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Student internships of the Faculty

Students of the Faculty of Global Studies have a unique opportunity to pass a six-month or year of studies in foreign universities. In addition to the main objectives of the program the acquisition of new knowledge students adopt experience of foreign education programs, strengthen inter-university links, establish new contacts with the international scientific community, improve their level of language skills and learn about the culture of the country. The selection of students is held each semester at the faculty first, and then at the university level. A candidate must have a good academic record and provide a set of documents in time for consideration of the application. According to statistics, about 15 students from all faculties go abroad every six months (All senior students are accepted for consideration).
The following popular destinations: China (Beijing), Germany (Regensburg), Mexico (Mexico City), Italy (Padua, Rome), France (Strasbourg, Lyon), Switzerland (Zurich, Geneva), Germany (Berlin), Australia (Sydney), Spain (Madrid) Finland (Helsinki), Chile (Santiago).
Our faculty has signed agreements on student exchange programs with universities in Hong Kong, Chengdu, Hamburg. This list is constantly expanding. In the world’s leading universities, our students choose such training programs as policy studies, economics and business, management, mathematics and computer science, humanities and social sciences.
The distribution of universities in popularity among students of the Faculty of Global Studies
The name of the university The number of sent students
The University of Hong Kong 11
Peking University 6
The University of Regensburg 4
National Autonomous University of Mexico 4
The University of Padua 3
The Sapienza University of Rome 3
The University of Strasbourg 3
The University of Lyon 3
The University of Zurich 2
The University of Geneva 2
The Humboldt University of Berlin 2
The University of New South Wales 2
The Autonomous University of Madrid 2
The University of Helsinki 1
The University of Chile 1