Communication Management in Supporting the EU-Russia Relations: A Methodological Proposal. The Case of EURASIA Project
Marco Ricceri
Professor, Secretary General, EURISPES — Institute of Political, Economic and Social Studies.
In all models of strategic planning for results applied in the major industrialized countries, communication management plays a very important role; in many cases it has been defined as the first strategic objective to be pursued by a public facility. The main tasks of the communication are: i) to communicate, outside, the useful elements for directing citizens and operators as well as to activate their participation to the improvement of the same public services; ii) to communicate, within the public structure, the necessary elements to link and integrate the work of the different services (eg a ministry) and to spread innovations. A set of indicators, applied according to the new models of strategic planning, are used to measure the performances of the communication management, in terms of productivity and achieved results.
A case study: Eurasia. The proposal concerns the application of the new methods of strategic planning in the communication management related to this important initiative promoted by the Russian Federation. Indeed, especially in the western world, the characteristics and implications of Eurasia are not yet clear and complete. In some cases, the Russian initiative has raised even alarm. In this situation, the implementation of a comprehensive communication program should be in everyone interest. Such program should be structured for general objectives, operational objectives, specific actions, moreover, it should require the use of specific indicators to measure the results of its performance.
Globalization, new public governance, institutional economy, communication management, strategic planning for results, case study: Eurasia.