БОЧАРНИКОВ Роман Евгеньевич
Автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата геолого-минералогических
Список опубликованных работ по теме диссертации
М.А.Коржинский, Р.Е.Бочарников, С.И.Ткаченко, Н.Н.Жданов и Г.С.Штейнберг
Особенности фумарольной активности вулкана Кудрявый в период 1991-1999 гг. Фреатическое
извержение 1999 г. Петрология, (в печати).
Botcharnikov R.E., Shmulovich K.I., Tkachenko S.I., Korzhinsky M.A.,
and Rybin A.V. Hydrogen isotope geochemistry and heat balance of a fumarolic
system: Kudriavy volcano, Kurile Islands. Journ. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res.,
(in press).
Korzhinsky M.A., Botcharnikov R.E., Tkachenko S.I., and Steinberg G.S.
Decade-long study of degassing at Kudriavy Volcano, Iturup, Kurile Islands (1990-1999):
Gas temperature and composition variations, and occurrence of 1999 phreatic
eruption. Earth, Planets and Space, v. 54, pp. 337-347.
Simakin, A.G. and Botcharnikov, R.E. (2001) Effects of compositional
convection at degassing of stratified magma. Journ. Volcan. Geoth. Res.,
v.105, pp.207-224.
Korzhinsky, M.A., Tkachenko, S.I., Botcharnikov, R.E., Zhdanov, N.N.,
and Osadchii, E.G. (2000) Sensor equipment for measuring the parameters and
composition of volcanic gases. Results of measurements at Kudriavy volcano,
South Kuriles. VII-th Workshop on chemistry of volcanic gases, Kyushu,
Japan (abstract).
Botcharnikov, R.E., Shmulovich, K.I., Tkachenko, S.I., Korzhinsky,
M.A., and Steinberg, G.S. (2000) Gas metasomatism: experiments at natural fumaroles
of Kudriavy volcano, Iturup, Kurile Islands. Geochem. Intern., v.38,
Suppl.2, pp.186-193.
Botcharnikov R.E., Shmulovich K.I., Korzhinsky M.A., and Tkachenko
S.I. (2000) Gas metasomatism: an experimental study of interaction between minerals
and natural hot gases. Proc. Confer. Hydrotherm. Reac., Kochi, Japan
(extended abstract).
Korzhinsky, M.A., Tkachenko, S.I., and Botcharnikov, R.E. (2000) Triggering
mechanism of phreatic eruptions: Evidence from Kudriavy Volcano, Iturup Island,
Kuriles. VII Intern. Meeting on Colima volcano, Colima, Mexico.
Korzhinsky, M.A., Zhdanov, N.N., Tkachenko, S.I., and Botcharnikov, R.E.
(2000) New equipment for direct monitoring of high-temperature volcanic gas
compositions. VII Intern. Meeting on Colima volcano, Colima, Mexico.
Чураков С.В., Ткаченко С.И., Коржинский М.А., Бочарников Р.Е., Шмулович
К.И. (2000) Термодинамическое моделирование эволюции состава высокотемпературных
фумарольных газов на вулкане Кудрявый, Итуруп, Курилы. Геохимия. N5,
Korzhinsky, M.A., Zhdanov, N.N., Tkachenko, S.I., and Botcharnikov, R.E.
(1999) Anomalous Hydrogen in Volcanic Gases of Kudriavy Volcano, Iturup Island,
South Kuriles (Direct Measurements). Experiment in Geosciences, V.8,
Korzhinsky, M.A., Zhdanov, N.N., Tkachenko, S.I., and Botcharnikov, R.E.
(1999) New equipment for the measurements of high temperature volcanic gas conditions.
Experiment in Geosciences, V.8, N1.
Бочарников Р.Е., Князик В.А., Штейнберг А.С., Штейнберг Г.С. (1998)
Эмиссия газов, рудных и петрогенных элементов на вулкане Кудрявый, остров Итуруп,
Курильские острова. Докл. Акад. Наук. Т.361. N5. С.671-674.
Botcharnikov, R.E., Tkachenko, S.I., Korzhinsky, M.A., Shmulovich,
K.I., and Steinberg, G.S. (1998) Interaction between high-temperature volcanic
gases and some of rock-forming minerals. Conference on geochemistry of crustal
fluids, Greece. 1998. p.72. (abstract).
Botcharnikov, R.E., Korzhinsky, M.A., and Tkachenko, S.I. (1998) Interpretation
of magmatic-meteoric water mixing processes at Kudriavy volcano using isotope,
chemical compositions and heat calculations. Colima Volcano VI International
Meeting, Colima, Mexico (abstract).
Коржинский М.А., Ткаченко С.И., Бочарников Р.Е., Шмулович К.И. (1998)
Магматическая дегазация и минералообразование на вулкане Кудрявый (остров Итуруп,
Курильские острова). В: Экспериментальное и теоретическое моделирование процессов
минералообразования. c.143-168.
Botcharnikov R.E., Knyazik V.A., Steinberg A.S., and Steinberg G.S.
(1995) Measurements of outgassing velocities from fumarole outlets, Kudriavy
volcano, Kuril Islands. Proceedings from International Symposium on Volcano-Atmosphere
Interaction. 1995. Honolulu, Hawaii. P.27-34.