The deadline for abstract submission is 20 April, 2011. The
abstracts have to be sent to the Symposium web address: The guidelines
for preparing the abstracts are follows:
- The abstract should fit on one page of A4 paper, have 30 mm margins on all edges, and have no page numbers.
- Arial font and single
spacing should be used throughout.
- The title should be
centered and set with 14-point bold font style.
- The authors should be
listed below the title in 12-point regular font style, with the name of
the presenting author underlined. A single blank line should be placed
between the title and the author list.
- The affiliations should
be set with 12-point italic font style and placed below the list of
authors with different authors affiliations identified by superscript
lower case letters - a, b, c, etc.
- The main body of text
should be fully justified and set in 12-point regular font style. A single
blank line should be placed between the affiliations and the main text.
- References, denoted by
superscript numbers in the text, should be listed at the end of the text,
using 11-point regular font style.
- Equations, figures,
graphs, and schemes can be used in the abstract if this aids the
understanding of the text.