Kilin Alexander Alexandrovich
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor
Professor of Department of Theoretical Physics at UdSU.
Leading Researcher of Laboratory of Nonlinear Analysis and the Design of New Types of Vehicles at UdSU
Leading Researcher of Steklov Mathematical Institute RAS
Senior programmer of the Department of Mathematical Methods of Nonlinear Dynamics at Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics UB RAS
1, Universitetskaya str., Izhevsk 426034, Russia
Born: MayÒš31, 1976
InÒš1997 graduated from Udmurt State University (UdSU).
1997-2001: research assistant inÒšLaboratory ofÒšdynamical Chaos and Nonlinearity, UdSU.
2001: Thesis ofÒšPh.D. (candidate ofÒšscience). Thesis title: Ò?Computer-aided methods inÒšstudy ofÒšnonlinear dynamical systemsÒË, UdSU
2002: senior scientist ofÒšLaboratory ofÒšDynamical Chaos anÒšNonlinearity, UdSU.
ò??ÒšSenior scientist ofÒšDepartment ofÒšMathematical Methods inÒšNonlinear Dynamics, IMMÒšUB RAS;
-Scientific secretary ofÒšInstitute ofÒšComputer Science
2009: Doctor inÒšphysics and mathematics. Thesis title: Ò?Development ofÒšthe software package for computer studies ofÒšdynamical systemsÒË, Moscow Engineering Physics Institute.
since 2010: Head ofÒšLaboratory ofÒšDynamical Chaos and Nonlinearity atÒšUdSU
since 2011: Dean ofÒšthe Faculty ofÒšPhysics and Energetics atÒšUdSU