Документ взят из кэша поисковой машины. Адрес оригинального документа : http://geo.web.ru/~sgt/dictionary/f/f.htm
Дата изменения: Fri Jan 18 18:07:42 2002
Дата индексирования: Sat Dec 22 04:25:06 2007

Тектоническое общество России

Русскоязычная исследовательская группа

по структурной геологии и тектонике







Fabric attractor

Fabric axis

Fabric elements

Fabric gradient

Fabric nomenclature

Fabric skeletons

Fabric, growth

Fabric, random

Fabric, defined

Fabric, foliations. (see foliations)

Fabric, lineations. (see lineations)

Fabric, magnetic properties and

Fabric, seismic velocity and

Fabric, tectonic, (see tectonic fabrics)



Facies, greenschist

Facies, metamorphic

Facing indicators


Failure criterion

Failure criterion for frictional sliding

Failure envelopes

Failure strength for shear rupture (fracture)

Failure stress

Failure, brittle

Failure, ductile

Failure, failure envelope for

Failure, shear, confining pressure and

False bedding, deformation of  

Fan structure

Far-field stress


Fault arrays

Fault benches

Fault bends

Fault block, foowall

Fault block, hanging wall

Fault blocks

Fault boundaries, transform, oceanic

Fault breccia  

Fault contacts

Fault creep

Fault dip

Fault displacement, determination of

Fault displacement, determination of, complete

Fault displacement, determination of, equation for

Fault displacement, determination of, nonunique constraints on

Fault displacement, determination of, partial, from large-scale structures

Fault displacement, determination of, partial, from small-scale structures

Fault displacement, determination of, shear sense criteria for

Fault displacement, determination of, vs. separation

Fault displacement, lateral

Fault distributive

Fault duplex (see Duplex(es))

Fault gouge

Fault inversion  

Fault line

Fault mullions

Fault orientations, conjugate

Fault plane

Fault ramps

Fault rock

Fault rock, catadastic

Fault rock, characteristics of

Fault rock, cohesive

Fault rock, defined

Fault rock, field terminology and processes

Fault rock, incohesive

Fault rock, mylonitic

Fault scarp

Fault segments

Fault separation, vs. displacement

Fault slip event, first-motion radiation patterns from

Fault splays

Fault strike  

Fault surface

Fault system, mechanical analogue for

Fault systems

Fault trace

Fault valving

Fault zones

Fault zones, defined

Fault zones, depth of

Fault zones, distributed deformation

Fault zones, fluids and

Fault zones, Fold

Fault zones, foliations

Fault zones, high angle

Fault zones, recognizing

Fault, absolute motion of  

Fault, arcuate

Fault, Andersen's theory of

Fault, and continental margins

Fault, antithetic

Fault, antithetic, cross section of

Fault, back arc basins

Fault, bedding

Fault, bedding plane thrust

Fault, bedding plane thrust, deformation during folding

Fault, bedding plane thrust, limb

Fault, bedding plane thrust, movement direction of

Fault, bedding plane thrust, normal

Fault, bedding plane thrust, second-order

Fault, bedding plane thrust, splay

Fault, bedding plane thrust, strike-slip

Fault, bedding plane thrust, thrust

Fault, blind

Fault, branch line of

Fault, brittle, shear sense criteria on

Fault, classification of

Fault, convergent margins

Fault, cut-off line of  

Fault, cylindrical

Fault, definition of

Fault, depth of

Fault, detachment

Fault, detachment, kinematic model of

Fault, dextral

Fault, dextral, bends and stepovers in

Fault, dip

Fault, dip-slip (see also Normal faults; Thrust faults)

Fault, displacement on. See Fault displacement

Fault, domino block model of

Fault, ductile, shear sense criteria in

Fault, effects of, on geologic or stratigraphic units

Fault, floor

Fault, fractures and  

Fault, Garlock, bend at

Fault, Garlock, termination of  

Fault, gouge

Fault, gravity

Fault, growth

Fault, heave of

Fault, high-angle  

Fault, hinge

Fault, hinge-line

Fault, Hope, termination of

Fault, imbricate

Fault, intrinsic features of

Fault, intrusive contacts and  

Fault, lateral

Fault, left-lateral (sinistral)

Fault, lineations on  

Fault, longitudinal

Fault, low-angle

Fault, mechanics of

Fault, mid ocean ridges

Fault, normal

Fault, oblique

Fault, oblique-slip

Fault, orogenic belts

Fault, passive margins  

Fault, periferal

Fault, physiographic criteria for

Fault, plastic slip-line field theory and  

Fault, pivotal

Fault, plate boundaries  

Fault, ramps on

Fault, recognition of

Fault, regional contemporaneous

Fault, relative displacement of

Fault, reverse

Fault, right-lateral (dextral)

Fault, ring

Fault, roof

Fault, rotational

Fault, separation of

Fault, slip of

Fault, sole

Fault, sole faults

Fault, sole, kinematics of

Fault, splay

Fault, splay, strike-slip

Fault, stream and ground water flow and

Fault, stream offsetting by

Fault, stress distributions and

Fault, stress distributions and, with depth

Fault, stress orientation determination from  

Fault, strike

Fault, strike-slip (see Strike-slip faults)

Fault, synthetic

Fault, tear

Fault, tear, See also Strike-slip faults

Fault, tear, strike-slip faults and

Fault, tectonic significance of, determination of  

Fault, tension

Fault, termination line of

Fault, termination of, without termination line

Fault, three-dimensional characteristics of

Fault, throw of

Fault, thrust  (see Thrust faults)

Fault, tip line of

Fault, topographic effects of

Fault, transcurrent. See also Strike-slip faults

Fault, transfer. See also Strike

Fault, Transform. See also Strike-slip faults  

Fault, trough

Fault, types of

Fault, vertical oblique-slip

Fault, wrench

Fault-bend fold

Fault-bend fold, multilayer

Fault-inception folds


Faulting event, first motion radiation pattern

Fault-line scarp

Fault-parallel ridges

Fault-plane solutions

Fault-propagation folds

Fault-propagation Fold, multilayer

Fault-ramp folds

Fault-related folds

Faults and faulting

Faults and faulting, and salt structure formation, faulting

Faults and faulting, and society, faulting

Faults and faulting, attitude, changes in

Faults and faulting, brittle fault rocks

Faults and faulting, characteristics, fault

Faults and faulting, defined

Faults and faulting, fault analysis, reasons for

Faults and faulting, fluids and faulting

Faults and faulting, folding, fault related

Faults and faulting, fold-thrust belts, (see fold-thrust belts)

Faults and faulting, in selected regions, (see regional geology)

Faults and faulting, length

Faults and faulting, recognizing and interpreting

Faults and faulting, relation of stress to faulting

Faults and faulting, separation and determination of net slip

Faults and faulting, shear-sense indicators of brittle

Faults and faulting, slickensides

Faults and faulting, slip lineations and slickensides

Faults and faulting, society and faulting

Faults and faulting, stress, relation of faulting and

Faults and faulting, strike-slip. (see strike-slip tectonics)

Faults and faulting, subsidiary fault and fracture geometries

Faults and faulting, systems, fault

Faults and faulting, terminations

Faults and faulting, terminology

Faults and faulting, types

Faults, radial

Faults, step

Fault-surface veins

Feather edge structure

Feather fractures

Feather fractures, formation of

Feather fractures, shear fractures and

Fence diagram

Fflow plane

Fiber growth

Fiber growth, antiraxial

Fiber growth, composite

Fiber growth, crack-seal

Fiber growth, syntaxial

Fiber lineations

Fiber-sheet imbrication


Fibre loading

Fibre trajectory analysis

Fibre, displacement controlled

Fibre, face controlled

Fibre, ghost


Fibrous overgrowths

Fibrous vein fillings

Fibrous veins

Field of apparent constriction

Field of apparent flattening

Fine foliations


Finite deformation pattern

Finite difference poles

Finite displacement path

Finite displacement vector

Finite Euler pole

Finite strain

Finite strain axes

Finite strain ellipse

Finite strain see strain

Finite strain, measurement, (see strain measurement)

Finite-difference rotations

Firmo-viscous material, constitutive equation for

First motion radiation patterns, from faulting event

First motion studies

First motion studies, stress measurement from

Fiskenaesset region (Greenland), tectonic features of




Flame perthite

Flame structure

Flame structures

Flank, of fold


Flat jack technique, for stress measurement



Flats, geometry

Flats, normal faults

Flats, thrust-fault systems


Flattening strain

Flattening, foliation formation and

Flattening, homogeneous

Flattening, homogeneous, folding and

Flattening, markers of, orientation of

Flattening, plane of

Flattening, simple


Flexural flow folding

Flexural folding

Flexural folding, bending and

Flexural folding, buckling and

Flexural rigidity

Flexural shear

Flexural slip

Flexural slip folds

Flexural slip/flow folding

Flexural-shear fold

Flexural-shear fold, multilayer


Flexure, orthogonal

Flexure, orthogonal, bending by

Flexure, orthogonal, buckling by

Flexure, orthogonal, strain in

Flexure, volume-loss, bending by

Flinn diagram

Flood basalt

Floor fault

Floor thrusts


Flow cleavage

Flow direction in similar folds

Flow folding

Flow folds

Flow foliation

Flow ISA

Flow kinematics

Flow laws

Flow of rocks

Flow of rocks, confining pressure, effect of

Flow of rocks, deformation apparatus

Flow of rocks, pore-fluid pressure, effect of

Flow of rocks, scaled experiments

Flow of rocks, strain rate, effect of

Flow of rocks, temperature, effect of

Flow of rocks, value of experiments on natural rocks

Flow of rocks, work hardening-work softening, effect of

Flow partitioning

Flow pattern

Flow stress  

Flow structure

Flow tensor

Flow, cataclastic

Flow, cataclastic, ductile

Flow, cataclastic, experimental investigation of

Flow, coaxial

Flow, convergent

Flow, crystalplastic

Flow, diapiric

Flow, divergent

Flow, ductile

Flow, ductile, dislocations and

Flow, ductile, experimental investigation of

Flow, ductile, patterns of

Flow, folding and

Flow, general

Flow, granular

Flow, homogeneous

Flow, inhomogeneous

Flow, isochoric

Flow, Newtonian

Flow, non coaxial

Flow, non Newtonian

Flow, power law

Flow, pure shear

Flow, See also flow of rocks;rheologic relationships

Flow, shear

Flow, simple shear

Flow, solid-state

Flow, steady state

Flow, streamlines of

Flow, thrust sheet mechanics and

Flower Structure

Flow-top breccia


Fluid film

Fluid inclusion

Fluid inclusion, primary

Fluid inclusion, secondary

Fluid pressure. See Pore fluid pressure

Fluid, Newtonian, continuum model for

Fluid-assisted diffusion

Fluid-pressure driven structures

Fluid-rock ratio

Fluids, and faulting

Fluids, tensile crack growth, effect of fluids on

Flute casts

Flute clasts


Foam microstructure

Foam structure

Focus, earthquake

Fold and folding, in selected regions, (see regional geology)

Fold and thrust belts

Fold and thrust belts, foreland

Fold and thrust belts, geometric and kinematic models of

Fold and thrust belts, plate tectonic models of

Fold and thrust belts, strike slip faults and


Fold, accordion

Fold, amplitude of

Fold, analysis of

Fold, angle of

Fold, anticlinal

Fold, antiform

Fold, aspect ratio of

Fold, asymmetry

Fold, attitude of

Fold, axes of

Fold, axial

Fold, axial direction in

Fold, axial direction stability in

Fold, axial surfaces of

Fold, axial traces of

Fold, axis

Fold, bending

Fold, bluntness of

Fold, boudinaged

Fold, box

Fold, buckle folds

Fold, buckling and

Fold, chevron

Fold, chevron, formation of

Fold, chevron, layered

Fold, class 1A

Fold, class 1A, multilayer

Fold, class 1B

Fold, class 1B, multilayer

Fold, class 1C, multilayer

Fold, class 1С

Fold, class 2

Fold, class 3

Fold, class 3, multilayer

Fold, classification  

Fold, cleavage

Fold, clockwise

Fold, closure of, foliarion and

Fold, concentric

Fold, concertina

Fold, conical

Fold, conjugate

Fold, convergent dip isogon

Fold, convolute

Fold, counterclockwise

Fold, crest line of

Fold, crest surfaces of

Fold, crestal traces of  

Fold, cross

Fold, culmination points of

Fold, curvature of

Fold, curvature of surfaces in

Fold, cylindrical

Fold, cylindrical, analysis of

Fold, cylindroidal

Fold, definition of

Fold, deformation of lineation in

Fold, depression points of

Fold, description of

Fold, development of slides in

Fold, disharmonic

Fold, divergent dip isogon

Fold, doubly plunging

Fold, drag

Fold, enveloping surface  

Fold, en echelon

Fold, facing  

Fold, fan

Fold, fault bend

Fold, fault bend, multilayer

Fold, fault propagation

Fold, fault propagation, multilayer

Fold, fault ramp

Fold, fault related

Fold, finite neutral points of

Fold, finite neutral surfaces of

Fold, flank of

Fold, flattened parallel

Fold, flattening of, superposed homogeneous

Fold, flexural

Fold, flexural shear

Fold, flexural shear, multilayer

Fold, flexural slip/flow

Fold, flexural, bending and

Fold, flexural, buckling and

Fold, flexural, orthogonal

Fold, flexural-slip, multilayer

Fold, flow

Fold, foliation and

Fold, foreland. See also Foreland fold and thrust belts

Fold, formation of, strain and

Fold, formed by buckling

Fold, fractures and

Fold, generation

Fold, geologic significance of

Fold, geometric analysis of

Fold, geometric classification of

Fold, geometry of

Fold, harmonic

Fold, hinge lineations

Fold, hinge lines of

Fold, hinge zones of

Fold, in a multilayer

Fold, in crystalline core zones

Fold, in fault zones

Fold, in orogenic belts

Fold, in orogenic belts, kinematic analysis of

Fold, inclined

Fold, infinitesimal neutral points of

Fold, infinitesimal neutral surfaces of

Fold, inflection line of

Fold, inflection surfaces of

Fold, initial orientation of first Fold

Fold, interference patterns in

Fold, interference types

Fold, interlimb angles of

Fold, interpretation of  

Fold, isoclinal

Fold, kinematic models

Fold, kinematic models, in orogemc belts

Fold, kinematic models, vs mathematical models

Fold, kink

Fold, kink, formation of

Fold, kink, layered

Fold, layered (see Folded layer)

Fold, limb of

Fold, lineations and

Fold, mathematical models

Fold, mechanics

Fold, mechanisms of formation of

Fold, median surface of

Fold, monoclinal

Fold, mullions

Fold, multilayer

Fold, multilayered See Folded multilayer

Fold, multiple hinge

Fold, nappe

Fold, neck

Fold, neutral

Fold, neutral-surface

Fold, noncylindrical

Fold, normal faults and

Fold, oblique flexural slip

Fold, order of

Fold, orthogonal flexure

Fold, orthogonal thickness in

Fold, overturned

Fold, parallel

Fold, parallel dip isogon

Fold, parasitic

Fold, passive

Fold, passive flow

Fold, passive shear

Fold, passive versus active

Fold, perfect  

Fold, plains-type

Fold, polyclinal

Fold, profile

Fold, profile construction in

Fold, profile plane

Fold, profile section of

Fold, ptygmatic

Fold, reactivation of first Fold

Fold, reclined

Fold, rectilinear generator of

Fold, recumbent

Fold, scale models of

Fold, scale of

Fold, second-order

Fold, sequence of events

Fold, shape modification

Fold, shape, in profile

Fold, shape, modification

Fold, shapein profile

Fold, shear

Fold, sheath

Fold, sheet-dip in

Fold, shortening in

Fold, similar

Fold, similar, deformation of lineations in

Fold, simultaneous development in several directions

Fold, single hinge

Fold, size

Fold, slip

Fold, solution

Fold, strain and

Fold, strain and, in folds

Fold, stratigraphic order in

Fold, stress trajectories and

Fold, strike-slip faults and

Fold, style

Fold, style of, common  

Fold, subsidiary

Fold, supratenuous

Fold, superposed

Fold, superposed homogenous flattening and

Fold, superposed, amplitude of

Fold, superposed, geometry of

Fold, symmetry

Fold, symmetry and fold vergence

Fold, synclinal

Fold, synform

Fold, systems

Fold, terminology

Fold, thrust faults and

Fold, thrust related folds

Fold, tightness of

Fold, transposition

Fold, trough line of

Fold, trough surfaces of

Fold, unfolded

Fold, upright

Fold, variant and invariant features of

Fold, vergence

Fold, volume loss

Fold, wavelength of

Fold, zigzag

Fold, zone of contact strain around

Folded angular unconformity


Folded layer

Folded layer, axial trace thickness of

Folded layer, bending of

Folded layer, buckling of

Folded layer, chevron folding of

Folded layer, dip isogon variation in

Folded layer, flexural folding of

Folded layer, flexure of

Folded layer, geometry of

Folded layer, homogeneous flattening of

Folded layer, inflection surface of

Folded layer, kinematic models of

Folded layer, kink folding of

Folded layer, orthogonal thickness of

Folded layer, passive shear folding of

Folded layer, Ramsey`s classification of

Folded layer, relative curvature of

Folded layer, strain and

Folded layer, stratigraphic up direction in, bedding foliation relationship and

Folded layer, style of

Folded layer, volume loss folding of

Folded multilayer

Folded multilayer, class 1A

Folded multilayer, class 1B

Folded multilayer, fault bend folding of

Folded multilayer, fault propagation folding of

Folded multilayer, flexural shear folding of

Folded multilayer, passive shear folding of

Folded multilayer, strain in

Folded multilayer, style of

Fold-hinge lineations


Folding, angle

Folding, Archean terranes

Folding, backfolds

Folding, convergent margins

Folding, core zones ororogenic belts

Folding, foredeep basins

Folding, kinematic analysis of

Fold-thrust belts (FTB)

Fold-thrust belts (FTB), balanced cross sections, concept of

Fold-thrust belts (FTB), defined

Fold-thrust belts (FTB), in Appalachian Mountains

Fold-thrust belts (FTB), in Central Andes

Fold-thrust belts (FTB), in map view

Fold-thrust belts (FTB), in Tasman Orogenic Belt

Fold-thrust belts (FTB), internal deformation of thrust sheets

Fold-thrust belts (FTB), mechanisms of development

Fold-thrust belts (FTB), overview

Fold-thrust belts (FTB), strike-slip faults in

Fold-thrust belts (FTB), terminology

Fold-thrust belts (FTB), thrust related folds

Fold-thrust belts (FTB), thrusts and thrust systems, geometry of


Foliation, active

Foliation, anastomosing

Foliation, as penetrative feature

Foliation, axial planar

Foliation, axial surface (plane)

Foliation, banded

Foliation, bedding orientation and

Foliation, bedding parallel

Foliation, cataclastic

Foliation, classification

Foliation, cleavage and

Foliation, cleavage, defined

Foliation, coarse

Foliation, compositional

Foliation, continuous

Foliation, crenulation

Foliation, crenulation cleavage

Foliation, C-S and C-C' structures

Foliation, curvature

Foliation, deflected

Foliation, deflection

Foliation, development

Foliation, dewatering

Foliation, diagenetic

Foliation, diffuse

Foliation, disjunctive

Foliation, disjunctive cleavage

Foliation, domainal spaced

Foliation, domains and

Foliation, external (Se)

Foliation, fanning

Foliation, fans, convergent

Foliation, fans, divergent

Foliation, fine

Foliation, fish

Foliation, formation of

Foliation, formation of, in Manmsburg shale

Foliation, gneissic

Foliation, gneissic layering and migmatization

Foliation, in faults and fault zones

Foliation, in orogenic belts, kinematic analysis of

Foliation, internal

Foliation, kinematic interpretations

Foliation, kinematic models of

Foliation, lineations and

Foliation, material

Foliation, measurement of

Foliation, microcontniuous fine

Foliation, microdomainal fine

Foliation, mineral

Foliation, morphologic classification of

Foliation, mylonitic

Foliation, mylonitic foliation

Foliation, nonmatenal

Foliation, oblique

Foliation, passive

Foliation, pencil cleavage

Foliation, phyllitic cleavage and schistosity

Foliation, plane

Foliation, primary

Foliation, refracted (cleavage)

Foliation, rough

Foliation, S

Foliation, secondary

Foliation, shear band

Foliation, shear planes and, in orogenic belts

Foliation, slaty cleavage

Foliation, smooth

Foliation, spaced

Foliation, spaced, classification of

Foliation, steady state

Foliation, strain and

Foliation, stylolitic

Foliation, terminology for

Foliation, transected fold

Foliation, transposition

Foliation, types of

Foliation, zonal

Foliation, С


Footwall blocks

Footwall cutoffs

Footwall fault block

Footwall flats

Footwall ramps



Force intensity, traction and

Force vector

Force, body

Force, defined

Force, relationship between stress and

Force, scale factor for

Force, surface

Force, terminology

Forced folds

Forearc (or arc-trench gap)

Forearc (or arc-trench gap) convergent margins

Forearc (or arc-trench gap),  basin

Forearc (or arc-trench gap), crust

Forearc (or arc-trench gap), metamorphism

Forearc basin and volcanic arc

Forearc regions

Foredeep (or foreland basin)


Foreland basin

Foreland fold

Foreland fold and thrust belts

Foreland fold and thrust belts, geometric and kinematic models of

Foreland fold and thrust belts, plate tectonic models of

Foreland fold and thrust belts, structural features of

Foreland thrust belt problem

Foreset beds


Form lineations

Form lines, fracture


Fossil assemblages and sutures

Fossil deformation

Fossil transform faults

Fossils dating method

Fouriers law


Fracture angle

Fracture criterion

Fracture criterion, Coulomb

Fracture criterion, Coulomb, faulting and

Fracture criterion, definition of

Fracture criterion, for anisotropic material

Fracture criterion, for Berea sandstone

Fracture criterion, for tension fractures

Fracture criterion, Fracture envelope, parabolic

Fracture criterion, Fracture envelope, tension

Fracture criterion, Griffith

Fracture criterion, intermediate principal stress effect on

Fracture criterion, scale as

Fracture criterion, temperature effect on

Fracture criterion, von Mises

Fracture front

Fracture plane

Fracture plane, angle of

Fracture plane, for extension fractures

Fracture plane, for shear fractures

Fracture plane, orientation of

Fracture strength

Fracture tip

Fracture toughness

Fracture trace

Fracture zones

Fracture zones, oceanic

Fracture, anisotropy and

Fracture, cleavage

Fracture, confining pressure effects on

Fracture, conjugate shear

Fracture, en echelon

Fracture, en echelon, formation of

Fracture, experimental, elastic deformation and

Fracture, extension

Fracture, extension, classification of

Fracture, extension, formation of

Fracture, extension, formation of, timing of

Fracture, extension, fracture plane for

Fracture, extension, spacing of

Fracture, extension, vs shear fractures

Fracture, faults and

Fracture, feather

Fracture, folds and

Fracture, form lines of

Fracture, formation of

Fracture, formation of, stress orientation and

Fracture, formation of, timing of

Fracture, gash

Fracture, gash, en echelon

Fracture, gash, formation of

Fracture, gash, in shear zone

Fracture, gash, incremental strain interpretation tor

Fracture, gash, stress interpretation for

Fracture, geometry of

Fracture, Griffith theory of

Fracture, hydraulic, for stress measurement

Fracture, intermediate principal stress and

Fracture, intersection of, origin of

Fracture, longitudinal splitting

Fracture, mapping of

Fracture, mechanics of

Fracture, mineral deposits in

Fracture, mixed mode

Fracture, oblique

Fracture, oblique extension

Fracture, orientation of

Fracture, pattern and distribution of

Fracture, pinnate

Fracture, pinnate, formation of

Fracture, pinnate, shear fractures and

Fracture, pore fluid pressure and

Fracture, scale and shape of

Fracture, secondary

Fracture, shear

Fracture, shear fractures and

Fracture, shear sense of

Fracture, shear, coniugate

Fracture, shear, formation of, Griffith cracks and

Fracture, shear, fracture plane for

Fracture, shear, mode

Fracture, shear, P

Fracture, shear, Riedel (R)

Fracture, shear, strike-slip faults and

Fracture, shear, vs extension fractures

Fracture, spacing of

Fracture, stress interpretation for

Fracture, surface features of

Fracture, temperature and

Fracture, tension

Fracture, tension, formation of, Griffith cracks and

Fracture, tension, fracture criterion for

Fracture, trajectories of

Fracture, with igneous intrusions


Fracturing, assification based on

Fracturing, defined

Fragmented rigid grain

Fragmented rigid grain, antithetic

Fragmented rigid grain, synthetic

Framboidal pyrite

Frame of reference

Frank Read source, for dislocation

Free air correction

Freeboard, continental


Friction, basal, thrust sheet mechanics and

Friction, cataclastic, ехреrimental investigation of

Friction, internal

Friction, internal, angle of

Friction, internal, coefficient of

Friction, mechanism of

Frictional heat

Frictional regime

Frictional sliding

Frictional sliding, classification based on

Frictional sliding, confining pressure and

Frictional sliding, criteria

Frictional sliding, pore fluid pressure and

Frictional sliding, pore pressure and

Frictional sliding, stable

Frictional sliding, stick slip

Frictional-plastic transition


Fringe faces

Frontal ramp

Fry method

Fry method, for strain measurement


Секретарь проекта В.Г.Владимиров  vvg@uiggm.nsc.ru

Web-дизайн Е.А.Бердникова zheka@petrol.uiggm.nsc.ru


ї  RSG SG&T 2000

Дата последнего обновления - 07.10.2000