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Ivan Aleshkovsky Deputy Dean for Education Methodology, Associated Professor.

aleshkovsky Education, academic degrees and titles In 2004, he received a bachelor’s degree at the Economics Faculty of Moscow State University. Aleshkovsky was awarded a large number of scholarships for outstanding achievements in scientific and educational activities, such as Scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation (2004), Moscow Mayor Scholarship (2003, 2004, 2005), Scholarship Professor Valentey (2003), Fellowship of the “Guarantor” (2003) and Scholarship Credit-Moscow Bank (2003). He graduated from the Russian-German Institute for Science and Culture at MSU. In 2003-2004, he held an internship at the socio-economic faculty of the Kaiserslautern University, Germany. September 2004 June 2006 he studied at Masters at the Economic Faculty of MSU, which graduated with honors, “Economics of the social sphere, labor and population”, specialization “Economics of Population and Demography.” For outstanding achievements Aleshkovsky was awarded scholarships of Veles Capital (2005), the national award “Best of the Best” in nomination the best student. In addition, in 2005 he was awarded the title of “Student of the Year of Moscow State University”. September 2006 October 2007 he was a postgraduate student of Economic Faculty of Moscow State University and he graduated with honors. In October 2007, ahead of schedule Aleshkovsky successfully defended his thesis for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences on the theme “The determinants of internal migration in Russia”, specialty 08.00.05 Economics and Management of National Economy (Economy Population and Demography). Biography: September 2007 to the present time, Ivan Aleshkovsky is Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Global Studies at Moscow State University. Since January 2002, he has worked at the Department of Population of Economics Faculty of Moscow State University. He is currently senior teacher of the chair. Since October 2002, Aleshkovsky worked at the Open Lyceum “Multidisciplinary Russian Correspondence School” of Moscow State University in the Department of Economics. Nowadays, he is the deputy head of the Department. Public activities: March 2007 to the present time, he is a member of the Office of the Coordinating Council of scientific and educational youth at the Presidential Council for Science, Technology and Education, the head of the working group, which promotes the popularization of science and the development of competitions, contests and conferences for students. January 2005 to the present time, Aleshkovsky is the executive secretary of the organizing committee of the International Conference of Students and Young Scientists “Lomonosov”. June 2005 to the present time, he is co-chairman of the board of the Student Union at Moscow State University and curator of teaching and research programs. In 2006, he was awarded the Rector of Gratitude for active work on the development of the student government at MSU. Scientific activities: Research interests: economy of foreign countries, the economy of transformation processes, in particular the economies of the European Union and the transformation processes in Central and Eastern Europe; economy of population and demography, particularly demographic indicators in the economic development, migration, economic-mathematical modeling of demographic development. Aleshkovskys research results were presented at more than forty international conferences and seminars in 2002-2007. His reports have been repeatedly awarded diplomas and certificates on conferences in 2006 and 2007. I. Aleshkovsky was awarded the premium to support talented young people in the framework of the priority national project “Education”; his monograph “The determinants of internal migration: An analysis of domestic and foreign research” is the winner of grants to support talented students and young scientists of Lomonosov Moscow State University. Aleshkovskys series of papers “Determinants of internal migration issues and migration policy of Russia” won the second prize in the competition of scientific works of young scientists of Moscow State University in 2006. In addition, he was awarded a scholarship for talented young scientists and teachers of MSU in 2008. Ivan Aleshkovsky has more than 150 published scientific and educational works, in total more than 200 printed pages. In 2002-2007, Aleshkovsky I. participated in the four research projects of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and the Russian Humanitarian Foundation, projects of National Training Foundation “Updating university economic education” and “Development of educational institutions, leading distance learning work with students and Moscow State University innovative project “Formation of Innovative Education at MSU”. He actively participated in the preparation and implementation of the first and second Festival of Science at Moscow State University. Membership in scientific societies: Aleshkovsky is member of the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) since 2003.