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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Thu Jun 16 18:18:59 2011
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Mon Feb 4 10:25:07 2013
The 6th International Siberian Early Career GeoScientists Conference

The 6th International Siberian Early Career GeoScientists Conference
First Circular

9-23 June, 2012 Novosibirsk, Russia

Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy SB RAS (IGM SB RAS) Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics SB RAS (IPGG SB RAS) Novosibirsk State University (NSU)

The 6th International Siberian Early Career GeoScientists Conference

The 6th International Siberian Early Career GeoScientists Conference will be held in an extraordinary district of Novosibirsk, situated 35 km south of the city-center on the shore of the Ob' lake. Officially known as the Novosibirsk Scientific Center, it is often simply called Academy Town (Akademgorodok). Akademgorodok was founded in the 1950s and is now a worldrenowned scientific centre, hosting a large number of scientific institutes as well as Novosibirsk State University.


The conference will be hosted by the V.S. Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy (IGM) and the A.A. Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics (IPGG), Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (SB RAS). The Institutes were founded as a single organization in 1957 by initiative of Academician Andrey A. Trofimuk, later branching to form two distinct bodies. IGM SB RAS conducts research on a number of themes: 1) evolution of Earth's dynamic geological processes, including magmatism, metamorphism, ore formation, and metallogeny; 2) mineral formation and fluid conditions in the deep Earth, including diamond origin; 3) global changes of environment and climate; geoecology. Within these themes, research in the pure and applied sciences includes forecasting and exploration of mineral deposits, primarily solid ore and non-metallic; experimental mineralogy; synthesis of new minerals and materials, equipment development and crystal processing; and geoinformatics and cartography. IPGG SB RAS performs fundamental and applied investigations in the fields of oil and gas geology, stratigraphy, sedimentology, geophysics, geophysical investigations in oil-and-gas boreholes, and geochemical and geophysical engineering. The Institute includes laboratories focusing on oil-and-gas geology, stratigraphy and sedimentology, geophysics, and geophysical and geochemical instrument engineering. The Institute performs fundamental and applied investigations directed at current geological problems: mechanisms of formation and structure of sedimentary basins; theory of oil and gas generation; Earth's internal structure, Earth's geophysical fields contemporaneous geodynamic processes; seismology; global and regional stratigraphy; biogeochronology, including ecosystem reconstructions in Proterozoic-Phanerozoic history of sedimentary basins; distribution of hydrocarbon and coal fields; strategic problems of development of fuel and energy complex; and theory, technologies, information systems, and equipment of geophysical and geochemical methods of surveying and oil and gas exploration. IGM and IPGG SB RAS have joint research projects with international collaborators from universities of Valencia (Spain), Tokyo, Hokkaido (Japan), Tallinn, Tartu (Estonia), Dublin (Ireland), Cambridge (Great Britain), Lanchow (China), Sydney (Australia), China University of Petroleum, Curtin University of Technology (Western Australia) etc. More information will be available at http://sibconf.igm.nsc.ru/index.php?lang=english Undergraduates, Ph.D. students and early career scientists are welcome to participate in the conference.


The 6th International Siberian Early Career GeoScientists Conference ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Co-chairmen Dr. Nikolay P. Pokhilenko, RAS Corresponding Member, director of IGM SB RAS Dr. Vladislav S. Shatsky, RAS Corresponding Member, Professor, dean of Geology and geophysics department of NSU Dr. Vladimir A. Kashirtsev, RAS Corresponding Member, 1st Science deputy director IPGG SB RAS Conference Secretariat Dr. Olga P. Izokh (IGM SB RAS) Irina G. Tretiakova (IGM SB RAS) Tatyana A. Shcherbanenko (IPGG SB RAS) Technical manager Dr. Andrey V. Vishnevsky CORRESPONDENCE 3 Koptyug Av., Novosibirsk, Russia, 630090 Tel.: +7(383) 333 98 12 Fax: +7(383) 333 27 92 Institute of Geology and Mineralogy SB RAS e-mail: geosibir2012@gmail.com IMPORTANT DATES 10 June ­ 1st circular; early registration opens 1 October 2011 ­2nd circular; abstract submissions open 1 February 2012 ­ abstract submission deadline 1 March 2012 ­ information about accepted abstracts 1 April 2012 ­ 3rd circular 9-23 June 2012 ­ the 6th International Siberian Early Career GeoScientists Conference PRELIMINARY SCHEDULE: The scientific programme of the 6th Siberian Early Career GeoScientists Conference includes a number of short courses and workshops, and a plenary session as well as oral and poster sessions. The plenary session will consist of lecture presented by eminent scientists from Russia and other countries. 9-10 June 2012 ­ pre-conference short courses, to be announced 11-14 June 2012 ­ the 6th International Siberian Early Career GeoScientists Conference 15-23 June 2012 ­ post-conference field trips CULTURAL PROGRAM During the conference, excursions to the Central Siberian Geological Museum, the Exhibition Centre of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and the Archaeology and Ethnography Museum will be organized for participants. CONFERENCE LANGUAGE The official language of the Conference will be English. All abstracts must be submitted in English. DETAILED INFORMATION CONCERNING ABSTRACT SUBMISSION WILL BE IN THE 2 THE MAIN SCOPE OF THE CONFERENCE: * Mineralogy * Petrology, geochemistry, and mineralogy of igneous and metamorphic rocks * Mineral and ore deposits * Geodynamics and tectonics * Geomorphology and neotectonics * Evolution of sedimentary basins * Paleoecology and paleoclimatology * Petroleum geosciences * Geophysics * Geoinformation systems in the Earth Sciences * Applied geology TRAVEL AND VISA INFORMATION The Organizing Committee requires six weeks for the preparation of the formal invitation needed to apply for a visa, after which the letter of invitation will be mailed to the participant. Thus, by 1st February 2011, participants must fax a copy of the first page of their passport (including full name, date and place of birth, passport number, place of issue, and expiry date). Participants must also email the Organizing Committee with information on their country and region of residence, home and office addresses, place of employment, position, degree, and information on any previous visits to Russia. MEDICAL CARE All foreign participants are required to carry international health insurance for the duration of their visit. Participants may consult a travel agency for advice on purchasing insurance. There are medical facilities in Novosibirsk, and first aid in GornoAltaisk and Rubtsovsk. Participants should bring necessary medications.


The 6th International Siberian Early Career GeoScientists Conference

Field Trip: Geodynamic, magmatism and stratigraphy of Gorny Altai Leader: Dr. Mikhail M. Buslov Technical Manager: Dr. Fedor I. Zhimulev Date: 15-23 June 2012 Cost: 500, including accommodation (field camp), transportation, meals, notebook, field guide in English, logistical support, insurance against accidents. The final cost may be reduced depending upon number of participants. Max./Min. number of participants: 30/15 Information The field excursion includes en-route and camp-based field observations of the major geological structures of the Gorny Altai ­ Middle Paleozoic suture-shear zone, which separates the Siberian and Kazakhstan-Baikal continents. The participants will have an opportunity to study: 1) The Late Neoproterozoic-Cambrian island-arc, accretionary and active margins, OrdovicianSilurian passive margin, and Devonian active margin of the Siberian continent; 2) The Gondwana-derived Altay-Mongolian terrane, a part of the composite Kazakhstan-Baikal continent; and 3) Late Paleozoic syn- and post-collisional magmatic and metamorphic rocks, with associated strike-slip and thrust fault structures. Expected weather conditions: sunny, hot during the day (up to 30ºC); windy and cold during the night (0-+5ºC).

Field Trip: Mineralogy and Metallogeny of the Northwestern Altai Leader: Dr. Sergey Z. Smirnov Technical Manager: Irina G. Tretiakova Date: 14-21 June 2012 Cost: 500, including accommodation (field camp), transportation, meals, notebook, field guide in English, logistical support, insurance against accidents. Tickets for the Museum of Zmeinogorsk are also included. The final cost may be reduced depending upon number of participants. Max./Min. number of participants: 25/15 Information The Northwestern Altai is a famous ore-bearing region in which a number of types of mineralization have occurred. Because of its ore-rich nature, this part of Altai is known as Rudny Altai ("Ore Altai"). Since 1745, polymetallic, copper and gold ores have been mined from the deposits of the Ore Altai. Rudny Altai is situated at the boundary with the Gorny Altai, separated by the Loktevka­Cherny Irtysh Deep Fault, or the Northeastern Shear Zone. The region is characterized by long-term geodynamic evolution and a complex geological structure that influenced the formation of unique volcanic-hosted base-metal massive sulfide deposits. This highly productive ore belt formed during the Hercynian cycle, which began with a stage of initial rifting (Early Devonian), followed by an island-arc stage (Middle Devonian­Early Carboniferous), subsequent collision (Middle­Late Carboniferous), post-collision intraplate reactivation (Early Permian­Early Triassic), and stabilization (Mesozoic and Cenozoic). Expected weather conditions: sunny, hot during the day (up to 30ºC), windy, and cold during the night (10-15 ºC). General description: The trip includes visits to the polymetallic, copper, and gold mines, as well as to pegmatite veins with mineralization of rare metals and deposits of jasper and quartzite. The field trip includes a visit to Savvushki Lake and to a museum of mining history.