A rigid cylinder on a viscoelastic plane
Russian Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics, 2011, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 601-625
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The paper considers two two-dimensional dynamical problems for anšabsolutely rigid cylinder interacting with ašdeformable flat base (the motion ofšanšabsolutely rigid disk onšašbase which inšnon-deformed condition isšašstraight line). The base isšašsufficiently stiff viscoelastic medium that creates ašnormal pressure $p(x) = kY(x)+?\dot{Y}(x)$, where $x$šisšašcoordinate onšthe straight line, $Y(x)$ isšašnormal displacement ofšthe pointš$x$, and $k$šand $?$šare elasticity and viscosity coefficients (the Kelvin?Voigt medium). Wešare also ofšthe opinion that during deformation the base generates friction forces, which are subject tošCoulomb?s law. Wešconsider the phenomenon ofšimpact that arises during anšarbitrary fall ofšthe disk onto the straight line and investigate the disk?s motion ?along the straight line? including the stages ofšsliding and rolling.
Kuleshov A. S., Treschev D. V., Ivanova T. B., Naymushina O. S., A rigid cylinder on a viscoelastic plane, Russian Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics, 2011, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 601-625