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Hahn L.Sh. - Complex Numbers and Geometry ( Spectrum Series) :: Электронная библиотека попечительского совета мехмата МГУ
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Hahn L.Sh. - Complex Numbers and Geometry ( Spectrum Series)
Hahn L.Sh. - Complex Numbers and Geometry ( Spectrum Series)

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Название: Complex Numbers and Geometry ( Spectrum Series)

Автор: Hahn L.Sh.


The purpose of this book is to demonstrate that complex numbers and geometry can be blended together beautifully, resulting in easy proofs and natural generalizations of many theorems in plane geometry such as the theorems of Napoleon, Simson, Cantor and Morley.

Beginning with a construction of complex numbers, readers are taken on a guided tour that includes something for everyone, even veteran professional mathematicians. Yet, the entire book is accessible to students at the high school level.

The book is self-contained- no background in complex numbers is assumed- and it can be covered at a leisurely place in a one-semester course. Over 100 exercises are included. The book would be suitable as a text for a geometry course, for a problem solving seminar, or as enrichment for students who are interested in mathematics as part of culture.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1994

Количество страниц: 200

Добавлена в каталог: 04.04.2008

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Предметный указатель
Abel, N.H.(1802-1829)      2
Absolute value      7
Apollonius (260-200 B.C.)      183
Apollonius (260-200 B.C.), circle of      148 175 183
Argument      25 127
Aubert      85
Axis, imaginary      19
Axis, real      19 131
Bak, Joseph (1945- )      14
Barycentric coordinates      48 112 113
Bijective      125
Boas, Ralph P.(1912-1992)      14
Bolym,J.(1802-1860)      156
Cantor line      92 95
Cantor point      94
Cantor, M.B.(1829-1920)      90-92 119
Cauchy, A.L.(1789-1857)      2
Center of gravity      23
Centroid      23 60 74 91 111 117 168
Ceva, G.(1647?-1737?)      173
Ceva, G.(1647?-1737?), theorem of      173 175
Circumcenter      59 71 74 170
circumcircle      68 69 71 84 85 87 90 100 116 171 180
Clifford, W.K.(1845-1879)      67
Clifford, W.K.(1845-1879), Clifford circle      68 70
Clifford, W.K.(1845-1879), Clifford point      68 70
Clifford, W.K.(1845-1879), theorems of      67
Cocyclic      64-67 69 70 117 131 149 155 171 178 180
Collinear      49 56 65 66 131
Complex conjugate      6
Complex plane      19
Concentric      137 140 161
conformal      131 158
Conjugate angle      107
Convex      48
Coolidge, J.L.(1873-1954)      75
Coxeter, H.S.M.(1907-)      152
Cross ratio      65 67 130 158 160
Davis , P.J.(1923- )      100
DeMoivre, A.(1667-1754)      29
Dilation      127 137 144 147 160
Discriminant      44 140
Echols, W.H.      111
Elliptic function      2
Euler line      74
Euler, L.(1707-1783)      2 65 154
Excenter      98 173 175
Excircle      96 100 102 173
Feuerbach, K.W.(1800-1834)      96
Feuerbach, K.W.(1800-1834), theorem of      96 152
Field      5
Fixed point      143 160
Fundamental theorem of algebra      13 14 33
Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)      62
Gauss, C.F.(1777-1855)      2 14
Gaussian plane      19
Golden ratio      67
Greitzer, S.L.(1905-1988)      152
Group      119 126 158 159
Group, subgroup      127
Hadamard, J.S.(1865-1963)      vii
Hashimoto, Kay (1976- )      180
Homomorphic      127
Honsberger, Ross (1929- )      180
Identity      107 108 126
Imaginary part      6
Imaginary unit      6
Incenter      98 99 172 173
incircle      96 99 100 102 173
Infinity, the point at      122 134
Interior      133
inversion      134 148 163
Inversion, center of      149
Inversion, circle of      149
Isogonal      151
Jacobi, C.G.J.(1804-1851)      2
Katayama, K.(1932- )      165
Katznelson, Y.(1934- )      165
Law of Cosines      116
Linear transformation      32
Lobachevsky, N.I.(1793-1856)      156
Magnification      127
Matrix      8 32
Matrix, invertible      127
Median      23 168
Menelaus of Alexandria (98?)      176
Modulus      7
Moebius, A.F.(1 790-1868)      125
Moebius, A.F.(1 790-1868), Moebius transformation      124 125
Moebius, A.F.(1 790-1868), Moebius transformation, elliptic      147 162
Moebius, A.F.(1 790-1868), Moebius transformation, hyperbolic      147 162
Moebius, A.F.(1 790-1868), Moebius transformation, inverse of      125 126
Moebius, A.F.(1 790-1868), Moebius transformation, loxodromic      147 162
Moebius, A.F.(1 790-1868), Moebius transformation, multiplier of      147
Moebius, A.F.(1 790-1868), Moebius transformation, normal form of      146 162
Moebius, A.F.(1 790-1868), Moebius transformation, parabolic      147 162
Moebius, A.F.(1 790-1868), Moebius transformation, product of      126
Moebius, A.F.(1 790-1868), Moebius transformation, similar      146
Morley, Frank (1860-1937)      103
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)      62
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), theorem of      60 112 180
Newman, Donald (1930- )      14
Nine-point circle      74 75 83 90 96 117
Oriented curve      133
orthocenter      71 74 82 96 117 171
Pappus of Alexandria (ca 320)      151
Parallelogram law      44
Pascal, B.(1623-1662)      119
Pascal, B.(1623-1662), Pascal line      119
Pedal triangle      172
Pencil of circles      141
Pencil of circles, conjugate      141 143 148
Pencil of circles, elliptic      142
Pencil of circles, elliptic, common points of      142
Pencil of circles, hyperbolic      142
Pencil of circles, hyperbolic, limiting point of      142
Pencil of circles, parabolic      142
Petersen, Julius      112
Poincare, H.(1854-1912)      156 163
Poisson, S.D.(1781-1840)      41
Poisson, S.D.(1781-1840), Poisson kernel      41
Poisson, S.D.(1781-1840), Poisson kernel, conjugate      41
Polar coordinates      25
Projective geometry      2
Ptolemy. C.(85?-165?)      65 66
Ptolemy. C.(85?-165?), theorem of      116
Pythagoras (572-492 D.C.)      66
Pythagoras (572-492 D.C.), Pythagorean theorem      66
Pythagoras (572-492 D.C.), Pythagorean triple      43
Real part      6
Reciprocation      128 160
Reflection      134 158
Riemann, G.F.B.(1826-1866)      122
Riemann, G.F.B.(1826-1866), Riemann sphere      122 125 158
Rigid motion      158
Rotation      127 158
Rotation matrix      32
Schoenberg, I.J.(1903-1991)      139
Schoute, Peter H.(1846-1913)      112
Schwerdtfeger, H.      165
Self-conjugate      77
Similar      55 134
Simson, Robert (1687-1768)      77 79
Simson, Robert (1687-1768), Simson line      79 81 87
Steiner, J.(1796-1863)      118 140
Stereographic      121 158
symmetric      134
Symmetry      163
Symmetry principle      135 161
Takagi. T.(1875-1960)      39
Transformation, bilinear      124
Transformation, homographic      124
Transformation, linear fractional      124
Translation      127 137 158 160
Triangle inequality      17 19 24 30 158
Unit circle      27 31
Wallace, William (1768-1843)      79
Wallis, J.(1616-1703)      42
Yano, K.(1912- )      165
Zero divisor      8
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