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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Fri Feb 29 17:36:20 2008
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Mon Oct 1 23:48:33 2012
Êîäèðîâêà: Windows-1251
1: Wang Y, Scott CR, Gelb MH, TureÄ?ek F.
Direct Assay of Enzymes in Heme Biosynthesis for the Detection of Porphyrias by
Tandem Mass Spectrometry. Porphobilinogen Deaminase.
Anal Chem. 2008 Feb 23; [Epub ahead of print]
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2: Prabahar MR, Manorajan R, Sathiyakumar D, Soundararajan P, Jayakumar M.
Hemodialysis: A therapeutic option for severe attacks of acute intermittent
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3: FlachsovÃ? E, Verma IC, UlbrichovÃ? D, Saxena R, Zeman J, Saudek V, Raman CS,
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A new mutation within the porphobilinogen deaminase gene leading to a truncated
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4: Kostrouch Z.
The power of informatics.
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5: Cunha L, Kuti M, Bishop DF, Mezei M, Zeng L, Zhou MM, Desnick RJ.
Human uroporphyrinogen III synthase: NMR-based mapping of the active site.
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6: Nagaraj VA, Arumugam R, Gopalakrishnan B, Jyothsna YS, Rangarajan PN,
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7: Karpova IV, PustovoÄ-t IaS, Luchinina IuA, Surin VL, Luk'ianenko AV, Kravshenko
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[Acute porphyrias: problem of primary diagnosis in Russia and CIS countries]
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8: Hayama T, Iinuma H, Watanabe T.
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9: Ruiz-Galindo E, Arenas-Huertero F, RamÃ?n-Gallegos E.
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10: Cerkovnik P, Perhavec A, Zgajnar J, Novakovic S.
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11: Yasuda M, Domaradzki ME, Armentano D, Cheng SH, Bishop DF, Desnick RJ.
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12: Besana V, Di Pierro E, Brancaleoni V, Ausenda S, Cappellini MD.
Gene symbol: HMBS.
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13: Thelen P, Peter T, HÃ?nermund A, Kaulfuss S, SeidlovÃ?-Wuttke D, Wuttke W,
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14: Kuo HC, Lee MJ, Chuang WL, Huang CC.
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15: Sardh E, Rejkjaer L, Andersson DE, Harper P.
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16: Ulbrichova D, Flachsova E, Hrdinka M, Saligova J, Bazar J, Raman CS, Martasek
De Novo mutation found in the porphobilinogen deaminase gene in Slovak acute
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17: Poblete-Gutiÿrrez P, Wiederholt T, Martinez-Mir A, Merk HF, Connor JM,
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Demystification of Chester porphyria: a nonsense mutation in the Porphobilinogen
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18: Hrdinka M, Puy H, Martasek P.
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19: BÃrjesson A, Carlsson C.
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20: Di Pierro E, Besana V, Ausenda S, Brancaleoni V, Cappellini MD.
Gene symbol: HMBS. Disease: porphyria, acute intermittent.
Hum Genet. 2006 Apr;119(3):360. No abstract available.
PMID: 17230647 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

21: Di Pierro E, Besana V, Brancaleoni V, Moriondo V, Cappellini MD.
Gene symbol: HMBS. Disease: porphyria, acute intermittent.
Hum Genet. 2006 Apr;119(3):359. No abstract available.
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22: Stratta P, BarbÃÅ MC, Cappellini MD.
A woman with black urine.
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23: Hsieh CH, Hung PC, Chien CT, Shih YR, Peng SK, Luk HN, Tsai TC.
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24: Yamamoto T, Sekiyama A, Sekiguchi H, Yoshida T, Miyagi Y.
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25: GrÃ?nberg-Etkovitz N, Greenbaum L, Grinblat B, Malik Z.
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26: Ellencweig N, Schoenfeld N, Zemishlany Z.
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27: Ma L, Steindal AE, Juzeniene A, Iani V, Moan J.
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28: Di Pierro E, Besana V, Moriondo V, Brancaleoni V, Tavazzi D, Casalgrandi G,
Ventura P, Rocchi E, Cappellini MD.
A large deletion on chromosome 11 in acute intermittent porphyria.
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29: To-Figueras J, Badenas C, Carrera C, MuÃ+oz C, MilÃ? M, Lecha M, Herrero C.
Genetic and biochemical characterization of 16 acute intermittent porphyria cases
with a high prevalence of the R173W mutation.
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30: Wilhelm J, Muyal JP, Best J, Kwapiszewska G, Stein MM, Seeger W, Bohle RM,
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Systematic comparison of the T7-IVT and SMART-based RNA preamplification
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Clin Chem. 2006 Jun;52(6):1161-7. Epub 2006 Apr 20.
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31: Grinblat B, Pour N, Malik Z.
Regulation of porphyrin synthesis and photodynamic therapy in heavy metal
J Environ Pathol Toxicol Oncol. 2006;25(1-2):145-58.
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32: Schneider-Yin X, Szlendak U, Lipniacka AI, Minder EI, Gregor A.
Nine novel mutations in the hydroxymethylbilane synthase gene of Polish patients
with acute intermittent porphyria.
Clin Genet. 2006 Mar;69(3):284-6. No abstract available.
PMID: 16542395 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

33: Schostak M, Krause H, Miller K, Schrader M, Weikert S, Christoph F,
Kempkensteffen C, Kollermann J.
Quantitative real-time RT-PCR of CD24 mRNA in the detection of prostate cancer.
BMC Urol. 2006 Mar 15;6:7.
PMID: 16539730 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

34: Di Pierro E, Besana V, Moriondo V, Brancaleoni V, Cappellini MD.
Gene symbol: HMBS. Disease: porphyria, acute intermittent.
Hum Genet. 2006 Apr;119(3):364. No abstract available.
PMID: 16491346 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

35: Laidlaw AM, Copeland B, Ross CM, Hardingham JE.
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36: Engbers-Buijtenhuijs P, Buttafoco L, Poot AA, Geelkerken RH, Feijen J, Vermes
Analysis of the balance between proliferation and apoptosis of cultured vascular
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37: Harraway JR, Florkowski CM, Sies C, George PM.
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38: Meyer RP, Lindberg RL, Hoffmann F, Meyer UA.
Cytosolic persistence of mouse brain CYP1A1 in chronic heme deficiency.
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39: Ohgari Y, Nakayasu Y, Kitajima S, Sawamoto M, Mori H, Shimokawa O, Matsui H,
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Mechanisms involved in delta-aminolevulinic acid (ALA)-induced photosensitivity
of tumor cells: relation of ferrochelatase and uptake of ALA to the accumulation
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40: Dandachi N, Balic M, Stanzer S, Halm M, Resel M, Hinterleitner TA, Samonigg
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Critical evaluation of real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction
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41: Fujino E, Fujino T, Karita S, Kimura T, Sakka K, Ohmiya K.
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42: Pischik E, MehtÃ?lÃ? S, Kauppinen R.
Nine mutations including three novel mutations among Russian patients with acute
intermittent porphyria.
Hum Mutat. 2005 Nov;26(5):496.
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43: Durand-Faucher K, Rabinovitch-Chable H, Dzugan H, Charret S, Aubry K, Genet
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A quantitative RT-PCR method to determine topoisomerase I mRNA levels in human
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44: ObornÃ-k M, Green BR.
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45: Hesse E, Musholt PB, Potter E, Petrich T, Wehmeier M, von Wasielewski R,
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Oncofoetal fibronectin--a tumour-specific marker in detecting minimal residual
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46: Huh HJ, Huh JW, Yoo ES, Seong CM, Lee M, Hong KS, Chung WS.
hTERT mRNA levels by real-time RT-PCR in acute myelogenous leukemia.
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47: BrÃåns-Poulsen J, Christiansen L, Petersen NE, HÃårder M, Kristiansen K.
Characterization of two isoalleles and three mutations in both isoforms of
purified recombinant human porphobilinogen deaminase.
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48: Farriol M, Orta X.
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49: Weikert S, Christoph F, KÃllermann J, MÃ?ller M, Schrader M, Miller K, Krause
Expression levels of the EZH2 polycomb transcriptional repressor correlate with
aggressiveness and invasive potential of bladder carcinomas.
Int J Mol Med. 2005 Aug;16(2):349-53.
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50: Di Pierro E, Moriondo V, Cappellini MD.
Gene symbol: HMBS. Disease: Porphyria, acute intermittent.
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51: Schmidt U, Fuessel S, Haase M, Kraemer K, Meye A, Wirth MP.
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52: Juusola J, Ballantyne J.
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53: Weikert S, Schrader M, MÃ?ller M, Schulze W, Krause H, Miller K.
Expression levels of the inhibitor of apoptosis survivin in testes of patients
with normal spermatogenesis and spermatogenic failure.
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54: Sheppard L, Dorman T.
Anesthesia in a child with homozygous porphobilinogen deaminase deficiency: a
severe form of acute intermittent porphyria.
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55: Neuvians TP, Gashaw I, Sauer CG, von Ostau C, Kliesch S, Bergmann M, HÃ?cker
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56: Varsik P, BuranovÃ? D, KollÃ?r B, Traubner P, Bozek P, MikuleckÃ? M.
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57: Schneider-Yin X, Hergersberg M, Schuurmans MM, Gregor A, Minder EI.
Mutation hotspots in the human porphobilinogen deaminase gene: recurrent
mutations G111R and R173Q occurring at CpG motifs.
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58: von und zu Fraunberg M, Pischik E, Udd L, Kauppinen R.
Clinical and biochemical characteristics and genotype-phenotype correlation in
143 Finnish and Russian patients with acute intermittent porphyria.
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59: Kondo M.
[Porphobilinogen deaminase (PBGD)]
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60: de Kok JB, Roelofs RW, Giesendorf BA, Pennings JL, Waas ET, Feuth T, Swinkels
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61: Roemer A, Schwettmann L, Jung M, Stephan C, Roigas J, Kristiansen G, Loening
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The membrane proteases adams and hepsin are differentially expressed in renal
cell carcinoma. Are they potential tumor markers?
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62: Solis C, Martinez-Bermejo A, Naidich TP, Kaufmann WE, Astrin KH, Bishop DF,
Desnick RJ.
Acute intermittent porphyria: studies of the severe homozygous dominant disease
provides insights into the neurologic attacks in acute porphyrias.
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63: Janssens N, Janicot M, Perera T, Bakker A.
Housekeeping genes as internal standards in cancer research.
Mol Diagn. 2004;8(2):107-13.
PMID: 15527325 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

64: Omata Y, Sakamoto H, Higashimoto Y, Hayashi S, Noguchi M.
Purification and characterization of human uroporphyrinogen III synthase
expressed in Escherichia coli.
J Biochem. 2004 Aug;136(2):211-20.
PMID: 15496592 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

65: Guillÿn-Navarro E, Carbonell P, Glover G, SÃ?nchez-SolÃ-s M, FernÃ?ndez-Barreiro
Novel HMBS founder mutation and significant intronic polymorphism in Spanish
patients with acute intermittent porphyria.
Ann Hum Genet. 2004 Sep;68(Pt 5):509-14.
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66: Igarashi M, Daimon M, Usuki K, Hirai Y, Nakahara F, Iijima K, Iki S, Kondo M,
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[A family of acute intermittent porphyria]
Rinsho Ketsueki. 2004 Jul;45(7):562-7. Japanese.
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67: Di Pierro E, Patti E, Cappellini MD.
Gene symbol: HMBS. Disease: porphyria, acute intermittent.
Hum Genet. 2004 Jul;115(2):172. No abstract available.
PMID: 15300980 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

68: Johansson A, Nowak G, MÃller C, Blomberg P, Harper P.
Adenoviral-mediated expression of porphobilinogen deaminase in liver restores the
metabolic defect in a mouse model of acute intermittent porphyria.
Mol Ther. 2004 Aug;10(2):337-43.
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69: Weisser M, Haferlach T, Schoch C, Hiddemann W, Schnittger S.
The use of housekeeping genes for real-time PCR-based quantification of fusion
gene transcripts in acute myeloid leukemia.
Leukemia. 2004 Sep;18(9):1551-3. No abstract available.
PMID: 15284861 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

70: Christoph F, MÃ?ller M, Schostak M, Soong R, Tabiti K, Miller K.
Quantitative detection of cytokeratin 20 mRNA expression in bladder carcinoma by
real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction.
Urology. 2004 Jul;64(1):157-61.
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71: Gil ME, Coetzer TL.
Real-time quantitative RT-PCR for human telomere elongation reverse transcriptase
in chronic myeloid leukemia.
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72: Johansson A, MÃller C, Fogh J, Harper P.
Biochemical characterization of porphobilinogen deaminase-deficient mice during
phenobarbital induction of heme synthesis and the effect of enzyme replacement.
Mol Med. 2003 Sep-Dec;9(9-12):193-9.
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73: Rocchi E, Ventura P, Ronzoni A, Rosa MC, Gozzi C, Marri L, Casalgrandi G,
Cappellini MD.
Pro-oxidant and antioxidant factors in acute intermittent porphyria: family
J Inherit Metab Dis. 2004;27(2):251-66.
PMID: 15159656 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

74: Ickowicz Schwartz D, Gozlan Y, Greenbaum L, Babushkina T, Katcoff DJ, Malik
Differentiation-dependent photodynamic therapy regulated by porphobilinogen
deaminase in B16 melanoma.
Br J Cancer. 2004 May 4;90(9):1833-41.
PMID: 15150593 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

75: Rosenthal MD, Albrecht ED, Pepe GJ.
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Endocrine. 2004 Mar-Apr;23(2-3):219-28.
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76: Sato S, Clough B, Coates L, Wilson RJ.
Enzymes for heme biosynthesis are found in both the mitochondrion and plastid of
the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum.
Protist. 2004 Mar;155(1):117-25.
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77: Johansson A, Nowak G, MÃller C, Harper P.
Non-viral delivery of the porphobilinogen deaminase cDNA into a mouse model of
acute intermittent porphyria.
Mol Genet Metab. 2004 May;82(1):20-6.
PMID: 15110317 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

78: Thelen P, Wuttke W, Jarry H, Grzmil M, Ringert RH.
Inhibition of telomerase activity and secretion of prostate specific antigen by
silibinin in prostate cancer cells.
J Urol. 2004 May;171(5):1934-8.
PMID: 15076315 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

79: Solis CS, Lopez-Echaniz I, Sefarty-Graneda D, Astrin KH, Desnick RJ.
Gene symbol: HMBS. Disease: Acute intermittent porphyria.
Hum Genet. 2004 Mar;114(4):402. No abstract available.
PMID: 15046057 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

80: Wang C, Gao D, Vaglenov A, Kaltenboeck B.
One-step real-time duplex reverse transcription PCRs simultaneously quantify
analyte and housekeeping gene mRNAs.
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81: Keilholz U, Goldin-Lang P, Bechrakis NE, Max N, Letsch A, Schmittel A,
Scheibenbogen C, Heufelder K, Eggermont A, Thiel E.
Quantitative detection of circulating tumor cells in cutaneous and ocular
melanoma and quality assessment by real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase
chain reaction.
Clin Cancer Res. 2004 Mar 1;10(5):1605-12.
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82: von Brasch L, Zang C, Haverkamp T, Schlechte H, Heckers H, Petrides PE.
Molecular analysis of acute intermittent porphyria: mutation screening in 20
patients in Germany reveals 11 novel mutations.
Blood Cells Mol Dis. 2004 Mar-Apr;32(2):309-14.
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83: Bÿmeur C, Ste-Marie L, Desjardins P, Hazell AS, Vachon L, Butterworth R,
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Decreased beta-actin mRNA expression in hyperglycemic focal cerebral ischemia in
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84: Kauppinen R.
Molecular diagnostics of acute intermittent porphyria.
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85: Hessels J, Voortman G, van der Wagen A, van der Elzen C, Scheffer H,
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Homozygous acute intermittent porphyria in a 7-year-old boy with massive
excretions of porphyrins and porphyrin precursors.
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86: Nekrasov AN.
Analysis of the information structure of protein sequences: a new method for
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87: Tjensvoll K, Bruland O, Floderus Y, Skadberg Ã?, Sandberg S, Apold J.
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102: Parera VE, De Siervi A, Varela L, Rossetti MV, Batlle AM.
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106: Shoolingin-Jordan PM, Al-Dbass A, McNeill LA, Sarwar M, Butler D.
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109: Martinez di Montemuros F, Di Pierro E, Patti E, Tavazzi D, Danielli MG,
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110: Edixhoven-Bosdijk A, de Rooij FW, de Baar-Heesakkers E, Wilson JH.
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111: Schneider-Yin X, Hergersberg M, Goldgar DE, RÃ?fenacht UB, Schuurmans MM, Puy
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114: TomÃ?s-Zapico C, Coto-Montes A, MartÃ-nez-Fraga J, RodrÃ-guez-Colunga MJ,
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118: Batlle A.
Porphobilinogen deaminase: accumulation and detection of tetrapyrrole
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119: Raux E, Leech HK, Beck R, Schubert HL, Santander PJ, Roessner CA, Scott AI,
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120: Kauppinen R, von und zu Fraunberg M.
Molecular and biochemical studies of acute intermittent porphyria in 196 patients
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121: Floderus Y, Shoolingin-Jordan PM, Harper P.
Acute intermittent porphyria in Sweden. Molecular, functional and clinical
consequences of some new mutations found in the porphobilinogen deaminase gene.
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122: Ribeiro GS, Marchiori PE, Kuntz Puglia PM, Nagai MA, Dos Santos ML, Nonoyama
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123: Schrader M, Burger AM, MÃ?ller M, Krause H, Straub B, Smith GL, Newlands ES,
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Quantification of human telomerase reverse transcriptase mRNA in testicular germ
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124: Noriega G, Mattei G, Batlle A, Juknat AA.
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125: Periasamy V, al Shubaili A, Girsh Y.
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126: Pauza NL, Sopena de Kracoff YE, Ferramola de Sancovich AM, Sancovich HA.
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128: TomÃ?s-Zapico C, Coto-Montes A, MartÃ-nez-Fraga J, RodrÃ-guez-Colunga MJ,
Hardeland R, Tolivia D.
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129: Lupberger J, Kreuzer KA, Baskaynak G, Peters UR, le Coutre P, Schmidt CA.
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130: Johansson A, MÃller C, Gellerfors P, Harper P.
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131: Greenbaum L, Gozlan Y, Schwartz D, Katcoff DJ, Malik Z.
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134: TomÃ?s-Zapico C, MartÃ-nez-Fraga J, RodrÃ-guez-Colunga MJ, Tolivia D, Hardeland
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137: Schrader M, MÃ?ller M, Schulze W, Heicappell R, Krause H, Straub B, Miller K.
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telomerase reverse transcriptase mRNA in testicular tissue - new parameters for a
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139: Gregor A, Schneider-Yin X, Szlendak U, Wettstein A, Lipniacka A, RÃ?fenacht
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Molecular study of the hydroxymethylbilane synthase gene (HMBS) among Polish
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140: Sah JF, Ito H, Kolli BK, Peterson DA, Sassa S, Chang KP.
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suitable for analysis of cellular events in uroporphyria and for photodynamic
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141: Martinez di Montemuros F, Di Pierro E, Biolcati G, Rocchi E, Bissolotti E,
Tavazzi D, Fiorelli G, Cappellini MD.
Acute intermittent porphyria: heterogeneity of mutations in the
hydroxymethylbilane synthase gene in Italy.
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142: Cappellini MD, Martinez di Montemuros F, Di Pierro E, Fiorelli G.
Hematologically important mutations: acute intermittent porphyria.
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143: Weinlich G, Doss MO, Sepp N, Fritsch P.
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144: Sun D, Seki G, Uwatoko S, Nakao A, Goto A, Fujita T, Kimura S, Taniguchi S.
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145: Helliwell JR.
New opportunities in biological and chemical crystallography.
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147: Afonso SG, EnrÃ-quez de Salamanca R, Batlle A.
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148: Schuurmans MM, Schneider-Yin X, RÃ?fenacht UB, Schnyder C, Minder CE, Puy H,
Deybach JC, Minder EI.
Influence of age and gender on the clinical expression of acute intermittent
porphyria based on molecular study of porphobilinogen deaminase gene among Swiss
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149: Max N, Willhauck M, Wolf K, Thilo F, Reinhold U, Pawlita M, Thiel E,
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150: Surin VL, Luk'ianenko AV, Karpova IV, Misiurin AV, Pustovot IaS, Pivnik AV.
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151: Ramdall RB, Cunha L, Astrin KH, Katz DR, Anderson KE, Glucksman M, Bottomley
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153: Schuurmans MM, Hoffmann F, Lindberg RL, Meyer UA.
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154: Coto-Montes A, Boga JA, TomÃ?s-Zapico C, RodrÃ-guez-Colunga MJ, MartÃ-nez-Fraga
J, Tolivia-Cadrecha D, Menÿndez G, Hardeland R, Tolivia D.
Porphyric enzymes in hamster Harderian gland, a model of damage by porphyrins and
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155: Gibson SL, Havens JJ, Metz L, Hilf R.
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156: Bohle RM, Hartmann E, Kinfe T, Ermert L, Seeger W, Fink L.
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157: De Siervi A, Varela LS, Parera VE, Batlle AM, Rossetti MV.
Diagnosis of latent acute intermittent porphyria by genetic analysis.
Ann Clin Biochem. 2001 Mar;38(Pt 2):149-52. No abstract available.
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158: Manohara MS, Tripathy BC.
Regulation of protoporphyrin IX biosynthesis by intraplastidic
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159: Andersson C, Floderus Y, Wikberg A, Lithner F.
The W198X and R173W mutations in the porphobilinogen deaminase gene in acute
intermittent porphyria have higher clinical penetrance than R167W. A
population-based study.
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160: JÃårgensen PE, Erlandsen EJ, Poulsen SS, Markussen S, Koch C, Brock A.
Activity and immunohistochemical localization of porphobilinogen deaminase in rat
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161: Erlandsen EJ, JÃårgensen PE, Markussen S, Brock A.
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pertinent factors in obtaining optimal conditions for measurements.
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162: Yu S, Poulos V, Stewart P.
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163: Row PE, Gray JC.
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164: Lam CW, Poon PM, Tong SF, Lo AW, Lai CK, Choi KL, Tiu SC, Chan YW, Shek CC.
Novel mutation and polymorphisms of the HMBS gene detected by denaturing HPLC.
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165: Gubin AN, Miller JL.
Human erythroid porphobilinogen deaminase exists in 2 splice variants.
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166: Rehman A, Taishi P, Fang J, Majde JA, Krueger JM.
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167: Barone GW, Gurley BJ, Anderson KE, Ketel BL, Abul-Ezz SR.
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168: Hasselmann DO, Rappl G, RÃssler M, Ugurel S, Tilgen W, Reinhold U.
Detection of tumor-associated circulating mRNA in serum, plasma and blood cells
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169: Jover R, Hoffmann F, Scheffler-Koch V, Lindberg RL.
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170: van Den Boogert J, van Staveren HJ, de Bruin RWF, de Rooij FWM,
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Fractionated illumination in oesophageal ALA-PDT: effect on ferrochelatase
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171: Whatley SD, Roberts AG, Llewellyn DH, Bennett CP, Garrett C, Elder GH.
Non-erythroid form of acute intermittent porphyria caused by promoter and
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172: Jara-Prado A, Yescas P, SÃ?nchez FJ, RÃ-os C, Garnica R, Alonso E.
Prevalence of acute intermittent porphyria in a Mexican psychiatric population.
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PMID: 11068084 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

173: Mustajoki S, Laine M, Lahtela M, Mustajoki P, Peltonen L, Kauppinen R.
Acute intermittent porphyria: expression of mutant and wild-type porphobilinogen
deaminase in COS-1 cells.
Mol Med. 2000 Aug;6(8):670-9.
PMID: 11055586 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

174: Rowley M, Liu P, Van Ness B.
Heterogeneity in therapeutic response of genetically altered myeloma cell lines
to interleukin 6, dexamethasone, doxorubicin, and melphalan.
Blood. 2000 Nov 1;96(9):3175-80.
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175: Sakakihara Y.
Ryoikibetsu Shokogun Shirizu. 2000;(29 Pt 4):424-30. Review. Japanese. No
abstract available.
PMID: 11031987 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

176: Robreau-Fraolini AM, Puy H, Aquaron C, Bogard C, Traore M, Nordmann Y,
Aquaron R, Deybach JC.
Porphobilinogen deaminase gene in African and Afro-Caribbean ethnic groups:
mutations causing acute intermittent porphyria and specific intragenic
Hum Genet. 2000 Aug;107(2):150-9.
PMID: 11030413 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

177: Buzaleh AM, del Camen Martinez M, del Carmen Batlle AM.
Relevance of cytochrome P450 levels in the actions of enflurane and isoflurane in
mice: studies on the haem pathway.
Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2000 Oct;27(10):796-800.
PMID: 11022972 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

178: De Siervi A, Weiss CÃ?diz DE, Parera VE, del C Batlle AM, Rossetti MV.
Identification and characterization of two novel mutations that produce acute
intermittent porphyria: A 3-base deletion (841-843delGGA) and a missense mutation
Hum Mutat. 2000 Oct;16(4):373.
PMID: 11013452 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

179: Roper JM, Raux E, Brindley AA, Schubert HL, Gharbia SE, Shah HN, Warren MJ.
The enigma of cobalamin (Vitamin B12) biosynthesis in Porphyromonas gingivalis.
Identification and characterization of a functional corrin pathway.
J Biol Chem. 2000 Dec 22;275(51):40316-23.
PMID: 11007789 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

180: Pivnik AV, PustovoÄ-t IaS, Karpova IV, Surin VL, Luk'ianenko AV.
[The initial results of detecting mutations in the gene of the porphobilinogen
deaminase enzyme in patients with acute intermittent porphyria in Russia]
Ter Arkh. 2000;72(7):5-8. Russian. No abstract available.
PMID: 10983313 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

181: Krieg RC, Fickweiler S, Wolfbeis OS, Knuechel R.
Cell-type specific protoporphyrin IX metabolism in human bladder cancer in vitro.
Photochem Photobiol. 2000 Aug;72(2):226-33.
PMID: 10946577 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

182: Hinnen P, de Rooij FW, Terlouw EM, Edixhoven A, van Dekken H, van
Hillegersberg R, Tilanus HW, Wilson JH, Siersema PD.
Porphyrin biosynthesis in human Barrett's oesophagus and adenocarcinoma after
ingestion of 5-aminolaevulinic acid.
Br J Cancer. 2000 Aug;83(4):539-43.
PMID: 10945504 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

183: Maeda N, Horie Y, Adachi K, Nanba E, Kawasaki H, Daimon M, Kudo Y, Kondo M.
Two deletion mutations in the hydroxymethylbilane synthase gene in two unrelated
Japanese patients with acute intermittent porphyria.
J Hum Genet. 2000;45(4):263-8.
PMID: 10944860 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

184: Caballero F, Gerez E, Batlle A, Vazquez E.
Preventive aspirin treatment of streptozotocin induced diabetes: blockage of
oxidative status and revertion of heme enzymes inhibition.
Chem Biol Interact. 2000 Jun 1;126(3):215-25.
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185: Mannhalter C, Koizar D, Mitterbauer G.
Evaluation of RNA isolation methods and reference genes for RT-PCR analyses of
rare target RNA.
Clin Chem Lab Med. 2000 Feb;38(2):171-7.
PMID: 10834406 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

186: Asano H, Li XS, Stamatoyannopoulos G.
FKLF-2: a novel KrÃ?ppel-like transcriptional factor that activates globin and
other erythroid lineage genes.
Blood. 2000 Jun 1;95(11):3578-84.
PMID: 10828046 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

187: Martinez di Montemuros F, Di Pierro E, Fargion S, Biolcati G, Griso D, MacrÃ
A, Fiorelli G, Cappellini MD.
Molecular analysis of the hydroxymethylbilane synthase (HMBS) gene in Italian
patients with acute intermittent porphyria: report of four novel mutations.
Hum Mutat. 2000 May;15(5):480.
PMID: 10790212 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

188: Doss MO, KÃ?hnel A, Gross U.
Alcohol and porphyrin metabolism.
Alcohol Alcohol. 2000 Mar-Apr;35(2):109-25. Review.
PMID: 10787385 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

189: Schneider-Yin X, Bogard C, RÃ?fenacht UB, Puy H, Nordmann Y, Minder EI,
Deybach J.
Identification of a prevalent nonsense mutation (W283X) and two novel mutations
in the porphobilinogen deaminase gene of Swiss patients with acute intermittent
Hum Hered. 2000 Jul-Aug;50(4):247-50.
PMID: 10782018 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

190: Bor M, Balogh K, Pusztai A, TasnÃ?di G, Hunyady L.
Identification of acute intermittent porphyria carriers by molecular biologic
Acta Physiol Hung. 1999;86(2):147-53.
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191: Keskin O, Jernigan RL, Bahar I.
Proteins with similar architecture exhibit similar large-scale dynamic behavior.
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192: Cassinat B, Zassadowski F, Balitrand N, Barbey C, Rain JD, Fenaux P, Degos
L, Vidaud M, Chomienne C.
Quantitation of minimal residual disease in acute promyelocytic leukemia patients
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Leukemia. 2000 Feb;14(2):324-8.
PMID: 10673752 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

193: Maeda N, Horie Y, Sasaki Y, Ueta E, Adachi K, Nanba E, Kawasaki H, Kudo Y,
Kondo M.
A splicing mutation in the hydroxymethylbilane synthase gene in a Japanese family
with acute intermittent porphyria.
Clin Biochem. 1999 Aug;32(6):411-7.
PMID: 10667475 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

194: Gross U, Puy H, Doss M, Robreau AM, Nordmann Y, Doss MO, Deybach JC.
New mutations of the hydroxymethylbilane synthase gene in German patients with
acute intermittent porphyria.
Mol Cell Probes. 1999 Dec;13(6):443-7.
PMID: 10657149 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

195: Hindmarsh JT, Oliveras L, Greenway DC.
Biochemical differentiation of the porphyrias.
Clin Biochem. 1999 Nov;32(8):609-19.
PMID: 10638943 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

196: Solis C, Lopez-Echaniz I, Sefarty-Graneda D, Astrin KH, Desnick RJ.
Identification and expression of mutations in the hydroxymethylbilane synthase
gene causing acute intermittent porphyria (AIP).
Mol Med. 1999 Oct;5(10):664-71.
PMID: 10602775 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

197: Gibson SL, Anderson LT, Havens JJ, Hilf R.
Effect of estrogenic perturbations on delta-aminolevulinic acid-induced
porphobilinogen deaminase and protoporphyrin IX levels in rat Harderian glands,
liver, and R3230AC tumors.
Biochem Pharmacol. 1999 Dec 1;58(11):1821-9.
PMID: 10571258 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

198: Gibson SL, Nguyen ML, Havens JJ, Barbarin A, Hilf R.
Relationship of delta-aminolevulinic acid-induced protoporphyrin IX levels to
mitochondrial content in neoplastic cells in vitro.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1999 Nov 19;265(2):315-21.
PMID: 10558864 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

199: Moan J, Berg K, Gadmar OB, Iani V, Ma L, Juzenas P.
The temperature dependence of protoporphyrin IX production in cells and tissues.
Photochem Photobiol. 1999 Oct;70(4):669-73.
PMID: 10546563 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

200: Male-Velazquez R, Lehman G, Sherman S, Edmonson J.
Acute intermittent porphyria and abdominal pain.
Dig Dis Sci. 1999 Sep;44(9):1758. No abstract available.
PMID: 10505710 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

201: Kondo M, Daimon M.
[Porphobilinogen deaminase (PBGD)]
Nippon Rinsho. 1999 Sep;57 Suppl:352-5. Review. Japanese. No abstract available.
PMID: 10543125 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

202: De Siervi A, Mendez M, Parera VE, Varela L, Batlle AM, Rossetti MV.
Acute intermittent porphyria: characterization of two novel mutations in the
porphobilinogen deaminase gene, one amino acid deletion (453-455delAGC) and one
splicing aceptor site mutation (IVS8-1G>T).
Hum Mutat. 1999 Oct;14(4):355.
PMID: 10502788 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

203: De Siervi A, Rossetti MV, Parera VE, Astrin KH, Aizencang GI, Glass IA,
Batlle AM, Desnick RJ.
Identification and characterization of hydroxymethylbilane synthase mutations
causing acute intermittent porphyria: evidence for an ancestral founder of the
common G111R mutation.
Am J Med Genet. 1999 Oct 8;86(4):366-75.
PMID: 10494093 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

204: Hilf R, Havens JJ, Gibson SL.
Effect of delta-aminolevulinic acid on protoporphyrin IX accumulation in tumor
cells transfected with plasmids containing porphobilinogen deaminase DNA.
Photochem Photobiol. 1999 Sep;70(3):334-40.
PMID: 10483361 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

205: Whatley SD, Woolf JR, Elder GH.
Comparison of complementary and genomic DNA sequencing for the detection of
mutations in the HMBS gene in British patients with acute intermittent porphyria:
identification of 25 novel mutations.
Hum Genet. 1999 Jun;104(6):505-10.
PMID: 10453740 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

206: Chÿnais B, Molle I, Jeannesson P.
Inhibitory effect of nitric oxide on chemically induced differentiation of human
leukemic K562 cells.
Biochem Pharmacol. 1999 Sep 1;58(5):773-8.
PMID: 10449186 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

207: Tishler PV.
The effect of therapeutic drugs and other pharmacologic agents on activity of
porphobilinogen deaminase, the enzyme that is deficient in intermittent acute
Life Sci. 1999;65(2):207-14.
PMID: 10416826 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

208: Aguilar-GonzÃ?lez MG, HernÃ?ndez A, LÃ?pez ML, Mendoza-Figueroa T, Albores A.
Arsenite alters heme synthesis in long-term cultures of adult rat hepatocytes.
Toxicol Sci. 1999 Jun;49(2):281-9.
PMID: 10416273 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

209: Mustajoki S, Ahola H, Mustajoki P, Kauppinen R.
Insertion of Alu element responsible for acute intermittent porphyria.
Hum Mutat. 1999;13(6):431-8.
PMID: 10408772 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

210: Gibson SL, Havens JJ, Nguyen ML, Hilf R.
Delta-aminolaevulinic acid-induced photodynamic therapy inhibits protoporphyrin
IX biosynthesis and reduces subsequent treatment efficacy in vitro.
Br J Cancer. 1999 Jun;80(7):998-1004.
PMID: 10362107 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

211: de Vries TJ, Fourkour A, Punt CJ, van de Locht LT, Wobbes T, van den Bosch
S, de Rooij MJ, Mensink EJ, Ruiter DJ, van Muijen GN.
Reproducibility of detection of tyrosinase and MART-1 transcripts in the
peripheral blood of melanoma patients: a quality control study using real-time
quantitative RT-PCR.
Br J Cancer. 1999 May;80(5-6):883-91.
PMID: 10360670 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

212: HernÃ?ndez-Zavala A, Del Razo LM, GarcÃ-a-Vargas GG, Aguilar C, Borja VH,
Albores A, CebriÃ?n ME.
Altered activity of heme biosynthesis pathway enzymes in individuals chronically
exposed to arsenic in Mexico.
Arch Toxicol. 1999 Mar;73(2):90-5.
PMID: 10350189 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

213: Petrides PE.
Acute intermittent porphyria: mutation analysis and identification of gene
carriers in a German kindred by PCR-DGGE analysis.
Skin Pharmacol Appl Skin Physiol. 1998 Nov-Dec;11(6):374-80. Review.
PMID: 10343207 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

214: Lindberg RL, Martini R, Baumgartner M, Erne B, Borg J, Zielasek J, Ricker K,
Steck A, Toyka KV, Meyer UA.
Motor neuropathy in porphobilinogen deaminase-deficient mice imitates the
peripheral neuropathy of human acute porphyria.
J Clin Invest. 1999 Apr;103(8):1127-34.
PMID: 10207164 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

215: Asano H, Li XS, Stamatoyannopoulos G.
FKLF, a novel KrÃ?ppel-like factor that activates human embryonic and fetal
beta-like globin genes.
Mol Cell Biol. 1999 May;19(5):3571-9.
PMID: 10207080 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

216: Fink L, Stahl U, Ermert L, Kummer W, Seeger W, Bohle RM.
Rat porphobilinogen deaminase gene: a pseudogene-free internal standard for
laser-assisted cell picking.
Biotechniques. 1999 Mar;26(3):510-6.
PMID: 10090993 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

217: HÃ?dener A, Matzinger PK, Battersby AR, McSweeney S, Thompson AW, Hammersley
AP, Harrop SJ, Cassetta A, Deacon A, Hunter WN, Nieh YP, Raftery J, Hunter N,
Helliwell JR.
Determination of the structure of seleno-methionine-labelled hydroxymethylbilane
synthase in its active form by multi-wavelength anomalous dispersion.
Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr. 1999 Mar;55(Pt 3):631-43.
PMID: 10089459 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

218: Tchernitchko D, Lamoril J, Puy H, Robreau AM, Bogard C, Rosipal R, Gouya L,
Deybach JC, Nordmann Y.
Evaluation of mutation screening by heteroduplex analysis in acute intermittent
porphyria: comparison with denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis.
Clin Chim Acta. 1999 Jan;279(1-2):133-43.
PMID: 10064125 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

219: van den Boogert J, Houtsmuller AB, de Rooij FW, de Bruin RW, Siersema PD,
van Hillegersberg R.
Kinetics, localization, and mechanism of 5-aminolevulinic acid-induced porphyrin
accumulation in normal and Barrett's-like rat esophagus.
Lasers Surg Med. 1999;24(1):3-13.
PMID: 10037346 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

220: Law WK, Choy KW, Lam CW.
Novel single nucleotide polymorphism (9678G-->A) for linkage analysis of acute
intermittent porphyria.
Clin Chem. 1999 Feb;45(2):308-9. No abstract available.
PMID: 9931062 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

221: SedlÃ?k T, Pontuch P, Duris I.
[Acute intermittent porphyria]
Bratisl Lek Listy. 1998 Oct;99(10):536-7. Slovak.
PMID: 9919755 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

222: Malhotra K, Luehrsen KR, Costello LL, Raich TJ, Sim K, Foltz L, Davidson S,
Xu H, Chen A, Yamanishi DT, Lindemann GW, Cain CA, Madlansacay MR, Hashima SM,
Pham TL, Mahoney W, Schueler PA.
Identification of differentially expressed mRNAs in human fetal liver across
Nucleic Acids Res. 1999 Feb 1;27(3):839-47.
PMID: 9889281 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

223: Puy H, Gross U, Deybach JC, Robrÿau AM, Frank M, Nordmann Y, Doss M.
Exon 1 donor splice site mutations in the porphobilinogen deaminase gene in the
non-erythroid variant form of acute intermittent porphyria.
Hum Genet. 1998 Nov;103(5):570-5.
PMID: 9860299 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

224: BrÃåns-Poulsen J, Petersen NE, HÃårder M, Kristiansen K.
An improved PCR-based method for site directed mutagenesis using megaprimers.
Mol Cell Probes. 1998 Dec;12(6):345-8.
PMID: 9843651 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

225: Bogard C, Deybach JC.
[Porphyrins and porphyrias]
Ann Biol Clin (Paris). 1998 Jul;56 Spec No:11-22. Review. French. No abstract
PMID: 9827210 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

226: FrÃÅre T, Roy-Peaud F, Ripault MP, Dumas P, Silvain C, Pourrat O, Beauchant
[Acute intermittent porphyria associated with hyperaldosteronism and
inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion syndrome]
Gastroenterol Clin Biol. 1998 Aug-Sep;22(8-9):727-31. French.
PMID: 9823563 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

227: Siligardi G, Hussain R.
Biomolecules interactions and competitions by non-immobilised ligand interaction
assay by circular dichroism.
Enantiomer. 1998;3(2):77-87. Review.
PMID: 9783430 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

228: McNeill LA, Shoolingin-Jordan PM.
Dipyrromethane cofactor assembly in porphobilinogen deaminase.
Biochem Soc Trans. 1998 Aug;26(3):S286. No abstract available.
PMID: 9766005 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

229: Shoolingin-Jordan PM.
Structure and mechanism of enzymes involved in the assembly of the tetrapyrrole
Biochem Soc Trans. 1998 Aug;26(3):326-36. Review. No abstract available.
PMID: 9765873 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

230: Hinnen P, de Rooij FW, van Velthuysen ML, Edixhoven A, van Hillegersberg R,
Tilanus HW, Wilson JH, Siersema PD.
Biochemical basis of 5-aminolaevulinic acid-induced protoporphyrin IX
accumulation: a study in patients with (pre)malignant lesions of the oesophagus.
Br J Cancer. 1998 Sep;78(5):679-82.
PMID: 9744510 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

231: Mensink E, van de Locht A, Schattenberg A, Linders E, Schaap N, Geurts van
Kessel A, De Witte T.
Quantitation of minimal residual disease in Philadelphia chromosome positive
chronic myeloid leukaemia patients using real-time quantitative RT-PCR.
Br J Haematol. 1998 Aug;102(3):768-74.
PMID: 9722305 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

232: Cardalda CA, Batlle A, Juknat AA.
Sequence and structure of the rat housekeeping PBG-D isoform.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1998 Aug 19;249(2):438-43.
PMID: 9712715 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

233: Petersen NE, Nissen H, HÃårder M, Senz J, Jamani A, Schreiber WE.
Mutation screening by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis in North American
patients with acute intermittent porphyria.
Clin Chem. 1998 Aug;44(8 Pt 1):1766-8. No abstract available.
PMID: 9702975 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

234: Afonso S, EnrÃ-quez de Salamanca R, Batlle A.
Porphyrin-induced protein structural alternations of heme enzymes. II: Protection
of 5-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase and porphobilinogen deaminase from the
photodynamic and non-photodynamic effects of URO and PROTO.
Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 1998 Apr;30(4):535-43.
PMID: 9675887 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

235: Kumar Tewari A, Charan Tripathy B.
Temperature-stress-induced impairment of chlorophyll biosynthetic reactions in
cucumber and wheat
Plant Physiol. 1998 Jul;117(3):851-8.
PMID: 9662527 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

236: Mustajoki S, Pihlaja H, Ahola H, Petersen NE, Mustajoki P, Kauppinen R.
Three splicing defects, an insertion, and two missense mutations responsible for
acute intermittent porphyria.
Hum Genet. 1998 May;102(5):541-8.
PMID: 9654202 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

237: Ong PM, Lanyon WG, Moore MR, Connor JM.
Acute intermittent porphyria: alternative splicing of hydroxymethylbilane
synthase mRNA excludes exons 3 and 12.
Mol Cell Probes. 1998 Apr;12(2):63-70.
PMID: 9633040 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

238: Santos JL, Fontanellas A, Batlle AM, EnrÃ-quez de Salamanca RE.
Reference values of 5-aminolevulinate dehydrase and porphobilinogen deaminase in
the Spanish population from Madrid.
Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 1998 Mar;39(3):168-71.
PMID: 9570906 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

239: de Lange MS, Top B, Lambrechts C, Maas RA, Peterse HL, Mooi WJ, van 't Veer
LJ, Rodenhuis S.
A method to monitor mRNA levels in human breast tumor cells obtained by
fine-needle aspiration.
Diagn Mol Pathol. 1997 Dec;6(6):353-60.
PMID: 9559296 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

240: Vij AG, Satija NK, Flora SJ.
Lead induced disorders in hematopoietic and drug metabolizing enzyme system and
their protection by ascorbic acid supplementation.
Biomed Environ Sci. 1998 Mar;11(1):7-14.
PMID: 9559098 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

241: Sakaguchi T, Sakaguchi S, Kudo Y.
[Immunotoxicity of beryllium]
Nippon Eiseigaku Zasshi. 1998 Jan;52(4):611-7. Review. Japanese.
PMID: 9528258 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

242: Tomie Y, Horie Y, Tajima F, Kitaoka S, Nanba E, Yuasa I, Kawasaki H.
Mutation in the exon 10 (R173W) of the hydroxymethylbilane synthase gene in two
unrelated Japanese families with acute intermittent porphyria.
Res Commun Mol Pathol Pharmacol. 1998 Jan;99(1):5-15.
PMID: 9523350 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

243: Meyer UA, Schuurmans MM, Lindberg RL.
Acute porphyrias: pathogenesis of neurological manifestations.
Semin Liver Dis. 1998;18(1):43-52. Review.
PMID: 9516677 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

244: Grandchamp B.
Acute intermittent porphyria.
Semin Liver Dis. 1998;18(1):17-24. Review.
PMID: 9516674 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

245: Johnsen O, Murphy P, Prydz H, Kolsto AB.
Interaction of the CNC-bZIP factor TCF11/LCR-F1/Nrf1 with MafG: binding-site
selection and regulation of transcription.
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 Jan 15;26(2):512-20.
PMID: 9421508 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

246: Princ FG, Maxit AG, Cardalda C, Batlle A, Juknat AA.
In vivo protection by melatonin against delta-aminolevulinic acid-induced
oxidative damage and its antioxidant effect on the activity of haem enzymes.
J Pineal Res. 1998 Jan;24(1):1-8.
PMID: 9468112 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

247: Ong PM, Lanyon WG, Hift RJ, Halkett J, Cramp CE, Moore MR, Connor JM.
Identification of two novel mutations in the hydroxymethylbilane synthase gene in
three patients from two unrelated families with acute intermittent porphyria.
Hum Hered. 1998 Jan-Feb;48(1):24-9.
PMID: 9463797 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

248: Gibson SL, Cupriks DJ, Havens JJ, Nguyen ML, Hilf R.
A regulatory role for porphobilinogen deaminase (PBGD) in delta-aminolaevulinic
acid (delta-ALA)-induced photosensitization?
Br J Cancer. 1998;77(2):235-42.
PMID: 9460994 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

249: Greene-Davis ST, Neumann PE, Mann OE, Moss MA, Schreiber WE, Welch JP,
Langley GR, Sangalang VE, Dempsey GI, Nassar BA.
Detection of a R173W mutation in the porphobilinogen deaminase gene in the Nova
Scotian "foreign Protestant" population with acute intermittent porphyria: a
founder effect.
Clin Biochem. 1997 Dec;30(8):607-12.
PMID: 9455613 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

250: Mustajoki S, Kauppinen R, Mustajoki P, Suomalainen A, Peltonen L.
Steady-state transcript levels of the porphobilinogen deaminase gene in patients
with acute intermittent porphyria.
Genome Res. 1997 Nov;7(11):1054-60.
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251: Kafala B, Sasarman A.
Isolation of the Staphylococcus aureus hemCDBL gene cluster coding for early
steps in heme biosynthesis.
Gene. 1997 Oct 15;199(1-2):231-9.
PMID: 9358061 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

252: Nordmann Y, Puy H, Da Silva V, Simonin S, Robreau AM, Bonaiti C, Phung LN,
Deybach JC.
Acute intermittent porphyria: prevalence of mutations in the porphobilinogen
deaminase gene in blood donors in France.
J Intern Med. 1997 Sep;242(3):213-7.
PMID: 9350165 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

253: Chow KS, Singh DP, Roper JM, Smith AG.
A single precursor protein for ferrochelatase-I from Arabidopsis is imported in
vitro into both chloroplasts and mitochondria.
J Biol Chem. 1997 Oct 31;272(44):27565-71.
PMID: 9346891 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

254: Cardalda CA, Juknat AA, Princ FG, Batlle A.
Rat harderian gland porphobilinogen deaminase: characterization studies and
regulatory action of protoporphyrin IX.
Arch Biochem Biophys. 1997 Nov 1;347(1):69-77.
PMID: 9344466 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

255: Chÿnais B, Molle I, Trentesaux C, Jeannesson P.
Time-course of butyric acid-induced differentiation in human K562 leukemic cell
line: rapid increase in gamma-globin, porphobilinogen deaminase and NF-E2 mRNA
Leukemia. 1997 Sep;11(9):1575-9.
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256: Afonso SG, Enriquez De Salamanca R, Batlle AM.
Porphyrin-induced protein structural alterations of heme enzymes.
Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 1997 Aug-Sep;29(8-9):1113-21.
PMID: 9416007 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

257: Jeannesson P, Lahlil R, Chenais B, Devy L, Gillet R, Aries A, Morceau F,
Trentesaux C.
Anthracyclines as tumor cell differentiating agents: effects on the regulation of
erythroid gene expression.
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259: Awan SJ, Siligardi G, Shoolingin-Jordan PM, Warren MJ.
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260: Lundin G, Lee JS, Thunell S, Anvret M.
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262: Puy H, Deybach JC, Lamoril J, Robreau AM, Da Silva V, Gouya L, Grandchamp B,
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263: Rosipal R, Puy H, Lamoril J, Martasek P, Nordmann Y, Deybach JC.
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265: Sakaguchi S, Sakaguchi T, Nakamura I, Aminaka M, Tanaka T, Kudo Y.
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266: Mock HP, Grimm B.
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267: Freesemann AG, Bhutani LK, Jacob K, Doss MO.
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269: Nagai M, Nagai T, Yamamoto M, Goto K, Bishop TR, Hayashi N, Kondo H, Seyama
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270: Afonso SG, de Salamanca RE, Batlle A.
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272: Lundin G, Anvret M.
Characterization and regulation of the nonerythroid porphobilinogen deaminase
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273: Casas A, Fukuda H, Del C Batlle AM.
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274: Puy H, Aquaron R, Lamoril J, Robrÿau AM, Nordmann Y, Deybach JC.
Acute intermittent porphyria: rapid molecular diagnosis.
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275: Gross U, Jacob K, Frank M, Doss MO.
Haem precursors and porphobilinogen deaminase in erythrocytes and lymphocytes of
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276: Awan SJ, Siligardi G, Warren MJ, Shoolingin-Jordan PM.
Discovery of a novel mechanism for cofactor assembly by Escherichia coli
porphobilinogen deaminase.
Biochem Soc Trans. 1997 Feb;25(1):79S. No abstract available.
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277: Shoolingin-Jordan PM, Leadbeater R.
Coupled assay for uroporphyrinogen III synthase.
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278: Shoolingin-Jordan PM, Warren MJ, Awan SJ.
Dipyrromethane cofactor assembly of porphobilinogen deaminase: formation of
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279: Nissen H, Petersen NE, Mustajoki S, Hansen TS, Mustajoki P, Kauppinen R,
HÃårder M.
Diagnostic strategy, genetic diagnosis and identification of new mutations in
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280: Ochiai T, Morishima T, Kondo M.
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282: Grandchamp B, Puy H, Lamoril J, Deybach JC, Nordmann Y.
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283: GarcÃ-a-Vargas GG, HernÃ?ndez-Zavala A.
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285: Nagel S, Schmidt M, Thiede C, Huhn D, Neubauer A.
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286: Sakaguchi S, Sakaguchi T, Nakamura I, Aminaka M, Tanaka T, Kudo Y.
Effect of beryllium on delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase and porphobilinogen
deaminase in pregnant mice.
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288: Buzaleh AM, Batlle AM.
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289: Gross U, Honcamp M, Doss MO.
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290: Morceau F, Chÿnais B, Gillet R, Jardillier JC, Jeannesson P, Trentesaux C.
Transcriptional and posttranscriptional regulation of erythroid gene expression
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291: Downey D.
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292: Shoolingin-Jordan PM, Warren MJ, Awan SJ.
Discovery that the assembly of the dipyrromethane cofactor of porphobilinogen
deaminase holoenzyme proceeds initially by the reaction of preuroporphyrinogen
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293: Bjersing L, Andersson C, Lithner F.
Hepatocellular carcinoma in patients from northern Sweden with acute intermittent
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294: Puy H, Deybach JC, Lamoril J, Robreau AM, Nordmann Y.
Detection of four novel mutations in the porphobilinogen deaminase gene in French
Caucasian patients with acute intermittent porphyria.
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295: Fontanellas A, Herrero JA, Coronel F, Santos JL, MorÃ?n MJ, Barrientos A,
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296: Llewellyn DH, Scobie GA, Urquhart AJ, Whatley SD, Roberts AG, Harrison PR,
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297: Louie GV, Brownlie PD, Lambert R, Cooper JB, Blundell TL, Wood SP,
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298: Afonso SG, Polo CF, Enriquez de Salamanca R, Batlle A.
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299: Aries A, Trentesaux C, Ottolenghi S, Jardillier JC, Jeannesson P,
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300: Morceau F, Aries A, Lahlil R, Devy L, Jardillier JC, Jeannesson P,
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Evidence for distinct regulation processes in the aclacinomycin- and
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301: Guolo M, Stella AM, Melito V, Parera V, Del C Batlle AM.
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302: Ong PM, Lanyon WG, Hift RJ, Halkett J, Moore MR, Mgone CS, Connor JM.
Detection of four mutations in six unrelated South African patients with acute
intermittent porphyria.
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303: Walters M, Andrews NC, Magis W, Martin DI.
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304: Lindberg RL, Porcher C, Grandchamp B, Ledermann B, BÃ?rki K, Brandner S,
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Porphobilinogen deaminase deficiency in mice causes a neuropathy resembling that
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305: Witty M, Jones RM, Robb MS, Jordan PM, Smith AG.
Subcellular location of the tetrapyrrole synthesis enzyme porphobilinogen
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306: Aquaron R, Zarrouck K, el Boussaki A, Acquaviva JE.
[Acute intermittent porphyria in 2 Moroccan families. Clinical and biological
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307: Bridges EG, Trentesaux C, Lahlil R, Spiga MG, Jeannesson P, Sommadossi JP.
3'-Azido-3'-deoxythymidine inhibits erythroid-specific transcription factors in
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308: Petersen NE, Nissen H, Hansen TS, Rasmussen K, Brock A, HÃårder M.
R325X mutation in exon 15 of the hydroxymethylbilane synthase gene identified in
two Danish families with acute intermittent porphyria.
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309: Stamford NP, Crouzet J, Cameron B, Alanine AI, Pitt AR, Yeliseev AA,
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Biosynthesis of vitamin B12: the preparative multi-enzyme synthesis of
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310: Schreiber WE.
Acute intermittent porphyria: laboratory diagnosis by molecular methods.
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311: Lundin G, Hashemi J, Floderus Y, Thunell S, Sagen E, Laegreid A, Wassif W,
Peters T, Anvret M.
Four mutations in the porphobilinogen deaminase gene in patients with acute
intermittent porphyria.
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312: Anderson KE, Goeger DE, Bessman JD.
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313: Whatley SD, Roberts AG, Elder GH.
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314: Fowler DA, Weidner DA, Sommadossi JP.
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315: Warren MJ, Gul S, Aplin RT, Scott AI, Roessner CA, O'Grady P,
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Evidence for conformational changes in Escherichia coli porphobilinogen deaminase
during stepwise pyrrole chain elongation monitored by increased reactivity of
cysteine-134 to alkylation by N-ethylmaleimide.
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316: Lee GY, Astrin KH, Desnick RJ.
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the human hydroxymethylbilane synthase gene, predicting truncations of the enzyme
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317: Wood S, Lambert R, Jordan PM.
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318: Schreiber WE, Fong F, Nassar BA, Jamani A.
Heteroduplex analysis detects frameshift and point mutations in patients with
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319: Meguro K, Igarashi K, Yamamoto M, Fujita H, Sassa S.
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320: Porcher C, Picat C, Daegelen D, Beaumont C, Grandchamp B.
Functional analysis of DNase-I hypersensitive sites at the mouse porphobilinogen
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321: Bycroft M, GrÃ?nert S, Murzin AG, Proctor M, St Johnston D.
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322: GarcÃ-a-Vargas G, CebriÃ?n ME, Albores A, Lim CK, De Matteis F.
Time-dependent porphyric response in mice subchronically exposed to arsenic.
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323: Schreiber WE, Jamani A, Armstrong JG.
Acute intermittent porphyria in a native North American family. Biochemical and
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324: Morita Y, Daimon M, Kashiwaba M, Yamatani K, Igarashi M, Fukase N, Ohnuma H,
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325: Kondo M.
[Porphyrin-synthesizing enzymes in erythrocyte]
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326: Iadecola C, Zhang F, Xu S, Casey R, Ross ME.
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327: van Hillegersberg R, Hekking-Weijma JM, Wilson JH, Edixhoven-Bosdijk A, Kort
Adjuvant intraoperative photodynamic therapy diminishes the rate of local
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328: Roessner CA, Spencer JB, Ozaki S, Min C, Atshaves BP, Nayar P, Anousis N,
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329: de Verneuil H, Ged C, Boulechfar S, Moreau-Gaudry F.
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330: Deybach JC, Puy H.
Porphobilinogen deaminase gene structure and molecular defects.
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331: Shoolingin-Jordan PM.
Porphobilinogen deaminase and uroporphyrinogen III synthase: structure, molecular
biology, and mechanism.
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332: Kaczynski J, Hansson G, Thunell S, Wetterberg L, Wallerstedt S.
Erythrocyte porphobilinogen deaminase activity and primary liver cancer.
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333: Andersson C, Thunell S, Floderus Y, Forsell C, Lundin G, Anvret M, Lannfelt
L, Wetterberg L, Lithner F.
Diagnosis of acute intermittent porphyria in northern Sweden: an evaluation of
mutation analysis and biochemical methods.
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334: Sowdhamini R, Blundell TL.
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335: Schoenfeld N, Mamet R, Dotan I, Sztern M, Levo Y, Aderka D.
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336: Nakayashiki T, Nishimura K, Inokuchi H.
Cloning and sequencing of a previously unidentified gene that is involved in the
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337: Kondo M.
[Porphobilinogen deaminase (PBGD)]
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338: Kauppinen R, Mustajoki S, Pihlaja H, Peltonen L, Mustajoki P.
Acute intermittent porphyria in Finland: 19 mutations in the porphobilinogen
deaminase gene.
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339: Woodard SI, Dailey HA.
Regulation of heme biosynthesis in Escherichia coli.
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341: de Calmanovici RW, CochÃ?n AC, Aldonatti CA, Cabral JR, San MartÃ-n de Viale
Erythrocyte uroporphyrinogen I synthase in rats treated with the hepatic
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342: Siersema PD, de Rooij FW, Edixhoven-Bosdijk A, Weimar W, Wilson JH.
Heme synthesis in chronic renal failure: the effects of hemodialysis, peritoneal
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343: Porcher C, Grandchamp B.
Structure of the mouse H2A.X gene and physical linkage to the UPS locus on
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344: VÃ?zquez-Prado J, SÃ?nchez-Anzaldo FJ, Ruiz-ArgÃ?elles GJ, MarÃ-n-LÃ?pez E,
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In vitro transcription of erythroid promoters using baculoviral-expressed human
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348: Chen CC, Thajeb P, Lie SK.
Acute intermittent porphyria: clinical analysis of nine cases.
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349: Jordan PM.
Highlights in haem biosynthesis.
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350: Wassif WS, Deacon AC, Floderus Y, Thunell S, Peters TJ.
Acute intermittent porphyria: diagnostic conundrums.
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351: Lim SH, Witty M, Wallace-Cook AD, Ilag LI, Smith AG.
Porphobilinogen deaminase is encoded by a single gene in Arabidopsis thaliana and
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352: Chen CH, Astrin KH, Lee G, Anderson KE, Desnick RJ.
Acute intermittent porphyria: identification and expression of exonic mutations
in the hydroxymethylbilane synthase gene. An initiation codon missense mutation
in the housekeeping transcript causes "variant acute intermittent porphyria" with
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354: Schreiber WE, Rozon C, Fong F, Jamani A.
Detection of polymorphisms and mutations in the porphobilinogen deaminase gene by
nonisotopic SSCP.
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355: Brownlie PD, Lambert R, Louie GV, Jordan PM, Blundell TL, Warren MJ, Cooper
JB, Wood SP.
The three-dimensional structures of mutants of porphobilinogen deaminase: toward
an understanding of the structural basis of acute intermittent porphyria.
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356: Schreiber WE, Fong F, Jamani A.
Molecular diagnosis of acute intermittent porphyria by analysis of DNA extracted
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357: Hukmani P, Tripathy BC.
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358: Adjarov DG, Naydenova EN, Kerimova MA, Pentieva KD, Ivanova LB, Ivanova AV.
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359: Shimizu H, Shimizu C, Burns JC.
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360: Mamet R, Teitz Y, Schoenfeld N.
Transformation, growth rate, and the heme biosynthetic pathway in
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361: Jones RM, Jordan PM.
Purification and properties of porphobilinogen deaminase from Arabidopsis
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362: Schreiber WE, Fong F, Jamani A.
Frameshift mutations in exons 9 and 10 of the porphobilinogen deaminase gene
produce a crossreacting immunological material (CRIM)-negative form of acute
intermittent porphyria.
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363: Daimon M, Yamatani K, Igarashi M, Fukase N, Morita Y, Ogawa A, Tominaga M,
Sasaki H.
Acute intermittent porphyria caused by a single base insertion of C in exon 15 of
the porphobilinogen deaminase gene that results in a frame shift and premature
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364: Mgone CS, Lanyon WG, Moore MR, Louie GV, Connor JM.
Identification of five novel mutations in the porphobilinogen deaminase gene.
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366: Patience DA, Blackwood DH, McColl KE, Moore MR.
Acute intermittent porphyria and mental illness--a family study.
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367: Woodcock SC, Jordan PM.
Evidence for participation of aspartate-84 as a catalytic group at the active
site of porphobilinogen deaminase obtained by site-directed mutagenesis of the
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368: Igarashi K, Kataoka K, Itoh K, Hayashi N, Nishizawa M, Yamamoto M.
Regulation of transcription by dimerization of erythroid factor NF-E2 p45 with
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369: Afonso SG, Chinarro S, Enriquez de Salamanca R, Batlle AM.
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370: Namba H, Narahara K, Tsuji K, Yokoyama Y, Murakami M, Matsubara T, Seino Y.
Developmental change in activity of red cell porphobilinogen deaminase and its
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371: Rufino SD, Blundell TL.
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372: Shively BD, Clochesy JM, Briones JP, Spositio DL, Kloos JA.
Caring for patients with acute intermittent porphyria.
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373: Correa Garcia S, Rossetti MV, Bermudez Moretti M, Batlle AM.
Yeast porphobilinogen deaminase also forms enzyme-pyrrole intermediates.
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374: Lundin G, Wedell A, Thunell S, Anvret M.
Two new mutations in the porphobilinogen deaminase gene and a screening method
using PCR amplification of specific alleles.
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375: Gu XF, de Rooij F, Voortman G, Te Velde K, Deybach JC, Nordmann Y,
Grandchamp B.
Detection of eleven mutations causing acute intermittent porphyria using
denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis.
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376: Mohr CD, Sonsteby SK, Deretic V.
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378: Astrin KH, Desnick RJ.
Molecular basis of acute intermittent porphyria: mutations and polymorphisms in
the human hydroxymethylbilane synthase gene.
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379: Lambert R, Brownlie PD, Woodcock SC, Louie GV, Cooper JC, Warren MJ, Jordan
PM, Blundell TL, Wood SP.
Structural studies on porphobilinogen deaminase.
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380: Jordan PM.
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381: Mgone CS, Lanyon WG, Moore MR, Louie GV, Connor JM.
Detection of a high mutation frequency in exon 12 of the porphobilinogen
deaminase gene in patients with acute intermittent porphyria.
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382: Daimon M, Yamatani K, Igarashi M, Fukase N, Ogawa A, Tominaga M, Sasaki H.
Acute intermittent porphyria caused by a G to C mutation in exon 12 of the
porphobilinogen deaminase gene that results in exon skipping.
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383: Hallal H, Albaladejo Mÿndez J, MacaÅ'as G, GarcÃ-a GarcÃ-a JF, Pÿrez Gracia A,
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384: Lake-Bullock H, Dailey HA.
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385: Sagen E, Laegreid A, Anvret M, Lundin G, Lannfelt L, Lilius L, Floderus Y,
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386: Akao Y, Tsujimoto Y, Seto M, Imai T, Bergeron D, Berbeau B, Otsuki Y.
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387: MuÃ+oz JJ, Roca C, Santos JL, Arroyo M, de Salamanca RE.
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388: Gu XF, de Rooij F, de Baar E, Bruyland M, Lissens W, Nordmann Y, Grandchamp
Two novel mutations of the porphobilinogen deaminase gene in acute intermittent
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389: Moore MR.
Biochemistry of porphyria.
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390: Pilz RB.
Impaired erythroid-specific gene expression in cAMP-dependent protein
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391: Bjersing L, Andersson C, Lithner F.
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392: Daimon M, Morita Y, Yamatani K, Igarashi M, Fukase N, Ohnuma H, Sugiyama K,
Ogawa A, Manaka H, Tominaga M, et al.
Two new polymorphisms in introns 2 and 3 of the human porphobilinogen deaminase
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393: Witty M, Wallace-Cook AD, Albrecht H, Spano AJ, Michel H, Shabanowitz J,
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Structure and expression of chloroplast-localized porphobilinogen deaminase from
pea (Pisum sativum L.) isolated by redundant polymerase chain reaction.
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394: Llewellyn DH, Whatley S, Elder GH.
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(R26H) in the cofactor-binding cleft of porphobilinogen deaminase.
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395: Overington JP, Zhu ZY, Sali A, Johnson MS, Sowdhamini R, Louie GV, Blundell
Molecular recognition in protein families: a database of aligned
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396: Hindmarsh JT.
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397: Norton B, Lanyon WG, Moore MR, Porteous M, Youngs GR, Connor JM.
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398: Badcock NR, O'Reilly DA, Zoanetti GD, Robertson EF, Parker CJ.
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400: Meissner P, Adams P, Kirsch R.
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401: Eleouet JF, Romÿo PH.
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402: FernÃ?ndez-Barreiro A, Carmena RodrÃ-guez R, MartÃ-nez HernÃ?ndez P.
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405: Gu XF, de Rooij F, Lee JS, Te Velde K, Deybach JC, Nordmann Y, Grandchamp B.
High prevalence of a point mutation in the porphobilinogen deaminase gene in
Dutch patients with acute intermittent porphyria.
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407: Gill M, McGuffin P, Parfitt E, Mant R, Asherson P, Collier D, Vallada H,
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408: Correa GarcÃ-a S, BermÃ?dez Moretti M, Cardalda C, Rossetti MV, Batlle AM.
The role of ALA-S and ALA-D in regulating porphyrin biosynthesis in a normal and
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409: HÃ?dener A, Matzinger PK, Malashkevich VN, Louie GV, Wood SP, Oliver P,
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410: Zawirska B, Usnarska-Zubkiewicz L, Gamian E.
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411: Kondo M, Hirota N, Takaoka T, Kajiwara M.
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412: Puy H, Deybach JC, Baudry P, Callebert J, Touitou Y, Nordmann Y.
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413: Sanders AR, Rincon-Limas DE, Chakraborty R, Grandchamp B, Hamilton JD, Fann
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414: Yoo HW, Warner CA, Chen CH, Desnick RJ.
Hydroxymethylbilane synthase: complete genomic sequence and amplifiable
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415: Kauppinen R.
Single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis applied to the diagnosis
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416: Scobie G, Jasani B, Kalsheker N.
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417: Nimgaonkar VL, Ganguli R, Washington SS, Chakravarti A.
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418: Schreiber WE, Jamani A, Ritchie B.
Detection of a T/C polymorphism in the porphobilinogen deaminase gene by
polymerase chain reaction amplification of specific alleles.
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419: Louie GV, Brownlie PD, Lambert R, Cooper JB, Blundell TL, Wood SP, Warren
MJ, Woodcock SC, Jordan PM.
Structure of porphobilinogen deaminase reveals a flexible multidomain polymerase
with a single catalytic site.
Nature. 1992 Sep 3;359(6390):33-9.
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420: Gu XF, de Rooij F, Voortman G, Te Velde K, Nordmann Y, Grandchamp B.
High frequency of mutations in exon 10 of the porphobilinogen deaminase gene in
patients with a CRIM-positive subtype of acute intermittent porphyria.
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421: Mgone CS, Lanyon WG, Moore MR, Connor JM.
Detection of seven point mutations in the porphobilinogen deaminase gene in
patients with acute intermittent porphyria, by direct sequencing of in vitro
amplified cDNA.
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422: Owen MJ, Mant R, Parfitt E, Williams J, Asherson P, O'Mahoney G, Van Os J,
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423: Keng T, Richard C, Larocque R.
Structure and regulation of yeast HEM3, the gene for porphobilinogen deaminase.
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424: Van Hillegersberg R, Van den Berg JW, Kort WJ, Terpstra OT, Wilson JH.
Selective accumulation of endogenously produced porphyrins in a liver metastasis
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425: Frustaci JM, O'Brian MR.
Characterization of a Bradyrhizobium japonicum ferrochelatase mutant and
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427: Noriega GO, Juknat AA, Batlle AM.
Non-essential activation of rat liver porphobilinogen-deaminase by folic acid.
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428: Mustajoki P, Kauppinen R, Lannfelt L, Lilius L, Koistinen J.
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429: Llewellyn DH, Smyth SJ, Elder GH, Hutchesson AC, Rattenbury JM, Smith MF.
Homozygous acute intermittent porphyria: compound heterozygosity for adjacent
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430: Jordan PM, Warren MJ, Mgbeje BI, Wood SP, Cooper JB, Louie G, Brownlie P,
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Crystallization and preliminary X-ray investigation of Escherichia coli
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433: Bourgeois F, Gu XF, Deybach JC, Te Velde MP, de Rooij F, Nordmann Y,
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Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis for rapid detection of latent carriers of
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437: Jordan PM, Woodcock SC.
Mutagenesis of arginine residues in the catalytic cleft of Escherichia coli
porphobilinogen deaminase that affects dipyrromethane cofactor assembly and
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438: Fujita H, Yamamoto M, Yamagami T, Hayashi N, Bishop TR, De Verneuil H,
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Sequential activation of genes for heme pathway enzymes during erythroid
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439: Fumagalli SA, Kotler ML, Rossetti MV, Batlle AM.
Studies on uroporphyrinogen biosynthesis in pig liver.
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440: Correa GarcÃ-a SR, Rossetti MV, Batlle AM.
Studies on porphobilinogen-deaminase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
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441: Wainstok de Calmanovici R, CochÃ?n AC, Aldonatti C, Cabral JR, San MartÃ-n de
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442: Picat C, Bourgeois F, Grandchamp B.
PCR detection of a C/T polymorphism in exon 1 of the porphobilinogen deaminase
gene (PBGD).
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443: Corrigall AV, Meissner PN, Kirsch RE.
Purification of human erythrocyte porphobilinogen deaminase.
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444: Schoenfeld N, Mamet R.
High-performance liquid chromatographic detection of pitfalls in porphobilinogen
deaminase determination.
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445: Lin JH, Grandchamp B, Abraham NG.
Quantitation of human erythroid-specific porphobilinogen deaminase mRNA by the
polymerase chain reaction.
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446: Hamabe J, Irifune H, Niikawa N.
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447: Delfau MH, Picat C, De Rooij F, Voortman G, Deybach JC, Nordmann Y,
Grandchamp B.
Molecular heterogeneity of acute intermittent porphyria: identification of four
additional mutations resulting in the CRIM-negative subtype of the disease.
Am J Hum Genet. 1991 Aug;49(2):421-8.
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448: Lee JS, Lundin G, Lannfelt L, Forsell L, Picat C, Grandchamp B, Anvret M.
Genetic heterogeneity of the porphobilinogen deaminase gene in Swedish families
with acute intermittent porphyria.
Hum Genet. 1991 Aug;87(4):484-8.
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449: Moises HW, Gelernter J, Giuffra LA, Zarcone V, Wetterberg L, Civelli O, Kidd
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451: Porcher C, Pitiot G, Plumb M, Lowe S, de Verneuil H, Grandchamp B.
Characterization of hypersensitive sites, protein-binding motifs, and regulatory
elements in both promoters of the mouse porphobilinogen deaminase gene.
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452: Korsgren C, Cohen CM.
Organization of the gene for human erythrocyte membrane protein 4.2: structural
similarities with the gene for the a subunit of factor XIII.
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453: Kleiman de Pisarev DL, Ferramola de Sancovich AM, Sancovich HA.
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454: Gu XF, Lee JS, Delfau MH, Grandchamp B.
PCR detection of a G/T polymorphism at exon 10 of the porphobilinogen deaminase
gene (PBG-D).
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455: Lander M, Pitt AR, Alefounder PR, Bardy D, Abell C, Battersby AR.
Studies on the mechanism of hydroxymethylbilane synthase concerning the role of
arginine residues in substrate binding.
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456: Conder LH, Woodard SI, Dailey HA.
Multiple mechanisms for the regulation of haem synthesis during erythroid cell
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457: Kotler ML, Juknat AA, Fumagalli SA, Batlle AM.
Involvement of free and enzyme-bound intermediates in the reaction mechanism
catalyzed by the bovine liver immobilized porphobilinogen deaminase. Proof that
they are substrates for cosynthetase in uroporphyrinogen III biosynthesis.
Biotechnol Appl Biochem. 1991 Apr;13(2):173-80.
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458: Sassa S, Fujita H, Doss M, Hassoun A, Verstraeten L, Mercelis R, Kappas A.
Hereditary hepatic porphyria due to homozygous delta-aminolevulinic acid
dehydratase deficiency: studies in lymphocytes and erythrocytes.
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460: Visser O, van den Berg JW, Koole-Lesuis H, Voortman G, Wilson JH.
Porphyrin synthesis by human hepatocytes and HepG2 cells--effects of enzyme
inducers and delta-aminolevulinic acid.
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461: Abraham NG.
Molecular regulation--biological role of heme in hematopoiesis.
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462: Lilius L, Lannfelt L, Wetterberg L, Floderus Y, Henrichson A, Thunell S.
Porphobilinogen deaminase in acute intermittent porphyria: activity and
concentration in erythrocytes and lymphocytes.
Clin Chim Acta. 1991 Feb 28;197(1):77-84. No abstract available.
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463: Okajima E, Sasaki K, Ohara S, Yosida K, Kaneko Y, Motomiya Y, Hirao Y.
[An effect of aluminum on hemesynthesis--special reference to erythrocyte
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464: Spano AJ, Timko MP.
Isolation, characterization and partial amino acid sequence of a
chloroplast-localized porphobilinogen deaminase from pea (Pisum sativum L.).
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465: Shashidhara LS, Smith AG.
Expression and subcellular location of the tetrapyrrole synthesis enzyme
porphobilinogen deaminase in light-grown Euglena gracilis and three
nonchlorophyllous cell lines.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1991 Jan 1;88(1):63-7.
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466: Navone NM, Polo CF, Frisardi AL, Batlle AM.
Mouse mammary carcinoma porphobilinogenase and hydroxymethylbilane synthetase.
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467: el-Far M, Sobh M, Ghoniem M.
Heme biosynthesis and porphyrin studies in chronic renal failure patients
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468: Siersema PD, de Rooij FW, Edixhoven-Bosdijk A, Wilson JH.
The activity of erythrocyte porphobilinogen deaminase in familial and sporadic
forms of porphyria cutanea tarda.
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469: Namba H, Narahara K, Tsuji K, Yokoyama Y, Seino Y.
Assignment of human porphobilinogen deaminase to 11q24.1----q24.2 by in situ
hybridization and gene dosage studies.
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470: Majumdar D, Avissar YJ, Wyche JH, Beale SI.
Structure and expression of the Chlorobium vibrioforme hemA gene.
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471: Correa Garcia SR, Rossetti MV, Batlle AM.
Different porphobilinogen-deaminase forms in wild and mutant strains of
Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A possible correlation with its segregants behaviour.
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472: Yalouris AG, Lyberatos C, Chikrigi H, Manganas D, Pappa V, Chalevelakis G,
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[Effect of starvation and phenobarbital on the activity of liver uroporphyrinogen
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473: Lee JS.
Alternative dideoxy sequencing of double-stranded DNA by cyclic reactions using
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474: Mignotte V, Navarro S, Eleouet JF, Zon LI, Romeo PH.
The extinction of erythroid genes after tetradecanoylphorbol acetate treatment of
erythroleukemic cells correlates with down-regulation of the tissue-specific
factors NF-E1 and NF-E2.
J Biol Chem. 1990 Dec 25;265(36):22090-2.
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475: Brun A, Gaudernack G, Sandberg S.
A new method for isolation of reticulocytes: positive selection of human
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476: Warren MJ, Scott AI.
Tetrapyrrole assembly and modification into the ligands of biologically
functional cofactors.
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477: Nordmann Y, de Verneuil H, Deybach JC, Delfau MH, Grandchamp B.
Molecular genetics of porphyrias.
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478: Beaupain D, ElÿouÃ't JF, Romÿo PH.
Initiation of transcription of the erythroid promoter of the porphobilinogen
deaminase gene is regulated by a cis-acting sequence around the cap site.
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479: Wright DJ, Lim CK, Peters TJ.
High performance liquid chromatographic studies of erythrocytes haem biosynthetic
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Biomed Chromatogr. 1990 Nov;4(6):249-52.
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480: Delfau MH, Picat C, de Rooij FW, Hamer K, Bogard M, Wilson JH, Deybach JC,
Nordmann Y, Grandchamp B.
Two different point G to A mutations in exon 10 of the porphobilinogen deaminase
gene are responsible for acute intermittent porphyria.
J Clin Invest. 1990 Nov;86(5):1511-6.
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481: Padmaja K, Prasad DD, Prasad AR.
Selenium as a novel regulator of porphyrin biosynthesis in germinating seedlings
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482: Tunnacliffe A, McGuire RS.
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483: HÃ?dener A, Alefounder PR, Hart GJ, Abell C, Battersby AR.
Investigation of putative active-site lysine residues in hydroxymethylbilane
synthase. Preparation and characterization of mutants in which (a) Lys-55, (b)
Lys-59 and (c) both Lys-55 and Lys-59 have been replaced by glutamine.
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484: Hindmarsh JT.
Enzyme heterogeneity in the porphyrias.
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485: Mamet R, Leibovici L, Teitz Y, Schoenfeld N.
Accelerated heme synthesis and degradation in transformed fibroblasts.
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486: Scobie GA, Llewellyn DH, Urquhart AJ, Smyth SJ, Kalsheker NA, Harrison PR,
Elder GH.
Acute intermittent porphyria caused by a C----T mutation that produces a stop
codon in the porphobilinogen deaminase gene.
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487: Botto M, Fong KY, So AK, Rudge A, Walport MJ.
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488: Siersema PD, de Rooij FW, Edixhoven-Bosdijk A, Wilson JH.
Erythrocyte porphobilinogen deaminase activity in porphyria cutanea tarda.
Clin Chem. 1990 Oct;36(10):1779-83.
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489: May BK, Bhasker CR, Bawden MJ, Cox TC.
Molecular regulation of 5-aminolevulinate synthase. Diseases related to heme
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490: Coakley J, Hawkins R, Crinis N, McManus J, Blake D, Nordmann Y, Sloan L,
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An unusual case of variegate porphyria with possible homozygous inheritance.
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491: Frampton J, Walker M, Plumb M, Harrison PR.
Synergy between the NF-E1 erythroid-specific transcription factor and the CACCC
factor in the erythroid-specific promoter of the human porphobilinogen deaminase
Mol Cell Biol. 1990 Jul;10(7):3838-42.
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492: Kauppinen R, Peltonen L, Palotie A, Mustajoki P.
RFLP analysis of three different types of acute intermittent porphyria.
Hum Genet. 1990 Jul;85(2):160-4.
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493: Scobie GA, Urquhart AJ, Elder GH, Kalsheker NA, Llewellyn DH, Smyth J,
Harrison PR.
Linkage disequilibrium between DNA polymorphisms within the porphobilinogen
deaminase gene.
Hum Genet. 1990 Jul;85(2):157-9.
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494: Kotler ML, Juknat AA, Batlle AM.
Immobilized uroporphyrinogen I synthetase from Rhodopseudomonas palustris.
Biotechnol Appl Biochem. 1990 Jun;12(3):252-7.
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495: Lannfelt L.
Immunological determination of porphobilinogen deaminase as a diagnostic measure
in acute intermittent porphyria.
J Clin Chem Clin Biochem. 1990 May;28(5):273-8.
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496: Badcock NR, Zoanetti GD, O'Reilly DA, Robertson EF.
Variant acute intermittent porphyria in a child.
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497: Petricek M, Rutberg L, SchrÃder I, Hederstedt L.
Cloning and characterization of the hemA region of the Bacillus subtilis
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498: RosenlÃf K, Fyhrquist F, Tenhunen R.
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499: Frank M, Doss M, de Carvalho DG.
Diagnostic and pathogenetic implications of urinary coproporphyrin excretion in
the Dubin-Johnson syndrome.
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500: Tomokuni K, Ichiba M.
Effect of lead on the activity of erythrocyte porphobilinogen deaminase in vivo
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501: Hift R, Sohnius U, Meissner PN.
Safety of vancomycin in acute porphyria.
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502: Lee JS, Lindsten J, Anvret M.
Haplotyping of the human porphobilinogen deaminase gene in acute intermittent
porphyria by polymerase chain reaction.
Hum Genet. 1990 Feb;84(3):241-3.
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503: Sassa S.
Regulation of the genes for heme pathway enzymes in erythroid and in
non-erythroid cells.
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PMID: 2403580 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

504: Afonso SG, Chinarro S, MuÃ+oz JJ, de Salamanca RE, Batlle AM.
Photodynamic and non-photodynamic action of several porphyrins on the activity of
some heme-enzymes.
J Enzyme Inhib. 1990;3(4):303-10.
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505: Griffin MO, Nelson JC, Abraham NG.
Early protooncogene expression during hemin-induced differentiation of human
erythroleukemic cells.
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506: Bÿrubÿ D, Passage E, Mattei MG, Mattei JF, Gagnÿ R.
Fine mapping of the long arm of human chromosome 11 by in situ hybridization
using different translocations, including the t(11;22) of Ewing sarcoma.
Cytogenet Cell Genet. 1990;54(3-4):142-7.
PMID: 2265556 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

507: Picat C, Delfau MH, de Rooij FW, Beukeveld GJ, Wolthers BG, Wadman SK,
Nordmann Y, Grandchamp B.
Identification of the mutations in the parents of a patient with a putative
compound heterozygosity for acute intermittent porphyria.
J Inherit Metab Dis. 1990;13(5):684-6.
PMID: 2246852 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

508: Beukeveld GJ, Wolthers BG, Nordmann Y, Deybach JC, Grandchamp B, Wadman SK.
A retrospective study of a patient with homozygous form of acute intermittent
J Inherit Metab Dis. 1990;13(5):673-83.
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509: Mazzetti MB, Tomio JM.
Kinetic and molecular parameters of human hepatic porphobilinogen deaminase.
Biochem Int. 1990;21(3):463-71.
PMID: 2222491 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

510: Iwasa F, Galbraith RA, Sassa S.
Phenotypic variation in human HepG2 hepatoma cells: alterations in cell growth,
plasma protein synthesis and heme pathway enzymes.
Int J Biochem. 1990;22(3):303-10.
PMID: 2158913 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

511: Harrison PR, Plumb M, Frampton J, Thiele B, Macleod K, Chester J, Chambers
I, Fleming J, O'Prey J, Walker M, et al.
Regulation of erythroid-specific gene expression.
Biomed Biochim Acta. 1990;49(2-3):S5-10. Review.
PMID: 2117451 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

512: Sassa S.
[Significance of porphobilinogen deaminase analysis in clinical tests]
Nippon Rinsho. 1989 Dec;48 Suppl:711-4. Japanese. No abstract available.
PMID: 2621989 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

513: Veser J.
Preparative free solution isoelectric focusing of human erythrocyte
uroporphyrinogen I synthase in an ampholyte pH gradient.
Anal Biochem. 1989 Nov 1;182(2):217-21.
PMID: 2610337 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

514: Lannfelt L, Wetterberg L, Lilius L, Thunell S, JÃrnvall H, Pavlu B,
Wielburski A, Gellerfors P.
Porphobilinogen deaminase in human erythrocytes: purification of two forms with
apparent molecular weights of 40 kDa and 42 kDa.
Scand J Clin Lab Invest. 1989 Nov;49(7):677-84.
PMID: 2609111 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

515: Lannfelt L, Wetterberg L, Gellerfors P, Lilius L, Floderus Y, Thunell S.
Mutations in acute intermittent porphyria detected by ELISA measurement of
porphobilinogen deaminase.
J Clin Chem Clin Biochem. 1989 Nov;27(11):857-62.
PMID: 2607315 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

516: Haidl G, GlÃ?ck S, Melnik S, Goerz G.
[Do not forget: lead poisoning]
Derm Beruf Umwelt. 1989 Nov-Dec;37(6):206-9. German.
PMID: 2606005 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

517: Grandchamp B, Picat C, Kauppinen R, Mignotte V, Peltonen L, Mustajoki P,
Romÿo PH, Goossens M, Nordmann Y.
Molecular analysis of acute intermittent porphyria in a Finnish family with
normal erythrocyte porphobilinogen deaminase.
Eur J Clin Invest. 1989 Oct;19(5):415-8.
PMID: 2511016 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

518: Sharif AL, Smith AG, Abell C.
Isolation and characterisation of a cDNA clone for a chlorophyll synthesis enzyme
from Euglena gracilis. The chloroplast enzyme hydroxymethylbilane synthase
(porphobilinogen deaminase) is synthesised with a very long transit peptide in
Eur J Biochem. 1989 Sep 15;184(2):353-9.
PMID: 2477247 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

519: Beaumont C, Porcher C, Picat C, Nordmann Y, Grandchamp B.
The mouse porphobilinogen deaminase gene. Structural organization, sequence, and
transcriptional analysis.
J Biol Chem. 1989 Sep 5;264(25):14829-34.
PMID: 2768242 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

520: Mignotte V, Eleouet JF, Raich N, Romeo PH.
Cis- and trans-acting elements involved in the regulation of the erythroid
promoter of the human porphobilinogen deaminase gene.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1989 Sep;86(17):6548-52.
PMID: 2771941 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

521: Abraham NG, Nelson JC, Ahmed T, Konwalinka G, Levere RD.
Erythropoietin controls heme metabolic enzymes in normal human bone marrow
Exp Hematol. 1989 Sep;17(8):908-13.
PMID: 2767184 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

522: Grandchamp B, Picat C, de Rooij F, Beaumont C, Wilson P, Deybach JC,
Nordmann Y.
A point mutation G----A in exon 12 of the porphobilinogen deaminase gene results
in exon skipping and is responsible for acute intermittent porphyria.
Nucleic Acids Res. 1989 Aug 25;17(16):6637-49.
PMID: 2789372 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

523: Lannfelt L, Wetterberg L, Lilius L, Thunell S, Gellerfors P.
ELISA for measuring porphobilinogen deaminase in human erythrocytes.
Clin Chim Acta. 1989 Aug 15;183(2):227-37.
PMID: 2791307 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

524: Miller AD, Packman LC, Hart GJ, Alefounder PR, Abell C, Battersby AR.
Evidence that pyridoxal phosphate modification of lysine residues (Lys-55 and
Lys-59) causes inactivation of hydroxymethylbilane synthase (porphobilinogen
Biochem J. 1989 Aug 15;262(1):119-24.
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525: Sassa S, Kappas A.
Lack of effect of pregnancy or hematin therapy on erythrocyte porphobilinogen
deaminase activity in acute intermittent porphyria.
N Engl J Med. 1989 Jul 20;321(3):192-3. No abstract available.
PMID: 2747754 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

526: Makara M, SÃ?veges M.
[Acute intermittent porphyria simulating encephalitis]
Orv Hetil. 1989 Jun 18;130(25):1335-8. Review. Hungarian.
PMID: 2501724 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

527: Raich N, Mignotte V, Dubart A, Beaupain D, Leboulch P, Romana M, Chabret C,
Charnay P, Papayannopoulou T, Goossens M, et al.
Regulated expression of the overlapping ubiquitous and erythroid transcription
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528: Haust HL, Poon HC, Carson R, VanDeWetering C, Peter F.
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530: Herrick AL, McColl KE, Moore MR, Brodie MJ, Adamson AR, Goldberg A.
Acute intermittent porphyria in two patients on anticonvulsant therapy and with
normal erythrocyte porphobilinogen deaminase activity.
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531: Forman DT.
Erythrocyte uroporphyrinogen I synthase activity as an indicator of acute
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532: Doss MO.
Dual porphyria in double heterozygotes with porphobilinogen deaminase and
uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase deficiencies.
Clin Genet. 1989 Feb;35(2):146-51.
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533: Doss MO.
New form of dual porphyria: coexistent acute intermittent porphyria and porphyria
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534: Plumb M, Frampton J, Wainwright H, Walker M, Macleod K, Goodwin G, Harrison
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535: Mignotte V, Wall L, deBoer E, Grosveld F, Romeo PH.
Two tissue-specific factors bind the erythroid promoter of the human
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536: Scott AI, Clemens KR, Stolowich NJ, Santander PJ, Gonzalez MD, Roessner CA.
Reconstitution of apo-porphobilinogen deaminase: structural changes induced by
cofactor binding.
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537: Romeo PH, Mignotte V, Raich N, Dubart A, Beaupain D, Romana M, Chabret C,
Wall L, deBoer E, Grosveld F.
Regulated expression of the erythroid-specific-promoter of the human PBG-D gene
during erythroid differentiation.
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538: Grandchamp B, Picat C, Mignotte V, Wilson JH, Te Velde K, Sandkuyl L, Romÿo
PH, Goossens M, Nordmann Y.
Tissue-specific splicing mutation in acute intermittent porphyria.
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539: Beru N, Goldwasser E.
Studies of the effect of erythropoietin on heme synthesis.
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540: Warren MJ, Jordan PM.
Investigation into the nature of substrate binding to the dipyrromethane cofactor
of Escherichia coli porphobilinogen deaminase.
Biochemistry. 1988 Dec 13;27(25):9020-30.
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541: Schoenfeld N, Epstein O, Lahav M, Mamet R, Shaklai M, Atsmon A.
The heme biosynthetic pathway in lymphocytes of patients with malignant
lymphoproliferative disorders.
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542: Leibovici L, Schoenfeld N, Yehoshua HA, Mamet R, Rakowsky E, Shindel A,
Atsmon A.
Activity of porphobilinogen deaminase in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of
patients with metastatic cancer.
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543: Mazzetti MB, Tomio JM.
Characterization of porphobilinogen deaminase from rat liver.
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544: Lee FY, Hsiao KJ, Tsai YT, Lee SD, Wu SJ, Jeng HS.
Erythrocyte hydroxymethylbilane synthase activity in a Chinese family with acute
intermittent porphyria.
Ann Clin Biochem. 1988 Nov;25 ( Pt 6):706-7. No abstract available.
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545: Lee FY, Hsiao KJ, Tsai YT, Lee SD, Wu SJ, Jeng HS.
Determination of erythrocyte hydroxymethylbilane synthase activity and its
application for study of acute intermittent porphyria.
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546: Alefounder PR, Abell C, Battersby AR.
The sequence of hemC, hemD and two additional E. coli genes.
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547: Scott AI, Roessner CA, Stolowich NJ, Karuso P, Williams HJ, Grant SK,
Gonzalez MD, Hoshino T.
Site-directed mutagenesis and high-resolution NMR spectroscopy of the active site
of porphobilinogen deaminase.
Biochemistry. 1988 Oct 18;27(21):7984-90.
PMID: 3069124 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

548: Schoenfeld N, Mamet R, Leibovici L, Epstein O, Teitz Y, Atsmon A.
Growth rate determines activity of porphobilinogen deaminase both in nonmalignant
and malignant cell lines.
Biochem Med Metab Biol. 1988 Oct;40(2):213-7.
PMID: 3190926 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

549: Castelfranco PA, Thayer SS, Wilkinson JQ, Bonner BA.
Labeling of porphobilinogen deaminase by radioactive 5-aminolevulinic acid in
isolated developing pea chloroplasts.
Arch Biochem Biophys. 1988 Oct;266(1):219-26.
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550: Woods JS.
Regulation of porphyrin and heme metabolism in the kidney.
Semin Hematol. 1988 Oct;25(4):336-48. Review.
PMID: 3064315 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

551: Grandchamp B, Nordmann Y.
Enzymes of the heme biosynthesis pathway: recent advances in molecular genetics.
Semin Hematol. 1988 Oct;25(4):303-11. Review. No abstract available.
PMID: 3064311 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

552: Umanoff H, Russell CS, Cosloy SD.
Availability of porphobilinogen controls appearance of porphobilinogen deaminase
activity in Escherichia coli K-12.
J Bacteriol. 1988 Oct;170(10):4969-71.
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553: Miller AD, Hart GJ, Packman LC, Battersby AR.
Evidence that the pyrromethane cofactor of hydroxymethylbilane synthase
(porphobilinogen deaminase) is bound to the protein through the sulphur atom of
Biochem J. 1988 Sep 15;254(3):915-8.
PMID: 3196304 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

554: Jordan PM, Thomas SD, Warren MJ.
Purification, crystallization and properties of porphobilinogen deaminase from a
recombinant strain of Escherichia coli K12.
Biochem J. 1988 Sep 1;254(2):427-35.
PMID: 3052434 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

555: Jordan PM, Warren MJ, Williams HJ, Stolowich NJ, Roessner CA, Grant SK,
Scott AI.
Identification of a cysteine residue as the binding site for the dipyrromethane
cofactor at the active site of Escherichia coli porphobilinogen deaminase.
FEBS Lett. 1988 Aug 1;235(1-2):189-93.
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556: Lee JS, Anvret M, Lindsten J, Lannfelt L, Gellerfors P, Wetterberg L,
Floderus Y, Thunell S.
DNA polymorphisms within the porphobilinogen deaminase gene in two Swedish
families with acute intermittent porphyria.
Hum Genet. 1988 Aug;79(4):379-81.
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557: Rosÿ S, Frydman RB, de los Santos C, Sburlati A, Valasinas A, Frydman B.
Spectroscopic evidence for a porphobilinogen deaminase-tetrapyrrole complex that
is an intermediate in the biosynthesis of uroporphyrinogen III.
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558: Galbraith RA, Sassa S, Fujita H.
Regulation of heme synthesis in HepG2 human hepatoma cells by dimethyl sulfoxide.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1988 Jun 16;153(2):869-74.
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559: Hart GJ, Miller AD, Battersby AR.
Evidence that the pyrromethane cofactor of hydroxymethylbilane synthase
(porphobilinogen deaminase) is bound through the sulphur atom of a cysteine
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560: Stubnicer AC, Picat C, Grandchamp B.
Rat porphobilinogen deaminase cDNA: nucleotide sequence of the erythropoietic
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561: Smythe E, Williams DC.
A simple rapid purification scheme for hydroxymethylbilane synthase from human
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562: Li JM, Umanoff H, Proenca R, Russell CS, Cosloy SD.
Cloning of the Escherichia coli K-12 hemB gene.
J Bacteriol. 1988 Feb;170(2):1021-5.
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563: McGuire GM, Macphee GJ, Thompson GG, Moore MR, Brodie MJ.
Effects of sodium valproate on haem biosynthesis in man: implications for seizure
management in the porphyric patient.
Eur J Clin Invest. 1988 Feb;18(1):29-32.
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564: Smith AG.
Subcellular localization of two porphyrin-synthesis enzymes in Pisum sativum
(pea) and Arum (cuckoo-pint) species.
Biochem J. 1988 Jan 15;249(2):423-8.
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565: Chretien S, Dubart A, Beaupain D, Raich N, Grandchamp B, Rosa J, Goossens M,
Romeo PH.
Alternative transcription and splicing of the human porphobilinogen deaminase
gene result either in tissue-specific or in housekeeping expression.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1988 Jan;85(1):6-10.
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566: Kleiman de Pisarev DL, Ferramola de Sancovich AM, Sancovich HA.
Effect of triiodothyronine in the regulation of haem biosynthetic pathway.
Acta Physiol Pharmacol Latinoam. 1988;38(3):301-8.
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567: McGuire GM, Macphee GJ, Thompson GG, Park BK, Moore MR, Brodie MJ.
The effects of chronic carbamazepine treatment of haem biosynthesis in man and
Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 1988;35(3):241-7.
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568: Jordan PM, Mgbeje BI, Alwan AF, Thomas SD.
Nucleotide sequence of hemD, the second gene in the hem operon of Escherichia
coli K-12.
Nucleic Acids Res. 1987 Dec 23;15(24):10583. No abstract available.
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569: Jordan PM, Warren MJ.
Evidence for a dipyrromethane cofactor at the catalytic site of E. coli
porphobilinogen deaminase.
FEBS Lett. 1987 Dec 10;225(1-2):87-92.
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570: Fujita H, Sassa S, Lundgren J, Holmberg L, Thunell S, Kappas A.
Enzymatic defect in a child with hereditary hepatic porphyria due to homozygous
delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase deficiency: immunochemical studies.
Pediatrics. 1987 Dec;80(6):880-5.
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571: Herrick A, McColl KE, McLellan A, Moore MR, Brodie MJ, Goldberg A.
Effect of haem arginate therapy on porphyrin metabolism and mixed function
oxygenase activity in acute hepatic porphyria.
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572: Ostrowski J, LutyÅ'ski A, Cianciara J, MartyÅ'ska M, Kostrzewska E, Butruk E.
Erythrocyte porphobilinogen deaminase activity in liver diseases and
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573: Hsiao KJ, Lee FY, Wu SJ, Chang WJ.
Determination of erythrocyte porphobilinogen deaminase activity using
porphobilinogen as substrate.
Clin Chim Acta. 1987 Sep 30;168(2):257-8. No abstract available.
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574: Llewellyn DH, Elder GH, Kalsheker NA, Marsh OW, Harrison PR, Grandchamp B,
Picat C, Nordmann Y, Romeo PH, Goossens M.
DNA polymorphism of human porphobilinogen deaminase gene in acute intermittent
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575: Woods JS, Fowler BA.
Alteration of mitochondrial structure and heme biosynthetic parameters in liver
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576: Lee JS, Anvret M.
A PstI polymorphism for the human porphobilinogen deaminase gene (PBG).
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577: Schoenfeld N, Mamet R, Epstein O, Lahav M, Lurie Y, Atsmon A.
The heme biosynthetic pathway in the regenerating rat liver. The relation between
enzymes of heme synthesis and growth.
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578: Nunn AV, Gardner LC, Cox TM.
Molecular forms of porphobilinogen deaminase in acute intermittent porphyria. A
study by Western immunoblotting.
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579: Claustres M, Chatelain P, Sultan C.
Insulin-like growth factor I stimulates human erythroid colony formation in
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580: Ostrowski J.
Erythrocyte porphobilinogen deaminase activity in liver disease.
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581: Llewellyn DH, Kalsheker NA, Elder GH, Harrison PR, Chretien S, Goossens M.
A MspI polymorphism for the human porphobilinogen deaminase gene.
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582: de Rooij FW, Hamer CM, Wilson JH.
Purification of porphobilinogen deaminase from human erythrocytes by fast protein
liquid chromatography.
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583: Larralde C, Sassa S, Vanderkooi JM, Koloczek H, Laclette JP, Goodsaid F,
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Analysis of porphyrins and enzymes in porphyrin synthesis in Taenia solium
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584: Grandchamp B, De Verneuil H, Beaumont C, Chretien S, Walter O, Nordmann Y.
Tissue-specific expression of porphobilinogen deaminase. Two isoenzymes from a
single gene.
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Increased porphobilinogen deaminase activity in patients with malignant
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Lymphocyte urosynthase in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. An indicator of disease
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592: Gellerfors PL, Saltzgaber-MÃ?ller J, Douglas MG.
Selection by genetic complementation and characterization of the gene coding for
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593: Hart GJ, Abell C, Battersby AR.
Purification, N-terminal amino acid sequence and properties of
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598: Raich N, Romeo PH, Dubart A, Beaupain D, Cohen-Solal M, Goossens M.
Molecular cloning and complete primary sequence of human erythrocyte
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600: Beaumont C, Grandchamp B, Bogard M, de Verneuil H, Nordmann Y.
Porphobilinogen deaminase is unstable in the absence of its substrate.
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The regulation of porphobilinogen oxygenase and porphobilinogen deaminase
activities in rat bone marrow under conditions of erythropoietic stress.
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608: Evans JN, Burton G, Fagerness PE, Mackenzie NE, Scott AI.
Biosynthesis of porphyrins and corrins. 2. Isolation, purification, and NMR
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609: Evans JN, Davies RC, Boyd AS, Ichinose I, Mackenzie NE, Scott AI, Baxter RL.
Biosynthesis of porphyrins and corrins. 1. 1H and 13C NMR spectra of
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610: Claustres M, Margueritte G, Sultan C.
In vitro CFU-E and BFU-E responses to androgen in bone marrow from children with
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611: Claustres M, Sultan C.
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Increased activity of porphobilinogen deaminase in erythrocytes during attacks of
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Biosynthesis of the pigments of life.
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The influence of carbamazepine on the heme biosynthetic pathway.
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Variant of acute intermittent porphyria with normal erythrocyte
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620: Doss M, Sixel-Dietrich F, Verspohl F.
"Glucose effect" and rate limiting function of uroporphyrinogen synthase on
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621: Chang CS, Chang KP.
Heme requirement and acquisition by extracellular and intracellular stages of
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622: Sassa S, Drummond GS, Bernstein SE, Kappas A.
Long-term administration of massive doses of Sn-protoporphyrin in anemic mutant
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623: Mustajoki P, Desnick RJ.
Genetic heterogeneity in acute intermittent porphyria: characterisation and
frequency of porphobilinogen deaminase mutations in Finland.
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624: Goldberg A.
Molecular genetics of acute intermittent porphyria.
Br Med J (Clin Res Ed). 1985 Aug 24;291(6494):499-500. No abstract available.
PMID: 3928028 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

625: Grandchamp B, Beaumont C, de Verneuil H, Nordmann Y.
Accumulation of porphobilinogen deaminase, uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase, and
alpha- and beta-globin mRNAs during differentiation of mouse erythroleukemic
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627: Desnick RJ, Ostasiewicz LT, Tishler PA, Mustajoki P.
Acute intermittent porphyria: characterization of a novel mutation in the
structural gene for porphobilinogen deaminase. Demonstration of noncatalytic
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628: Haust HL, Poon HC, Inwood M, O'Hea EK, Haines DS, Forret CJ, Keys DS.
Occupational lead exposure: studies in two brothers showing differential
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629: Moore MR, Disler PB.
Chemistry and biochemistry of the porphyrins and porphyrias.
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630: Lahav M, Epstein O, Schoenfeld N, Shaklai M, Atsmon A.
[Lymphocyte uroporphyrinogen synthase in the diagnosis of lymphoma and its
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631: Leeper FJ.
The biosynthesis of porphyrins, chlorophylls, and vitamin B12.
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632: Claustres M, Bellet H, de Bornier BM.
Uroporphyrinogen I synthase assay as an evaluation of the in vitro development of
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633: Fumagalli SA, Kotler ML, Rossetti MV, Batlle AM.
Human red cell porphobilinogen deaminase. A simpler method of purification and
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634: Lahav M, Epstein O, Schoenfeld N, Nemesh L, Shaklai M, Atsmon A.
Evidence of abnormality of lymphocyte uroporphyrinogen synthase in family members
of patients with lymphoproliferative diseases.
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635: Paredes SR, Juknat de Geralnik AA, Batlle AM, Conti HA.
Beneficial effect of S-adenosyl-L-methionine in lead intoxication. Another
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636: Bona�ti-Pelliÿ C, Phung L, Nordmann Y.
Recurrence risk estimation of acute intermittent porphyria based on analysis of
porphobilinogen deaminase activity: a Bayesian approach.
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637: Beaumont C, Deybach JC, Grandchamp B, da Silva V, de Verneuil H, Nordmann Y.
Effects of succinylacetone on dimethylsulfoxide-mediated induction of heme
pathway enzymes in mouse friend virus-transformed erythroleukemia cells.
Exp Cell Res. 1984 Oct;154(2):474-84.
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638: Moody DE, Clawson GA, Piper WN, Smuckler EA.
Effects of 1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane on hepatic heme synthesis.
Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 1984 Sep 30;75(3):561-70.
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639: Hart GJ, Leeper FJ, Battersby AR.
Modification of hydroxymethylbilane synthase (porphobilinogen deaminase) by
pyridoxal 5'-phosphate. Demonstration of an essential lysine residue.
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640: Grandchamp B, Romeo PH, Dubart A, Raich N, Rosa J, Nordmann Y, Goossens M.
Molecular cloning of a cDNA sequence complementary to porphobilinogen deaminase
mRNA from rat.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1984 Aug;81(16):5036-40.
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641: Hahn HJ, Lohmann R, DrÃ?ke P.
[An annotation on porphyria]
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642: Antonucci TK, Von Deimling OH, Rosenblum BB, Skow LC, Meisler MH.
Conserved linkage within a 4-cM region of mouse chromosome 9 and human chromosome
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643: Kohashi M, Clement RP, Tse J, Piper WN.
Rat hepatic uroporphyrinogen III co-synthase. Purification and evidence for a
bound folate coenzyme participating in the biosynthesis of uroporphyrinogen III.
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644: Khanderia U, Bhattacharya A.
Acute intermittent porphyria: pathophysiology and treatment.
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645: Rapeport WG, Connell JC, Thompson GG, Moore MR, Brodie MJ.
Effect of carbamazepine on haem biosynthesis in man.
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646: Wainstok de Calmanovici R, RÃ-os de Molina MC, Taira de Yamasato MC, Tomio
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Mechanism of hexachlorobenzene-induced porphyria in rats. Effect of
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647: Johansson L, Thunell S, Wetterberg L.
A filter paper dry blood spot procedure for acute intermittent porphyria
population screening by use of whole blood uroporphyrinogen-I-synthase assay.
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648: Williams DC.
Characterization of the multiple forms of hydroxymethylbilane synthase from rat
Biochem J. 1984 Feb 1;217(3):675-83.
PMID: 6712591 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

649: Kohashi M, Tse J, Piper WN.
Inhibition of uroporphyrinogen I synthase activity and depression of microsomal
heme and cytochrome P-450 in rat liver by bilirubin.
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650: Farmer DJ, Hollebone BR.
Comparative inhibition of hepatic hydroxymethylbilane synthase by both hard and
soft metal cations.
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651: Thompson GG, Hordovatzi X, Moore MR, McGadey J, Payne AP.
Sex differences in haem biosynthesis and porphyrin content in the Harderian gland
of the golden hamster.
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652: Maines MD.
New developments in the regulation of heme metabolism and their implications.
Crit Rev Toxicol. 1984;12(3):241-314. Review.
PMID: 6378529 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

653: Wetterberg L, Floderus Y, Thunell S, Iselius L, Lindsten J.
Genetic regulation of the red cell uroporphyrinogen-I-synthetase level in
families with acute intermittent porphyria.
Clin Genet. 1983 Dec;24(6):403-6.
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654: Lyberatos C, Ladas S, Ladas I, Palikaris G, Lazanas M, Koutsikos S.
Erythrocyte uroporphyrinogen-I-synthase activity in beta-thalassaemic patients.
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655: Nichol AW, Elsbury S, Angel LA, Elder GH.
The site of inhibition of porphyrin biosynthesis by an isomer of diazinon in
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656: Gilles H, Thauer RK.
Uroporphyrinogen III, an intermediate in the biosynthesis of the
nickel-containing factor F430 in Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum.
Eur J Biochem. 1983 Sep 1;135(1):109-12.
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657: Epstein O, Lahav M, Schoenfeld N, Nemesh L, Shaklai M, Atsmon A.
Erythrocyte uroporphyrinogen synthase activity as a possible diagnostic aid in
the diagnosis of lymphoproliferative diseases.
Cancer. 1983 Sep 1;52(5):828-32.
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658: Sburlati A, Frydman RB, Valasinas A, Rosÿ S, Priestap HA, Frydman B.
Biosynthesis of uroporphyrinogens. Interaction among 2-(aminomethyl)bilanes and
the enzymatic system.
Biochemistry. 1983 Aug 16;22(17):4006-13. No abstract available.
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659: Wright DJ, Lim CK.
Simultaneous determination of hydroxymethylbilane synthase and uroporphyrinogen
III synthase in erythrocytes by high-performance liquid chromatography.
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660: Bitar M, Weiner M.
Heme and hemoproteins in streptozotocin-diabetic female rats.
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661: Hast R, Miale T, Westin J, BirgegÃ?rd G, MÃller E, Reizenstein P,
Teger-Nilsson AC, Wetterberg L.
Hereditary ring sideroblastic anaemia and Christmas disease in a Swedish family.
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662: Yeung Laiwah AA, Rapeport WG, Thompson GG, Macphee GJ, Philip MF, Moore MR,
Brodie MJ, Goldberg A.
Carbamazepine-induced non-hereditary acute porphyria.
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663: SÃ?nchez RodrÃ-guez A, Pÿrez Sandoval D, Cruz HernÃ?ndez JJ, Rico SÃ?nchez J,
Juanes GonzÃ?lez A.
[Erythrocyte levels of urosynthetase in various types and grades of liver
Rev Clin Esp. 1983 Jan 15;168(1):51-4. Spanish. No abstract available.
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664: Rosemarin JI, Nigro EJ, Levere RD, Mascarenhas BR.
Systemic lupus erythematosus and acute intermittent porphyria: coincidence or
association ?
Arthritis Rheum. 1982 Sep;25(9):1134-7. No abstract available.
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665: Antonucci TK, Chapman VC, Meisler MH.
Linkage of the structural gene for uroporphyrinogen I synthase to markers on
mouse chromosome 9 in a cross between feral and inbred mice.
Biochem Genet. 1982 Aug;20(7-8):703-10.
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666: McColl KE, Moore MR, Thompson GG, Goldberg A.
Screening for latent acute intermittent porphyria: the value of measuring both
leucocyte delta-aminolaevulinic acid synthase and erythrocyte
uroporphyrinogen-1-synthase activities.
J Med Genet. 1982 Aug;19(4):271-6.
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667: Maines MD.
Enhancement and inhibition of enzymes of heme metabolism by diethyl maleate in
the rat kidney.
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668: Alleman MA, Wilson JH, van den Berg JW, Edixhoven-Bosdijk A, van
Gastel-Quist LM.
Familial porphyria cutanea tarda: the pattern of porphyrins formed from
porphobilinogen by hemolysates.
Clin Chem. 1982 May;28(5):1144-7.
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669: Elder GH.
Enzymatic defects in porphyria: an overview.
Semin Liver Dis. 1982 May;2(2):87-99. Review. No abstract available.
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670: Nordmann Y, Deybach JC.
Congenital erythropoietic porphyria.
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671: Bissell DM.
Laboratory evaluation in porphyria.
Semin Liver Dis. 1982 May;2(2):100-7. Review. No abstract available.
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672: Clement RP, Kohashi M, Piper WN.
Rat hepatic uroporphyrinogen III cosynthase: purification, properties, and
inhibition by metal ions.
Arch Biochem Biophys. 1982 Apr 1;214(2):657-67. No abstract available.
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673: Kushner JP, Pimstone NR, Kjeldsberg CR, Pryor MA, Huntley A.
Congenital erythropoietic porphyria, diminished activity of uroporphyrinogen
decarboxylase and dyserythropoiesis.
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674: McColl KE, Wallace AM, Moore MR, Thompson GG, Goldberg A.
Alterations in haem biosynthesis during the human menstrual cycle: studies in
normal subjects and patients with latent and active acute intermittent porphyria.
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677: Straka JG, Kushner JP, Pryor MA.
Uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase. A method for measuring enzyme activity.
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678: Jordan PM.
Uroporphyrinogen III cosynthetase: a direct assay method.
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679: Anderson PM, Desnick RJ.
Porphobilinogen deaminase: methods and principles of the enzymatic assay.
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680: de Verneuil H, Phung N, Nordmann Y, Allard D, Leprince F, Jÿrome H, Aurias
A, Rethorÿ MO.
Assignment of human uroporphyrinogen I synthase locus to region 11qter by gene
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681: Wetterberg L, Thunell S, Zetterlund P.
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acid phosphatase, Pr, orosmucoid and pepsinogen loci.
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Effect of lead acetate on rats fed diets containing low levels of folic acid.
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684: Anderson KE, Sassa S, Kappas A.
Acute intermittent porphyria.
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685: McColl KE, Moore MR, Thompson GG, Goldberg A.
Abnormal haem biosynthesis in chronic alcoholics.
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686: Healey JF, Bonkowsky HL, Sinclair PR, Sinclair JF.
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687: Wang AL, Arredondo-Vega FX, Giampietro PF, Smith M, Anderson WF, Desnick RJ.
Regional gene assignment of human porphobilinogen deaminase and esterase A4 to
chromosome 11q23 leads to 11qter.
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688: Tomaro ML, Frydman RB, Gutnisky A, Sburlati A.
Induction of porphobilinogen oxygenase and porphobilinogen deaminase in rat blood
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689: Bottomley SS, Bonkowsky HL, Kreimer-Birnbaum M.
The diagnosis of acute intermittent porphyria. Usefulness and limitations of the
erythrocyte uroporphyrinogen I synthase assay.
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690: Mustajoki P.
Normal erythrocyte uroporphyrinogen I synthase in a kindred with acute
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691: Berry A, Jordan PM, Seehra JS.
The isolation and characterization of catalytically competent porphobilinogen
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692: Pasanen AV, Vuopio P, BorgstrÃm GH, Tenhunen R.
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693: Tofilon PJ, Piper WN.
Changes in indices of rat testicular heme biosynthesis and microsomal cytochrome
P-450 during sexual maturation.
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694: Anderson PM, Reddy RM, Anderson KE, Desnick RJ.
Characterization of the porphobilinogen deaminase deficiency in acute
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695: Tabernero Romo JM, Pÿrez Sandoval D, RodrÃ-guez Commes JL, Rico SÃ?nchez J,
MacÃ-as NÃ?Ã+ez JF, Corbacho Becerra L, Juanes A, de Castro S.
[Erythrocyte levels of ALA-dehydrase and uro-synthetase in chronic renal
insufficiency (author's transl)]
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of a family.
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697: Jordan PM, Berry A.
Mechanism of action of porphobilinogen deaminase. The participation of stable
enzyme substrate covalent intermediates between porphobilinogen and the
porphobilinogen deaminase from Rhodopseudomonas spheroides.
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698: Maines MD.
Zinc . protoporphyrin is a selective inhibitor of heme oxygenase activity in the
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699: With TK, Pedersen JS.
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intermittent porphyria with special regard to the gene penetrance.
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700: Gartler SM, Hornung SK, Motulsky AG.
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701: Meisler MH, Wanner L, Kao FT, Jones C.
Localization of the uroporphyrinogen I synthase locus to human chromosome region
11q13 leads to qter and interconversion of enzyme isomers.
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Studies on erythrocyte porphobilinogen deaminase and uroporphyrinogen
cosynthetase in porphyria cutanea tarda.
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703: Williams DC, Morgan GS, McDonald E, Battersby AR.
Purification of porphobilinogen deaminase from Euglena gracilis and studies of
its kinetics.
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704: Shioi Y, Nagamine M, Kuroki M, Sasa T.
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706: Civin WH, Epstein E.
Enzyme defects in hereditary porphyria.
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707: Labbe-Bois R, Simon M, Rytka J, Litwinska J, Bilinski T.
Effect of 5-aminolevulinic acid synthesis deficiency on expression of other
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709: Russell CS, Rockwell P.
The effects of sulfhydryl reagents on the activity of wheat germ uroporphyrinogen
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710: Meisler M, Wanner L, Eddy RE, Shows TB.
The UPS locus encoding uroporphyrinogen I synthase is located on human chromosome
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renal failure.
Clin Chim Acta. 1980 Jun 10;104(2):241-4.
PMID: 7389135 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

714: Elder GH.
The porphyrias: clinical chemistry, diagnosis and methodology.
Clin Haematol. 1980 Jun;9(2):371-98. No abstract available.
PMID: 7053227 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

715: Moore MR.
The biochemistry of the porphyrins.
Clin Haematol. 1980 Jun;9(2):227-52. Review. No abstract available.
PMID: 6994963 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

716: Meisler MH, Carter ML.
Rare structural variants of human and murine uroporphyrinogen I synthase.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1980 May;77(5):2848-52.
PMID: 6930671 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

717: Battersby AR, Fookes CJ, Matcham GW, McDonald E.
Biosynthesis of the pigments of life: formation of the macrocycle.
Nature. 1980 May 1;285(5759):17-21.
PMID: 6769048 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

718: Peters PG, Sharma ML, Hardwicke DM, Piper WN.
Sulfonamide inhibition of rat hepatic uroporphyrinogen I synthetase activity and
the biosynthesis of heme.
Arch Biochem Biophys. 1980 Apr 15;201(1):88-94. No abstract available.
PMID: 6893114 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

719: McColl KE, Thompson GG, Moore MR, Goldberg A.
Acute ethanol ingestion and haem biosynthesis in healthy subjects.
Eur J Clin Invest. 1980 Apr;10(2 Pt 1):107-12.
PMID: 6780356 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

720: Anderson PM, Desnick RJ.
Purification and properties of uroporphyrinogen I synthase from human
erythrocytes. Identification of stable enzyme-substrate intermediates.
J Biol Chem. 1980 Mar 10;255(5):1993-9. No abstract available.
PMID: 7354069 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

721: Pasanen AV, Salmi M, Vuopio P, Tenhunen R.
Heme biosynthesis in sideroblastic anemia.
Int J Biochem. 1980;12(5-6):969-74. No abstract available.
PMID: 7450158 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

722: Parera VE, Stella AM, Wider de Xifra EA, Fukuda H, Batlle AM.
Porphyrin biosynthesis and enzymatic studies in erythrocytes from normals and
porphyric humans.
Int J Biochem. 1980;12(5-6):947-53. No abstract available.
PMID: 7450154 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

723: Moore MR, McColl KE, Goldberg A.
The activities of the enzymes of haem biosynthesis in the porphyrias and during
treatment of acute intermittent porphyrias.
Int J Biochem. 1980;12(5-6):941-6. No abstract available.
PMID: 7450153 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

724: With TK.
The different types of porphyria in Denmark and the importance of family studies.
Int J Biochem. 1980;12(5-6):887-9. No abstract available.
PMID: 7450146 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

725: Kreimer-Birnbaum M, Bonkowsky HL, Bottomley SS.
Experience with the red cell uroporphyrinogen synthase (URO-S) assay in kindreds
with acute intermittent porphyria (AIP).
Int J Biochem. 1980;12(5-6):807-10. No abstract available.
PMID: 7450137 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

726: Kreimer-Birnbaum M, Rusnak PA, Bannerman RM, Hodes ME.
Acute porphyrias: differential diagnosis and family studies.
Int J Biochem. 1980;12(5-6):801-6. No abstract available.
PMID: 7450136 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

727: Brocklehurst D, Wider de Xifra EA, Batlle A.
The measurement of erythrocyte uroporphyrinogen 1 synthase in the diagnosis of
latent and acute intermittent porphyria.
Int J Biochem. 1980;12(5-6):791-3. No abstract available.
PMID: 7450134 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

728: Miyagi K, Petryka ZJ, Kaneshima M, Kawakami J, Pierach CA.
Uroporphyrinogen I synthase isoenzymes from bovine and human erythrocytes.
Int J Biochem. 1980;12(5-6):769-73. No abstract available.
PMID: 7450131 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

729: Haust HL, McCourtie DR, Ali H.
Effects of a homogeneous formula high in corn oil and of intravenous glucose on
red cell uroporphyrinogen I synthetase activity during porphyric relapses.
Int J Biochem. 1980;12(5-6):811-8. No abstract available.
PMID: 7004932 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

730: Percy VA, Shanley BC.
Studies on haem biosynthesis in rat brain.
J Neurochem. 1979 Dec;33(6):1267-74. No abstract available.
PMID: 552404 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

731: Miyagi K, Kaneshima M, Kawakami J, Nakada F, Petryka ZJ, Watson CJ.
Uroporphyrinogen I synthase from human erythrocytes: separation, purification,
and properties of isoenzymes.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1979 Dec;76(12):6172-6.
PMID: 42911 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

732: Doss M.
[Diagnosis and differential diagnosis of acute hepatic prophyrias (author's
MMW Munch Med Wochenschr. 1979 Nov 16;121(46):1531-5. Review. German.
PMID: 117341 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

733: Urabe A, Hamilton J, Sassa S.
Dexamethasone and erythroid colony formation: contrasting effects in mouse and
human bone marrow cells in culture.
Br J Haematol. 1979 Nov;43(3):479-80. No abstract available.
PMID: 497124 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

734: Doss M, von Tiepermann R, Schneider J, Schmid H.
New type of hepatic porphyria with porphobilinogen synthase defect and
intermittent acute clinical manifestation.
Klin Wochenschr. 1979 Oct 15;57(20):1123-7.
PMID: 513604 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

735: Sassa S, Urabe A.
Uroporphyrinogen I synthase induction in normal human bone marrow cultures: an
early and quantitative response of erythroid differentiation.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1979 Oct;76(10):5321-5.
PMID: 291949 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

736: Jordan PM, Seehra JS.
The biosynthesis of uroporphyrinogen III: order of assembly of the four
porphobilinogen molecules in the formation of the tetrapyrrole ring.
FEBS Lett. 1979 Aug 15;104(2):364-6. No abstract available.
PMID: 314389 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

737: Kostrzewska E, Gregor A, Traczyk A, Rudowski W.
[Diagnosis of acute intermittent porphyria on the basis of uroporphyrinogen I
synthase activity in the erythrocytes; comparison of 2 methods]
Pol Tyg Lek. 1979 Aug 13;34(33):1305-7. Polish. No abstract available.
PMID: 514844 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

738: MiczÃ?k A, PrÃ?gai B, Berek I.
Mapping the uroporphyrinogen III cosynthase locus in Bacillus subtilis.
Mol Gen Genet. 1979 Jul 24;174(3):293-5.
PMID: 113648 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

739: Gregor A, Kostrzewska E, KocyÅ'owski M, Rudowski W.
[Genetic studies of families of patients with porphyria. Determination of
uroporphyrinogen I synthase in the erythrocytes]
Pol Arch Med Wewn. 1979 Jul;62(1):15-21. Polish. No abstract available.
PMID: 503882 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

740: McConville ML, Charles HP.
Isolation of haemin-requiring mutants of Escherichia coli K12.
J Gen Microbiol. 1979 Jul;113(1):155-64.
PMID: 387909 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

741: Clotet B, Pÿrez C, Martinez-V�zquez JM.
[Intermittent acute porphyria (author's transl)]
Med Clin (Barc). 1979 Jun 10;73(1):32-8. Spanish. No abstract available.
PMID: 470503 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

742: Frydman RB, Frydman B.
Disappearance of Porphobilinogen Deaminase Activity in Leaves Before the Onset of
Plant Physiol. 1979 Jun;63(6):1154-1157.
PMID: 16660874 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

743: Brodie MJ, Thompson GG, Moore MR, McColl KE, Goldberg A, Hardie RA, Hunter
Haem biosynthesis in cutaneous hepatic porphyria: comparison with alcoholism and
liver disease.
Acta Hepatogastroenterol (Stuttg). 1979 Apr;26(2):122-8.
PMID: 463487 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

744: Lamon JM, Frykholm BC, Tschudy DP.
Family evaluations in acute intermittent porphyria using red cell
uroporphyrinogen I synthetase.
J Med Genet. 1979 Apr;16(2):134-9.
PMID: 458830 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

745: McConville ML, Charles HP.
Mutants of Escherichia coli K12 accumulating porphobilinogen: a new locus, hemC.
J Gen Microbiol. 1979 Mar;111(1):193-200.
PMID: 379277 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

746: Sassa S, Kappas A, Bernstein SE, Alvares AP.
Heme biosynthesis and drug metabolism in mice with hereditary hemolytic anemia.
Heme oxygenase induction as an adaptive response for maintaining cytochrome P-450
in chronic hemolysis.
J Biol Chem. 1979 Feb 10;254(3):729-35. No abstract available.
PMID: 762094 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

747: Albahary C, Boiron M, Najean Y.
[Refractory sideroblastic anaemia of primary and acquired appearance (author's
Nouv Presse Med. 1979 Feb 3;8(6):425-6. French.
PMID: 162300 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

748: Rutherford T, Thompson GG, Moore MR.
Heme biosynthesis in Friend erythroleukemia cells: control by ferrochelatase.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1979 Feb;76(2):833-6.
PMID: 284406 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

749: Schwanitz G, Druschky KF, Schaller KH.
[Chromosome studies in patients with intermittent porphyria]
Fortschr Med. 1979 Jan 18;97(3):107-12. Review. German. No abstract available.
PMID: 369969 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

750: Wilson JH, van den Berg JW, Brouwers D, Coppens K, van Zellem J.
Erythrocyte uroporphyrinogen-I-synthetase activity in acute intermittent
Neth J Med. 1979;22(1):13-6. No abstract available.
PMID: 418940 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

751: Chartrand P, Tardif D, SÄ?sÄ?rman A.
Uroporphyrin- and coproporphyrin I-accumulating mutant of Escherichia coli K12.
J Gen Microbiol. 1979 Jan;110(1):61-6.
PMID: 372493 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

752: Linkesch W, MÃ?ller M, Scherak O.
[New aspects in the pathogenesis of anemia in chronic polyarthritis]
Acta Med Austriaca Suppl. 1979;6:387-9. German.
PMID: 299239 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

753: Linkesch W, Pavelka R, Kofler E, MÃ?ller M.
[Heme synthesis and iron status in pregnancy]
Acta Med Austriaca Suppl. 1979;6:368-72. German.
PMID: 299236 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

754: Linkesch W, Stummvoll HK, Wolf A, MÃ?ller M.
Heme synthesis in anemia of the uremic state.
Isr J Med Sci. 1978 Nov;14(11):1173-6.
PMID: 750546 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

755: Leber HW, Spiegelhalter R, Ulm A, Goubeaud G, Rawer P.
Influence of middle molecules on the anemia of uremic patients.
Artif Organs. 1978 Nov;2(4):378-81.
PMID: 743010 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

756: Usui T, Udagawa M, Horie Y.
[Fluorometric microdetermination of uroporphirinogen-1-synthase in blood
(author's transl)]
Rinsho Byori. 1978 Nov;26(11):976-8. Japanese. No abstract available.
PMID: 731964 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

757: Piepkorn MW, Hamernyik P, Labbÿ RF.
Modified erythrocyte uroporphyrinogen I synthase assay, and its clinical
Clin Chem. 1978 Oct;24(10):1751-4.
PMID: 699283 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

758: Granick JL, Sassa S.
Hemin control of heme biosynthesis in mouse Friend virus-transformed
erythroleukemia cells in culture.
J Biol Chem. 1978 Aug 10;253(15):5402-6.
PMID: 276528 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

759: Blum M, Koehl C, Abecassis J.
Variations in erythrocyte uroporphyrinogen I synthetase activity in non
Clin Chim Acta. 1978 Jul 1;87(1):119-25.
PMID: 668133 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

760: Schenk J.
[The hepatic porphyrias]
Fortschr Med. 1978 Jun 8;96(22):1161-6. German.
PMID: 658866 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

761: Formgren B, Wetterberg L.
[Acute intermittent porphyria: uroporphyrinogen-I-synthetase activity in
erythrocytes as a diagnostic index]
Lakartidningen. 1978 May 10;75(19):1921-4. Swedish. No abstract available.
PMID: 651454 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

762: Maines MD, Kappas A.
Prematurely evoked synthesis and induction of delta-aminolevulinate synthetase in
neonatal liver. Evidence for metal ion repression of enzyme formation.
J Biol Chem. 1978 Apr 10;253(7):2321-6. No abstract available.
PMID: 637921 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

763: Brocklehurst D.
Low-cost uroporphyrinogen I synthase screening for acute intermittent porphyria.
Clin Chem. 1978 Apr;24(4):730-1. No abstract available.
PMID: 639289 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

764: Astrup EG.
Family studies on the activity of uroporphyrinogen I synthase in diagnosis of
acute intermittent porphyria.
Clin Sci Mol Med. 1978 Mar;54(3):251-6. No abstract available.
PMID: 630801 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

765: Doss M, von Tiepermann R.
[Uroporphyrinogen synthase in erythrocytes in acute intermittent porphyria: new
pathobiochemical aspects (author's transl)]
J Clin Chem Clin Biochem. 1978 Feb;16(2):111-8. German.
PMID: 624910 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

766: Sassa S, Zalar GL, Kappas A.
Studies in porphyria. VII. Induction of uroporphyrinogen-I synthase and
expression of the gene defect of acute intermittent porphyria in
mitogen-stimulated human lymphocytes.
J Clin Invest. 1978 Feb;61(2):499-508.
PMID: 621286 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

767: Frydman RB, Levy ES, Valasinas A, Frydman B.
Biosynthesis of uroporphyrinogens. Interaction among 2-aminomethyltripyrranes and
the enzymatic system.
Biochemistry. 1978 Jan 10;17(1):115-20.
PMID: 618537 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

768: Frydman RB, Levy ES, Valasinas A, Frydman B.
Biosynthesis of uroporphyrinogens. Interaction among
2-aminomethyldipyrrylmethanes and the enzymatic system.
Biochemistry. 1978 Jan 10;17(1):110-5. No abstract available.
PMID: 618536 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

769: Moore MR, Thompson GG, Goldberg A, Ippen H, Seubert A, Seubert S.
The biosynthesis of haem in congenital (erythropoietic) porphyria.
Int J Biochem. 1978;9(12):933-8. No abstract available.
PMID: 744299 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

770: Doss M.
Relationships between acute hepatic porphyrias due to genetic variability of
primary enzyme defects and limiting function of uroporphyrinogen synthase.
Int J Biochem. 1978;9(12):911-6. No abstract available.
PMID: 744295 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

771: Tephly TR, Wagner G, Sedman R, Piper W.
Effects of metals on heme biosynthesis and metabolism.
Fed Proc. 1978 Jan;37(1):35-9. Review.
PMID: 338364 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

772: Meyer UA.
Drug sensitivity in hereditary hepatic porphyria.
Hum Genet Suppl. 1978;(1):71-8. No abstract available.
PMID: 285036 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

773: Petryka ZJ.
Enzyme abnormalities in the porphyrias.
Lancet. 1977 Nov 12;2(8046):1036-7. No abstract available.
PMID: 72941 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

774: Maines MD, Kappas A.
Enzymes of heme metabolism in the kidney: regulation by trace metals which do not
form heme complexes.
J Exp Med. 1977 Nov 1;146(5):1286-93. No abstract available.
PMID: 925603 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

775: Beal MF, Atuk NO, Westfall TC, Turner SM.
Catecholamine uptake, accumulation, and release in acute porphyria.
J Clin Invest. 1977 Nov;60(5):1141-8.
PMID: 908757 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

776: Piper WN, Van Lier BL.
Pteridine regulation of inhibition of hepatic uroporphyrinogen L synthetase
activity by lead chloride.
Mol Pharmacol. 1977 Nov;13(6):1126-35. No abstract available.
PMID: 593266 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

777: Brodie MJ, Moore MR, Thompson GG, Goldberg A.
The treatment of acute intermittent prophyria with laevulose.
Clin Sci Mol Med. 1977 Oct;53(4):365-71.
PMID: 913061 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

778: Brodie MJ, Moore MR, Goldberg A.
Enzyme abnormalities in the porphyrias.
Lancet. 1977 Oct 1;2(8040):699-701.
PMID: 71507 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

779: Anderson KE, Sassa S, Peterson CM, Kappas A.
Increased erythrocyte uroporphyrinogen-l-synthetase, delta-aminolevulinic acid
dehydratase and protoporphyrin in hemolytic anemias.
Am J Med. 1977 Sep;63(3):359-64. No abstract available.
PMID: 900140 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

780: Woods JS, Fowler BA.
Renal porphyrinuria during chronic methyl mercury exposure.
J Lab Clin Med. 1977 Aug;90(2):266-72.
PMID: 886212 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

781: MiczÃ?k A.
Porphyrin and corrinoid mutants of Bacillus subtilis.
J Bacteriol. 1977 Aug;131(2):379-81.
PMID: 407208 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

782: Wichmann T, Freye HA.
[Pathophysiology and diagnosis of acute intermittent porphyria]
Z Gesamte Inn Med. 1977 Jun 15;32(12):289-92. German.
PMID: 910533 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

783: Gollub EG, Liu KP, Dayan J, Adlersberg M, Sprinson DB.
Yeast mutants deficient in heme biosynthesis and a heme mutant additionally
blocked in cyclization of 2,3-oxidosqualene.
J Biol Chem. 1977 May 10;252(9):2846-54.
PMID: 323256 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

784: Druschky KF, Schaller KH, FlÃ?gel KA.
[Clinical problems of porphyria polyneuropathy]
Verh Dtsch Ges Inn Med. 1977 Apr 17-21;83:1067-71. German. No abstract available.
PMID: 611797 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

785: Brodie MJ, Thompson GG, Moore MR, Beattie AD, Goldberg A.
Hereditary coproporphyria. Demonstration of the abnormalities in haem
biosynthesis in peripheral blood.
Q J Med. 1977 Apr;46(182):229-41.
PMID: 866576 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

786: Grelier M, Grandchamp B, Phung N, de Verneuil H, Noire J, Nordmann Y,
Husquinet H, Dodinval P.
[Detection of intermittent acute porphyria using urosynthetase assay. Results of
2 years]
Nouv Presse Med. 1977 Mar 26;6(12):1045-7. French. No abstract available.
PMID: 850618 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

787: Sassa S, Bernstein SE.
Levels of delta-aminolevulinate dehydratase, uroporphyrinogen-I synthase, and
protoporphyrin IX in erythrocytes from anemic mutant mice.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1977 Mar;74(3):1181-4.
PMID: 265562 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

788: Brodie MJ, Moore MR, Thompson GG, Campbell BC, Goldberg A.
Is porphobilinogen deaminase activity a secondary control mechanism in haem
biosynthesis in humans? [proceedings]
Biochem Soc Trans. 1977;5(5):1466-8. No abstract available.
PMID: 923960 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

789: Bickers DR, Keogh L, Rifkind AB, Harber LC, Kappas A.
Studies in porphyria. VI. Biosynthesis of porphyrins in mammalian skin and in the
skin of porphyric patients.
J Invest Dermatol. 1977 Jan;68(1):5-9.
PMID: 830770 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

790: Sassa S, Zalar GL, Kappas A.
Deficient induction of uroporphyrinogen-I synthase activity in mitogen-stimulated
lymphocytes from patients with acute intermittent porphyria.
Trans Assoc Am Physicians. 1977;90:157-66. No abstract available.
PMID: 611660 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

791: Iwanov ED, Adjarov D, Tsanev R.
[Uroporphyrinogen-I-synthetase in erythrocytes in acute intermittent porphyria]
Acta Biol Med Ger. 1977;36(5-6):801-4. German.
PMID: 602585 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

792: Kushner JP, Cartwright GE.
Sideroblastic anemia.
Adv Intern Med. 1977;22:229-49. Review. No abstract available.
PMID: 320843 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

793: Sassa S, Kappas A.
Prenatal diagnosis of acute intermittent porphyria.
N Engl J Med. 1976 Dec 9;295(24):1381. No abstract available.
PMID: 980088 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

794: Elder GH, Evans JO, Thomas N.
The primary enzyme defect in hereditary coproporphyria.
Lancet. 1976 Dec 4;2(7997):1217-9.
PMID: 63041 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

795: Schumaker HM, Tishler PV, Knighton DJ.
A spot test for uroporphyrinogen I synthase, the enzyme that is deficient in
intermittent acute porphyria.
Clin Chem. 1976 Dec;22(12):1991-4.
PMID: 1000796 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

796: Peterson LR, Hamernyik P, Bird TD, Labbÿ RF.
Erythrocyte uroporphyrinogen I synthase activity in diagnosis of acute
intermittent porphyria.
Clin Chem. 1976 Nov;22(11):1835-40.
PMID: 975542 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

797: Piper WN, Van Lier RB.
Isolation of a factor that protects against lead inhibition of hepatic and
erythrocytic uroporphyrinogen I synthetase activity.
Life Sci. 1976 Oct 15;19(8):1225-34. No abstract available.
PMID: 994723 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

798: Woods JS.
Developmental aspects of hepatic heme biosynthetic capability and hematotoxicity.
Biochem Pharmacol. 1976 Oct 1;25(19):2147-52. No abstract available.
PMID: 971328 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

799: Nordmann Y, Grandchamp B, Grelier M, Phung N, de Verneuil H.
Detection of intermittent acute porphyria trait in children.
Lancet. 1976 Jul 24;2(7978):201-2. No abstract available.
PMID: 73824 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

800: Grandchamp B, Phung N, Grelier M, Nordmann Y.
The spectrophotometric determination of uroporphyrinogen I synthetase activity.
Clin Chim Acta. 1976 Jul 1;70(1):113-8.
PMID: 947611 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

801: SÄ?sÄ?rman A, Desrochers M, Sonea S, Sanderson KE, Surdeanu M.
Porphobilinogen-accumulating mutants of Salmonella typhimurium LT2.
J Gen Microbiol. 1976 Jun;94(2):359-66.
PMID: 781181 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

802: Maines MD, JanousÄk V, Tomio JM, Kappas A.
Cobalt inhibition of synthesis and induction of delta-aminolevulinate synthase in
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1976 May;73(5):1499-503.
PMID: 818637 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

803: Nordmann Y, Grandchamp B.
Conjugated effect of light and uroporphyrin on porphobilinogen.
Biochem Med. 1976 Apr;15(2):119-25. No abstract available.
PMID: 962896 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

804: Scott AI, Hos KS, Kajiwara M, Takahashi T.
Letter: Biosynthesis of uroporphyrinogen III from porphobilinogen. Resolution of
the enigmatic "switch" mechanism.
J Am Chem Soc. 1976 Mar 17;98(6):1589-91. No abstract available.
PMID: 1249370 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

805: Tishler PV, Knighton DJ, Schumaker HM.
Letter: Screening test for intermittent acute porphyria.
Lancet. 1976 Feb 7;1(7954):303. No abstract available.
PMID: 55612 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

806: Frydman B, Frydman RB, Valasinas A, Levy ES, Feinstein G.
Biosynthesis of uroporphyrinogens from porphobilinogen: mechanism and the nature
of the process.
Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 1976 Feb 5;273(924):137-60.
PMID: 4834 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

807: Dauner HO, Gunzer G, Heger I, MÃ?ller G.
[On uroporphyrinogen formation: Studies with 1-aminomethyl-3, 8, 13,
18-tetra(2-carboxyethyl)-2, 7, 12, 17-tetracarboxymethylbilinogen (author's
Hoppe Seylers Z Physiol Chem. 1976 Feb;357(2):147-52. German.
PMID: 1254244 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

808: Sassa S.
Sequential induction of heme pathway enzymes during erythroid differentiation of
mouse Friend leukemia virus-infected cells.
J Exp Med. 1976 Feb 1;143(2):305-15.
PMID: 1249519 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

809: Anderson KE, Alvares AP, Sassa S, Kappas A.
Studies in porphyria. V. Drug oxidation rates in hereditary hepatic porphyria.
Clin Pharmacol Ther. 1976 Jan;19(1):47-54.
PMID: 1245093 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

810: Sancovich HA, Ferramola AM, del C Batlle AM, Kivilevich A, Grinstein M.
Studies on cow liver porphobilinogen deaminase.
Acta Physiol Lat Am. 1976;26(5):379-86.
PMID: 1052601 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

811: Druschky KF, Schaller KH.
[Diagnostic criteria and neuropsychiatric leading symptoms in acute intermittent
porphyria--results of a field study]
Verh Dtsch Ges Inn Med. 1976;82 Pt 1:668-71. German. No abstract available.
PMID: 1029256 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

812: Mustajoki P.
Red cell uroporphyrinogen I synthetase in acute intermittent porphyria.
Ann Clin Res. 1976;8 Suppl 17:133-8.
PMID: 1008483 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

813: Miyagi K, Petryka ZJ, Bossenmaier I, Cardinal R, Watson CJ.
The activities of uroporphyrinogen synthetase and cosynthetase in congenital
erythropoietic porphyria (CEP).
Am J Hematol. 1976;1(1):3-21.
PMID: 984034 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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