Project Objectives
Collection of biological material in different geographic zones of Russia and other countries.
Material inventory
Conduction of comprehensive inventory of the material collected in accordance with modern principles of classification of living organisms, including the use of molecular and genomic technologies.
Depositary bank prototype
Creation of temporary prototypes of living systems depository bank for storage and research of the collected material.
Comprehensive research
Conduction of comprehensive research of the biological material on the basis of depositary prototypes.
Poorly known organisms
Establishment of the content and research foundations for little-studied organisms that have practical importance.
New analysis algorithm
Development of algorithms for the information processes analysis in living systems for receiving, filing and processing of various types of biological data.
Project statistics
The project involves about 330 employees and students of the Moscow State University from more than 10 faculties. Current funding of the project (RNF grant) is 750 million rubles for 2015-2018 period. There were published about 50 scientific papers for the first six months of the project according to the results.
Number of involved employees
Number of Moscow State University faculties involved
Number of scientific publications in the first six months of the project
Project financing (RNF grant), mln. rub.