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Melo-Pinto P., Teodorescu H.-N., Fukuda T. - Systematic organisation of information in fuzzy systems :: Электронная библиотека попечительского совета мехмата МГУ
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Melo-Pinto P., Teodorescu H.-N., Fukuda T. - Systematic organisation of information in fuzzy systems
Melo-Pinto P., Teodorescu H.-N., Fukuda T. - Systematic organisation  of information in fuzzy systems

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Название: Systematic organisation of information in fuzzy systems

Авторы: Melo-Pinto P., Teodorescu H.-N., Fukuda T.


Several developments in recent years require essential progresses in the field of information processing, especially in information organization and aggregation. The Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) domain specifically needs new methods for information organization and aggregation. On the other hand, the information systems in general, and the Internet-based systems specifically, have reached a bottleneck due to the lack of the right tools for selecting the right information, aggregating information, and making use of the results of these operations. In a parallel development, cognitive sciences, behavioral sciences, economy, sociology, and other human-related sciences, new theoretical tools are needed to deal with and better explain how humans select, organize, and aggregate information in relation to other information processing tasks, goals, and knowledge the individuals have. This volume should be placed in this context and in relation to the development of fuzzy systems theory, specifically for the development of systems for information processing and knowledge discovery. The contributors to this volume review the state of the art and present new evolutions and progresses in the domain of information processing and organization in and by fuzzy systems and other types of systems using uncertain information. Moreover, information aggregation and organization by means of tools offered by fuzzy logic are dealt with. This volume addresses in the first place the graduate students, doctoral students and researchers in computer science and information science. Researchers and doctoral students in other fields, like cognitive sciences, robotics, nonlinear dynamics, control theory, and economy may be interested in several chapters in this volume.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/AI, knowledge/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2003

Количество страниц: 399

Добавлена в каталог: 19.11.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Aggregation      131 141-145
Algorithm      145-150 152
Atanassov, K.T.      161
Baldwin, J.F.      197
Barro, S.      205
Blanco, A.      269
Borgelt, C.      229
Carinena, P.      205
Cellular automaton      136 153
Cellular neural network      136
Certainty factor      132 138 141 144-145
Chaos      134
Circuit      277
Communication      7-10
Constraint      67 205
Control      281
Coupled map network      131-139
DATA      7
Data Mining      89 102 197 203 229
Data quality      89-92 102
Data reliability      89-92 96-102
Decision support system      355
Dynamic behavior      131 153
Dynamic learning      59
Dynamic system      316
Dynamical fuzzy system      179
Dynamics      8 131 141 179 181 185 316
Economy      153
Electronic circuit      137
Evolutionary algorithm      277 287
Evolvable hardware      277
Extension Principle      206 212
f-hypergroup      71
Felix, P.      205
Ferreira, P.J.S.G.      373
Fukuda, T.      359
Fuzzy abstract system      172
Fuzzy algebraic structure      71 74-79
Fuzzy Bayesian net      197
Fuzzy c-means      105 119
Fuzzy cell      137-138
Fuzzy clustering      105 120 129 152
Fuzzy clustering of fuzzy rules      105 120-123
Fuzzy controller      278 281-282 287
Fuzzy coupled map network      136 138 147
Fuzzy database      91 103
Fuzzy evaluation      355
Fuzzy hyperstructure      71
Fuzzy model      105 127
Fuzzy number      71 79-82 206-207
Fuzzy quantity      206-207
Fuzzy relation      82
Fuzzy system      7 132 137 179 185 189 191
Fuzzy temporal profile model      205 207-210
Gaindric, C.      355
Gao, X.-Z.      179
Generalized information theory      23 49
Generalized net      161-168 173
Generalized structure      71
Global operator      165
Granularity      53
Hasegawa, Y.      359
Hierarchical fuzzy model      53
Hierarchical prioritized structure      53 56-65
Hric, M.      321
Hyperoperation      74
Hyperstructure      71 74 85
Imprecise probability      21 35-41 47
Information aggregation      131-132 141-145
Information propagation      156
Information theory      7 49
Information-theoretic network      89
Intuitionistic fuzzy logic      161 167-168 171
Intuitionistic fuzzy set      161
Kandel, A.      89
Klir, G.J.      21
Kosmowski, K.T.      289
Kruse, R.      229
Kwiesielewicz, M.      289
Last, M.      89
Linguistic information      105 111 130
Linguistic information feedback      179 182-186
Linguistic knowledge acquisition      205
Linguistic quantifier      212
Local operator      165
Management of uncertainty      202
mass assignment      199
Matching procedure      223
Matko. D.      307
Message filtering      197
Mixtrinsic evolution      277 283-285
Modeling      132 151
Morabito, F.C.      335
Natural language      206 212
Nikolov, N.G.      161
Opinion aggregation      145
Ordering      53
Ostasiewicz, W.      11
Otero, A.      205
Ovaska, S.J.      179
Parallel collaborative structure      105
Pelta, D.A.      269
Petri net      161
Polymorphic electronics      278 286
Possibility distribution      206 213 219 226
Quantifier      212 218 226
Quasi-ordering      63-65
Re-configurable device      278
Reis, M.J.C.S.      373
Relevance      105 157
Rocha, L.M.      249
Rule clustering algorithm      123
Rules clustering      118
Salgado, P.      105
Similarity relation      71 82-84
Sincak, P.      321
Sociology      153
Stoica, A.      277
Sugeno system      138
Teodorescu, H.-N.      7 131
Time series prediction      194
Tofan, I.      71
Uncertainty      21 40 131 137
Uncertainty principle      21 48-50
Uncertainty-based information      21 42-49
Unsharpeness      11-14
Updation operator      58-59
User modeling      197
Vagueness      11 14
Vascak, J.      321
Verdegay, J.L.      269
Versaci, M.      335
Volf, A.C.      71
Weighted sum      143 151 158
Yager, R.R.      53
Zadeh, L.A.      3
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