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Berry M.W., Browne M. - Understanding Search Engines: Mathematical Modeling and Text Retrieval :: Электронная библиотека попечительского совета мехмата МГУ
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Berry M.W., Browne M. - Understanding Search Engines: Mathematical Modeling and Text Retrieval
Berry M.W., Browne M. - Understanding Search Engines: Mathematical Modeling and Text Retrieval

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Название: Understanding Search Engines: Mathematical Modeling and Text Retrieval

Авторы: Berry M.W., Browne M.


The second edition of this text covers many of the key design issues for building search engines, emphasizing the important role that applied mathematics plays in improving information retrieval. Important data structures, algorithms, and software are discussed, as well as user-centered issues such as interfaces, manual indexing, and document preparation.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: Second edition

Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 117

Добавлена в каталог: 16.04.2010

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Anthropomorphism      92
Arnoldi      58 98
Ask Jeeves      17 91
Baeza-Yates      98 101
Banded      38
Basis      46 47 61
Bayesian models      6
Berry      98
Bitmap      27
Blogs      78
Boolean      64 65 68
Boolean operator      10 64 65 94
Boolean Query      65
Boolean search      7 65
Brin      78 84
C      90
C++      90
Cinahl Information Systems      16
Cleverdon      3
Clustering      38 43
Column, pivoting      47-49
Column, space      46 51 52 59 61
Compressed column storage (CCS)      38 39
Compressed row storage (CRS)      38 39
Contiguous word phrase      24 25 64 67
Controlled vocabularies      37
coordinates      43 57
Cornell University      4 20 77
Cosine      33 36 43 49 57
Cosine, threshold      33 50
Data compression      20
Dense matrix      58
Diagonal      48 51
DICTIONARY      21 23 30
Disambiguation      19
Document file      3 11 21
Document purification      12
Drmac      98
Dumais      98
Dynamic collections      59
Eckart and Young      52
Euclidean distance      6
Faloutsos      98
Fierro      98
FLAMENCO      101
Folding-in      59 61
formal public identifier (FPI)      14
FORTRAN      58
Frakes      98
Fuzzy      67
Genetic algorithms      75
Geometric relationships      55
Golub      98
Google      15 17 18 78 84 85 87 88 91 100
Googlebombing      78
H.W. Wilson Company      16
Harman      71 75 98
Harwell - Boeing      39
Hearst      101
Huffman coding      27
Human-computer interaction (HCI)      89 95 100
Hyperlink induced topic search (HITS)      77 78 80 82 88
Hypertext-based matrices      38
Indegree      82
Indexing, automatic      3 16-18 32 35
Indexing, conceptual      34 42
Indexing, manual      2 3 14 17
Indexing, submission      17
Inlink      82
Inner product      47
Integer programming      58
Interaction Design Laboratory      90 101
Inverse document frequency (IDF)      36
Inversion list      21 24 68
Inverted file, compressed      20 27
Inverted file, structure      21 23 26
Inverted file, system      25
Java      90
Jessup      98
Kleinberg      77
Kolda      98
Korfhage      11 71 72 75 97
Kowalski      3 19 23 67 97
Kumar      100
Lanczos      58 98
Langville      xiii 100
LAPACK      58 99
Latent semantic indexing (LSI)      6 7 9 34 42 51 58 63 72 76 77 84 98
Lehoucq      99
Lempel      79
Linear algebra      xii xvi 34
Linear, combination      55
Linear, independence      41
Lnu      37
Logistic regression      6
Low-rank approximation      42 43 48 55 98
Marchionini      69 71 72 90 95 101
Markov chain      84
Markov chain, irreducible      85
MATLAB      46 58
Matrix, authority      81
Matrix, decompositions      7
Matrix, factorizations      43
Matrix, Google      85
Matrix, hub      81
Matrix, row stochastic      85
Matrix, transition probability      84
Medical Subject Headings Index (MeSH)      15
Medical text indexer (MTI)      15
Medline      15
Memory      59
Metathesaurus      19
Meyer      100
Moran      79
n-grams      23
National Library of Medicine      15 19
Negative elements      55
Neighborhood graph      81
Nielsen      91 94
Noise      49
noise reduction      34
Norm, Euclidean      30 45
Norm, Frobenius      48
Norm, vector      30 33
Normalization, cosine      37
Normalization, document      33 35 37
Normalization, item      4 13 19
Normalization, matrix      31
Normalization, pivoted-cosine      37
Normalization, term frequency      35
O'Brien      98
O'Leary      98
OCR scanners      13
Off-diagonal      51
Orthogonal      45 60 61
Orthonormal      45 60
Outdegree      82
Outlink      82 84
Page (Lawrence)      78 84
PageRank      78 79 84
PageRank, implementation      87
PageRank, updating      87
Partitioning      47 48
PAT trees      23
Permutation matrix      48
Perturbation matrix      49
Pivot      37
Plaisant      89-91 93 94 100
Polysemy      32 34 66 75
PRECISION      34 68 73-76
Precision, average      74
Probabilistic modeling      69
probability      37
Processing tokens      64
Professional indexers      49
Projected document      59
Projected query      57
Projected term      61
Proximity      24 64 68
Pseudo-precision      74
PubMed      15
QR factorization      34 45 55 56 58
Query, binding      63 64
Query, Boolean      65
Query, fuzzy      67 69
Query, matching      7 32 43 55
Query, natural language (NLQ)      64-66
Query, probabilistic      68 69
Query, term      67
Query, thesaurus      66
Query, vector      75
Raghavan      100
Rajagopalan      100
Rank      48
Rank reduction      34 45 50 51 54
ranking      71
Ranking, binary      72
Ranking, relative      72
Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature      16
Recall      34 68 73
Relation Attribute Viewer (RAVE)      90
Relevance      73
Relevance, feedback      8 71 75
Relevance, judgment      41
Relevancy      68
reordering      38
Ribeiro-Neto      98 101
Row space      51
Salton      4 75
Scaled document vector      57
Search engine optimization (SEO)      12
Search Engine Watch      100
Semantics      29 34 47 55
Semidiscrete decomposition (SDD)      7 58 98
Shneiderman      89-91 93-95 100
Signature, block      26
Signature, file      26 27
Similarity measures      69
Simon      98
Singletons      20
Singular value decomposition (SVD)      7 34 51 53 55 57-59 76 98
Sitelines      100
slope      37
SMART      4 20 37
Sorensen      99
spamming      88
Sparse, matrix storage      38
Sparse, storage      58
Sparse, vector      33
Stemming      13 20 32
Stemming, automatic      21
Stemming, Porter      21
Stochastic approach for link structure analysis (SALSA)      79
Stop list      13 20 22 30
subspace      33 59
Subspace iteration      58
Sullivan      100
Synonymy      32 34 43 75
Teoma      78 100
Term, extraction      12
Term, frequency      30 34 39
Term, weighting      2 29 30 34 55
Term-by-document matrix      4 6 29 30 75 98
Thesaurus      64 67
Token, analysis      12
Token, characterization      19
Token, processing      19 23
Topic drift      84 88
Trace minimization      58
TREC      37
Truncated      53
ULV decomposition      58 98
Uncertainty      34 40 49 54
Unified medical language system (UMLS)      19
Updating      59
Upper triangular      48
usage patterns      43
User interface      89
User interface, error messages      93
User interface, form fill-in      91
User interface, progress indicator      92
Validation      14
Validation services      14
van Loan      98
Vector space model      xii xvi 2 4 7 10 29 51 55 63 68 72 91 98
Vector-based      9
Vine      100
Vivisimo      94
weblogs      78
Weighting, binary      35 37
Weighting, entropy      36
Weighting, GfIdf      36
Weighting, global      36
Weighting, local      35
Weighting, logarithmic      35
Weighting, normal      36
Weighting, probabilistic inverse      36
Witten      97
Workingfaster.com      100
Wurman      2
Yahoo!      15 17 18 91
Zha      98
zoning      12 24
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