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Solomon C. - Computer environments for children :: Электронная библиотека попечительского совета мехмата МГУ
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Solomon C. - Computer environments for children
Solomon C. - Computer environments for children

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Название: Computer environments for children

Автор: Solomon C.


In this book, Cynthia Solomon takes a welcome look at the possibilities and issues of learning with and about computers in schools or in any other learning environment.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1986

Количество страниц: 183

Добавлена в каталог: 09.12.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Aesthetics      100-102 153
Ahl, David      89 90
Albrecht, Bob      87 89 90
Alpert, D.      64
Apple II      13 67 163n
Apple Logo      164n
Apple Macintosh      101 163n
Apple Writer      164n
Arithmetic curriculum      see 'Mathematics curricula'
ART      see 'Aesthetics'
artificial intelligence      12 63-64
Atari      30 163n
Atkinson, Richard      20
Audio systems      27-28
BALLOON project      153
Bank Street College School (New York)      13
Bank Street Writer      28 164n
BASIC, and microcomputers      70-71 91 93-94 143
BASIC, community of users of      87-91
BASIC, computer culture      98 99
BASIC, general description of      90-91
BASIC, graphing in      75 83-85
BASIC, in Soloworks      12
BASIC, interactive computing and      70 92
BASIC, limitations of      87 91-94
BASIC, programming in      2 6 73-82 91 94-99 139
BASIC, Project Solo in      82-86
Batch processing      6 91
BEAR project      157
Beberman, Max      65
Becker, Henry      137-140
Behaviorism      8 16 36 63 67
Binary tree      see 'Tree structures'
Bitzer, Donald      64 67
Bolt, Beranek, and Newman      42 85
Bourbaki, Nicolas      117 118
Braun, Ludwig      87-89 90
Brown, John Seely      42 64
Bruner, Jerome      63
Bugs      64 126-127
Business, educational computing as      14-15
CAI      see 'Computer-assisted instruction'
Cambridge Conference on School Mathematics      63
Cartesian geometry      108-111
CCC      see 'Computer Curriculum Corporation'
CCC curriculum      see also 'Suppes Patrick'
CCC curriculum, and microcomputers      29-30
CCC curriculum, evaluation of      24-26
CCC curriculum, features of      21-22
CCC curriculum, in 1980s      27-29
CCC curriculum, in language arts      20-21 25 27-28
CCC curriculum, in mathematics      20 22 61
CCC curriculum, in programming languages      28
CCC curriculum, vs. Plato system      10 43 49
CCC Learning Station      30
CDC      see 'Control Data Corporation'
CERL      see 'Computer-based Education Research Laboratory'
Challenge strategy in Madison Project      32-33 37 42-43
Chomsky, Noam      163n
Cohen, Donald      66
Coleco Adam computers      163n
College-level curricula      21 23-24 82
Commodore 64 computer      163n
Computer culture      see 'BASIC' 'LOGO'
Computer Curriculum Corporation (CCC)      8 20-21
Computer literacy      5-6 14 90
Computer science      120-127
Computer, as expressive medium      4-5 11-13 135 144 161-162
Computer, as interactive textbook      4-5 8-10 27 135 143 161-162
Computer, as teaching machine      14
computer-assisted instruction (CAI)      3
Computer-assisted instruction (cont)      6 25-26 78
Computer-based Education Research Laboratory (CERL)      65
Computers and Calculators (magazine)      89
Concept areas      see 'Strands'
Concept blocks      16-17
Conduit      90
Constructivism      103-133
Control Data Corporation (CDC)      64 67
Costs, for Microhost system      29
Costs, of CCC Learning Station      30
Creative Computing (magazine)      89
Critchfield, Margot      100
Current trends      143-144
Curricula      see also 'Language arts curricula' 'Mathematics
Curricula, general content of      142
Curricula, reforms in      62 132
Dartmouth College      82 85
Dartmouth Time-Sharing System (DTSS)      90
Darts (Plato lesson)      49 50-51 67
Davis, and Piagetian research      10 63
Davis, comparative evaluation of      35-37 70 112-115
Davis, interactive approach of      5 9-10 26
Davis, Robert B.      31-68 132 135 143 'Plato computer
Debugging      12 117-118 148 152
DEC      see 'Digital Equipment Corporation'
Decision tree      see 'Tree structures'
Decomposability      117-118
Dial-a-Drill      27
Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC)      20 88 90
Discovery learning      9 31-68 159-160
Dr Dobbs' Journal (magazine)      89
Dragon      see 'Albrecht Bob'
Drill and practice      8-9 16-30 43
DTSS      see 'Dartmouth Time-Sharing System'
Dual mode learning      99
Dugdale, Sharon      66
Dwyer, comparative evaluation of      13 71 88 112-115
Dwyer, eclectic approach of      11-12
Dwyer, Tom      5 70-102 135 161
Dwyer, view of teaching process      72-73
Eclecticism      11-12 99-102
EDC      see 'Education Development Corporation'
Education Development Corporation (EDC)      63
Educational Services, Inc (ESI)      see 'Educational Development Corporation'
Educational Testing Service (ETS), evaluation of CCC materials by      9 25
Educational Testing Service (ETS), evaluation of Plato system by      10 65-66
Educators      see 'Teachers'
Egg Dropper (Plato lesson)      49
Egg Factory (Plato lesson)      66
Elementary school, mathematics curriculum in      28 35-37 104
Elementary school, teachers in      141-143
Elementary school, use of computers in      137-139
Elementary Science Study (ESS)      63
English as second language      27-28
ESI (Educational Services, Inc.)      see 'Educational Development Corporation'
ESS      see 'Elementarty Science Study'
Estes, William      20
ETS      see 'Educational Testing Service'
Evaluation, and CCC system      9 24-26
Evaluation, issues regarding      127-132
Evaluation, of Papert's system      13 127-130
Evaluation, of Plato system      10 65-66
Factory, The      164n
Federal funding      25 143 145
FLOWER project      153
for loops      90 94-99
FORTRAN      90 91 139
Fragmentation      16
Friedman, Francis      63
Games, Madison project      33 67
Games, Plato      37 (see 'Plato math
Games, programmed by children      79-82 87 'NIM')
General Electric      90
Ginsberg, Herbert      62
Gleason, Andrew      63
Glynn, Gerald      66
GOTO branching      90
Graphics      101 163n
Graphics, in CCC system      28
Graphics, in Madison project      66 67
Graphics, in Plato system      60
Guess My Rule (Plato lesson)      33 37 66
hangman      79 80-82
Heuristic learning      70-102
Hewlett-Packard      21
Higginson, William      13
High school, and Pascal      94
High school, and Project Solo      82
High school, CAI materials for      88
Hockey (Plato lesson)      66
Home computing vs. school computing      135-137
Home Sweet Toadstool (Plato lesson)      49 66
Hot Dog Problem      94-99
Humanistic Computer Studies      133
Huntington Computer Project      87 91
IBM PC      67
Ideas, use of familiar      32 42
Illinois, University of      5 141 Robert 'Plato')
Information processing model      23
Institute of Mathematical Studies in the Social Sciences (IMSSS)      8 17
Interactive environments, and BASIC      70 92
Interactive environments, and Madison project      31-68
Juggle's Rainbow      68
Kay, Alan      7 71 93 101 161
Kemeny, John      82-83 90 93-94
Kibbey, David      66
Kurtz, Tom      85 90 93-94
Language arts curricula, in CCC      20-21 25
Language arts curricula, in LOGO      76-78
Language arts curricula, in Solowoiks      12
Languages, computer      see 'Specific languages' 'Procedural
Learning Company      68
Learning, as debugging      152
Learning, as discovery      9 (see also 'Discovery learning')
Learning, styles of      150-151
Lemonade (simulation)      82
Lisp      6 90 98 163n
Literacy      see 'Computer literacy'
Logic, in CCC curriculum      21 23-24 25
LOGO      see also 'Papert Seymour' 'Turtle
LOGO, and children      12-13 128-132
LOGO, and elementary school      6 94 131 139
LOGO, and learning      90 103
LOGO, and microcomputers      143-144
LOGO, computet culture      98 119-127 131 146 150 158-160
LOGO, programming in      118 131 139 143 146
Los Angeles Unified School District      9 25
Luehrmann, Arthur      89-90
Madison project      32-35 49-60 64-66 Robert 'Plato computet
Martin, Ted      63
Massachusetts Institute of Technology      5 63 141 Seymour')
Master Type      164n
Mathematical ideas      104 113
Mathematics curricula      see also 'Plato math
Mathematics curricula, elementary school      17-20
Mathematics curricula, for Papert      132-133
Mathematics curricula, in Suppes's approach      16-20 22
Mathematics curricula, reforms in      35-37 62 132
Mathematics, comparative treatments of      112-118
Mathematics, learning      62-64
Mathland      12 103 131 Seymour')
McCarthy, John      163n
McCulloch, Warren      117
MECC      see 'Minnesota Educational Computing Consortium'
MECC Elementary Volumes (software)      164n
Microcomputers      7
Microcomputers, and BASIC      93-94
Microcomputers, and CCC curriculum      29-30
Microcomputers, and eclecticism      70-71
Microcomputers, and Plato system      67-68 143
Microcomputers, school uses of      136-140
Microhost system      28-29 30
Microzine      164n
Miller, George      63
Minnesota Educational Computing Consortium (MECC)      91
Minority populations      25 143
Minsky, Marvin      99
Naming, in LOGO culture      121
National Institutes of Education      9
National Science Foundation      13 64 85 87
Negroponte, Nicholas      101
Newell, Allen      99
NIM      79-80
Norris, William      67
Number line Division (Plato lesson)      49
Numberline Multiplication (Plato lesson)      49
Page, David      63
Painting Library (Plato lesson)      49 54-55
Papert, and Dwyer      71 93 99-100
Papert, and home computing      135-136
Papert, and standardized testing      163n
Papert, approach of      12-13
Papert, comparative evaluation of      112-115 127-130
Papert, influence on Davis      49 63
Papert, math as defined by      103
Papert, Pea study on      13 128
Papert, Seymour      5 103-133 146 159-160
Paradigm teaching strategy      10 32 37
Parking Lot (Plato lesson)      66
Pascal      6 90 94 139
PASCAL, as procedural language      6 92 93 98
PASCAL, vs. BASIC      108-110
PDP-1 (DEC) computer      20 21
PDP-8 (DEC) computer      88
People's Computer Company (magazine)      89
PFS:File      164n
Physical Science Study Committee (PSSC)      63
Piaget, lean      6 12 63 159 Seymour')
Piaget, lean, and egocentrism      128
Piaget, lean, and mathematics      10 111-112 116-117
Pittsburgh, University of      5 141 Tom' 'Project
Plato, computer system      5 10 64-66
Plato, math curriculum      35 49-62 67-68 143
POLUT (simulation)      88
Powerful ideas, conflicts in conveying      94-99
Powerful ideas, from computer science      120
Principia Mathematica      113-117
Problem-solving      28
procedural languages      91-92 98-99
Programming, and computer memory      6
Programming, backtracking      97
Programming, by children, and child as teacher      119
Programming, by children, computer time for      140
Programming, by children, languages for      see 'Specific languages'
Programming, by children, learning of      28 148 151-152
Programming, by children, projects in      79
Programming, extensibility      98
Programming, procedures      120-126
Programming, structured      117
Programming, style      98
Project COMPUTe      90
Project Solo      82-86 91 Tom')
PSSC      see 'Physical Science Study Committee'
RCA, and CCC materials      21
Recreational Computing (magazine)      89
Recursion      97-98 118 122-126
Reductionism vs constructivism      115-117
Research areas      161-162
Rocky's Boots      68
Rote learning      9 (see also 'Drill and practice')
Rubber Stamp (Plato lesson)      43 48
Russell, Bertrand      113 114 115
Seiler, Bonnie      66
Sets and Numbers (Suppes)      23
Share Jumping Beans      37 38-40 67
Simon, H.      99
Simulation      82 (see also 'Lemonade' 'POLUT')
Skywriting (Plato lesson)      49 58-59
Snooper Troops      164n
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