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Gelman A., Carlin J.B., Stern H.S. - Bayesian data analysis :: Электронная библиотека попечительского совета мехмата МГУ
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Gelman A., Carlin J.B., Stern H.S. - Bayesian data analysis
Gelman A., Carlin J.B., Stern H.S. - Bayesian data analysis

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Название: Bayesian data analysis

Авторы: Gelman A., Carlin J.B., Stern H.S.


Incorporating new and updated information, this second edition of THE bestselling text in Bayesian data analysis continues to emphasize practice over theory, describing how to conceptualize, perform, and critiques statistical analysis from a Bayesian perspective. Changes in the new edition include: added material on how Bayesian methods are connected to other approaches, stronger focus on MCMC, added chapter on further computation topics, more examples, and additional chapters on current models for Bayesian data analysis such as equation models, generalized linear mixed models, and more. The book is an introductory text and a reference for working scientists throughout their professional life.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2nd edition

Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 668

Добавлена в каталог: 11.02.2006

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
$2\times 2$ tables      96 145-147 488-491
$E_{old}$      318
$y^{rep}$      161
$\chi^{2}$ distribution      574 580
$\chi^{2}$ test      175
$\widehat{R}$ for monitoring convergence of iterative simulation      297
$\widetilde{y}$      5 8 161
'Biased-coin' design      244
Aarons, L.      515
Adding parameters to a model      177-178
Adequate summary      222 240
Adolescent smoking survey      172-174
AECM algorithm      322 331
Agresti, A.      113 440
Airline fatalities      70 99
Aitchison, J.      66
Aitkin, M.      411
Akaike, H.      191
Albert, J.      439 440
Alcoholics Anonymous survey      216-218
Aliasing      109
All-at-once Gibbs sampler for hierarchical regression      402
Alt man, D.      255
Alternating conditional sampling      see "Gibbs sampler"
Analysis of variance (Anova)      133 221 406-412 414
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), finite-population and superpopulation models      408-409
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), fixed and random effects      408-409
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), internet example      410
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), notation      406
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), pre-election polling example      429
Anderson, D.      191 457
Anderson, T.      539
Andrieu, C.      309
Angrist, J.      238
Anscombe, F.      237
Ansolabehere, S.      385
Approximate inference      276
Approximations based on posterior modes      311
Asymptotic theorems      106-108 208-209 219-220 241
Asymptotic theorems, counterexamples      108-111
Asymptotic theorems, proofs      585-589
Atkinson, A.      192
Australia, adolescent smoking survey in      172-174 190 214-216
Auxiliary variables for computation      335-339 348
Bafumi, J.      440
Barbieri, M.      190
Barnard, G.      66 237
Barnard, J.      238 493
Barry, S.      242
Baum, L.      331
Bayarri, M.      255
Bayes factor      184-186 191-192
Bayes' rule      7 22
Bayes' rule, discrete examples      10 554
Bayes, T.      34 66
Bayesian data analysis, three steps of      3 259
Beal, A.      515
Beaver, R.      440
Becker, R.      29 608
Bedrick, E.      439
Behrens - Fisher problem      96
Belin, T.      29 440 480 539
Bellamy, P.      238
Bennett, C.      238
Berger, J.      28 66 113 190 237 255 411 457 493 568
Berkhof, J.      190
Berliner, L.      457 494
Bernardinelli, L.      66
Bernardo, J.      28 66 150 190
Bernoulli distribution      583
Bernoulli trials      33 163
Berry, D.      27 515 569
Berzuini, C.      113 309
Besag, J.      309 348 349 494
Best, N.      29 113 151 191 194 309 608
Beta distribution      34 40 70 576 581
Beta-binomial distribution      576 583
Beta-binomial distribution as overdispersed alternative to binomial      447
Beta-blockers, example of meta-analysis      145-150
Betting and probability      13-17
Bias      248 256
Bias, difficulties with the notion      248
Bias, prediction vs. estimation      249 411
Bibby, J.      95
Bickel, R.      256
Bicycle traffic      98 155
Binned residual plots      170-171
Binomial distribution      576 583
Binomial model      33 43 97
Binomial model, posterior predictive check      163-164
Bioassay experiment      88-93 95 99
Bioassay experiment, normal approximation      104
Births      43-46
Black well, D.      256
Blanchard, S.      191
Blockwise Gibbs sampler for hierarchical regression      401
Bloom, H.      238
Bock, R.      151
Bois, F.      272 514
Bootstrap      251
Boscardin, W.      30 385 395 412 569
Boshuizen, H.      539
Bosker, R.      411
Box - Cox transformation      195-196 265-269
Box, G.      28 29 66 94 151 190 191 195 238 309 385 457 480 493 494
Bradley, R.      440
Bradlow, E.      440
Brant, R.      385
Braun, H.      494
Breslow, N.      28 150
Bretthorst, G.      66 494
Brewer, K.      272
Bridge sampling      344 348
Brillinger, D.      494
Brooks, S.      242 309 348
Broste, S.      238
Brown, C.      190
Browner, W.      255
Bryk, A.      411
Bugs      see "Software"
Burge, H.      514
Burn-in for MCMC sequences      295
Burnham, K.      191
Bush, R.      190
Business school grades, hierarchical multivariate regression      486-488
Calibration of probability estimates      17-21
Califf, R.      238
Calvin, J.      192
Cancer maps      55
Capture-recapture sampling      242
Carlin, B.      27 28 191 194 238 308 309 412 494
Carlin, J.      151 190 238 494
Carriquiry, A.      28
Carroll, R.      514
Carter, C.      494
Casella, G.      308
Catchpole, E.      242
Cauchy model      69 446
Causal inference      4 218 229-231
Causal inference, instrumental variables      230-231
Causal inference, observational studies      226
Causal inference, observational studies, incumbency example      359-367
Causal inference, principal stratification      229 230
Causal inference, randomized experiments      218 240
Causal inference, using regression models      368
Censored data      72 231-236
Census, recoding      261-263
Census, record linkage      17-21
Chaganty, N.      31
Chaloner, K.      385
Chambers, J.      29 608
Chan, V.      568
Chang, H.      190
Chen, M.      308
Chernoff, H.      589
Chess competition, example of paired comparisons      431
Chew, G.      514
Chib, S.      191 308 439 440
Chipman, H.      191 494 515
Cholesky factor (matrix square root)      357 578
Christensen, R.      439
Classical methods, confidence intervals      112 249
Classical methods, frequency evaluations      111
Classical methods, hypothesis testing      162 175 250
Classical methods, maximum likelihood      247
Classical methods, multiple comparisons      250
Classical methods, nonparametric inference      251
Classical methods, normal-theory inference      101
Classical methods, point estimation      103 111
Classical methods, standard errors      103
Classical methods, unbiased estimates      248
Classical methods, Wilcoxon rank test      252
Clayton, D.      66 150 309
Clemen, R.      568
Cleveland, W.      29 192
Clogg, C.      113 539
cluster sampling      214-216 241
Clyde, M.      412
Coarse data      238
Cochran, W.      387
Cockroach allergen data      498
Coefficient of variation (cv)      7
Coherence      13
coin tossing      12 29
Cole, N.      411
Collinearity      369
Collins, R.      151
Colochos      xxv
Complementary log-log link      418
Complete data      199
Complete-data likelihood      201
Completely randomized experiments      218
Computation      see "Posterior simulation"
Computational tips      278-282 607-608
Computer programs      see "Software"
Conditional maximization      see "Posterior modes"
Conditional posterior means and variances      142
confidence intervals      4 112 249
Congdon, R.      27 608
Conjugacy      see "Prior distribution"
Connors, A.      238
Consistency      107 111
Contingency tables      433-437
Contingency tables with missing data      533-534
Continuous models for discrete data      529
Contour plots      91 129 130
Contour plots and normal approximation      103
control variable      353
Convergence of iterative simulation      294-298
Corbet, A.      332
Coull, B.      113
Covariance matrices      22 85
Covariance matrices for longitudinal data      485
Covariance matrices, modeling standard deviations and correlations separately      483-485
Covariates      see "Regression models explanatory
Cow feed experiment      223 386
Cowles, M.      309
Cox, D.      29 195 255
Cox, G.      385
Creason, J.      66 151
Cressie, N.      494
Cross-validation      190 194 253
Crude estimation      91 276
Crude estimation for hierarchical models      401
Crude estimation, bioassay example      91
Crude estimation, educational testing example      132
Crude estimation, rat tumor example      119
Crude estimation, schizophrenia example      467 471
Crude estimation, Slovenia survey      535
CV, coefficient of variation      7
Dahiya, R.      31
Dalai, S.      29
Daniels, M.      493 494
Data augmentation      303
Data collection      197-245
Data collection, censored and truncated data      231-236
Data collection, experiments      218-226
Data collection, formal models      200-203
Data collection, ignorability      203-207
Data collection, observational studies      226-231
Data collection, randomization      223-226
Data collection, sample surveys      207-218
Data reduction      104 264
Davey Smith, G.      255
David, H.      440
David, M.      237 539
Davidian, M.      514
Davidson, R.      440
Dawid, A.      29 66 237
Dawson, N.      238
De Finetti's theorem      122 152
de Finetti, B.      28 150
DeBoeck, R.      190
Debugging      279-281
Debugging in Bugs and R      607-608
Debugging, comparing inferences from several models      510
Debugging, EM algorithm      319
Decision analysis      541-570
Decision analysis and Bayesian inference      542-544
Decision analysis, medical screening example      552-555
Decision analysis, personal and institutional perspectives      567-568
Decision analysis, radon example      555-567
Decision analysis, survey incentives example      544-552
Decision analysis, utility      543 553 557 567
Decision theory      13 28 255
Decision trees      543 553 562
Deely, J.      151
DeGroot, M.      568 589
Dehejia, R.      238 568
DeLeeuw, J.      411
Dellaportas, P.      439
Delta method      114
Deming, W.      440
Dempster, A.      151 190 191 331 439 457 479 494
Denison, D.      515
Derivatives, computation of      313
Desbiens, N.      238
Design of surveys, experiments, and observational studies      197-245
Designs that 'cheat'      225
DeSimone, H.      412
Deviance      175 180-184 191
Deviance information criterion (DIC)      182-184 191
Deviance information criterion (DIC), educational testing example      183
Dey, D.      190
Dickey, J.      237
Diffendal, G.      440 539
Differences between data and population      209 227 229 428 541
Differential equation model in toxicology      504-514
Dillman, D.      539
Dilution assay, example of a nonlinear model      498-504 514
DiMatteo, I.      515
Dirichlet distribution      83 576 582
Discrepancy measure      162
Discrete data, adapting continuous models      529
Discrete data, latent-data formulation      419
Discrete data, logistic regression      417
Discrete data, multinomial models      430-433
Discrete data, Poisson regression      417
Discrete data, probit regression      417
Discrete probability updating      10 554
1 2 3 4 5 6
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