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Raine D.J., Thomas E.G. - An Introduction to the Science of Cosmology :: Электронная библиотека попечительского совета мехмата МГУ
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Raine D.J., Thomas E.G. - An Introduction to the Science of Cosmology
Raine D.J., Thomas E.G. - An Introduction to the Science of Cosmology

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Название: An Introduction to the Science of Cosmology

Авторы: Raine D.J., Thomas E.G.


An introduction to modern ideas on cosmology and on the physical basis of the general theory of relativity. The title reflects the authors contention that the remarkable degree of isotropy, rather than the expansions, can be regarded as the central observational feature of the universe. The various theories and ideas in "big bang" cosmology are discussed, providing an insight into current problems. The book is written at an intermediate level, beyond that of the many elementary books on cosmology, as an introduction to the more advanced works and research literature.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/Гравитационное взаимодействие/Космология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2001

Количество страниц: 220

Добавлена в каталог: 27.09.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
$\beta$-Decay      144
2DF survey      182
Absorption timescale      149
Acceleration equation      75
Adiabatic fluctuations      196
Adiabatic perturbations      192 193 197
Age      83 85 86 88 118 119
Age problem      122
Angular correlation function      202
Angular diameter      104
Anthropic principle      207
Anti-helium      38
Apparent magnitude      107
Axions      34 35
B-violation      139
Baryogenesis      138 174
Baryonic matter      30 33
Bias      187
Binding energy      144
Blackbody radiation      156
blue shift      10
Bolometric luminosity      108
Boltzmann formula      144
BOOMERANG      199 200
Bosons      130
Bottom-up galaxy formation      180
Bremsstrahlung      48 138
Bubble collisions      172
Carbon      146
Cepheid variables      14
Chaotic inflation      176
chemical potential      130 144 154
Closed space      70
Cluster correlation function      187
Cluster mass      30
COBE satellite      43 45 54 57 198
Cold dark matter      180 197 198
Coleman - Weinberg potential      175
Coma cluster      32
Comoving observers      70
Comoving volume      24
Compton scattering      48 138 150
Copernican Principle      11
Correlation function      183 202
Cosmic background radiation      18 45 46
Cosmic strings      176 194
Cosmic time      71
Cosmic-rays      38 42
Cosmological constant      75 87 113
Cosmological principle      11 13 17 46 58 65 71
Cosmological principle, perfect      48
CP symmetry      35
CP violation      139
Critical density      21 77 88 121
Curvature perturbations      192
Curved spacetime      64 65
Dark energy      97
Dark matter      24 27 30 31 34-36 180 197
Dark matter, CDMS collaboration      37
Dark matter, DAMA      37
Deceleration parameter      16
Degrees of freedom      131 212
Density contrast      200
Density correlation function      201
Density parameter      21 78-80 142
Deuterium      31 145
Dipole anisotropy      47 53
Dipole fluctuation      199
Distance ladder      14
domain walls      176
Dominant energy condition      97
Doppler effect      11 73
Doppler peak      199
Doppler shift      10 15 26 49 199
Double Compton scattering      138
Dust model      78
Einstein model      98
Einstein-de Sitter      80 82 92
Electron-positron annihilation      140
Electron-positron pairs      158
Element abundances      146
Elliptical galaxies      28
Energy conservation      53
Energy conservation, conservation equation      74
Energy density      51 131
entropy      52 140 141 209
Entropy conservation      140
Entropy density      141 158
Entropy per baryon      159
Entropy, density      52
Entropy, per baryon      52 58
Equation of state      75 78 90 96 169
Euclidean geometry      61 65 69
expansion      11
Expansion timescale      137
Faint blue galaxies      117
False vacuum      168 173 176
Fermi-Dirac spectrum      130
fermions      130
Field equations      64 74 75
Flatness problem      121 165
FLRW models      61 75
Fluctuation spectrum      180 194
Flux      108
Free fall      62
Free-free absorption      149
Free-streaming      197
Friedmann      60
Friedmann equation      74 79
Fundamental observers      70
Galactic magnetic field      41 42
Galaxy      55
Galaxy catalogues      181
Galaxy clusters      13 23 29
Galaxy correlation function      186
Galaxy distribution      183
Galaxy formation      165 176
Gamma-ray background      56
Gamov criterion      137
General relativity      62
Globular clusters      118 119
Gravitational lenses      32
Gravitational lensing      119
Gravitational waves      44
Great Attractor      55
Gunn - Peterson test      33
GUT era      138
Guth      173
GUTs      175
Harrison - Zeldovich spectrum      195 196
Helium      118 130 145 146 207
Hertzprung - Russel diagram      118
Higgs field      175 176
Hipparcos      14
Homogeneity      67
Homogeneous anisotropy      205
Horizon distance      120
Horizon problem      120 164
Hot dark matter      180 197
Hubble      14 60
Hubble constant      16
Hubble flow      14
Hubble parameter      15 80
Hubble plot      107 111
Hubble Space Telescope      14
Hubble sphere      93 100 166
Hubble telescope      33
Hubble's Law      14 74
Hyperbolic geometry      69
Inflation      163 166 170
Inflaton      168 172
Infrared background      43
Intracluster gas      30 31 57
Isocurvature perturbations      192 193
Isothermal fluctuations      196
Isothermal perturbations      193
Isotropy      11 45 67
Jeans' mass      191-193
K-correction      110
Kasner solution      206
Kinetic equilibrium      138
Las Campanas      182
Last scattering      153
Latent heat      173
Lemaitre      60
Lemaitre redshift relation      50
Lemaitre redshift rule      71
Lepton number      143
Light cones      93 95
Light elements      146
Line element      64
Liouville's theorem      133
Local Group      11 28
Luminosity evolution      117
Luminosity function      25
Mach's principle      208
Magnetic monopoles      176
Main sequence      118
MAP satellite      22 113 199
Mass conservation      78
mass density      21 23 30
Mass fluctuations      201
Mass to light      24 25 27 28 30
Massive neutrinos      34
Matter dominated      78
Matter radiation equality      90 135
Mattig relation      102
Maxima      199 200
Maxwell - Boltzmann distribution      132
Metric      64
Milne model      98
Negative pressure      76 97 169
Neutralinos      34 36
Neutrino background      34 44 129 155
Neutrinos      34 35 140 157
Neutron freeze-out      143 148
Neutron lifetime      144
New inflation      174
Newtonian interpretation      81
Nucleosynthesis      30 33 142
Number counts      113
Olber's paradox      18
Open space      70
Optical background      43
Particle horizon      95
Perfect gas      130
Phase transition      167 172 174
Photon number      142 157
Photon-to-baryon ratio      146
Planck satellite      22 113 199
Planck spectrum      50 51 130
Poisson's equation      188
Power spectrum      198 201
Principle of equivalence      62
Proper distance      69 93
Proper time      62 63
Proper volume      70
Quadrupole fluctuation      199
Quantum fluctuations      167 172
Quantum tunnelling      172 175
Quintessence      97
Radiation dominated      90 136 166
Radiation pressure      52
Radiation temperature      128
Radiation Universe      90
Radio background      41
Radio galaxies      106
Random distribution      184
Random walk      149
Recession velocity      12
Recombination      151
Redshift      10
Redshift surveys      181
Reheat temperature      174
Reheating      173
Relativistic matter      91
Rest frame      55
Robertson - Walker metric      66 68 70 71 73 74
Robertson - Walker models      61
Rotation      208
Rotation curve      26
Saha equation      145 152 159
Scale factor      12 15 65
Schecter function      25
Shear      205 207
Silk mass      194
Singularities      206
Singularity problem      122
Sloan survey      182
Slow-roll      171 176
Spacetime diagram      92
Special relativity      62
Spherical geometry      69
Spiral galaxies      26 27
Standard candle      14 107 110
Static universe      60
Steady-state theory      48
Stiff matter      97 169
Strong energy condition      123
Super Kamiokande      38
Superclusters      182 193
Supernovae      14 30 111
Supersymmetry      36
Symmetry breaking      167 175 176
Temperature-time relation      91
Therm alization      138 174
Thermal equilibrium      48 138 154
Thomson cross section      140
Thomson scattering      148
Tilt      172
Time dilation      74 124
Timescale test      118
Tired light      124
Top-down galaxy formation      180 193
Two-point correlation function      184
VACUUM      167
Vacuum energy      171
Velocity-distance law      13 73 74 94
Virgo Supercluster      14 38
Virial theorem      24 28 39
Voids      182 197
Warm dark matter      197
Weak energy condition      97
WIMPS      34 36
World map      92
World picture      92
X-bosons      138
X-ray background      44 56
X-ray dipole      56
X-rays      31 33
Zeldovich - Sunyaev effect      154
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