The Gender Aspect of Personnel Stimulation in the Russian Offices of the International Banking System
Alexey A. Matushenko
Аспирант кафедры управления персоналом, документоведения и архивоведения факультета социального управления Российского государственного социального университета. E-mail:
The article presents the results of a complex survey of the gender aspect of personnel stimulation conducted in 2008–2010 in 94 Russian regional offices of the international banking system “Home Credit and Finance Bank. The analysis has shown that an optimal model of stimulation must take into account specific regional features, special characteristics of work in an all-female environment in general, and the interests of different groups of female employee (defined by age, level of education, marital status, having children under the age of 16). The results of this research can be used by the management of the international banking system “Home Credit and Finance Bank” or by other banks when designing moral and material stimulation systems.