moncler outlet uk An insider secret to the Pre Draft combines that not a lot of people know about is the type of shoe chosen when testing your vertical jump. Some athletes will actually wear a shoe that is one size TOO SMALL when they perform their vertical jump.

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5 Tricks Used by Professional Ballers to Jump Higher by Adam Folker in Sports at Isnare

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When it comes to jumping higher there is really no other time when there is more on the line than at the pre draft combines for NBA and NFL athletes. Once inch can make the difference between millions of dollars and nothing at all.

When there’s that much on the line you better believe athletes are doing everything they can to jump higher.


This jump hack works extremely well and is damn effective.

Have you ever done a long jumping workout and woken up sore in your hip flexors the next day? A lot of athletes find that this becomes the sorest part of their body the day after a jump workout.

When you train your jumping you are rapidly descending into a coiled position followed by rapidly ascending into full body extension. This movement has the effect of ‘tearing up’ your hip flexors causing them to get extremely sore.

Because they are resisting the height of your jump, the hip flexors become sore.

Now, this is great information but how can we take advantage of it. You see, since the hip flexors aren’t prime movers in jumping and they tend to resist our jump, the goal is to weaken them and put them to "sleep" before jumping. Static stretching accomplished these goals. Static stretching your hip flexors will create less friction during your jump. Less hip flexor friction during your jump equals higher vertical jump heights!

Static stretching can temporarily decrease the strength of the muscles and connective tissue being stretched, increasing the likelihood of injury. This is an exception to the no static stretching rule and all other stretching prior to training should be dynamic.

The hip flexor stretch is one of my favorite stretches but go ahead and choose your own and perform 2 sets of 30 seconds on each side. Start with your non dominant side!


When combined with the extension in a jump, we have already mentioned the descent into ones jump and the effect this has on the hip flexors.

The thing is, most athletes focus all of their attention and training on the ascent portion of the jump (the actual jump off the ground). They neglect what I have found is the most important factor in an athletes’ vertical jump the speed of descent.

Think about the physics behind jumping (get ready to be schooled .). Sir Isaac Newton’s 3rd law of motion states that "for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction". With this in mind we can conclude that the faster you are able to descend into your jump, the faster you will be able to take off and in effect the higher you will be able to jump.

The bottom line is that the faster you can descend, the higher you will jump.

Now, in order to perfect your descent into the jump you must practice. When you watch the Pre Draft combines on TV you notice the different approaches some players take in setting up for their vertical jump test.

The best way to do this is to start standing like an Olympic diver with both arms fully extended over your head, eyes looking up to where you’ll be jumping, your back should be slightly arched and you should be standing on your toes. This position puts all your muscles in stretch mode and sets you up for an explosive descent.

Your feet should be just inside your hips. too wide and you will reduce your standing height and in turn reduce the height you reach at the peak of your jump.

Start the descent by throwing your arms down to your hips as fast as possible. In the bottom position, your hands should be slightly behind your hips and you are now ready to explode up and through the roof.


We all know you want to look as cool as possible wearing your Jordan 11’s.

If it makes you jump higher would you consider a different shoe?

A lot of athletes choose shoes that feel ‘light’ and are comfortable. This is important but when it comes to the weight of the shoe an added ounce is not going to slow you down.

You should choose shoes that are built with a stiff sole especially for basketball. When you go to jump, this stiff sole makes the foot a more reactive lever. Some of the newer shoes have added a carbon fiver shank throughout the sole (Kobe’s, Hyperdunks, Crazy Lights just to name a few.).

The opposite of this is a soft and extremely cushioned sole that absorbs some of the energy you are pushing into the ground. in effect taking away some of your potential height off your jump.

An insider secret to the Pre Draft combines that not a lot of people know about is the type of shoe chosen when testing your vertical jump. Some athletes will actually wear a shoe that is one size TOO SMALL when they perform their vertical jump.

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