About me:
- I was born on November,25 1985 in Glazov, a
small town in Udmurt Republic.
- In 2003 I entered the physics department of
Moscow State University.
- In 2006 I entered Chair of polymer
and crystal phisics.
- In 2009 I graduated from Chair of polymer
and crystal phisics, Moscow State University.
- Since 2009 I am PhD student of Chair of Physics of Polymers and Crystals.
- Now my supervisors are
Laptinskaya T.V., Ishihara Sh. and Araga K.
My research interests:
dynamic and static light scattering, dendrimers, porphyrins, polymer gels, semi-IPNs, thermoresponsive polymers, "smart" materials, synthesis of polymers and polymer gels.