Äîêóìåíò âçÿò èç êýøà ïîèñêîâîé ìàøèíû. Àäðåñ îðèãèíàëüíîãî äîêóìåíòà : http://kodomo.cmm.msu.su/trac/cca/changeset/33fea6b97cd34ca033da0bd43c72c37ae5967579
Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Unknown
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Sun Apr 10 05:30:28 2016
Êîäèðîâêà: IBM-866
Changeset 99:33fea6b97cd3 òÀÓ Cyclyc Cell Automata

Changeset 99:33fea6b97cd3

12/14/10 23:16:49 (5 years ago)

automata -> automaton

1 added
1 deleted
2 edited


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    r98 r99 ˆà
    22        <head>ˆà
    33                <title>ˆà
    4ˆà                        Cyclic cellular automataˆà
    ˆà4                        Cyclic cellular automata editorˆà
    55                </title>ˆà
    66                <meta http-equv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1251">ˆà
    òÀæ òÀæ ˆà
    1616        <body>ˆà
    1717                <h3 align="center">ˆà
    18ˆà                        CCA - Cyclic cellular automataˆà
    ˆà18                        CCA - Cyclic cellular automata editorˆà
    1919                <h3>ˆà
    2020                <h4>ˆà
    21ˆà                        CCA are cyclic cellular automata creation, editing and visualization tool.ˆà
    ˆà21                        CCA is cyclic cellular automata creation, editing and visualization tool.ˆà
    2222                </h4>ˆà
    2323                <p>ˆà
    24ˆà                        <b>cellular automaton</b> is a set of cells. Each cell can be in one of several possible states. Cell can change its state, according to state of neighbors of the cell. This process is determined by transition rules. <b>Cyclic cellular automaton</b> is a kind of cellular automaton, its set of states is a cycle, and cell changes its state to next one, according to cycle order. It works with <b>2-dimentional cyclic cellular automaton</b> with rectangular field. Transition rules should be defined through number of neighbors of the cell in same state. This program allows user to change number of cell`s states, order of states and transition rules for each state. Other options are automaton step duration, scale of field, colors of cell in defferent states.ˆà
    ˆà24                        <b>Cellular automaton</b> is a set of cells. Each cell can be in one of several possible states. Cell can change its state, according to state of neighbors of the cell. This process is determined by transition rules. <b>Cyclic cellular automaton</b> is a kind of cellular automaton, its set of states is a cycle, and cell changes its state to next one, according to cycle order. It works with <b>2-dimentional cyclic cellular automaton</b> with rectangular field. Transition rules should be defined through number of neighbors of the cell in same state. This program allows user to change number of cell`s states, order of states and transition rules for each state. Other options are automaton step duration, scale of field, colors of cell in defferent states.ˆà
    2525                </p>ˆà
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    òÀæ òÀæ ˆà
    6666                <p align="center">ˆà
    6767                        <br><big>Automaton window</big><br><br>ˆà
    68ˆà                        <img src="automata_window.png">ˆà
    ˆà68                        <img src="automaton_window.png">ˆà
    6969                </p>ˆà
    7070                <p>ˆà
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