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from designing patterns to sewing to wearing

How to Make a custom T shirt, from designing patterns to sewing to wearing

Ever wondered how to make a tee shirt? With a little cloth, some thread, a sewing machine and some direction, it’s as easy as baking a cake. If you want to start designing your own cool T shirts with your favorite fabrics, watch and learn!

In this eight part video tutorial, you’ll learn how to make a sleeve pattern, take the measurements, make the sleeve wristband, take measurements for the torso pattern, drafting your torso pattern, drafting the torso back pattern, drafting the neckband and finally sewing the long sleeved T shirt together and making it wearable!

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[1] Part 1 of 8 How to Make a custom T shirt, from designing patterns to sewing to wearing, [2] Part 2 of 8 How to Make a custom T shirt, from designing patterns to sewing to wearing, [3] Part 3 of 8 How to Make a custom T shirt, from designing patterns to sewing to wearing, [4] Part 4 of 8 How to Make a custom T shirt, from designing patterns to sewing to wearing, [5] Part 5 of 8 How to Make a custom T shirt, from designing patterns to sewing to wearing, [6] Part 6 of 8 How to Make a custom T shirt, from designing patterns to sewing to wearing, [7] Part 7 of 8 How to Make a custom T shirt, from designing patterns to sewing to wearing, [8] Part 8 of 8 How to Make a custom T shirt, from designing patterns to sewing to wearing

Looking for a unique t shirt? Well, make one yourself! Learn how to sew patches, paint, and design a custom t shirt in this free video series.

Part 1 of 14 How to Make custom T shirt designs.

Make custom T shirt designs Part 2 of 14.

The young lady in this video describes to the viewers how to make "Puffed Sleeves". You can use shirts, jackets, men shirts, ladies shirts, just about any shirt to make these on! She starts out with 2 ladies shirts, one oversized and one fitted. She also gathers scissors, thread, straight pins, a marking pencil, paper to trace the pattern on and paste. She then demonstrates how to cut the pattern by tracing the outline of the sleeve onto the paper, how to pin the shirts using the straight pins at approximately an inch apart, how they are eventually sewn together and the final product of the.

The t shirt is arguably the most basic part of modern Western fashion. Billions of people around the world wear them every day for ease and comfort. This two part video will teach all you sewing fans out there how to sew your own t shirts at home. You can then use these techniques to make other t shirt based garments like t shirt dresses and whatever other t shirt like clothing that you can imagine. The fabric is the limit!

Part 1 of 2 How to Sew make a t shirt.

Part 2 of 2 How to Sew make a t shirt.

Elegant fashion is easier to come by than many assume. This tutorial shows you how to sew your own simple V neck women tunic with added flutter sleeves. You don even need a pattern, just a few torso measurements for your wearer!

The alluring and stylish GiannyL is the DIY fashion design guru of the web. Do it yourself has never been so sexy before. Her fashion design video tutorials make new outfits not only hot, but cheap and easy. And recycling and reusing old clothing is not only practical, but eco friendly.

Check out this video from Gianny L on how to make a cute v neck flutter.

In this video, we learn how to reconstruct a t shirt into an off the shoulder top. First, take a large shirt of your choice color and cut along the line on the shoulder, leaving a 1/4" seam allowance. Next, roll the hem and sew with a sewing machine. Next, cut a strap 4" wide and fold in half, then sew along the edge. After this, use a safety pin to pin one side to the shirt and then to the other side of the shirt. After these are secure, draw marks along the neck line of the shirt. Cut out these markings with scissors, then loop a piece of fabric inside of this. After you are finished, wear.

Looking for a custom t shirt design? Well, make your own! Learn how to hand paint tshirts in this free video series from a professional fashion designer.

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