Russian Education in the Context of a Multilateral Dialogue
Irina N. Babich
Ph.D., Interregional Public Organization “Women in Science and Education”; Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University. E-mail:
Social cohesion and unity of the Russian state provides multilateral cooperation and dialogue. The development of the dialogue encourages wide public discussion of a new paradigm of education, the generation of the new ideas to find solutions that promote moral consolidation of the Russian society. Dialogue is conducted in the language of synergetics, belonging to the interdisciplinary field of science. Through synergistically targeted communication strategies space for the dialogue is constructed in the field of interaction of science and humanities, educational theory and practice, different generations, as well as eras and ideologies, separated by centuries. Dialogues are aimed to create social activity among Russian youth, which is the strategic resource for the development of society. The importance of the dialogues on the modernization of Russian education, is determined by aspiration of the parties to produce concrete proposals for the development of the educational environment that meets the challenges of time.