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Conger D. - Physics modelling for game programming :: Электронная библиотека попечительского совета мехмата МГУ
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Conger D. - Physics modelling for game programming
Conger D. - Physics modelling for game programming

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Название: Physics modelling for game programming

Автор: Conger D.


Physics Modeling for Game Programmers demystifies the variety of physical models on the forefront of the next major revolution in game development that will add photo-realism to games: Sound, Wave Motion, Light, Fluids, Fabrics, and Solids. The book covers high-level material while making it accessible to a wide range of readers. Each subject covered includes illustrations and fun, visual examples. The code is simple and comprehensible, but the effects it produces are stunning.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Руководства по программному обеспечению/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 544

Добавлена в каталог: 30.11.2013

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Предметный указатель
*= operator      74
+= operator      56-57
-= operator      56-57
-jpg extension      127
.NET      15
.pug extension      127
.tga extension      127
1D kinematics      148-153
1D kinematics, acceleration      153
1D kinematics, overview      148-149
1D kinematics, velocity      149-152
2-D and 3-D kinematics      155-158
2-D coordinate systems      43-44 64
2-D rigid bodies      204-214
2-D rigid bodies, overview      204-205
2-D rigid bodies, parallel axis theorem      212-214
2-D rigid bodies, point particles of 2-D rigid body      205-209
2-D rigid bodies, torque and moment of inertia      209-212
2-D transformations and rendering      85-105
2-D transformations and rendering, active versus passive transformations      86-87
2-D transformations and rendering, combining transformations      94-96
2-D transformations and rendering, implementing transformations      96-105
2-D transformations and rendering, implementing transformations, overview      96
2-D transformations and rendering, implementing transformations, rendering frames      104-105
2-D transformations and rendering, implementing transformations, setting up geometry      99-102
2-D transformations and rendering, implementing transformations, updating frames      102-104
2-D transformations and rendering, implementing transformations, using physics modeling framework      97-99
2-D transformations and rendering, overview      85-86
2-D transformations and rendering, rotation      88-91
2-D transformations and rendering, rotation, inverse rotation      90-91
2-D transformations and rendering, rotation, overview      88-90
2-D transformations and rendering, rotation, rotating around arbitrary point      91
2-D transformations and rendering, scaling      92-94
2-D transformations and rendering, scaling, about arbitrary point      94
2-D transformations and rendering, scaling, matrix representation of      92-94
2-D transformations and rendering, scaling, overview      92
2-D transformations and rendering, translation      87-88
3-D and 4-D coordinate systems      44-46
3-D objects, overview      4-5
3-D rigid bodies      214-220
3-D rigid bodies, d3d_rigid_body class      223-226
3-D rigid bodies, d3d_rigid_body object, initializing      226-228
3-D rigid bodies, d3d_rigid_body object, rendering      232-234
3-D rigid bodies, d3d_rigid_body object, updating      228-232
3-D rigid bodies, orientation      221-223
3-D rigid bodies, overview      214-217
3-D rigid bodies, parallel axis theorem      220
3-D rigid bodies, principal axes      220
3-D rigid bodies, torque      217-220
3-D scenes, overview      5
3-D transformations and rendering      107-124
3-D transformations and rendering, 3-D pipeline      113-116
3-D transformations and rendering, 3-D pipeline, local coordinates to world coordinates      113-114
3-D transformations and rendering, 3-D pipeline, overview      113
3-D transformations and rendering, 3-D pipeline, projection coordinates to screen coordinates      116
3-D transformations and rendering, 3-D pipeline, viewing coordinates to projection coordinates      115-116
3-D transformations and rendering, 3-D pipeline, world coordinates to viewing coordinates      114-115
3-D transformations and rendering, 3-D transformations      107-113
3-D transformations and rendering, 3-D transformations, homogeneous coordinates      107-108
3-D transformations and rendering, 3-D transformations, overview      107
3-D transformations and rendering, 3-D transformations, rotations      110-112
3-D transformations and rendering, 3-D transformations, translations      108-110
3-D transformations and rendering, overview      107
3-D transformations and rendering, rendering in 3-D      116-124
3-D transformations and rendering, rendering in 3-D, 3-D spinning triangle example      116-119
3-D transformations and rendering, rendering in 3-D, overview      116
3-D transformations and rendering, rendering in 3-D, spinning pyramid example      119-124
AABB (axis-aligned bounding box)      179 240-241
Absolute value      51
Acceleration      153 268-269
Acceleration, equation for      153
Acceleration, tangential      207 216-217
acquire()      399
Active transformations      86-87
ACVS      see "Hovercrafts and antigravity vehicles"
Adapter parameter      23
Ailerons      446-447
Air current      423
Air cushion      421-422
Air Cushion Vehicles (ACVs)      see "Hovercrafts and antigravity vehicles"
Air jets      422-423
Air resistance      6
Air simulation      333
Aircraft      433-450
Aircraft, banking      437
Aircraft, flight simulators      433-444
Aircraft, flight simulators, implementing      435-444
Aircraft, flight simulators, overview      433-435
Aircraft, lift and gravity      447-448
Aircraft, modeling      449-450
Aircraft, parts of      445-447
Aircraft, thrust and drag      449
Ambient color      128 130
Angular acceleration      205 215
Angular collision response      242-246
Angular velocity      205 214-215 221 223
Antigravity vehicles      see "Hovercrafts and antigravity vehicles"
Applied force      217
AppMain()      31-33 31-34
Arrays, statically allocated      102
Assembly language      171
Assert()      160
Assignment operator function      144
AutoDepthStancilFormat      25
Automobiles      see "Cars"
Axis-aligned bounding box (AABB)      179 240-241
Back buffer      21 116
Back-face culling      123
BackBufferCount      24
BackBufferFormat      24
BackBufferHeight      24
BackBufferWidth      24
Ballast      427
Banked roadways      413-114
base class      477
Basic_car class      416 420-421
Basic_flyer class      435-444 450-451 455
BeginScene()      38
BehaviorFlags      23
Berkeley sockets      12
bit depth      20
Bitmap      126-127
Bitwise OR operator      487 489
Black hole note      6
Bmp extansion      127
Boats      see "Ships and boats"
Bouncing off wall example      66-68
bounding boxes      178-179 235-239
Bounding boxes, axis-aligned      179 240-241
Bounding boxes, oriented      240-241
Bounding cylinders      177-178 235-236
Bounding spheres      174-177 194 223 235-236 252 295
Bounding volume trees      238-240
Boxes      see "Bounding boxes"
Braking force      412-413
Brush object      488
Buffer, overwriting      22
Buffered input      389 396
Buoyancy      423-424 426-427
BuoyancyApplied      352 356-357
Bussard ramjets      458
C++ programming      471-484
C++ programming, binary operators      59
C++ programming, classes      473-475
C++ programming, compilers      56
C++ programming, enumerated types      483-484
C++ programming, exceptions      481-482
C++ programming, functions      471-473
C++ programming, inheritance      304 350 477-480
C++ programming, namespaces      476
C++ programming, overview      471
C++ programming, structures      482-483
C++ programming, typedef statements      484
CalculateReactions()      255 258-259 264 279 281 312 315
Calculus, vector      216
Camera coordinates      114
Camera movement (DirectX)      401-405
CameraMoved variable      404
Canti(c) metric system prefix      48
Capital delta      88
CARS      407-421
Cars, air resistance      411
Cars, braking      411-413
Cars, implementing      415-421
Cars, power, force, acceleration, and friction      407-410
Cars, turning      413-415
Cartesian coordinates      41 43-44 155-156 179
Center of buoyancy      426-427
Center of gravity      426-427
Centrifugal force      207
centripetal acceleration      207-209 216-217
Centripetal force      207 413-414 452-454
ChangeLnTime      162
child classes      477 479
Circular orbits      453
Classes C++ programming      473-475
Classes C++ programming, child classes      477 479
Classes C++ programming, parent classes      477 479
Classes Windows programming, defining      486-488
Classes Windows programming, registering      488-489
Cleaning up meshes      131
CleanupD3D()      39
Clip graphics      180
CloseToZero()      258
Cloth      299-300
Cloth class      310-311 325 332
Cloth constructor      326
Cloth object      319 326 329 331-332
Cloth, implementing      303-332
Cloth, implementing, cloth class      316-319
Cloth, implementing, enhancements      332
Cloth, implementing, initializing piece of cloth      319-326
Cloth, implementing, overview      303
Cloth, implementing, simulating springs      310-315
Cloth, implementing, timing cloth      331
Cloth, implementing, updating and rendering piece of cloth      326-331
Cloth, implementing, upgrading point masses      303-310
Cloth_constants type      318
Cloth_square object      318
Cloth_square structures      319
Cloth_square type      318
Cockpit      445
Code bioat      28
Coding style      16
Coefficient of restitution      187-188 194 295 331 382
Cofactor matrix      81
Collision class      252 255 264
Collision detection, point particles      173-181
Collision detection, point particles, bounding boxes      178-179
Collision detection, point particles, bounding cylinders      177-178
Collision detection, point particles, bounding spheres      174-177
Collision detection, point particles, optimization with spatial partitioning      179-181
Collision detection, point particles, overview      173
Collision detection, rigid bodies      235-241
Collision detection, rigid bodies, axis-aligned bounding boxes and oriented bounding boxes      240-241
Collision detection, rigid bodies, bounding volume trees      238-240
Collision detection, rigid bodies, overview      235
Collision detection, rigid bodies, rough approximations      235-238
Collision forces      326
Collision object      255
Collision response (point particles)      181-199
Collision response (point particles), coefficient of restitution      187-188
Collision response (point particles), collisions of spheres      189-190
Collision response (point particles), conservation of momentum      182-183
Collision response (point particles), elastic collisions      185-186
Collision response (point particles), energy      184-185
Collision response (point particles), implementation      190-199
Collision response (point particles), implementation, handling collisions      196-199
Collision response (point particles), implementation, modifying d3d_point_mass class      191-192
Collision response (point particles), implementation, overview      190-191
Collision response (point particles), implementation, rendering frames      199
Collision response (point particles), implementation, setting up simulation      192-194
Collision response (point particles), implementation, updating frames      194-196
Collision response (point particles), inelastic collisions      186-187
Collision response (point particles), overview      181-182
Collision response (point particles), point particle collisions in two and three dimensions      188
Collision response (rigid bodies)      241-265
Collision response (rigid bodies), angular      242-243
Collision response (rigid bodies), combining linear and angular      243-246
Collision response (rigid bodies), finding and handling collisions      250-265
Collision response (rigid bodies), linear      241-242
Collision response (rigid bodies), overview      241
Collision response (rigid bodies), updating physics modeling framework      246-247
Collision variable      264
CollisionOccurred()      255 258
Collisions of point particles      173 see point "Collision
Collisions of rigid bodies      235-296 see point "Collision
Collisions of rigid bodies and gravity      267-269
Collisions of rigid bodies, modeling projectile motion      272-296
Collisions of rigid bodies, modeling projectile motion, differentiating between impulse and constant forces      272-295
Collisions of rigid bodies, modeling projectile motion, overview      272
Collisions of rigid bodies, modeling projectile motion, rolling      295-296
Collisions of rigid bodies, overview      235 267
Collisions of rigid bodies, projectile trajectories      269-272
Collisions of spheres      189-190
COLLISION_NONE case      265
Collision_status type      254-255
Color ambient      128 130
Color diffuse      128 130
COM (Component Object Model)      14 141
Comments      472
Commutativity vectors      54
Component Object Model (COM)      14 141
Concatenate transformation matrices      108
Conservation of energy      185
Conservation of momantum      182-183
Constant force, differentiating from impulse force      272-295
ConstantForce()      352-353 357
ConstantForceChanged      353 357
Constrained rigid bodies      204-205
Constructors      474
Containers, curved      335
Coordinate systems      43-46
copy constructor      143
CreateAdditionalSwapChain()      379
CreateDepthStencilSurface()      379
CreateDevice()      22 25 390
CreateGameObject()      374
CreateMutex()      486
CreateRenderTarget()      379
CreateVertexBuffer()      102
CreateWindow()      489-491
CREATE_GAME_OBJECT()      373-375
Cross product      62-64
Cross product function      63
CS_HREDRAW value      487
CS_VREDRAW value      487
CurrentCarDirection()      420
CurrentDirection()      437 439
CurrentDisplay      20
CurrentOrientation()      439
Currents      430-432
CurrentUpDirection()      437 439
Curved containers      335
CW_USEDEFAULT parameter      490
Cylinders, bounding      177-178 235-236
D3DCREATE_MANAGED flag      23
1 2 3 4 5
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