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Greiner W., Schramm S., Stein E. - Quantum chromodynamics :: Электронная библиотека попечительского совета мехмата МГУ
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Greiner W., Schramm S., Stein E. - Quantum chromodynamics
Greiner W., Schramm S., Stein E. - Quantum chromodynamics

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Название: Quantum chromodynamics

Авторы: Greiner W., Schramm S., Stein E.


The book is a self-contained introduction to perturbative and nonperturbative quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) with worked-out exercises for students of theoretical physics. It will be useful as a reference for research scientists as well. Starting with the hadron spectrum, the reader becomes familiar with the representations of SU(N). Relativistic quantum field theory is recapitulated, and scattering theory is discussed in the framework of scalar quantum electrodynamics. Then the gauge theory of quarks and gluons is introduced. In the more advanced chapters, perturbative and nonperturbative techniques in state-of-the-art QCD are discussed in great detail. This completely revised and enlarged second edition will fill the gap in the literature.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/Квантовая теория поля/Квантовая хромодинамика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: second edition

Год издания: 2002

Количество страниц: 506

Добавлена в каталог: 09.09.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
$F_L$ and $F_2$      334
$\beta$-function      214 215 305 306-308 374
$\beta$-function, third order      216
$\overline{MS}$ scheme      375
Aharonov - Bohm effect      154
anomalies      66 217 227
Anomalies axial      221 232 358
Anomalies scale      234
Anomalous dimensions      279 281 312 313 434
Aproximation, one-photon      417
Asymptotic expansion      369 381
asymptotic freedom      308
Asymptotic series      379
axial anomaly      221 232 358
Axial current      219 225
Axial gauge      413
Axial transformation      219
Background field      231
Background field technique      226
Bag pressure      127
Balitsky - Fadin - Kuraev - Lipatov equation (BFKL equation)      435
Bjorken limit      290 295 296 429
Bjorken sum rule      360 368 378 379
Bjorken variable      345 364
Bloch-Nordsieck theorem      253 389 395
Borel plane      371
Borel representation      370
Borel summable      370
Borel transform      382
Borel transformation      376 507
Breit system      101 246
Bremsstrahlung      249 258
Callan - Gross relation      250 298 328 329
Callan - Symanzik equations      307
Canonical dimensions      365
Casimir energy      137
Charge screening      181
chiral condensate      484
Chiral symmetry      492
Chiral symmetry, Goldstone boson      494
Chiral symmetry, PCAC      495
Coefficient functions      316 325
Collinear expansion      422 425
COLOR      165
Color string      405
Compton forward scattering      326
Compton forward scattering, amplitude      240 373
Compton scattering      238
Compton scattering, amplitude      316
Compton scattering, high-energy behavior      429
Conservation laws      1
Contour integration      323
Corrections, higher-twist      364
Correlation function      445
Coupling axial vector      294
Coupling renormalized      200 213 307
Coupling running      178 179 215 308 317 375
Coupling vector      294
CP violation      161
Cross section $e^+e^-$ pair annihilation      164
Cross section Drell - Yan      387 392 407
Cross section method gluonic contribution to Fl      352
Cross-section method      344
CTEQ      283
Current factorization      71
Cutkosky      427
d-dimensional Fourier transform      195
d-dimensional Gaussian integral      186
d-dimensional integral      184 193
Deep inelastic scattering      237 364
Deep inelastic scattering, lepton-nucleon      425
DESY      262 385 428
Detailed balance      463
Diagrams "cat ear"      319
Diagrams "handbag"      319
Dilogarithm      394
Dimensional regularization      182 189 210
Dirac equation      17
Dirac equation, covariant normalization      23
Dirac equation, current density      20
Dirac equation, Gordon decomposition      79
Dirac sea      219 224
Distribution function      254 260 424
Distribution function parametrizations      279
Distribution function singlet      260
Divergence, logarithmic      182 189
Double logarithmic approximation      433
Drell - Yan factorization      417
Drell - Yan heavy photon      409
Drell - Yan one-gluon contribution      408
Drell - Yan process      385
Drell - Yan process phenomenology      403
Ellis - Jaffe sum rule      360
EMC effect      255
Evolution equations      311
Factorial growth      372
Factorization      315
Factorization Drell - Yan      417
Fadeev - Popov      176
Fermi constant      94
Fermi's theory      93
Fermion bubbles      373 398
Fermion propagator      456
Feynman parameters      193 201 330 332
Feynman parametrization      198
Feynman propagator      318
Feynman rules for QCD      170
Fierz transformation      419
Fierz transformation color space      420
Flavor SU(3)      3
form factors      69
Froissart bound      431
Gamma function      192 194
Gauge axial      413
Gauge Feynman      177 240 413
Gauge fixing      177
Gauge Fock - Schwinger      229 231
Gauge invariance      23 54 69 209 220
Gauge invariance, minimal coupling      23
Gauge Landau      174 177 215 375
Gauge light-like      243
Gauge Lorentz      242
Gauge Lorentz condition      32 49
Gauge parallel transport      57
Gauge principle      447
Gauge theory      163
Gauge theory $SU(2) \times U(1)$      160
Gauge theory covariant derivative      156
Gauge theory renormalizability      159
Gauge theory spontaneous symmetry reaking      158
Gauge theory spontaneous symmetry reaking, standard model      153
Gauge theory symmetry      154
Gauge transverse      174
Gaussian integral      187
Gell - Mann matrices      329 336 420
Gell - Mann - Nishijima formula      162
Gell - Mann - Nishijima relation      9
Generating function      370
Ghost fields      173 176 209
Ghost loop      209
GLAP equation      237 256 257 259 261 263 311
Gluon effective propagator      375
Gluon loop      204
Gluon screening mass      536
Grassmann algebra      459
Gribov - Levin - Ryskin equation (GLR equation)      436
Groups adjoint representation      7
Groups Casimir operator      5
Groups hypercharge      9
Groups ladder operators      8
Groups Schur's lemma      14
Groups SU(3)      11 361
Gursey - Radicati mass formula      75
Hadron models, hybrid bag models      140
Hadron models, MIT bag model      75 122 123
Hadron models, potential models      75
Hadron models, Skyrmion bag model      75
Hadron models, SU(6) wave function      147
Heavy photon decay      411
Heavy-ion collision Bjorken picture      534
Heavy-ion collision shock waves      534
HERA      262 428
High-temperature phase, phase transition      528
Hypercharge      167
Inelasticity parameter      95
Infrared slavery      308
Instanton-antiinstanton, singularities      371
K factor      397
Klein - Gordon equation      25
Klein - Gordon equation, current density      26
Klein - Gordon equation, Euclidean      454
Lambda parameter      216
Lattice pseudo fermion      468
Lattice space      442
Lattice time      441
Leading-logarithm approximation      398-400 428
Light-cone expansion      291
Lightlike vectors      420 425
Link variable      448
Link variable average      471
Longitudinal structure function $F_L$      329
Lyapunov exponent      537
Mandelstam variables      36 100 241 245 348 387
Markov chain      463
Matsubara frequencies      481
Minimal coupling      28
Monte Carlo methods      462
Monte Carlo methods, Langevin algorithm      464
Monte Carlo methods, Metropolis algorithm      464
Monte Carlo methods, microcanonical algorithm      466
Multigluon emission      399
Nachtmann variable      314 364
Naive non-Abelianization      374
One-photon approximation      417
Ope      316 318
Operator      365 367
Operator product expansion      290 293 298 315 364 488
Operator twist-2      301 367
Operator, axial vector      321
Operator, bilocal      295 299 320
Operator, higher twist      325 367
Operator, local      295
Operator, matrix element      295 301 303
Operator, spin      365
Operator, vector      321
Optical theorem      310 316 324
Parallel transport      447
Partition function      443
Parton distributions, parametrizations      283
Parton model      296
Parton tensor      345
Partons      98
Partons distribution functions      108
path integral      440
Path integral phase space      445
Path integral quantum field theory      447
Path integral trajectories      440
Perturbation expansion      439
Perturbation expansion, break down      439
Perturbation theory      205
Perturbation theory, higher orders      368
Phase space Lorentz invariant      346
Phase space two-particle      347
Phase transition chiral      531
Phase transition deconfinement      530
Photon propagator      51
plaquette      450
Plaquette strong coupling      474
Plaquette weak coupling      474
Polarization gluon      242
Polarization photon      242
Pomeron      430
Proca equation      45
Propagator fermion      318
Propagator gluon      173
Propagator magnetic moment      150
Propagator photon      177
Propagator proton      150
Propagator quark      173
QCD Euclidean formulation      443
QCD ground state, energy density      522
QCD ground state, Spaghetti vacuum      513
QCD lattice formulation      440
qed      169 179 398
QED $\beta$ function      374
Qquarks confinement potential      477
quark-gluon plasma      483
Quarks      10
Quarks color      10
Quarks confinement      169
Quarks confinement distribution, valence      260
Quarks confinement flavors      10
Quarks confinement representation      12
Racah theorem      5
Rank      4
Regge intercep limit      429
Regge intercep theory      429
Regge intercep trajectory      430
Regge intercept      431
Regularization Regge, intercep Pauli and Villars      225
Regularization Regge, ultraviolet      221
Renormalization      179 212 304
Renormalization group, anomalous dimension      526
Renormalization group, equations      07
Renormalization scale      213
Renormalons      368
Renormalons infrared      372
Renormalons singularities      371
Renormalons ultraviolet      372
Resolving power      263
Resummation      402
Resummation techniques      397
Scale anomalies      228
Scale invariance      228
Scale parameter $\Lambda$      180
Scale parameter $\Lambda_{qcd}$      181
Scale separation      316
Scale transformations      228
Scaling, precocious      314
Scattering amplitude      33 39 52 57
Scattering amplitude, Compton scattering      55
Scattering photon-gluon      336 338
Scattering quark-antiquark      424
Scattering spin-dependent      321
Scattering tensor      238
Schwinger model      217
Self-energy      210 396
Small-x physics      428
Splitting function      260 261 265 274
Splitting function $P_{Gq}$      267
Splitting function $P_{qG}$      275
Splitting function $P_{qq}$      274
Splitting function calculation of moments      286
Splitting function derivation      267 275
Splitting function moments      281
staggered fermions      458
Standard model      166
Sterling's formula      381
Strangelets      535
Strong ordering, transverse momenta      434
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