Petri dish
Simulation of life inside Petri dish, where hypothetic unicellular organisms move and reproduce.
List of terms:
- Cell - a unit of population, described by location in the dish, velocity and lifespan; can carry and transmit mutation
- Petri dish - area of cells' activity
- Asexual reproduction - division of parent cell, which leads to formation of two identical daughter cells; parent cell disappears; no division occurs if there is not enough space to place daughter cells in dish
- Sexual reproduction - formation of four daughter cells instead of two collided parent cells; occurs with certain probability when cells meet; the probability rises as environment conditions worsen; similarly to asexual reproduction, nothing happens if there's lack of space for daughter cells
- Mutation - cell's property, which is transmitted with 100% probability in asexual reproduction process and with lower probability in sexual reproduction process; is caused by user and appears in random cell of population
- Lifespan - time period between appearance and vanishing of cell from Petri dish
- Environment - condition which influences cells' behaviour, is set by user and measured on scale [0:100] (from the worst conditions to the best)
- Collision - situation when distance between cells' centres is less than given threshold; collision leads either to sexual reproduction or change of cells' velocities (their directions)
Initial parameters:
Parameters which are defined before the start of simulation. They can't be changed while simulation is in progress
Number of cells [1-10] - number of cells in dish at start of simulation
Diameter of Petri dish [100-500] - defines the size of Petri dish
Cell's lifetime [1-1000] - defines period of cell's life in dish
Asexual(sexual) reproduction (on/off) - activates or disables chosen type of reproduction
When you press "Submit" button, simulation is launched. After that this button is replaced by "Stop" button, which can stop the simulation at any time.
Once there are no cells in dish left, the simulation stop automatically.
Changeable parameters:
Parameters which can be changed at any time
Environment [1-100] - influences on probability of cell's sexual reproduction
In addition, by pressing "Add mutation" button you add mutation to living population.
When "Show statistics" button is pressed, a window appears with information about:
- values of initial parameters
- total number of cells - number of all cells which lived in dish during the whole time of simulation
- maximum number of cells in dish (at one time)
- maximum number of cells in dish (at one time)
- total number of mutated cells - number of all mutated cells which lived in dish
- number of asexual/sexual reproduction events