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Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics | CMC MSU

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Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics

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The faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Lomonosov Moscow State University was founded in 1970 on the initiative and thanks to the efforts of one of the greatest Russian scientists of the 20th century Academician Andrey Nicolaevich Tikhonov. Today the faculty is a leading training centre of Russia in the field of fundamental research on Applied Mathematics, Computing Technologies and Informatics.

In 19701990, the first Dean of the faculty was Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences Andrey Nicolaevich Tikhonov. In 19901999, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Dmitry Pavlovich Kostomarov was the second Dean of the faculty. Since 1999, Academician of the RAS Evgeny Ivanovich Moiseev has been the Dean of the Faculty.

The Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics faculty comprises 19departments, at which there are 16 scientific laboratories. More than 600members of the staff (together with staff dual jobholders), including about 300professors and University teachers, more than 200researchers and scientific and supporting staff work at the faculty. The training and scientific staff are highly qualified specialists, among them there are 15Full Members of the RAS (Academicians) and 13Corresponding Members of the RAS, more than 130 Doctors of Science and 240Ph.Ds.

The Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics faculty of Moscow State University prepares highly qualified specialists in the fields of computer facilities application to problem solving in various sciences. Currently, a two-level system of specialists training is implemented at the faculty: Bachelors (4years) and Masters (2years) in the directions Applied Mathematics and Informatics and Fundamental Informatics and Information Technologies. Higher qualified specialists continue their education in a graduate school. Also, the department of Second Higher Education functions at the faculty (the evening form of training, a training period 2years and 10months).

Each year the faculty enrolls about 350state budgetary undergraduate students on a competitive basis. The faculty also enrolls undergraduate students, Masters and postgraduate students on a contract basis. Currently, a total number of full-time students at the faculty is 2000 (including 300foreigners), and about 200postgraduates.

The faculty organizes and partly maintains the educational process in the branches of the Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics faculty of Moscow State University in the city of Sevastopol and in Astana city.

The leading Russian scientific schools in such fundamental directions of Applied Mathematics and Informatics as Mathematical Physics, the Spectral Theory of Differential Equations, the Theory of Ill-posed Problems, Computational Methods, Mathematical Simulation, the Theory of Nonlinear Dynamic Management Systems and Processes, Optimal Control, Systems Analysis, the Theory of Games and Operations Research, Mathematical Cybernetics and Mathematical Logic, the Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, different fields of theoretical and applied programming have been developed since the foundation of the CMC faculty of MSU.

During the whole period of its functioning the faculty has a good experience in maintaining close cooperation with many Institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The key partners include Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Steklov Institute of Mathematics, Dorodnicyn Computing Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Institute for System Programming, Lebedev Institute of Precision Mechanics and Computer Engineering, the Institute of Control Sciences, the Institute of System Analysis, the Institute of Informatics Problems, the Institute of Numerical Mathematics, Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute.

The CMC faculty effectively cooperates with leading foreign universities: Ecole Politechnique (France), Tubingen Universitat, FSU Jena (Germany), La Sapienza (Italy), SUNY (the USA), UFRI (Brazil), Chou University, Hiroshima University (Japan), NUS (Singapore), Beijing University, Fudan University (China), and others.

On the list of the CMC faculty staff there are the names of the scientists being the pride of the Russian science. These are: Twice Hero of Socialist Labor A.N.Tikhonov, Heroes of Socialist Labor V.S.Vladimirov, G.I.Marchuk, L.S.Pontryagin, A.A.Samarsky. The Lenin Prize winners (the year of the Prize is given) worked at the faculty in different years and work currently: K.A.Valiev(1974), S.V.Emelyanov(1972), Yu.I.Zhuravlev(1966), A.B.Kurzhansky(1976), S.S.Lavrov(1958), O.P.Lupanov(1966), G.I.Marchuk(1961), A.F.Nikiforov(1962), Yu.S.Osipov(1976), L.S.Pontryagin(1962), Yu.V.Prokhorov(1970), A.A.Samarsky(1962), A.N.Tikhonov(1966), V.B.Uvarov(1962), S.V.Yablonsky(1966).

The Laureates of the USSR State Prize (including Stalin Prize) or the State Prize of the Russian Federation are: N.S.Bakhvalov(1985, 2003), V.S.Vladimirov(1953, 1987), A.A.Dezin(1988), V.I.Dmitriev(1976), Yu.N.Dnestrovsky(1981), S.V.Emelyanov(1980, 1994), V.P.Ivannikov(1980), V.A.Ilyin(1980), A.S.Ilyinsky(1976), L.A.Kalinichenko(1986), S.K.Korovin(1994), L.N.Korolev(1969), D.P.Kostomarov(1981), V.I.Lebedev(1987), G.I.Marchuk(1979, 2000), N.N.Moiseev(1980), Yu.S.Osipov(1993), L.S.Pontryagin(1941, 1975), Yu.P.Popov(1981), G.S.Roslyakov(1979), V.V.Rusanov(1967), G.G.Ryabov(1974), V.A.Sadovnichy(1989, 2002), V.V.Sazonov (1979), A.A.Samarsky(1954, 1999), S.A.Stepanov(1975), A.N.Tikhonov(1953, 1976), A.N.Tomilin(1969), M.R.Shura-Bura(1955, 1978).

Moscow State University Lomonosov Prize for scientific research awarded to: O.B.Arushanyan(1974), N.S.Bakhvalov(1998), V.E.Bening(2005), N.A.Bobylev(2002), V.V.Voevodin(1974), S.S.Gaisaryan(1974), A.V.Goncharsky(1988), V.I.Dmitriev(1983), Yu.N.Dnestrovsky(1976), S.V.Emelyanov(2002), Yu.I.Zhuravlev(2003), E.V.Zakharov(1983), V.A.Ilyin(1980), G.D.Kim(1974), S.K.Korovin(2002), V.Yu.Korolev(2005), D.P.Kostomarov(1976), O.B.Lupanov(1993), E.I.Moiseev(1994), V.M.Paskonov(1985), A.M.Popov(1976), Yu.V.Prokhorov(2005), K.V.Rudakov(2003), V.A.Sadovnichy(1973), A.A.Samarsky(1997), A.N.Tikhonov(1963), I.A.Shishmarev(2000), B.M.Shedrin(1986).

The Laureates of Moscow State University Lomonosov Prize for pedagogical activities are: V.B.Alekseev(2004), F.P.Vasiliev(2010), A.M.Denisov(2001), V.A.Ilyin(1992), L.N.Korolev(1995), D.P.Kostomarov(1996), V.V.Morozov(2008), V.N.Pilshikov(1997), L.B.Saratovskaya(1998), V.G.Sushko(1994).

The cooperation with famous IT companies, both foreign and Russian, plays an essential role in providing a sustainable development of educational and scientific activities of the faculty in modern environment. Among them are: Intel, Microsoft, IBM, Hewlett-Packard, SUN, Samsung, Cisco, SAP, Siemens, Oracle, Cadance. Currently, scientific laboratories, created with the support of SUN Microsystems, Microsoft, and Samsung corporations, and a students' research laboratory Intel are successfully functioning and developing at the faculty. The companies establish scholarships for students, provide grants and contractual projects, supply equipment and software products. The companies' leading specialists lecture for the students and participate in the scientific conferences held by the faculty. The certified courses on the Microsoft IT Academy and Cisco Academy programs are given in the Faculty Training Centre and within the compulsory training courses.

Among the Russian IT companies maintaining the closest contacts with the faculty there are: Luxoft and ConsultantPlus, IBS and Garant, IT and DVM, REDLAB and LANIT, Kaspersky Lab and DialogNauka, Doctor Web, Softline , and others.

The faculty possesses a developed modern base of computer equipment. Currently, there are more than 350computers in the classrooms, about the same number in the scientific laboratories, in the departments, in the administrative departments of the Deanery, more than three dozens of servers, and several high-performance computer systems. Since2003, a multiprocessor system IBM pSeries690(Regatta) has been in operation. Since2008, a BlueGene/P supercomputer has been functioning. Since2007, the faculty has had EMC Clarion data storage with the capacity of 43Tbytes.

Coming into the fifth decade of its existence, the Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics Faculty of Moscow State University acquired highly respectable faculty members and scientific staff, good provision of computing equipment, developed infrastructure, close cooperation with leading scientific institutes, universities and IT companies both in Russia and abroad, steadily high competition among applicants and demand for the graduates. All the factors inevitably form the base for further dynamic development of the faculty in the future.

The Faculty Site is in the adjustment state. Any comments on the contents and functioning of the site should be addressed to cmcproject@cs.msu.ru.

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