Документ взят из кэша поисковой машины. Адрес оригинального документа : http://kodomo.fbb.msu.ru/hg/allpy/file/675b402094be/lib/project.py
Дата изменения: Unknown
Дата индексирования: Sun Feb 3 23:23:26 2013
allpy: 675b402094be lib/project.py


view lib/project.py @ 151:675b402094be

day commit -- a lot of changes fasta.py: universal save_fasta() determine_long_line -- for determine length of fasta sequence string in user input everywhere: standart long_line=60 --> 70 blocK.sequences_chains: returns sequences in order as in project added monomer pdb_secstr to store secondary structure pdb adding: some improvements and fixes fix in from_pdb_chain: use all peptides, not only first Sequence.pdb_files added to store information about pdb file for each chain dssp bindings to get secondary structure /sec_str -- tool to map secondary structure on each sequence of alignment
author boris (netbook) <bnagaev@gmail.com>
date Tue, 26 Oct 2010 00:40:36 +0400
parents f7dead025719
children 0c7f6117481b
line source
1 #!/usr/bin/python
3 """
4 "I will not use abbrev."
5 "I will always finish what I st"
6 - Bart Simpson
8 """
10 import sequence
11 Sequence = sequence.Sequence
12 from monomer import AminoAcidType
13 import allpy_data
14 from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
15 import os
16 import block
17 from fasta import save_fasta
19 Block = block.Block
21 class Project(object):
22 """ Alignment representing class
24 Mandatory data:
25 * sequences -- list of Sequence objects. Sequences don't contain gaps
26 - see sequence.py module
27 * alignment -- dict
28 {<Sequence object>:[<Monomer object>,None,<Monomer object>]}
29 keys are the Sequence objects, values are the lists, which
30 contain monomers of those sequences or None for gaps in the
31 corresponding sequence of
32 alignment
34 """
35 def __init__(self, *args):
36 """overloaded constructor
38 Project() -> new empty Project
39 Project(sequences, alignment) -> new Project with sequences and
40 alignment initialized from arguments
41 Project(fasta_file) -> new Project, read alignment and sequences
42 from fasta file
44 """
45 if len(args)>1:#overloaded constructor
46 self.sequences=args[0]
47 self.alignment=args[1]
48 elif len(args)==0:
49 self.sequences=[]
50 self.alignment={}
51 else:
52 self.sequences,self.alignment=Project.from_fasta(args[0])
54 def __len__(self):
55 """ Returns width, ie length of each sequence with gaps """
56 return max([len(line) for line in self.alignment.values()])
58 def thickness(self):
59 """ The number of sequences in alignment (it's thickness). """
60 return len(self.alignment)
62 def calc_identity(self):
63 """ Calculate the identity of alignment positions for colouring.
65 For every (row, column) in alignment the percentage of the exactly
66 same residue in the same column in the alignment is calculated.
67 The data structure is just like the Project.alignment, but istead of
68 monomers it contains float percentages.
69 """
70 # Oh, God, that's awful! Absolutely not understandable.
71 # First, calculate percentages of amino acids in every column
72 contribution = 1.0 / len(self.sequences)
73 all_columns = []
74 for position in range(len(self)):
75 column_percentage = {}
76 for seq in self.alignment:
77 if self.alignment[seq][position] is not None:
78 aa = self.alignment[seq][position].code
79 else:
80 aa = None
81 if aa in allpy_data.amino_acids:
82 if aa in column_percentage.keys():
83 column_percentage[aa] += contribution
84 else:
85 column_percentage[aa] = contribution
86 all_columns.append(column_percentage)
87 # Second, map these percentages onto the alignment
88 self.identity_percentages = {}
89 for seq in self.sequences:
90 self.identity_percentages[seq] = []
91 for seq in self.identity_percentages:
92 line = self.identity_percentages[seq]
93 for position in range(len(self)):
94 if self.alignment[seq][position] is not None:
95 aa = self.alignment[seq][position].code
96 else:
97 aa = None
98 line.append(all_columns[position].get(aa))
99 return self.identity_percentages
101 @staticmethod
102 def from_fasta(file, monomer_kind=AminoAcidType):
103 """ Import data from fasta file
105 monomer_kind is class, inherited from MonomerType
107 >>> import project
108 >>> sequences,alignment=project.Project.from_fasta(open("test.fasta"))
109 """
110 import re
112 sequences = []
113 alignment = {}
115 raw_sequences = file.read().split(">")
116 if len(raw_sequences) <= 1:
117 raise Exception("Wrong format of fasta-file %s" % file.name)
119 raw_sequences = raw_sequences[1:] #ignore everything before the first >
120 for raw in raw_sequences:
121 parsed_raw_sequence = raw.split("\n")
122 parsed_raw_sequence = [s.strip() for s in parsed_raw_sequence]
123 name_and_description = parsed_raw_sequence[0]
124 name_and_description = name_and_description.split(" ",1)
125 if len(name_and_description) == 2:
126 name, description = name_and_description
127 elif len(name_and_description) == 1:
128 #if there is description
129 name = name_and_description[0]
130 description = ''
131 else:
132 raise Exception("Wrong name of sequence %(name)$ fasta-file %(file)s" % \
133 {'name': name, 'file': file.name})
135 if len(parsed_raw_sequence) <= 1:
136 raise Exception("Wrong format of sequence %(name)$ fasta-file %(file)s" % \
137 {'name': name, 'file': file.name})
138 string = ""
139 for piece in parsed_raw_sequence[1:]:
140 piece_without_whitespace_chars = re.sub("\s", "", piece)
141 string += piece_without_whitespace_chars
142 monomers = [] #convert into Monomer objects
143 alignment_list = [] #create the respective list in alignment dict
144 for current_monomer in string:
145 if current_monomer not in ["-", ".", "~"]:
146 monomers.append(monomer_kind.from_code1(current_monomer).instance())
147 alignment_list.append(monomers[-1])
148 else:
149 alignment_list.append(None)
150 sequence = Sequence(monomers, name, description)
151 sequences.append(sequence)
152 alignment[sequence] = alignment_list
153 return sequences, alignment
156 @staticmethod
157 def from_sequences(*sequences):
158 """ Constructs new alignment from sequences
160 Add None's to right end to make equal lengthes of alignment sequences
161 """
162 project = Project()
163 project.sequences = sequences
164 max_length = max(len(sequence) for sequence in sequences)
165 for sequence in sequences:
166 gaps_count = max_length - len(sequence)
167 project.alignment[sequence] = sequence.monomers + [None] * gaps_count
168 return project
170 def save_fasta(self, out_file, long_line=70, gap='-'):
171 """ Saves alignment to given file
173 Splits long lines to substrings of length=long_line
174 To prevent this, set long_line=None
175 """
176 Block(self).save_fasta(out_file, long_line=long_line, gap=gap)
178 def muscle_align(self):
179 """ Simple align ths alignment using sequences (muscle)
181 uses old Monomers and Sequences objects
182 """
183 tmp_file = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
184 self.save_fasta(tmp_file)
185 tmp_file.close()
186 os.system("muscle -in %(tmp)s -out %(tmp)s" % {'tmp': tmp_file.name})
187 sequences, alignment = Project.from_fasta(open(tmp_file.name))
188 for sequence in self.sequences:
189 try:
190 new_sequence = [i for i in sequences if sequence==i][0]
191 except:
192 raise Exception("Align: Cann't find sequence %s in muscle output" % \
193 sequence.name)
194 old_monomers = iter(sequence.monomers)
195 self.alignment[sequence] = []
196 for monomer in alignment[new_sequence]:
197 if not monomer:
198 self.alignment[sequence].append(monomer)
199 else:
200 old_monomer = old_monomers.next()
201 if monomer != old_monomer:
202 raise Exception("Align: alignment errors")
203 self.alignment[sequence].append(old_monomer)
204 os.unlink(tmp_file.name)
207 def column(self, sequence=None, sequences=None, original=None):
208 """ returns list of columns of alignment
210 sequence or sequences:
211 if sequence is given, then column is (original_monomer, monomer)
212 if sequences is given, then column is (original_monomer, {sequence: monomer})
213 if both of them are given, it is an error
214 original (Sequence type):
215 if given, this filters only columns represented by original sequence
216 """
217 if sequence and sequences:
218 raise Exception("Wrong usage. read help")
219 indexes = dict([(v, k) for( k, v) in enumerate(self.sequences)])
220 alignment = self.alignment.items()
221 alignment.sort(key=lambda i: indexes[i[0]])
222 alignment = [monomers for seq, monomers in alignment]
223 for column in zip(*alignment):
224 if not original or column[indexes[original]]:
225 if sequence:
226 yield (column[indexes[original]], column[indexes[sequence]])
227 else:
228 yield (column[indexes[original]],
229 dict([(s, column[indexes[s]]) for s in sequences]))
231 def pdb_auto_add(self, conformity_file=None):
232 """ Adds pdb information to each sequence
234 TODO: conformity_file
235 """
236 conformity = {}
238 for sequence in self.sequences:
239 try:
240 sequence.pdb_auto_add(conformity.get(sequence.name, None))
241 except Exception, t:
242 print "Cann't add pdb information about chain %s:" % sequence.name
243 print t
245 def secstr(self, secuence, pdb_chain, gap='-'):
246 """ Returns string representing secondary structure """
247 return ''.join([
248 (m.pdb_secstr[pdb_chain] if m and pdb_chain in m.pdb_secstr else gap)
249 for m in self.alignment[secuence]])
251 def save_secstr(self, out_file, secuence, pdb_chain,
252 name, description='', gap='-', long_line=70):
253 """ Save secondary structure and name in fasta format """
254 save_fasta(out_file, self.secstr(secuence, pdb_chain, gap), name, description, long_line)