The project aims to study and develop, both
theoretically and experimentally, the current approaches to remediation of
soils polluted with heavy metals. The previous investigations concerned the
changes of forest soils (http://soil.msu.ru/projects/acidification;
and soil solutions (http://soil.msu.ru/projects/solutions)
under air pollution impact. In the present study, a review of the current
remediation technologies is provided, as well as an update of new methods
under development with potential use under the defined problematic.
The most widespread remediation technologies for metal contaminated lands
include excavation and disposal off site. Nowadays, sorption based methods
appear to be one of the techniques, currently tested, to clean metal pollutants
from the soil. Potentially applicable sorbents are identified based on the
specific pollutant source and ground characteristics in the area. To characterise
the sorbent adsorption properties batch adsorption experiments with different
kinds of sorbent materials are conducted. The tested sorbents include natural
materials, waste materials from industry and agriculture, biosorbents, and
innovative sorbents. The most suitable ones will be further used in laboratory
and field experiments. The influence of different sorbents and other ameliorative
substances on mobility, phytoavalability and phytotoxicity of heavy metals will
be investigated. Potentialities and constraints of different approaches for
remediation of heavy metal polluted soils will be analysed.
Field work:
The main attention is paid to polluted soils
in the vicinity of the major emitters of heavy metals in northern Europe -
the nickel-copper smelters Pechenganikel and Severonikel in the Kola Peninsula.
For comparison, a large number of soils with different texture, acidity and
content of organic matter, amorphous iron and aluminium oxides are investigated
in the taiga zone of European Russia.
Natural landscapes of the Kola Peninsula
Technogenic impact
Kola Peninsula, in the vicinity of Severonikel smelter |
Kola Peninsula, in the vicinity of Severonikel smelter |
Sudbury, Ontario, Canada |
Soil remediation in surroundings of nickel-copper smelters
Kola Peninsula |
Sudbury, Ontario, Canada |
Sudbury, Ontario, Canada |
Model experiments
Pot experiments with sorbents at Alterra, Wageningen, the Netherlands |
Phytotoxicological experiments at Soil Science Faculty, Moscow State University, Moscow |
Field experiments in the surroundings of Severonikel smelter, the Kola Peninsula |
(English written and/or translated)
Koptsik G.N., Lukina N.V., Koptsik S.,
Scherbenko T.A., Livantsova S.Yu. Plant uptake of nutrients and heavy metals
in spruce forests under heavy air pollution impact in the Kola Peninsula.
Lesovedenie. 2008 No. 2. Pp. 3-12.
Koptsik S.V., Koptsik G.N.,
Alyabina I.O. Assessment of the risk of excess sulfur input into terrestrial
ecosystems of the Kola Peninsula. Russian Journal of Ecology.
2008. Vol. 39, No. 5. Pp. 327-336.
Scherbenko T.A., Koptsik G.N.,
Groenenberg B.-J., Lukina N.V., Livantsova S.Yu. Uptake of nutrients and
heavy metals by pine trees under atmospheric pollution.
Moscow University Soil Science Bulletin.
2008. Vol. 63. No. 2. Pp. 51-59.
Koptsik G., Eldhuset T., Koptsik S.,
Aamlid D. Response of boreal forest ecosystems to extreme air pollution from
nickel-processing industry. In: Nickel in Relation to Plants. B. Ali, S. Hayat,
A. Ahmad (Eds.). Narosa Publishing House Pvt Ltd.,
New Delhi, India (to be published).
Koptsik G., Koptsik S., Lukina N.,
Isaeva L., Smirnova I., Ermakov I., Livantsova S. Effectiveness of CLEANSOIL
system in remediation of heavy metal polluted soils. EUROSOIL 2008,
August 25 - 29, 2008, Vienna, Austria. P. 83.
Koptsik S., Koptsik G., de Vries W.,
Groenenberg B.-J., Lofts S., Voogd J.C. Former/present and future risks of
excess heavy metal input to terrestrial ecosystems. EUROSOIL 2008,
August 25 - 29, 2008, Vienna, Austria. P. 86.
Smirnova I., Koptsik G. Soil solution
composition as a criterion of soil remediation. EUROSOIL 2008,
August 25 - 29, 2008, Vienna, Austria. P. 82.
Tonkova Z., Shevchenko Y., Smirnova I.,
Koptsik G. Effect of soil properties on bioavailability and phytotoxicity of
nickel and copper in soils. EUROSOIL 2008, August 25 - 29,
2008, Vienna, Austria. P. 248.
Galina Koptsik
Dr.Sci., Leading Research Scientist
Soil Science Faculty,
Moscow State University
Moscow, 119991
Tel.: +7 495 939 3573
Fax: +7 495 939 1716
E-mail: koptsikg (.at.) mail.ru