a shadow style. The frame shapes are NoFrame, Box, Panel, WinPanel, HLine and VLine, and the shadow styles are Plain, Raised and Sunken.

The line width is the width of the frame border.

The mid-line width specifies the width of an extra line in the middle of the frame, that uses a third color to obtain a special 3D effect. Notice that a mid-line is only drawn for Box, HLine and VLine frames that are raised or sunken.

This table shows the most useful combinations of styles and widths (and some rather useless ones):

Table of frame styles

For obvious reasons, NoFrame isn't shown. The gray areas next to the VLine and HLine examples are there because the widgets are taller/wider than the natural width of the lines. frameWidth() returns the natural width of the line.

The labels on the top and right are QLabel objects with frameStyle() Raised|Panel and lineWidth() 1.

Examples: tictac/tictac.cpp life/life.cpp movies/main.cpp xform/xform.cpp widgets/widgets.cpp

Member Function Documentation

QFrame::QFrame ( QWidget * parent=0, const char * name=0, WFlags f=0, bool allowLines=TRUE )

Constructs a frame widget with frame style NoFrame and a 1 pixel frame width.

The allowLines argument can be set to FALSE to disallow HLine and VLine shapes.

The parent, name and f arguments are passed to the QWidget constructor.

QRect QFrame::contentsRect () const

Returns the rectangle inside the frame.

See also: frameRect() and drawContents().

void QFrame::drawContents ( QPainter * ) [virtual protected]

Virtual function that draws the contents of the frame.

The QPainter is already open when you get it, and you must leave it open. Painter transformations are switched off on entry. If you transform the painter, remember to take the frame into account and reset transformation before returning.

This function is reimplemented by subclasses that draw something inside the frame. It should draw only inside contentsRect(). The default function does nothing.

See also: contentsRect() and QPainter::setClipRect().

Reimplemented in QLCDNumber, QMenuBar, QLabel and QProgressBar.

void QFrame::drawFrame ( QPainter * p ) [virtual protected]

Draws the frame using the current frame attributes and color group. The rectangle inside the frame is not affected.

This function is virtual, but in general you do not need to reimplement it. If you do, note that the QPainter is already open and must remain open.

See also: frameRect(), contentsRect(), drawContents(), frameStyle() and setPalette().

Examples: life/life.cpp

void QFrame::frameChanged () [virtual protected]

Virtual function that is called when the frame style, line width or mid-line width changes.

This function can be reimplemented by subclasses that need to know when the frame attributes change.

Reimplemented in QScrollView and QWidgetStack.

QRect QFrame::frameRect () const

Returns the frame rectangle.

The default frame rectangle is equivalent to the widget rectangle.

See also: setFrameRect().

int QFrame::frameShadow () const

Returns the frame shadow value from the frame style.

See also: frameStyle() and frameShape().

int QFrame::frameShape () const

Returns the frame shape value from the frame style.

See also: frameStyle() and frameShadow().

int QFrame::frameStyle () const

Returns the frame style.

The default value is QFrame::NoFrame.

See also: setFrameStyle(), frameShape() and frameShadow().

int QFrame::frameWidth () const

Returns the width of the frame that is drawn.

Note that the frame width depends on the frame style, not only the line width and the mid line width. For example, the style NoFrame always has a frame width 0, while the style Panel has a frame width equivalent to the line width.

See also: lineWidth(), midLineWidth() and frameStyle().

Examples: widgets/widgets.cpp

bool QFrame::lineShapesOk () const

Returns TRUE if line shapes (HLine or VLine) are allowed, or FALSE if they are not allowed.

It is only possible to disallow line shapes in the constructor. The default value is TRUE.

int QFrame::lineWidth () const

Returns the line width. (Note that the total line width for HLine and VLine is given by frameWidth(), not lineWidth().)

The default value is 1.

See also: setLineWidth(), midLineWidth() and frameWidth().

int QFrame::margin () const

Returns the width of the margin. The margin is the distance between the innermost pixel of the frame and the outermost pixel of contentsRect(). It is included in frameWidth().

The margin is filled according to backgroundMode().

The default value is 0.

See also: setMargin(), lineWidth() and frameWidth().

int QFrame::midLineWidth () const

Returns the width of the mid-line.

The default value is 0.

See also: setMidLineWidth(), lineWidth() and frameWidth().

void QFrame::paintEvent ( QPaintEvent * event ) [virtual protected]

Handles paint events for the frame.

Paints the frame and the contents.

Opens the painter on the frame and calls first drawFrame(), then drawContents().

Reimplemented from QWidget.

void QFrame::resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent * e ) [virtual protected]

Handles resize events for the frame.

Adjusts the frame rectangle for the resized widget. The frame rectangle is elastic, the surrounding area is static.

The resulting frame rectangle may be null or invalid. You can use setMinimumSize() to avoid that possibility.

Nothing is done if the frame rectangle is a null rectangle already.

Reimplemented from QWidget.

void QFrame::setFrameRect ( const QRect & r ) [protected]

Sets the frame rectangle to r.

The frame rectangle is the rectangle the frame is drawn in. By default, this is the entire widget. Calling setFrameRect() does not cause a widget update.

If r is a null rectangle (for example QRect(0,0,0,0)), then the frame rectangle is equivalent to the widget rectangle.

See also: frameRect() and contentsRect().

void QFrame::setFrameStyle ( int style )

Sets the frame style to style.

The style is the bitwise OR between a frame shape and a frame shadow style. See the illustration in the class documentation.

The frame shapes are:

The shadow styles are:

If a mid-line width greater than 0 is specified, an additional line is drawn for Raised or Sunken Box, HLine and VLine frames. The mid color of the current color group is used for drawing middle lines.

Warning: Attempts to set the frame style to HLine or VLine (with any shadow style) are disregarded unless line shapes are allowed. Line shapes are allowed by default.

See also: Illustration, frameStyle(), lineShapesOk(), colorGroup() and QColorGroup.

Examples: tictac/tictac.cpp dclock/dclock.cpp xform/xform.cpp cursor/cursor.cpp layout/layout.cpp widgets/widgets.cpp

void QFrame::setLineWidth ( int w )

Sets the line width to w.

See also: frameWidth(), lineWidth() and setMidLineWidth().

Examples: dclock/dclock.cpp xform/xform.cpp

void QFrame::setMargin ( int w )

Sets the width of the margin to w.

See also: margin() and setLineWidth().

void QFrame::setMidLineWidth ( int w )

Sets the width of the mid-line to w.

See also: midLineWidth() and setLineWidth().

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