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Boroczky K. - Finite Packing and Covering :: Электронная библиотека попечительского совета мехмата МГУ
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Boroczky K. - Finite Packing and Covering
Boroczky K. - Finite Packing and Covering

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Название: Finite Packing and Covering

Автор: Boroczky K.


Böröczky (Hungarian Academy of Sciences) builds from the foundation set by Tóth (Regular Figures) and Rogers (Packing and Covering) by describing arrangements of congruent convex bodies that either form a packing in a convex container or cover a convex shape, covering arrangements in dimension two (including congruent domains in the Euclidean plane, translative arrangements, parametric density, and packings and coverings of circular discs) and arrangements in higher dimensions, including packings and coverings by spherical and unit balls, and congruent convex bodies. Appendices clarify such issues as spherical space and hyperbolic space, surfaces of constant curvature, and "a little bit of probability."

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 398

Добавлена в каталог: 25.06.2008

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Предметный указатель
Affine hull      327
angle      326 331
Antipodal set of points      267
Ball      326 332
Broken line      337
Brunn - Minkowski inequality      352
Busemann perimeter      37
Busemann surface area      244
CAP      332
Caratheodory theorem      328
Cell complex      338
Cell decomposition      338
Centrally symmetric set      328
Characteristic function      326
circle      326
Circumradius      341 343
Circumscribed ball      343
Circumscribed polygon      333
Circumscribed polytope      342
Closest point map      329
Cloud      32 72 271
Concave function      329
Cone      329
Congruent      328
Content      345
Convex arc      334
Convex body      325 332
Convex domain      325 332
Convex function      329
Convex hull      328
Convex set      325
Covering      325
Covering density      3 201
Covering lattice      354
Critical radius      75 81 300 312
Crystallography      316
Curvature of a convex arc      335
Cylinder      289
Delone complex      34 101 137 138
Density deviation      317 319 321
Determinant of a lattice      353
Dirichlet - voronoi cell      98 163
Domain      337
Embedding into a quotient space      339 354
Equidistance curve      333
Equilateral set      267
Euclidean norm      326
Euler characteristic      338
Exposed point      328
Extremal point      328
Face centred cubic lattice      354
Face of a polytope      341
Facet of a polytope      341
Finite lattice coverings      62 94
Finite lattice packings      85 312
Fubini theorem      345
Grassmannian      350
Groemer packing      104
Hadwiger number      63 254 284
Hausdorff distance      330
Hausdorff measure      347
Hexagon bound for coverings      17
Hexagon bound for packings      8
Hexagonal lattice      354
Homothetic convex sets      34 330
Hyper-cycle      333
Hyperbolic space      331
Inradius      341 343
Inscribed ball      343
Inscribed polygon      333
Inscribed polytope      342
Integer lattice      354
Intrinsic volume      349
Jordan measurable set      177 344 347
Lattice      339 353
Laws of Sine and Cosine      332
Lebesgue measurable set      344
Linear hull      326
Lipschitz function      348
Mean projection      350
Mean Width      350
Measurable function      345 347
Minkowski arrangement      133
Mixed area      340
Mixed volume      351
Moment inequalities      158
Multiple coverings      73 170 199
Multiple packings      132 182
Newton number      33 221
Non-crossing domains      16
Norm      326 330
normal      329
Normal cone      329 351
Packing      325
Packing density      3 201
Packing lattice      354
Parallelepiped      342
Paralleletop      248
Parametric density      74 131 242 287 288
Perimeter      332
Periodic arrangement      339 354
Perpendicular bisector      332
Petty number      267
Polygon      332
Polytope      176 342
Positive hull      329
Principal axis theorem      327
Probability measure      355
Quasi crystals      319
Ray      328 331
Reflection through a hyperplane      328
Reflection through a point      327
Regular polygon      332
Regular polytope      342
Rogers - Shephard inequality      352
Saturated packing      40 100
Sausage radius      304
Second moment      131 241
Segment      328 331
Separable packing      32 230
Similar convex domains      23
simplex      342
Simplex bound      182
Simplicial complex      338
Simplicial polytope      342
Skeleton      210 217 240
Smooth convex body      330
Smooth point of the boundary      330
Snake      72 132 286
Solid coverings      171
Solid packings      134
Sphere      326
Spherical space      331
Steiner symmetrization      350
Strictly convex body      330
Strip      36 342
Sum of sets      329
Support function      329
Supporting hyperplane      329
Surface area      345
Tiling      325
Torus      354
Total curvature of an arc      336
Translative covering density      38 250
Translative packing density      38 250
Triangle bound for coverings      136
Triangle bound for packings      98
Triangulation      176 338
Typical compact convex set      331
Volume      344
Wulff-shape      86 313 316 318 321
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