Ph.D., associate professor, Rostov Soci-economic Institute. E-mail:
The current stage of public service reform requires the creation of an integrated management system of public service. But first it is necessary to determine its theoretical basis, possibly using the existing models of bureaucracy. Their analysis showed that each has both advantages and disadvantages. Thus, the advantages of the classical model of bureaucracy (Weber, Wilson) are consistency, regulation procedures, stability, competence, professionalism and the disadvantages are excessive formalization, centralization and excessively control. The model of «new public management» with its ideas of «post-bureaucracy organization», rejection of classical hierarchical management structure in favor of horizontal partnership, cooperation, market share in management, and a transition from the «logic of institution» to the «logic of service», was designed to overcome this disadvantages. But it has several disadvantages of its own: excessive flexibility of management system and power distribution, excessive freedom of the government officials, inability to solve problems that require private interaction. Thus there is a need to find other theoretical approaches to formation of civil service management system. The author attempts to formulate, based on existing models of bureaucracy, a number of principals of bureaucratic1 organization which could form the basis of civil service management. They are: decentralization and de- bureaucratization, project management, relinquishing of «anonymity» in the public service and the introduction of basic ideas of human relations school, openness of the government apparatus, professionalism, impartiality, a combination of the principles of lifetime employment with fixed – term contracts, competitive selection and direct appointment.
Civil service reform, theoretical basis, model of bureaucracy, civil service management.