Документ взят из кэша поисковой машины. Адрес оригинального документа : http://geo.web.ru/~sgt/dictionary/s/s.htm
Дата изменения: Fri Jan 18 18:08:03 2002
Дата индексирования: Sat Dec 22 04:25:12 2007

Тектоническое общество России

Русскоязычная исследовательская группа

по структурной геологии и тектонике








S fold

S foliation

S surface

S tectonite

S waves

Sag ponds

Saint Venant material, continuum model for



Salt anticline

Salt canopy

Salt diapus

Salt diapus, scale model of

Salt domes

Salt glacier

Salt intrusions

Salt pillow

Salt roller

Salt stocks

Salt structures, and halokinesis

Salt structures, deformation and sedimentation adjacent to

Salt structures, gravity-driven faulting and folding

Salt structures, importance of

Salt structures, salt-tongue canopies

Salt structures, terminology

Salt walls


Sand volcanoes

Sandstone, Berea, fracture criterion for

Sawtooth model

S-C tectonitcs, foliation in


Scalar invariants

Scalar invariants, of stress

Scale factors, for mechanical variables


Scale models

Scale models, dynamically similar to prototype

Scale models, geometrically similar to prototype

Scale models, kinematically similar to prototype

Scale models, of folding

Scale models, of gravity-driven deformation

Scale models, prototype and

Scale of observation

Scale, map

Scale, of folds

Scale, of fractures

Scale, of geologic features

Scaled experiments

Scandian Orogeny

Scanning electron microscope see SEM

Scarps, fault



Schistosity, continuous

Schistosity, shear zones and

Schistosity, spaced

Schmidt net

Schuppen zone

Scissors fault

Scour-and fill structures

Screw dislocations

Screw dislocations, geometry of

Screw dislocations, interactions of

Screw dislocations, motion of

Seafloor spreading

Seafloor spreading, defined

Seafloor spreading, in rift evolution

Seafloor spreading, process of

Seafloor spreading, secondary creep


Second Law of Motion (Newton's)


Secondary creep

Secondary electron emission mode

Secondary fractures

Secondary grain growth

Secondary recrystallization

Secondary shear

Second-rank tensor

Section, missing, faulting and

Section, repeated, faulting and

Sectional ellipse

Sectional strain ellipses

Sector zoning

Sediment, mechanical properties of, during burial and uplift

Sediment, pelagic

Sedimentary basin

Sedimentary dikes

Sedimentary rock

Sedimentary rock, in crystalline core zone

Sedimentary rock, primary structures in

Sedimentary rocks, joint spacing in

Sedimentary rocks, primary structures, (see primary sedimentary structures)

Sedimentary rocks, rift assemblage by

Sedimentary structure

Sedimentation, adjacent to salt structures


Sediments, back arc regions

Sediments, continental platforms

Sediments, convergent margins

Sediments, foredeep

Sediments, island arc complexes

Sediments, melange zones

Sediments, ocean basins

Sediments, of cratonic basins

Sediments, ophiolites

Sediments, orogenic core zones

Sediments, passive margins

Sediments, Proterozoic terranes

Seismic activity

Seismic discontinuities

Seismic faults

Seismic rays

Seismic rays, diffraction of

Seismic rays, reflection of

Seismic rays, refraction of

Seismic records, migration of

Seismic records, stacking of

Seismic studies

Seismic studies, first motion

Seismic studies, first motion, stress measurement from

Seismic studies, reflection

Seismic studies, refraction

Seismic tomography

Seismic velocity

Seismic velocity, and fabrics

Seismic velocity, as a function of lithology

Seismic waves

Seismic waves, diffraction of

Seismic waves, reflection of



Selection method



Sense of displacement

Sense of shear (see also shear sense)

Sense of slip


Separation, fault

Separation, horizontal

Separation, strike

Separation, vertical

Separation, vs displacement


Separatrix, bow tie shape

Separatrix, eye shape




Shale diapir

Shale, Martinsburg, volumetric strain in

Shallowly dipping faults

Shape preferred orientation

Shape, of fractures

Shape, representation of strain

Shatter cones


Shear  waves

Shear angle

Shear band

Shear band cleavage

Shear band cleavage C' type

Shear band cleavage С type

Shear band folianon

Shear cleavage

Shear failure, confining pressure and

Shear flow

Shear flow, orogenic deformation

Shear fold, passive

Shear fold, passive, multilayer

Shear folding

Shear fracture

Shear fractures, envelope

Shear fractures, and pore pressure

Shear fractures, defined

Shear fractures, formation of

Shear fractures, formation of, Griffith cracks and

Shear fractures, fracture plane for

Shear fractures, intermediate principal stress on, effect of

Shear fractures, mode II

Shear fractures, mode III

Shear fractures, P

Shear fractures, Riedel (R)

Shear fractures, strike slip faults and

Shear fractures, vs extension fractures

Shear heating

Shear joint

Shear modulus

Shear planes

Shear planes, and foliation plane

Shear planes, conjugate

Shear planes, foliations and

Shear planes, in orogenic belts

Shear rupture. See shear fractures

Shear sense

Shear sense criteria

Shear sense criteria, crystallographic fabrics and olivine

Shear sense criteria, crystallographic fabrics and quartz

Shear sense criteria, in ductile shear zones

Shear sense criteria, on brittle faults

Shear sense indicator/marker no

Shear strain

Shear strain rate

Shear strain, engineering

Shear strain, measurement of

Shear strain, passive, deck of cards model for

Shear strain, tensor

Shear strength

Shear stress

Shear stress see stress

Shear stress, defined

Shear stress, maximum, conjugate planes of

Shear stress, principal, shear, and normal stresses relationship between

Shear traction component

Shear waves

Shear zone

Shear zone, brittle

Shear zone, ductile

Shear zone, shortening

Shear zone, stretching

Shear zone, orogenic belts

Shear zone, rectilinear fault zones

Shear zone, strain in

Shear, distributed, strike-slip faults and

Shear, ductile

Shear, ductile, shear sense criteria in

Shear, ductile, strain in

Shear, flexural

Shear, flexural, bending by

Shear, flexural, buckling by

Shear, passive, folding and

Shear, progressive

Shear, pure

Shear, Riedel

Shear, secondary

Shear, simple

Shear, simple, progressive

Shear-failure criteria

Shear-fracture criteria

Shearing, transform fault

Shear-rupture criteria

Shear-sense indicators

Shear-sense indicators, of brittle faults

Sheath folds

Sheet intrusions, and volcanoes

Sheet intrusions, defined

Sheet intrusions, structures associated with

Sheet joints

Sheet joints, formation of

Sheeted dike complex

Sheeted dikes


Sheeting joints




Shock metamorphism  


Shortening deformation

Shortening, crenulation folianons and

Shortening, disjunctive foliations and

Shortening, uniaxial

Shutter ridges

SIab pull force


Sidewall ramp

Sign convention

Sign convention, engineering

Sign convention, Mohr circle

Sign convention, tensor



Similar folds


Simple elongation

Simple extension

Simple flattening

Simple shear

Simple shear, progressive

Simple-shear model

Singular point

Sinistral faults

Size grading, as stratigraphic up indicator



Slab dip

Slab drag force

Slab pull


Slate belts

Slate belts, folding in

Slate cleavage

Slate Range

Slate, formation

Slate, reduction spots in

Slate, strain in, measurement of

Slaty cleavage

Slave craton

Slice, fault

Slickenfiber lineations

Slickenfiber lineations, fault displacement and shear sense and



Slickenlines, mineral

Slickenlines, See also Slickenside lineations

Slickenlines, structural


Slickenside lineations, stress orientation determination from

Slickenside lineations, tangent lineation diagrams for

Slickenside lineations. See also Slickenfibers, Slickenlmes



Sliding, frictional, confining pressure and

Sliding, stable


Slip band

Slip direction, determination of

Slip domains, propagation of

Slip domains, thrust sheet dynamics and

Slip event

Slip lines

Slip line determination, Hansen's method for

Slip line fields, models of

Slip line models, Alpine collision

Slip lineations

Slip planes

Slip system, dislocation

Slip systems

Slip systems, olivine

Slip systems, quartz

Slip vector

Slip-line field

Slipped portion

Slope, of streams


Smooth foliatons


Snowball garnets

Snowball structure

Snowball texture



Sole fault

Sole fault, kinematics of

Sole thrust


Solid iron alloy

Solid state diffusion

Solid state diffusion creep

Solid state flow

Solid-state diffusion


Solution cleavage

Solution creep

Solution fold

Solution transfer

Solution, deformation and

Solution, material lineations and foliations and

Sonoma Orogeny

Source layer


Spaced cleavage

Spaced fabric


Special fold geometries

Spherical geometry

Spherical projections


Spherulites, deformation of

Spike, slickolite



Spiral Si garnet/porphyroblast


Splay faults

Splay faults, strike slip

Splay, horsetail

Splitting, longitudinal, formation of, Griffith cracks and

Splitting, longitudinal, fractures and

Spotted rocks, deformation of

Spreading centers

Spreading centers, heat plumes

Spreading, back arc basins


Stable backarcs

Stable stress state

Stable triple junction

Stacking fault

Stair stepping

Standard state stress


State of strain

State of strain, at a point

Static recovery

Static recrystallization

Steady motion

Steady state creep

Steady state creep, chemical environment and

Steady state creep, grain size and

Steady state creep, material constants for

Steady state creep, pressure and

Steady state fabric

Steady-state flow

Steady-state foliations


Steeply dipping faults

Stem, salt stock

Steno, Nicholas

Steno's Law of Superposition


Stepover site

Stepovers, contractional

Stepovers, dilatant

Stepovers, extensional

Stepovers, releasing

Stepovers, restraining

Stepovers, strike slip faults and

Steps on slickensides


Stereographic projection

Stick slip frictional sliding

Stick-slip behavior


Stikine Superterrane


Stockwork vein arrays

Stored strain energy


Strain analysis

Strain analysis, for orogenic belts

Strain analysis, orogenic zones

Strain axis

Strain cap

Strain ellipse

Strain ellipse, circular sections of

Strain ellipse, determined from two-dimensional data

Strain ellipse, incremental

Strain ellipse, infinitesimal

Strain ellipse, inverse

Strain ellipse, measurement of

Strain ellipse, quantitative description of

Strain ellipse, strain components from

Strain ellipse, types of

Strain ellipsoid

Strain energy in elastic deformation

Strain field

Strain free grain/crystal

Strain fringe

Strain gauge

Strain gradient

Strain hardening

Strain history, determination of

Strain measurement

Strain measurement, center-to-center method

Strain measurement, information learned from

Strain measurement, nonspherical objects, initially

Strain measurement, objects with known angular relationships or dimensions

Strain measurement, Rf/ф method

Strain measurement, rock textures and other strain gauges

Strain measurement, spherical objects, initially

Strain measurement, value of

Strain path

Strain rate

Strain rate gradients

Strain rate, defined

Strain rate, effect of changes in

Strain rate, geologic, vs. experimental

Strain rate, measures of

Strain rate, stress and, constitutive equations for

Strain rate-dependent viscosity

Strain ratio

Strain release

Strain shadow

Strain softening

Strain state, during progressive deformation

Strain state, in folds

Strain tensor

Strain tensor, incremental

Strain, analysis

Strain, analysis in three dimensions

Strain, analysis in two dimensions

Strain, and deformation, compared

Strain, and mineralr fibers

Strain, axes of

Strain, cleavage and

Strain, coaxial strain accumulation

Strain, compatibility equations for

Strain, constant volume

Strain, constrictional

Strain, creep curve

Strain, crystal plasticity, strain-producing mechanisms in

Strain, definition of

Strain, deformation and

Strain, diagenetic

Strain, elastic

Strain, ellipsoid

Strain, extensional

Strain, finite

Strain, finite angular changes

Strain, finite length changes

Strain, flattening

Strain, folding and

Strain, folding and, multilayer

Strain, foliations and

Strain, geologic significance of

Strain, graphic representation of

Strain, homogeneous

Strain, homogeneous and heterogeneous strain

Strain, homogeneous, definition of

Strain, homogeneous, examples of

Strain, in continental crust

Strain, in ductile shear zones

Strain, in shear zones

Strain, in U.S. midcontinent

Strain, incremental

Strain, incremental, measurement of

Strain, infinitesimal

Strain, infinitesimal length changes

Strain, infinitesimal shear

Strain, inhomogeneous

Strain, invariants of

Strain, joint spacing and magnitude of extensional

Strain, kinematic models of foliation development and

Strain, linear

Strain, lineations and

Strain, logarithmic

Strain, longitudinal

Strain, measurement of

Strain, measurement of, by deformed linear objects

Strain, measurement of, by deformed objects of intially circular cross section

Strain, measurement of, by nearest-neighbor center-to-center technique

Strain, measurement of, by Rf-ф method

Strain, measurement of, by shear strain measurement

Strain, measurement of, by sheared initially orthogonal pairs of lines

Strain, measurement of, by Wellman method

Strain, measurement of, difficulties in

Strain, measurement of, Fry method for

Strain, measurement of, in folds

Strain, measurement of, with foliations and linearions

Strain, measurement, (see strain measurement)

Strain, Mohr circle for

Strain, Mohr diagrams for

Strain, natural

Strain, noncoaxial strain accumulation

Strain, nonmaterial foliations and

Strain, nonmaterial lineations and

Strain, parameteis of

Strain, passive shear, deck-of-cards model for

Strain, path

Strain, permanent

Strain, plane

Strain, pressure and

Strain, principal axes of

Strain, principal coordinates of

Strain, principal value of

Strain, progressive

Strain, pure

Strain, pure shear

Strain, quantities

Strain, representation of

Strain, rotational and irrotational

Strain, shear

Strain, shear, engineering

Strain, shear, measurement of

Strain, shear, passive, deck-of-cards model for

Strain, shear, tensor

Strain, sign conventions for

Strain, simple shear

Strain, special strain states

Strain, state of

Strain, state of, at a point

Strain, state of, representation of

Strain, stress and

Strain, stress and, constitutive equations for

Strain, structures recording

Strain, superimposed

Strain, tangential longitudinal

Strain, tectonic

Strain, total

Strain, true

Strain, types

Strain, uniaxial

Strain, volumetric

Strain, volumetric, measurement of

Strain-producing mechanism

Strarigraphic age, indicators of

Strarigraphic discontinuity, faulting and

Strarigraphic up-direction

Strarigraphic up-direction, bedding-foliation relationship and

Strarigraphic up-direction, size grading as indicator of


Strata, repetition/omission of, faulting and



Stratigraphic contact

Stratigraphic facing

Stratigraphic separation

Stratigraphic sequence indicators

Stream function

Streamlines, flow

Streams, fault displacement of


Strength curves

Strength paradox

Strength, brittle

Strength, creep

Strength, fracture

Strength, shear

Strength, tensile

Strength, tensile, theoretical

Strength, ultimate


Stress axis

Stress difference

Stress distribution, faulting and

Stress distribution, faulting and with depth

Stress drop

Stress ellipse

Stress ellipsoid

Stress exponent

Stress fields

Stress function

Stress histories, joint origins and

Stress intensity factor

Stress orientation

Stress orientation, determination of, from faults

Stress orientation, determination of, from slickenside linearions

Stress orientation, fault formation and

Stress orientation, fracture formation and

Stress orientation, regional distribution of

Stress provinces

Stress relief techniques, for stress measurement

Stress supporting network

Stress tensor

Stress tensor, components of

Stress tensor, coordinate system for

Stress tensor, effective

Stress tensor, invariants of

Stress tensor, notation for

Stress tensor, sign convention for

Stress tensor, symmetry of

Stress tensor. See also Tensor

Stress trajectories

Stress trajectories, at depth

Stress trajectories, folding and

Stress trajectory

Stress vector

Stress, acting on a plane

Stress, as second rank tensor

Stress, at a point

Stress, axes of

Stress, axial

Stress, burial and

Stress, cohesive

Stress, components

Stress, components of, three-dimensional

Stress, components of, two-dimensional

Stress, compressive

Stress, defined

Stress, deviatoric

Stress, differential

Stress, effective

Stress, epeirogeny and changes in stress state

Stress, equilibrium equations of

Stress, extensional

Stress, faulting, relation of stress to

Stress, fields

Stress, force and

Stress, force and, relationship between

Stress, hydrostatic

Stress, in Earth

Stress, in Earth, horizontal and vertical motions and

Stress, in Earth, horizontal normal, nontectonic

Stress, in Earth, measurement of

Stress, in Earth, mechanisms of

Stress, in Earth, overburden

Stress, in Earth, pore fluid pressure and

Stress, in Earth, regional distribution of

Stress, in Earth, tectonic

Stress, in Earth, tectonics and

Stress, in Earth, thermal and pressure effects and

Stress, in Earth, vertical normal

Stress, in three dimensions

Stress, intermediate principal, fracturing and

Stress, intermediate principal, Griffith cracks and

Stress, invariants of

Stress, lithification and

Stress, maximum values of

Stress, mean

Stress, mean and deviatoric components

Stress, mean normal

Stress, measurement

Stress, measurement of, hydraulic fracturing for

Stress, Mohr diagram for

Stress, normal

Stress, normal stress and shear stress

Stress, normal, shear, and principal stresses, relationship between

Stress, notation for

Stress, octahedral

Stress, overburden

Stress, plane

Stress, principal

Stress, principal planes of

Stress, principal, Coulomb fracture criterion and

Stress, principal, intermediate, fracturing and

Stress, principal, intermediate, Griffith cracks and

Stress, principal, on Mohr diagram

Stress, principal, two-dimensional

Stress, radial

Stress, scalar invariants of

Stress, scale factor for

Stress, shear

Stress, shear, maximum, conjugate planes of

Stress, sign conventions

Stress, sign conventions, engineering

Stress, sign conventions, geologic

Stress, sign conventions, Mohr circle

Stress, sign conventions, tensor

Stress, standard state

Stress, states

Stress, strain and

Stress, strain and, constitutive equations for

Stress, subduction

Stress, subscript notation for

Stress, summarized

Stress, superposed systems of

Stress, surface

Stress, surface, calculation of

Stress, surface, on Mohr diagram

Stress, symmetry of

Stress, tectonic

Stress, tectonic, joint formation and

Stress, temperature and

Stress, tensile

Stress, tensor

Stress, tensor, notation for

Stress, tensor, symmetry of

Stress, terminology for

Stress, three-dimensional, at a point

Stress, three-dimensional, Mohr diagram for

Stress, traction and

Stress, trajectories

Stress, triaxial

Stress, two-dimensional, at a point

Stress, two-dimensional, Mohr circle for

Stress, two-dimensional, Mohr diagram for

Stress, uniaxial

Stress, units of

Stress, uplift and

Stress, yield

Stress-dependent viscosity

Stress-strain relations

Stress-strain relations, elastic solids

Stress-strain relations, general theory of tensors

Stress-strain relations, plastic flow

Stress-strain relations, viscoelastic and elastoviscous materials

Stress-strain relations, viscous fluids

Stress-strain relationship, constitutive equations for

Stress-strain relationship, for elastic materials

Stress-strain relationship, for plastic materials

Stress-strain relationship, for viscous materials


Stretch, in strain measurement

Stretch, maximum, direction of

Stretch, principal

Stretch, progressive, of material lines

Stretch, volumetric

Stretched crystal

Stretched crystals


Stretching axis

Stretching fiber

Stretching lineation

Stretching lineation see lineation

Stretching lineations

Stretching rate




Strike line

Strike separation

Strike-parallel joints

Strike-slip backarcs

Strike-slip component of net slip

Strike-slip duplex

Strike-slip duplexes

Strike-slip fault systems

Strike-slip faults

Strike-slip faults, balancing

Strike-slip faults, bends/stepovers and

Strike-slip faults, characteristics of

Strike-slip faults, definition of

Strike-slip faults, displacement on

Strike-slip faults, folding and

Strike-slip faults, geophysical data in

Strike-slip faults, shape of

Strike-slip faults, shear fractures and

Strike-slip faults, splay

Strike-slip faults, structures associated with

Strike-slip faults, systems of, kinematic models of

Strike-slip faults, tear faults and

Strike-slip faults, termination of

Strike-slip faults, thrust faults and

Strike-slip faults, types of

Strike-slip movement

Strike-slip tectonics

Strike-slip tectonics, analog models, insight from

Strike-slip tectonics, continental settings of strike-slip faulting

Strike-slip tectonics, continental strike-slip faults, features of

Strike-slip tectonics, deep-crustal

Strike-slip tectonics, distributed deformation

Strike-slip tectonics, fault geometry and displacement

Strike-slip tectonics, horizontal extension and

Strike-slip tectonics, in Anderson's theory of faulting

Strike-slip tectonics, oceanic transforms and fracture zones

Strike-slip tectonics, overview

Strike-slip tectonics, strike-slip defined

Strike-slip tectonics, terminology

Strike-slip tectonics, transpression and transtension

Striped gneiss

Strong cleavage

Strong force

Strong slaty cleavage

Structural analysis

Structural analysis, categories

Structural analysis, conical Fold

Structural analysis, curving surfaces

Structural analysis, cylindrical Fold

Structural analysis, guidelines for structural interpretation

Structural analysis, mean vector

Structural analysis, presentation of results

Structural analysis, statistical techniques

Structural analysis, subareas of

Structural analysis, use of bedding in

Structural domains

Structural domes, normal faults over

Structural geology

Structural geology, definition of

Structural geology, models in

Structural geology, observation in

Structural geology, techniques of

Structural geology, tectonics and

Structural geology, trends in

Structural geometry

Structural lineations

Structural slickenlines

Structural terrace  


Structure contour

Structure, en echelon

Structure, gneissic

Structure, imbricate

Structure, cross section of

Structure, orientation of

Structure, primary, in igneous rock

Structure, primary, in sedimentary rock

Structures, geologic

Style, fold


Stylolitic cleavage

Stylolitic foliations

Subcritical crack growth

Subduction complex

Subduction resistance force

Subduction zone, oceanic

Subduction zones

Subduction zones, accretionary prisms

Subduction zones, backfold structures

Subduction zones, collisions

Subduction zones, convergent margins

Subduction zones, earthquakes

Subduction zones, metamorphism

Subduction zones, models of processes

Subduction zones, ophiolite emplacement

Subduction zones, thermal structure model

Subduction zones, transform faults


Subduction, as cause of epeirogeny

Subduction, back folds and

Subduction, coupled versus uncoupled systems

Subduction, in continental movement

Subduction, of oceanic lithosphere. (See convergent plate margins/boundaries)

Subduction, stress and

Subduction, strike-slip continental margin, initiating from



Subgrain boundary

Subgrain rotation

Subgrain rotation recrystallization

Subgrain wall

Subgrains, boundaries of

Subgrains, in dislocation creep


Subhonzontal detachments



Subsurface data, recognition of faults from

Sudbury complex (Canada)

Supercontinent cycle


Superimposed homogeneous strain

Superimposed strain


Superplastic creep


Superpohshed section

Superposed folding

Superposed folding, geometry of

Superposed homogeneous flattening, folding and


Surface elevation, bimodal distribution of

Surface force

Surface free energy

Surface lineations

Surface marking

Surface rupture

Surface stress

Surface stress, calculation of

Surface stress, on Mohr diagram

Surficial lineations

Suspect terrane

Sutured domain



Symmetric crenulations

Symmetric tensor, strain

Symmetric tensor, stress

Symmetrical folds

Symmetrical tensors


Symmetry plane

Symmetry Principle

Symmetry, axes of

Symmetry, concept of

Symmetry, of folds


Symplectite, exsolution

Symplectite, globular

Symplectite, lamellar

Symplectite, reaction





Synformational structures



Synkinematic growth

Synorogenic collapse

Synorogenic deformation of continental interiors

Synorogenic extension

Syn-rift stress field


Syntaxial fiber growth

Syntaxial fringe

Syntaxial growth

Syntaxial Iineation

Syntaxial vein




Syntectonic recrystallization


Synthetic faults

Synthetic fractures

Synthetic fragmented crystal

Synthetic movement

Systematic joints

Systeme Internationale


Секретарь проекта В.Г.Владимиров  vvg@uiggm.nsc.ru

Web-дизайн Е.А.Бердникова zheka@petrol.uiggm.nsc.ru


ї  RSG SG&T 2000

Дата последнего обновления - 05.10.2000