Official Address and Contact Information
Official Address
Faculty of Physics
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
Leninskie Gory, Moscow 119991
RussiaPhone, fax, e-mail, and web-сайт
Phone: +7(495)939-16-82; Fax: +7(495)932-88-20
E-mail:; URL:
Map of the Campuus of Moscow State University at Lenin Hills
Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Faculty of Geology, Museum of Earth, and the University Rectorate and administration are located at the Main Building of Moscow State University at Lenin Hills.The following bodies are marked by numbers at the map: 1-- Faculty of Physics; 2 --Faculty of Chemistry; 3 --Humanitarian Building No. 1: Faculty of Philology, Faculty of Philosophy, Faculty of History, Department of Philosophy for Natural Faculties, Library for the Humanities, Saving Bank, and currency exchange; 4 --Humanitarian Building No. 2: Faculty of Economy, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Department of Russian Language for Foreign Students, Library for Natural Sciences, Currency Exchange; 5 --Faculty of Biology, Faculty of Soil Science; 6 --Faculty of Sociology; 7 --D.V.Skobeltsyn Research Institiute for Nuclear Physics; 8 -- Nonlinear Optics Laboratory, International Laser Center; 9 -- P.K.Sternberg Research Institute of Astronomy; 10 -- Chair of Low Temperatures and Superconductivity; 11 -- Laboratory of High-Energy Physics, MI-Bank, Currency Exchange; 12 -- Laboratory of the Skobeltsyn Institute (No. 19); 13 -- Laboratory of Magnetism; 14 -- Laboratory of the Skobeltsyn Institute (No. 20); 15 -- Laboratory of Gydrophysics; 16 -- Experimental Workshops; 17 --Research Computational Center; 18 -- Research Institute of Mechanics; 19 -- M.V.Lomonosov Monument; 20 -- The Great Patrioticl War II Memorial; 21 -- Hospital; 22 -- Canteen N14; 23 --Canteen N8; 24 -- Canteen N10; 25 -- Internet-Cafe, Savings Bank, Currency Exchange; 26 -- Botanical Garden; 27 --Baseball Stadium; 28 -- Football Field; 29 -- Stadiums; 30 -- Tennis Courts; 31 -- Gym; 32 -- Gym.