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Yamaguchi F. - Curves and surfaces in computer aided geometric design :: Электронная библиотека попечительского совета мехмата МГУ
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Yamaguchi F. - Curves and surfaces in computer aided geometric design
Yamaguchi F. - Curves and surfaces in computer aided geometric design

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Название: Curves and surfaces in computer aided geometric design

Автор: Yamaguchi F.


The material for the book started life as a set of notes for computer aided geometric design courses which I had at the graduate schools of both computer science, the university of Utah in U.S.A. and Kyushu Institute of Design in Japan. The book has been used extensively as a standard text book of curves and surfaces for students, practical engineers and researchers.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/Вычислительная геометрия/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1988

Количество страниц: 379

Добавлена в каталог: 25.11.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Acceleration, normal      27
Acceleration, tangential      27
Adini's method      118 119
Approximation, B-spline-      233-336
Approximation, Bernstein-      169-232
APT system      3
Area of a surface      42 43 47 48
B-spline curve segment      233-334
B-spline curve segment, derivatives      309-311
B-spline curve segment, interpolation of a sequence of points      247 to 250 325-327
B-spline curve segment, matrix representation      327-329
B-spline curve segment, properties      311 312
B-spline curve type (1)      281 282
B-spline curve type (2)      283
B-spline curve type (3)      294-296
B-spline, B-spline function, approximation      233-336
B-spline, B-spline function, definition      270-273
B-spline, B-spline function, normalized      273
B-spline, B-spline function, properties      270-274 291-294
B-spline, B-spline function, recursive calculation      285-291
B-spline, B-spline function, relation to Bernstein basis      293 294
B-spline, B-spline function, variation diminishing property      294
Bernoulli - Euler law      135
Bernstein approximation      169-232
Bernstein approximation, derivatives      190
Bernstein approximation, properties      189-193
Bernstein approximation, smoothing effect      193
Bernstein basis function      183 189-193
Bernstein basis vector      195
Bernstein polynomial      174
Bezier curve segment      169-232
Bezier curve segment, connection      213 214
Bezier curve segment, derivatives      198 199
Bezier curve segment, finite difference representation      194 195
Bezier curve segment, increase of degree      204-209
Bezier curve segment, partitioning      209-212
Bezier curve segment, various representation      193-198
Bezier net      217
Bezier polygon      173
Bezier surface patch      216-232
Bezier surface patch, connection      221-226
Bilinear transformation      36
Binomial expansion      182 183
Binormal vector, unit-      28
Blending function      77
Boundary condition matrix      111
C-spline      139
Cartesian product surface patch      132 133
Cauchy's relation      19
Chaikin's algorithm      320-325
Characteristic net      217
Characteristic polygon      173
Circular arc, circle, approximation      78-80 177 178 243-245
Circular arc, circle, approximation by Bezier curve segments      177 178
Circular arc, circle, approximation by cubic B-spline curve segments      243 to 245
Circular arc, circle, approximation by Ferguson curve segments      78-80
Circular arc, circle, approximation error      80 178
Circular arc, circle, approximation, passing through 3 points      354 355
Common perpendicular, length      352 353
Condition for determining a tangent vector to a curve on a surface      48
Conic section      337-346
Connection of Bezier curve segments      213 214
Connection of Bezier surface patches      221-226
Connection of Coons bi-cubic surface patches      96 97 107-109
Connection of curve segments      33-35
Connection of Ferguson surface patches      89-91
Connection of surface patches      57-59
Continuity, clss $C^r$-      20 44
Control point      16
Convex combination      171 241 274
Convex hull property      241 311
Crease      15
Cross partial derivative vector      98 112-122
Cubic spline curves      145-160
Cubic spline curves, using circular arc length      159 160
Curvature      24-27
Curvature of a surface      49-51
Curvature vector      24-27
Curvature, average(mean)      51
Curvature, Gauss-      51
Curvature, normal      50
Curvature, principal      51
Curvature, radius      25
Curvature, total      51
Curve defining polygon      173
Curve generation by geometric processing      320-325
Curve segment, B-spline      233-334
Curve segment, Bezier-      169-232
Curve segment, conic section      337-346
Curve segment, cubic B-spline      233-251
Curve segment, cubic B-spline, geometrical relations among derivatives      342 343
Curve segment, cubic Bezier      169-182
Curve segment, cubic/cubic rational polynomial      346 347
Curve segment, Ferguson-      73-80
Curve segment, Hermite-      72-86
Curve segment, increase of degree      85 86 204-209
Curve segment, Lagrange-      64-71
Curve segment, non-uniform B-spline-      296
Curve segment, rational polynomial      337-350
Curve segment, T-comc      347-350
Curve segment, uniform cubic B-spline      233-251
Cusp      15
Cusp by cubic B-spline curve segments      245
De Boor's algorithm      312-315
Degeneration of a surface patch      44
Degeneration, formation of triangular surface patch      59 to 61
Derivatives of B-sphne curve segments      309-311
Derivatives of Bernstein polynomials      198 199
Derivatives of Bezier curve segments      198 199
Descartes' sign rule      192
Determination of a point by linear operations      199-204
Determination of a point on a B-sphne curve segment by linear operations      312-315
Determination of a point on a cubic Bezier curve segment      178 179
Divided difference      67
Divided difference, interpolation formula with remainder (Newton's formula)      68
ellipse      340
Equation of a normal plane      23
Equation of a plane passing through 3 points      353
Equation of a straight line segment      351
Equation of a tangent plane      46
Equation of an osculating plane      23
Error in approximating a circle      80 178
Finite difference, computation      32 33
Finite difference, determination of a point, on a curve      32 33
Finite difference, determination of a point, on a surface      51-55
Finite difference, matrix      33 52-55
Finite difference, operator      32
Finite difference, representation of a Bezier curve segment      194 195
First fundamental matrix of a surface      46-48
FMILL      89
Forrest's method      117
Frenet frame      29
Frenet - Serret formula      31
Function, B-spline-      236 237 270-273
Function, Bernstein basis-      182 183 189-193
Function, blending-      77
Function, Coons blending-      77
Function, full spline basis-      291
Function, Hermite-      72-83
Function, truncated power-      138
Function, uniform B-spline-      296
Functional determinant      44
Gauss curvature      51
Gauss quadrature      42
Hermite interpolation      72-134
Hermite polynomial      72 -134
Hyperbola      340
Increase of degree of a Bezier curve segment      204-209
Increase of degree of a Ferguson curve segment      85 86
Independence of coordinate axes      12-14
Interpolation, Hermite-      72-134
Interpolation, Lagrange-      64-71
Interpolation, of a sequence of points by a B-sphne curve      247-250 325-327
Interpolation, spline-      135-168
Intersection of 2 curves      43 44
Intersection of 3 planes      354
Intersection of a curve and a plane      43
Invariance of shape under coordinate transformation      18 19
Inverse transformation of a uniform cubic, B-sphne curve      247-250 325-327
Jacobian      44 60-62
Knot, additional      272
Knot, extended      272
Knot, insertion      316-320
Knot, interior      272
Knot, multiple      291
Knot, pseudo      292
Kronecker delta      92
Lagrange's formula      65
Leibnitz' formula      356
Length of a curve      42
Length of a curve, on a surface      47
Length of common perpendicular      352 353
Line segment by a Bezier curve segment      176 177
Line segment by a cubic B-spline curve segment      243
Line segment, perpendicular bisector      351
Local uniqueness      242
Marsden's identity      358 359
Mathematical model      3 4
Matrix representation of a B-spline curve segment      327-329
Matrix, boundary condition-      111
Matrix, finite difference-      33 52-55
Matrix, first fundamental- (of a surface)      46-48
Matrix, second fundamental- (of a surface)      50
Minimal interpolation property      140-144
Model, mathematical      3 4
Model, physical      3 4
Moving frame      29
Net, surface defining-      217
Normal plane      23
Normal plane, equation      23
Normal vector, unit-      46
Normal, principal-      23
Normalized B-spline      273
Offset surfaces      63
Order of spline      136
Ordinary point      20
Osculating plane      23
parabola      342
Parametric cubic curve      31
Parametric representation of a curve      20
Parametric representation of a surface      44
Partitioning of Coons bi-cubic surface patches      122 123
Partitioning of cubic Bezier curve segments      179-182
Partitioning of curve segments      39
Partitioning of Ferguson curve segments      84 85
Pentagonal surface      9 10
Perpendicular bisector of a line segment      351 352
Physical model      3 4
Plane curve, condition to be      29
Plane, normal      23
Plane, osculating      23
Plane, passing through 3 points      353
Plane, rectifying      24
Plane, tangent      46
Plane, vector representation      353
Point, control-      16
Point, inflection-      27
Point, knot-      240
Point, ordinary      20
Point, regular      20
Point, singular      20
Polynomial, Bernstein-      189
Polynomial, Lagrange-      65
Power basis vector      195
Principal normal, vector, unit-      46
Principle of minimizing total bending energy      136 140
Product of differences      64
Property, minimal interpolation-      140-144
Property, of B-spline curve segments      311 312
Property, of Bernstein polynomials      189-193
Property, of Bezier curve segments      189-193
Property, variation diminishing-      192 294 312
Rectifying plane      24
Regular      20
Second fundamental matrix of a surface      50
Shape control, global      16 17
Shape control, local      16 17
Shape control, of a Coons bi-cubic surface patch      126-131
Shift operator      193 194
Singular point      20
SKETCHPAD      3 4
Space curve      14
Space curve, condition to be      29
Spatial uniqueness      11
SPLINE      135-168
Spline curve      145-160
Spline Function      136 137
Spline interpolation      135-168
Spline surface      163-168
Spline, basis-      160-163 270-273
Spline, bending rigidity      136
Spline, by Bezier curve segments      214-216
Spline, C-spline      139
Spline, end conditions of parametric-      151-159
Spline, fundamental      163
Spline, mathematical      136
Spline, minimal interpolation property      140-144
Spline, natural      138-144
Spline, periodic      159
Spline, physical      136
Spline, smoothing      144
Spline, stored bending energy      136
Spline, under tension      7
Subsphne basis      291
Surface of revolution      264
Surface of revolution by cubic B-spline curve segments      264-270
Surface patch, B-sphne-      334 335
Surface patch, Bezier-      216-226
Surface patch, bicubic Coons-      111 112
Surface patch, bilinear      100
Surface patch, Boolean sum type      133
Surface patch, Cartesian product      132
Surface patch, Coons-(1964)      91-101
Surface patch, Coons-(1967)      102-112
Surface patch, Ferguson-      87-91
Surface patch, general B-spline surface      334 335
Surface patch, loft      132
Surface patch, tensor product      132
Surface patch, triangular      228-231
Tangent plane      46
Tangent plane, equation      46
Tangent vector, unit-      21
Tangent, equation of a tangent line      21
Torsion      28
Torsion of a cubic curve      41
Transformation, bilinear      36
Transformation, homographic      36
Transformation, invariance of shape under coordinate-      18 19
Transformation, inverse      247-250 262-264 325-327
Transformation, inverse, curve      247-250 325-327
Transformation, inverse, surface      262-264
Transformation, parameter      35-39
Transformation, rational formula      36
Triangular area coordinate      229
Triangular surface patch      228-231
Triangular surface patch by degeneration      59 60 131 226-228
Truncated power function      138
Twist vector      91 98 104 112-116
Twist vector, method of determination      117 -122
Types of surfaces      132-133
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