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Butenhof D.R. - Programming with POSIX threads :: Электронная библиотека попечительского совета мехмата МГУ
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Butenhof D.R. - Programming with POSIX threads
Butenhof D.R. - Programming with POSIX threads

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Название: Programming with POSIX threads

Автор: Butenhof D.R.


This book offers an in-depth description of the IEEE operating system interface standard, POSIXR (Portable Operating System Interface) threads, commonly called Pthreads. Written for experienced C programmers, but assuming no previous knowledge of threads, the book explains basic concepts such as asynchronous programming, the lifecycle of a thread, and synchronization. You then move to more advanced topics such as attributes objects, thread-specific data, and realtime scheduling. An entire chapter is devoted to "real code," with a look at barriers, read/write locks, the work queue manager, and how to utilize existing libraries. In addition, the book tackles one of the thorniest problems faced by thread programmers-debugging-with valuable suggestions on how to avoid code errors and performance problems from the outset.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/Языки программирования/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1997

Количество страниц: 381

Добавлена в каталог: 11.11.2005

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Предметный указатель
Abort thread      361
aio_read      230
aio_write      230
Allocation domain      181-183
Amdahl's Law      21-22 297
ANSIC and cancellation      151
ANSIC and deadlocks      298
ANSIC and destructor functions      168
ANSIC and fork handlers      199-200
ANSIC and kernel entities      189-190
ANSIC and priority inversions      300
ANSIC and sequence races      296
ANSIC and signals      217
ANSIC and threading      24-25
ANSIC prototype for Pthread interfaces      310-346
ANSIC, library, runtime      284
ANSIC, void*, use of      311 See
Apple Macintosh toolbox      23
asctime_r (function)      213 339-340
Assembly language and threading      24-25
Assembly line      See Pipeline programming model
Async-signal safe functions      198 234
Asynchronous and UNIX      9-11. See also Memory visibility
Asynchronous cancelability      150-154 249
Asynchronous communication between processes      8
Asynchronous I/O operations      22-23
Asynchronous programming      8-12 15-21
Asynchronous sigwait      227-230
Asynchronous, definition of      2 4
atomicity      61 72-73 93
Attribute objects and detaching      37 43 231
Attribute objects, condition variable attributes      137-138
Attribute objects, definition of      134-135
Attribute objects, mutex attributes      135-136 185
Attribute objects, thread attributes      138-141 174 181 231
Bailing programmers, barriers analogy      242
Bailing programmers, cancellation analogy      143
Bailing programmers, condition variable analogy      71
Bailing programmers, mutex analogy      47-48
Bailing programmers, overview of      3-4
Bailing programmers, thread-specific data analogy      162-163
Barriers and synchronization, extended      242-253. See also Condition variables; Mutexes
Barriers, definition of      241
Barriers, memory      92-95
Barriers, POSIX 1003.1j      358
Blocking threads      42
Broadcast and condition variables      72-76 80-82
Broadcast and memory visibility      89
Broadcast and work crews      109
C language      See ANSI C
Cache lines      304-305
Cancellation, asynchronous      150-154 249
Cancellation, cleanup handlers      147 154-161
Cancellation, deferred      147-150 249
Cancellation, definition of      142-147
Cancellation, fail-safe in POSIX 1003.1j      361
Cancellation, interfaces      323-325
Cancellation, points in XSH5      355-356
Cancellation, points, list of      147-148
Cancellation, state      143-144
Cancellation, type      143-144
Cleanup handlers      147 154-161
Client server programming model      120-129
clock_gettime (function)      13
CLOCK_MONOTONIC (value)      360
Code      See Programs examples
Communication      See Condition variables
Computing overhead and threads      26
Concurrency and parallelism      5-6
Concurrency, and thread implementation      190. See also Asynchronous; Threads
Concurrency, benefit of threading      22-24
Concurrency, control functions, definition of      7-8
Concurrency, definition of      4-5
Concurrency, level in XSH5      351-353
Concurrency, serialization, avoidance of      302-303
Condition variables and blocked threads      42
Condition variables and client-server programming model      121
Condition variables and pipeline programming model      101
Condition variables and semaphores      237
Condition variables and thread-safety      6-7
Condition variables and work crew programming model      107. See also Barriers; Mutexes; Predicates; Signals
Condition variables, as a synchronization mechanism      4 8 30 70-73
Condition variables, attributes      137-138
Condition variables, broadcasting      81-82
Condition variables, creating and destroying      74-76
Condition variables, definition of      8
Condition variables, interfaces      319-322
Condition variables, sharing, avoidance of      300
Condition variables, signaling      81-82
Condition variables, wait clock (POSIX 1003.1j)      359-361
Condition variables, waiting on      77-81
Condition variables, waking waiters      81-82
Contention scope      181-183
Context structure      6-7
critical sections      46
ctime_r (function)      213 340
DCE threads      154 290 353
Deadlocks and lock hierarchy      63-69
Deadlocks and signals      215
Deadlocks and thread-safe libraries      284-285. See also Priority inversions
Deadlocks, avoidance of      26-27 297-299
Debugging, threads, and costs of threading      13 27-28
Debugging, threads, cache lines      304-305
Debugging, threads, concurrent serialization, avoidance of      302-303
Debugging, threads, condition variable sharing, avoidance of      300
Debugging, threads, deadlocks, avoidance of      297-299
Debugging, threads, introduction to      13
Debugging, threads, memory corrupters, avoidance of      301
Debugging, threads, mutexes, right number of      303-304
Debugging, threads, priority inversions, avoidance of      299-300
Debugging, threads, thread inertia, avoidance of      291-293
Debugging, threads, thread race, avoidance of      293-297
Debugging, threads, tools for      290 302.
Default mutexes      349-351
Deferred cancelability      147-150 249
Destructor functions      167-172
Detach and multiple threads      17-19
Detach and thread attributes      138-141
Detach, creating and using threads      37-39
Detach, termination      43
Digital UNIX, detecting memory corrupters      301
Digital UNIX, mutex error detection and reporting      311
Digital UNIX, programming examples, introduction to      12-13
Digital UNIX, SIGEV-THREAD implementation      231
Digital UNIX, thread debugging library      290
Dijkstra, Edsger W.      47
Directory searching function      212
EAGAIN (error)      314 318 326 344 353
EBUSY (error)      49 58 65 318-321 345
EDEADLK (error)      32 318-319 346
EINTR (error)      346
EINVAL (error)      312-326 343-346 351-355
Encapsulation      24 75
ENOMEM (error)      313 317-321 326 336
ENOSPC (error)      345
ENOSYS (error)      312-316 344-346
ENXIO (error)      355
EOVERFLOW (error)      355
EPERM (error)      318 345
ERANGE (error)      210 341-342
errno      31-34 117 228
errno.h (header file)      32-33
errno_abort      33-34
Error detection and reporting      310-311
Errorcheck mutexes      349-351
Errors, EAGAIN      314 318 326 344 353
Errors, EBUSY      49 58 65 318-321 345
Errors, EDEADLK      32 318-319 346
Errors, EINTR      346
Errors, EINVAL      312-326 343-346 351-355
Errors, ENOMEM      313 317-321 326 336
Errors, ENOSPC      345
Errors, ENOSYS      312-316 344-346
Errors, ENXIO      355
Errors, EOVERFLOW      355
Errors, EPERM      318 345
Errors, ERANGE      210 341-342
Errors, ESPIPE      355
Errors, ESRCH      32 314 323 343
Errors, ETIMEDOUT      78 80 86 322
errors.h (header file)      13
err_abort      33-34
ESPIPE (error)      355
ESRCH (error)      32 314 323 343
ETIMEDOUT (error)      78 80 86 322
Events and concurrency      23-24
Events as a synchronization mechanism      8
exec      204
Execution context, architectural overview      30
Execution context, definition of      7-8
fgets (function)      14
flockfile (function)      121 205-207 336-337
Fork in asynchronous program      15 19
Fork, definition of      197-198
Fork, handlers      199-203 336
FTHREAD_MUTEX_DEFAULT (value)      349-351
ftrylockfile (function)      207 337
funlockfile (function)      121 205-207 337
Gallmeister, Bill      294
getc (function)      207
getchar (function)      207
getchar_unlocked (function)      207-209 338
getc_unlocked (function)      207-208 337
getgrgid_r (function)      341
getgrnam_r (function)      341
getlogin_r (function)      210 339
getpwnam_r (function)      342
getpwuid_r (function)      342
gmtime_r (function)      340
Group and user database function      213-214
Hard realtime      172-173
I/O operations and blocked threads      42
I/O operations and cancellation points      148-149
I/O operations and concurrency      22-23
I/O operations, candidate for threads      29
I/O operations, parallel in XSH5      354-355
inheritsched (attribute)      138-141 176
Initial (main) thread and creation      40-42
Initial (main) thread, initialization, onetime      131-134
Initial (main) thread, overview of      36-37
Initial (main) thread, signal mask      216
Initialization      131-134
Invariants and condition variables      71 75
Invariants and mutexes      61-64. See also Predicates
Invariants, definition of      45-46
Join      37-39 139 145
JPOSIX_THREAD_ATTR_STACKSIZE (option)      139 308 348
Kernel entities and contention scope thread      182
Kernel entities, implementation of      189
Kernel entities, many to few (two level)      193-195
Kernel entities, many to one (user level)      190-191
Kernel entities, one to one (kernel level)      191-193
Kernel entities, setting in XSH5      351-353
Libraries for debugging      290
Libraries, implementation      190
Libraries, legacy      285-287
Libraries, thread-safe      283-285
Light weight processes      1
limits.h (file header)      308
localtime_r (function)      340
LWP      See Kernel entities
Main (initial) thread and creation      40-42
Main (initial) thread, initialization, one time      131-134
Main (initial) thread, overview of      36-37
Main (initial) thread, signal mask      216
Many to few (two level) implementation      193-195
Many to one (user level) implementation      190-191
Memory, barriers      92-95
Memory, coherence      47 92
Memory, conflict      94
Memory, corrupters, avoidance of      301
Memory, leaks      198
Memory, ordering      48 90 92-93
Memory, stack guard size in XSH5      353-354
Memory, visibility      26 88-95 294
Message queues      30
Microsoft Windows      23
MIMD (multiple instruction, multiple data)      107
MPP (Massively Parallel Processor)      5
Multiprocessors and allocation domain      182
Multiprocessors and concurrency      1 4-5
Multiprocessors and deadlock      65
Multiprocessors and parallelism      5-6 20-22
Multiprocessors and thread implementation      191-193
Multiprocessors and thread inertia      291-293
Multiprocessors and thread race      293-297
Multiprocessors, candidate for threads      29
Multiprocessors, definition of      5
Multiprocessors, memory architecture      91-95
Multithreaded programming model      See Threads
Mutexes and atomicity      61 72-73
Mutexes and blocked threads      42 51
Mutexes and client-server programming model      121
Mutexes and deadlocks      26-27 63 66-69 297-299
Mutexes and invariants      61-64
Mutexes and pipeline programming model      100-101
Mutexes and thread-safety      6-7 62
Mutexes and work crew programming model      108-110. See also Barriers; Condition variables; Memory visibility;
Mutexes, and semaphores      236
Mutexes, as a synchronization mechanism      8 30
Mutexes, attributes      135-136
Mutexes, creating and destroying      49-51
Mutexes, definition of      8 47-49
Mutexes, interfaces      316-319
Mutexes, lock chaining      70
Mutexes, lock hierarchy      63-70
Mutexes, locking and unlocking      52-58
Mutexes, multiple, use of      63-64
Mutexes, non-blocking locks      58-61
Mutexes, number of      303-304
Mutexes, priority ceiling      186-187 300
Mutexes, priority inheritance      186-188 300 307
Mutexes, priority inversions      26-27 63 184-186 299-300
Mutexes, priority-aware      185-186
Mutexes, sizing of      62-63
Mutexes, types in XSH5      349-351
Mutually exclusive      See Mutexes
Network servers and clients      22-23
Normal mutexes      349-351
NULL (value)      167
Object oriented programming and threading      25
One to one (kernel level) implementation      191-193
opaque      31 36 163
Open Software Foundation's Distributed Computing Environment      154
Paradigms      25
Parallel decomposition      See Work crews
Parallelism and asynchronous programming      11-12
Parallelism and thread-safety      6-7. See also Concurrency
Parallelism, benefit of threading      20-25
Parallelism, candidate for threads      29
Parallelism, definition of      5-6
Performance and mutexes      62-63
Performance as a benefit of threading      20-22
Performance as a cost of threading      26
Performance, problems, avoidance of      302-305
Pipeline programming model      97-105
Pipes      30
Polymorphism      24
POSIX 1003, 1 (ISO/IEC 9945-1:1996)      29-30
POSIX 1003, 1-1990      31 209
1 2 3
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