б Plenary Speakers | |
| P. French (U.K.) |
V. Ntziachristos (Germany) | |
B. Tromberg (USA) |
Biomedical Imaging (Chairs) | |
OCT (P. Andersen, Denmark) | |
Optoacoustics (M. Frenz, Switzerland) | |
Elastic Light Scattering / Manipulation of Particles (A.V. Priezzhev, Russia and A. Chiou, Taiwan) | |
Diffuse Optical Imaging (P. Taroni, Italy) | |
Micro-Circulation Imaging (M. Leahy, Ireland) |
Laser Spectroscopy (Chairs) | |
Infrared and Raman (J. Popp, Germany) | |
Clinical applications (J. Lademann and M. Meinke, Germany) | |
Fluorescence (S. Andersson-Engels, Sweden) | |
THz Spectroscopy and Imaging (A. Shkurinov and V. Vaks, Russia) |
Laser-Tissue Interactions (Chairs) | |
Femtosecond phenomena (A. Vogel, Germany) | |
Light propagation (V. Tuchin, Russia) | |
PDT (H. Stepp, Germany) | |
Low level laser applications (M.R. Hamblin, Boston) |
Light Microscopy (C. Cremer, H. Schneckenburger, Germany) | |
Nano-Biophotonics (R. Rotomskis, Lithuania) | |
Novel Optical Devices and Methods (V.B. Loshchenov, Russia; R. Hibst, Germany) | |
Chinese -German Workshop (D. Zhu, China) |